Esempio n. 1
        // the function returns true if the given type reference depends in a type parameter
        // not necessarily the type must be declared as class Type<T>
        // it could be nested and implicitly depend on a generic parameter
        // it could inherit a generic parameter
        // there are some situations that can only be resolved if the definition is present
        private static bool IsParametericType(ITypeReference typeReference)
            if (typeReference is IGenericTypeInstanceReference)

            INestedTypeReference nestedType = typeReference as INestedTypeReference;

            if (nestedType != null && !(nestedType is Dummy))
                // check Inner example in TestAxiomsGenerics2
                // it is a nested type reference, and also a INamedTypeReference but GenericParameterCount is zero and DoesNotInheritGenericParameters is true
                var res = !nestedType.ResolvedType.DoesNotInheritGenericParameters; //|| IsParametericType(nestedType.ResolvedType.BaseClasses.First());


            INamedTypeReference namedType = typeReference as INamedTypeReference;

            if (namedType != null)
                return(namedType.GenericParameterCount > 0);

Esempio n. 2
            public bool AddTypeReference(INamedTypeReference type)
                // TODO: Optionally add all members for interfaces, and add all abstract members for abstract classes
                INamedTypeDefinition typeDef = Util.ResolveTypeThrowing(type);

                IAssembly assembly = TypeHelper.GetDefiningUnit(typeDef) as IAssembly;

                if (!TypesClosure.ContainsKey(typeDef.InternedKey))
                    TypesClosure.Add(typeDef.InternedKey, typeDef);


                    if (Util.IsDelegateType(typeDef))
                        foreach (ITypeDefinitionMember member in typeDef.Members)

                    return true;

                return false;
Esempio n. 3
        private static string GetEscapedMetadataName(INamedTypeReference namedType)
            var           pooled      = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance();
            StringBuilder mangledName = pooled.Builder;

            const string needsEscaping = "\\[]*.+,& ";

            if (namedType.AssociatedFileIdentifier is string fileIdentifier)
                Debug.Assert(needsEscaping.All(c => !fileIdentifier.Contains(c)));

            foreach (var ch in namedType.Name)
                if (needsEscaping.IndexOf(ch) >= 0)


            if (namedType.MangleName && namedType.GenericParameterCount > 0)

Esempio n. 4
            public bool AddTypeReference(INamedTypeReference type)
                // TODO: Optionally add all members for interfaces, and add all abstract members for abstract classes
                INamedTypeDefinition typeDef = Util.ResolveTypeThrowing(type);

                IAssembly assembly = TypeHelper.GetDefiningUnit(typeDef) as IAssembly;


                if (!TypesClosure.ContainsKey(typeDef.InternedKey))
                    TypesClosure.Add(typeDef.InternedKey, typeDef);


                    if (Util.IsDelegateType(typeDef))
                        foreach (ITypeDefinitionMember member in typeDef.Members)


Esempio n. 5
 internal TypeInferencer(INamedTypeReference containingType, IMetadataHost host) {
   Contract.Requires(containingType != null);
   Contract.Requires(host != null);
   this.containingType = containingType; = host;
   this.platformType = containingType.PlatformType;
Esempio n. 6
 public static IGenericTypeInstanceReference MakeGenericType(
     this INamedTypeReference genericType,
     IInternFactory internFactory,
     params ITypeReference[] genericArguments
     return(genericType.MakeGenericType(internFactory, genericArguments as IEnumerable <ITypeReference>));
Esempio n. 7
 internal TypeInferencer(INamedTypeReference containingType, IMetadataHost host)
     Contract.Requires(containingType != null);
     Contract.Requires(host != null);
     this.containingType = containingType;           = host;
     this.platformType   = containingType.PlatformType;
 public override void Visit(INamedTypeReference namedTypeReference)
     if (Process(namedTypeReference))
            public override bool Matches(ITypeReference typeReference)
                INamedTypeReference named = typeReference as INamedTypeReference;

                return(named != null &&
                       !named.Name.Value.StartsWith("<") &&
Esempio n. 10
        public static string GetMangledName(INamedTypeReference namedType)
            string unmangledName = namedType.Name;

