public void Create(string name, string fontFamily, int fontSize) { name = name.Trim(); if (name.Length == 0) { throw new ValidationException("Name is required."); } if (_nameForbiddenChars.Any(x => name.Contains(x))) { throw new ValidationException("Name cannot contain any of the following characters: /, \\, <, >, :, \", |, ?, *"); } if (_notesRepository.Exists(name)) { throw new ValidationException("A note with the same name already exists."); } _notesRepository.Create(name); var note = new Note(name, string.Empty, DateTime.Now, new NoteMetadata(fontFamily, fontSize)); _notesMetadataService.Add(note.Name, note.Metadata); _notesMetadataService.Save(); Created.Invoke(this, new CreatedNoteEventArgs { CreatedNote = note }); }
public CreateNoteResponse Create([FromBody] NoteRequest note) { var newNote = new Note(note.Title, note.Contents); var newNoteId = _notesRepository.Create(newNote); return(new CreateNoteResponse(newNoteId)); }
public async Task <Result <Note> > Handle(CreateNoteRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var invoice = await _invoicesRepository.Get(request.InvoiceId); var note = invoice.AddNote(request.Text, request.User.GetIdentity()); await _notesRepository.Create(note); return(note); }
public void Create(NoteForm noteForm) { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var note = new Note { CreationDate = now, ExpirationDate = noteForm.MinutesToExpire == 0 ? (DateTime?)null : now.AddMinutes(noteForm.MinutesToExpire), Text = noteForm.Text, Title = noteForm.Title }; _notesRepository.Create(note); }
public NoteResponse Create(NoteRequest model, AccessTokenData accessTokenData) { ValidateNote(model); var addedNote = _notesRepository.Create(new NoteEntity() { Name = model.Name, CreatedTime = DateTime.Now, UpdateTime = DateTime.Now, Text = model.Text, UserKey = accessTokenData.UserKey }); return(ToNoteResponse(addedNote)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateForTopic(Guid topicId, NoteForCreation noteForCreation) { var entity = new Note { Title = noteForCreation.Title, Description = noteForCreation.Description, CreatedById = noteForCreation.CreatedById, TopicId = topicId }; await repository.Create(entity); await repository.Save(); return(Ok()); }
public async Task <String> PostAsync([FromBody] string value) { string NewInsertionID = "0"; try { Notes newNote = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Notes>(value); NewInsertionID = await _NotesRepo.Create(newNote); } catch (Exception ex) { var logger = _loggerFactory.CreateLogger("internal_error_log"); logger.LogInformation("Problem happened in making new vendor with message" + ex.Message); } return(NewInsertionID); }
public virtual ActionResult Create(NoteViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var note = new Note() { Date = model.Date, Text = model.Text, Title = model.Title }; _notesRepository.Create(note); return(RedirectToAction(MVC.Admin.Notes.List())); } return(View(model)); }
public async Task <ResultDto <Guid, NotesCreateStatus> > Create(NotesCreateRequest request) { var model = _mapper.Map <NotesCreateRequest, Notes>(request); model.CreateDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; try { var result = await _repository.Create(model); return(result); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { return(new ResultDto <Guid, NotesCreateStatus>(NotesCreateStatus.InternalServerError)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new ResultDto <Guid, NotesCreateStatus>(NotesCreateStatus.InternalServerError)); } }
public int Create(Note note) { note.Validate(); return(customerRepository.Create(note)); }