                                ? MetadataHelpers.ComposeAritySuffixedMetadataName(unmangledName, namedType.GenericParameterCount)
                                : unmangledName);
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// This is "ugly" but I don't know how to query a type by name
 /// Inspired in Zvonimir code
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="host"></param>
 public static void InitializeScopeTypes(IMetadataHost host, IAssembly scopeRuntime)
     foreach (var type in scopeRuntime.GetAllTypes())
         if (type.GetFullName() == "ScopeRuntime.Reducer")
             Reducer = type;
         else if (type.GetFullName() == "ScopeRuntime.Processor")
             Processor = type;
         else if (type.GetFullName() == "ScopeRuntime.Producer")
             Producer = type;
         else if (type.GetFullName() == "ScopeRuntime.Row")
             Row = type;
         else if (type.GetFullName() == "ScopeRuntime.RowSet")
             RowSet = type;
         else if (type.GetFullName() == "ScopeRuntime.RowList")
             RowList = type;
         else if (type.GetFullName() == "ScopeRuntime.ColumnData")
             ColumnData = type;
         else if (type.GetFullName() == "ScopeRuntime.ColumnData<T>")
             ColumnData_Generic = type;
         else if (type.GetFullName() == "ScopeRuntime.Schema")
             Schema = type;
         else if (type.GetFullName() == "ScopeRuntime.Combiner")
             Combiner = type;
         else if (type.GetFullName() == "ScopeRuntime.ScopeMap<K, V>")
             ScopeMap = type;
         if (type.ContainingNamespace() == "ScopeRuntime")
Esempio n. 12
 public static IGenericTypeInstanceReference MakeGenericType(
     this INamedTypeReference genericType,
     IInternFactory internFactory,
     IEnumerable <ITypeReference> genericArguments
     return(new Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.GenericTypeInstanceReference(
Esempio n. 13
        public static List <ITypeDefinitionMember> FindRelatedExternalMembers(ITypeDefinitionMember member, CanIncludeCheck canInclude)
            List <ITypeDefinitionMember>      relatedMembers     = new List <ITypeDefinitionMember>();
            Dictionary <uint, ITypeReference> participatingTypes = new Dictionary <uint, ITypeReference>();

            ITypeDefinition currentType = member.ContainingTypeDefinition;

                // add the type
                if (!canInclude(Util.CanonicalizeTypeReference(currentType)))
                    participatingTypes.Add(currentType.InternedKey, currentType);

                // add any interfaces it implements that are part of the closure

                foreach (ITypeReference iface in currentType.Interfaces)
                    INamedTypeReference ifaceTemplate = Util.CanonicalizeTypeReference(iface);
                    // check the closure against the template type, but add
                    // the specialized type to participatingTypes so that
                    // argument matching works
                    if (!canInclude(ifaceTemplate) &&
                        // Should we add ifaceTemplate or iface?
                        participatingTypes.Add(iface.InternedKey, iface);

                // go up to the base type
                currentType = TypeHelper.BaseClass(currentType);
            }while (currentType != null);

            foreach (ITypeReference type in participatingTypes.Values)
                ITypeDefinitionMember relatedMember = FindRelatedMember(type, member);
                if (null != relatedMember)

Esempio n. 14
        public override void Visit(ITypeMemberReference member)
            // The member can resolve to an external assembly, so we need to check whether we can include the external assembly.
            INamedTypeReference containingType = Util.CanonicalizeType(Util.CanonicalizeMemberReference(member).ContainingType);

            if (m_implModel.CanInclude(containingType))
                if (member != null)
Esempio n. 15
        public override void AddTypeReference(INamedTypeReference type)
            INamedTypeDefinition typeDef = Util.CanonicalizeType(type);

            // For enums, we want to include all their values.
            // TODO: Should this be optional?
            if (typeDef.IsEnum)
                foreach (ITypeDefinitionMember member in typeDef.Members)

Esempio n. 16
        public override void AddTypeReference(INamedTypeReference type)
            INamedTypeDefinition typeDef = Util.CanonicalizeType(type);

            // For enums, we want to include all their values.
            // TODO: Should this be optional?
            if (typeDef.IsEnum)
                foreach (ITypeDefinitionMember member in typeDef.Members)

Esempio n. 17
        public static INamedTypeDefinition ResolveTypeThrowing(INamedTypeReference typeRef)
            INamedTypeDefinition result = typeRef.ResolvedType;
            if (result == Dummy.Type ||
                result == Dummy.NamespaceTypeDefinition ||
                result == Dummy.NestedType)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot resolve type '{0}'. Are all dependent assemblies loaded?", typeRef.ToString()));
            if (result == Dummy.GenericTypeParameter)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Why is a generic parameter being resolved?");

            return result;
Esempio n. 18
        public static INamedTypeDefinition ResolveTypeThrowing(INamedTypeReference typeRef)
            INamedTypeDefinition result = typeRef.ResolvedType;

            if (result == Dummy.Type ||
                result == Dummy.NamespaceTypeDefinition ||
                result == Dummy.NestedType)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot resolve type '{0}'. Are all dependent assemblies loaded?", typeRef.ToString()));
            if (result == Dummy.GenericTypeParameter)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Why is a generic parameter being resolved?");

Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Caching GenericTypeInstanceRefernece objects based on interned key, avoiding GenericTypeInstance.InitializeIfNecessary expense
        /// </summary>
        public IGenericTypeInstanceReference GetOrMakeGenericTypeInstanceReference(INamedTypeReference genericTypeReference, IEnumerable <ITypeReference> genericArguments)
            InternFactory factory = m_factory as InternFactory;

            if (factory != null && !factory.InternKeysAreReliablyUnique)
                return(new Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.GenericTypeInstanceReference(genericTypeReference, genericArguments, this, true));

            uint key = m_factory.GetGenericTypeInstanceReferenceInternedKey(genericTypeReference, genericArguments);

            IGenericTypeInstanceReference type = null;

            object value;

            if (m_objects.TryGetValue(key, out value))
                type = value as IGenericTypeInstanceReference;

                if (type != null && !SequenceEquals(genericArguments, type.GenericArguments))
                    // We can currently get problematic cache hits here for different objects representing the same type.
                    // e.g. SignatureGenericTypeParameter from ref signature can substitute for GenericTypeParameter
                    // from def signature. This breaks assumptions that were there prior to the sharing of generic
                    // type instances that was introduced by the caching intern factory. In that particular case, it breaks
                    // the subsequent specialization of the type parameter.
                    // We should investigate how to share more in these cases, but in the meantime, we conservatively
                    // only use an existing instantiation if the genericArguments are identical object references and
                    // otherwise force a cache miss here.
                    type = null;

            if (type == null)
                type           = new Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.GenericTypeInstanceReference(genericTypeReference, genericArguments, this, true);
                m_objects[key] = type;

Esempio n. 20
        public virtual void VisitNode(IReference node)
            IAssembly             assembly = node as IAssembly;
            INamedTypeDefinition  type     = node as INamedTypeDefinition;
            ITypeDefinitionMember member   = node as ITypeDefinitionMember;
            IAliasForType         alias    = node as IAliasForType;

            if (assembly != null)
                if (m_implModel.CanIncludeAssembly(assembly.AssemblyIdentity))
            else if (type != null)
                INamedTypeReference typeRef = Util.CanonicalizeTypeReference(type);
                if (m_implModel.CanInclude(typeRef))
            else if (member != null)
                INamedTypeReference typeRef = Util.CanonicalizeTypeReference(member.ContainingType);
                if (m_implModel.CanInclude(typeRef))
            else if (alias != null)
                throw new Exception("Illegal node: " + node.GetType().Name);
Esempio n. 21
        private static string GetMangledAndEscapedName(INamedTypeReference namedType)
            var           pooled      = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance();
            StringBuilder mangledName = pooled.Builder;

            const string needsEscaping = "\\[]*.+,& ";

            foreach (var ch in namedType.Name)
                if (needsEscaping.IndexOf(ch) >= 0)


            if (namedType.MangleName && namedType.GenericParameterCount > 0)

Esempio n. 22
 public bool CanInclude(INamedTypeReference typeRef)
Esempio n. 23
 public virtual void AddTypeReference(INamedTypeReference type)
Esempio n. 24
 public virtual void AddTypeReference(INamedTypeReference type)
Esempio n. 25
 public override void Visit(INamedTypeReference namedTypeReference)
     allElements.Add(new InvokInfo(Traverser, "INamedTypeReference", namedTypeReference));
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Caching GenericTypeInstanceRefernece objects based on interned key, avoiding GenericTypeInstance.InitializeIfNecessary expense
        /// </summary>
        public IGenericTypeInstanceReference GetOrMakeGenericTypeInstanceReference(INamedTypeReference genericTypeReference, IEnumerable<ITypeReference> genericArguments)
            InternFactory factory = m_factory as InternFactory;
            if (factory != null && !factory.InternKeysAreReliablyUnique)
                return new Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.GenericTypeInstanceReference(genericTypeReference, genericArguments, this, true);

            uint key = m_factory.GetGenericTypeInstanceReferenceInternedKey(genericTypeReference, genericArguments);

            IGenericTypeInstanceReference type = null;

            object value;

            if (m_objects.TryGetValue(key, out value))
                type = value as IGenericTypeInstanceReference;

                if (type != null && !SequenceEquals(genericArguments, type.GenericArguments))
                    // We can currently get problematic cache hits here for different objects representing the same type.
                    // e.g. SignatureGenericTypeParameter from ref signature can substitute for GenericTypeParameter
                    // from def signature. This breaks assumptions that were there prior to the sharing of generic
                    // type instances that was introduced by the caching intern factory. In that particular case, it breaks
                    // the subsequent specialization of the type parameter.
                    // We should investigate how to share more in these cases, but in the meantime, we conservatively
                    // only use an existing instantiation if the genericArguments are identical object references and 
                    // otherwise force a cache miss here.
                    type = null;

            if (type == null)
                type = new Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.GenericTypeInstanceReference(genericTypeReference, genericArguments, this, true);
                m_objects[key] = type;

            return type;
Esempio n. 27
 public bool CanInclude(INamedTypeReference typeRef)
     return CanIncludeUnit(TypeHelper.GetDefiningUnitReference(typeRef));
 private ITypeReference Instantiate(uint typeSpecToken, INamedTypeReference templateTypeReference, ushort genericArgumentCount) {
   //It would be very desirable to cache these objects by structure so that we can reuse them.
   //However, it is not safe at this point to use the intern table because we might still be reading the
   //signature of a generic method whose generic parameters feature in the arguments to the generic type.
   //We cannot compute the intern key of a generic method type parameter before we are able to compute the intern key of the generic method.
   var genericArgumentArray = new ITypeReference[genericArgumentCount];
   for (int i = 0; i < genericArgumentCount; ++i) genericArgumentArray[i] = this.GetTypeReference()??Dummy.TypeReference;
   if (typeSpecToken != 0xFFFFFFFF)
     return new GenericTypeInstanceReferenceWithToken(typeSpecToken, templateTypeReference, IteratorHelper.GetReadonly(genericArgumentArray), this.PEFileToObjectModel.InternFactory);
     return new GenericTypeInstanceReference(templateTypeReference, IteratorHelper.GetReadonly(genericArgumentArray), this.PEFileToObjectModel.InternFactory);
Esempio n. 29
 public static bool SameType(this INamedTypeReference containingType, ITypeDefinition iteratorClass)
 private static bool SeeIfTypeNamesAreMangled(INamedTypeReference/*?*/ templateTypeReference) {
   if (templateTypeReference == null) return false;
   if (templateTypeReference.MangleName) return true;
   var nestedTypeReference = templateTypeReference as INestedTypeReference;
   if (nestedTypeReference != null) return SeeIfTypeNamesAreMangled(nestedTypeReference.ContainingType as INamedTypeReference);
   return false;
Esempio n. 31
            public Assembly GenerateFacade(IAssembly contractAssembly, IAssemblyReference seedCoreAssemblyReference, bool ignoreMissingTypes, IAssembly overrideContractAssembly = null, bool buildPartialReferenceFacade = false)
                Assembly assembly;

                if (overrideContractAssembly != null)
                    MetadataDeepCopier copier = new MetadataDeepCopier(_seedHost);
                    assembly = copier.Copy(overrideContractAssembly); // Use non-empty partial facade if present
                    MetadataDeepCopier copier = new MetadataDeepCopier(_contractHost);
                    assembly = copier.Copy(contractAssembly);

                    // if building a reference facade don't strip the contract
                    if (!buildPartialReferenceFacade)
                        ReferenceAssemblyToFacadeRewriter rewriter = new ReferenceAssemblyToFacadeRewriter(_seedHost, _contractHost, seedCoreAssemblyReference, _assemblyFileVersion != null);

                string contractAssemblyName = contractAssembly.AssemblyIdentity.Name.Value;
                IEnumerable <string> docIds = _docIdTable[contractAssemblyName];

                // Add all the type forwards
                bool error = false;

                Dictionary <string, INamedTypeDefinition> existingDocIds = assembly.AllTypes.ToDictionary(typeDef => typeDef.RefDocId(), typeDef => typeDef);
                IEnumerable <string> docIdsToForward = buildPartialReferenceFacade ? existingDocIds.Keys : docIds.Where(id => !existingDocIds.ContainsKey(id));
                Dictionary <string, INamedTypeReference> forwardedTypes = new Dictionary <string, INamedTypeReference>();

                foreach (string docId in docIdsToForward)
                    IReadOnlyList <INamedTypeDefinition> seedTypes;
                    if (!_typeTable.TryGetValue(docId, out seedTypes))
                        if (!ignoreMissingTypes && !buildPartialReferenceFacade)
                            Trace.TraceError("Did not find type '{0}' in any of the seed assemblies.", docId);
                            error = true;

                    INamedTypeDefinition seedType = GetSeedType(docId, seedTypes);
                    if (seedType == null)
                        TraceDuplicateSeedTypeError(docId, seedTypes);
                        error = true;

                    if (buildPartialReferenceFacade)
                        // honor preferSeedType for keeping contract type
                        string preferredSeedAssembly;
                        bool   keepType = _seedTypePreferences.TryGetValue(docId, out preferredSeedAssembly) &&
                                          contractAssemblyName.Equals(preferredSeedAssembly, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                        if (keepType)

                        forwardedTypes.Add(docId, seedType);

                    AddTypeForward(assembly, seedType);

                if (buildPartialReferenceFacade)
                    if (forwardedTypes.Count == 0)
                        Trace.TraceError("Did not find any types in any of the seed assemblies.");
                        // for any thing that's now a typeforward, make sure typerefs point to that rather than
                        // the type previously inside the assembly.
                        TypeReferenceRewriter typeRefRewriter = new TypeReferenceRewriter(_seedHost, oldType =>
                            INamedTypeReference newType = null;
                            return(forwardedTypes.TryGetValue(oldType.DocId(), out newType) ? newType : oldType);


                if (error)

                if (_assemblyFileVersion != null)
                    assembly.AssemblyAttributes.Add(CreateAttribute("System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute", seedCoreAssemblyReference.ResolvedAssembly, _assemblyFileVersion.ToString()));
                    assembly.AssemblyAttributes.Add(CreateAttribute("System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute", seedCoreAssemblyReference.ResolvedAssembly, _assemblyFileVersion.ToString()));

                if (_buildDesignTimeFacades)
                    assembly.AssemblyAttributes.Add(CreateAttribute("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReferenceAssemblyAttribute", seedCoreAssemblyReference.ResolvedAssembly));
                    assembly.Flags |= ReferenceAssemblyFlag;

                if (_clearBuildAndRevision)
                    assembly.Version = new Version(assembly.Version.Major, assembly.Version.Minor, 0, 0);

                AddWin32VersionResource(contractAssembly.Location, assembly);

Esempio n. 32
 private ITypeReference Specialize(uint typeSpecToken, INamedTypeReference namedTypeReference, ref ushort genericArgumentCount, bool outer) {
   if (genericArgumentCount == 0) return namedTypeReference;
   var nestedTypeReference = namedTypeReference as INestedTypeReference;
   if (nestedTypeReference != null) {
     Contract.Assume(!(nestedTypeReference is ISpecializedNestedTypeReference)); //the type reference comes from the metadata, which is always fully unspecialized
     var containingType = this.Specialize(0, (INamedTypeReference)nestedTypeReference.ContainingType, ref genericArgumentCount, outer: false);
     if (containingType != nestedTypeReference.ContainingType)
       namedTypeReference = new SpecializedNestedTypeReference(nestedTypeReference, containingType, this.PEFileToObjectModel.InternFactory);
   var genericParametersCount = namedTypeReference.GenericParameterCount;
   if (genericParametersCount == 0) {
     if (genericArgumentCount == 0 || !outer) return namedTypeReference;
     //If we get here we believed that namedTypeReference has no type parameters because it has no tick in its name.
     //However, there actually are generic types without ticks, so we better now change our belief to match this signature.
     //This does not work for nested generics, but that is just too bad.
     genericParametersCount = genericArgumentCount;
   genericArgumentCount -= genericParametersCount;
   var genericArgumentArray = new ITypeReference[genericParametersCount];
   //TODO: it would be very desirable to cache these objects by structure so that we can reuse them.
   //However, it is not safe at this point to use the intern table because we might still be reading the
   //signature of a generic method whose generic parameters feature in the arguments to the generic type.
   //We cannot compute the intern key of a generic method type parameter before we are able to compute the intern key of the generic method.
   for (int i = 0; i < genericParametersCount; ++i) genericArgumentArray[i] = this.GetTypeReference()??Dummy.TypeReference;
   if (outer && typeSpecToken != 0xFFFFFFFF)
     return new GenericTypeInstanceReferenceWithToken(typeSpecToken, namedTypeReference, IteratorHelper.GetReadonly(genericArgumentArray), this.PEFileToObjectModel.InternFactory);
     return new GenericTypeInstanceReference(namedTypeReference, IteratorHelper.GetReadonly(genericArgumentArray), this.PEFileToObjectModel.InternFactory);
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs some computation with the given named type reference.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void Visit(INamedTypeReference namedTypeReference)
Esempio n. 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Provides the host with an opportunity to substitute one type reference for another during metadata reading.
 /// This avoids the cost of rewriting the entire unit in order to make such changes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="referringUnit">The unit that contains the reference.</param>
 /// <param name="typeReference">A named type reference encountered during metadata reading.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Usually the value in typeReference, but occassionally something else.
 /// </returns>
 public INamedTypeReference Redirect(IUnit referringUnit, INamedTypeReference typeReference) {
   Contract.Requires(referringUnit != null);
   Contract.Requires(typeReference != null);
   Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<INamedTypeReference>() != null);
   throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 35
 internal TypeInferencer(INamedTypeReference containingType, IMetadataHost host)
     this.containingType = containingType;           = host;
     this.platformType   = containingType.PlatformType;
 public override void Visit(INamedTypeReference namedTypeReference)
 private ITypeReference SpecializeAndOrInstantiate(uint typeSpecToken, INamedTypeReference namedTypeReference, ref ushort genericArgumentCount, bool outer) {
   if (genericArgumentCount == 0) return namedTypeReference;
   var nestedTypeReference = namedTypeReference as INestedTypeReference;
   if (nestedTypeReference != null) {
     Contract.Assume(!(nestedTypeReference is ISpecializedNestedTypeReference)); //the type reference comes from the metadata, which is always fully unspecialized
     var containingType = this.SpecializeAndOrInstantiate(0, (INamedTypeReference)nestedTypeReference.ContainingType, ref genericArgumentCount, outer: false);
     if (containingType != nestedTypeReference.ContainingType)
       namedTypeReference = new SpecializedNestedTypeReference(nestedTypeReference, containingType, this.PEFileToObjectModel.InternFactory);
   if (genericArgumentCount <= 0) return namedTypeReference;
   var genericParametersCount = namedTypeReference.GenericParameterCount;
   genericArgumentCount -= genericParametersCount;
   if (genericArgumentCount < 0) { genericParametersCount += genericArgumentCount; };
   if (genericParametersCount == 0) return namedTypeReference;
   return this.Instantiate(typeSpecToken, namedTypeReference, genericParametersCount);
Esempio n. 38
        public static string Serialize(INamedTypeReference type)
            var types = new INamedTypeReference[] { type };

Esempio n. 39
        public static List <ITypeDefinitionMember> FindRelatedMembers(ITypeDefinitionMember member, TypeIncluded includeType)
            List <ITypeDefinitionMember>      relatedMembers     = new List <ITypeDefinitionMember>();
            Dictionary <uint, ITypeReference> participatingTypes = new Dictionary <uint, ITypeReference>();

            ITypeDefinition currentType = member.ContainingTypeDefinition;

                // add the type
                participatingTypes.Add(currentType.InternedKey, currentType);

                // add any interfaces it implements that are part of the closure
                foreach (ITypeReference iface in currentType.Interfaces)
                    INamedTypeReference ifaceTemplate = Util.CanonicalizeTypeReference(iface);
                    // check the closure against the template type, but add
                    // the specialized type to participatingTypes so that
                    // argument matching works
                    if (includeType(ifaceTemplate) &&
                        // Should we add ifaceTemplate or iface?
                        participatingTypes.Add(iface.InternedKey, iface);

                // go up to the base type
                currentType = TypeHelper.BaseClass(currentType);
            }while (currentType != null);

            foreach (ITypeReference type in participatingTypes.Values)
                ITypeDefinitionMember relatedMember = FindRelatedMember(type, member);
                if (null != relatedMember)
                // TODO: Review
                foreach (IMethodImplementation methodImpl in Util.CanonicalizeType(type).ExplicitImplementationOverrides)
                    ITypeDefinitionMember implementingMethod = Util.CanonicalizeMember(methodImpl.ImplementingMethod);
                    ITypeDefinitionMember implementedMethod  = Util.CanonicalizeMember(methodImpl.ImplementedMethod);
                    bool implementedTypeIncluded             = includeType(Util.CanonicalizeType(implementedMethod.ContainingType));

                    if ((implementedMethod == member) ||
                        (implementingMethod == member && implementedTypeIncluded))
                        if (!relatedMembers.Contains(implementingMethod))
                        if (!relatedMembers.Contains(implementedMethod))

Esempio n. 40
        private static string GetMangledAndEscapedName(INamedTypeReference namedType)
            var pooled = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance();
            StringBuilder mangledName = pooled.Builder;

            const string needsEscaping = "\\[]*.+,& ";
            foreach (var ch in namedType.Name)
                if (needsEscaping.IndexOf(ch) >= 0)


            if (namedType.MangleName && namedType.GenericParameterCount > 0)

            return pooled.ToStringAndFree();
Esempio n. 41
 internal TypeInferencer(INamedTypeReference containingType, IMetadataHost host)
     this.containingType = containingType; = host;
       this.platformType = containingType.PlatformType;
Esempio n. 42
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs some computation with the given named type reference.
 /// </summary>
 public void Visit(INamedTypeReference namedTypeReference)
 /// <summary>
 /// Rewrites the named specified type reference.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual INamedTypeReference Rewrite(INamedTypeReference typeReference)
     return typeReference;
Esempio n. 44
 private ITypeReference GetSpecializedTypeReference(PEFileToObjectModel peFileToObjectModel, INamedTypeReference nominalType, out int argumentUsed, bool mostNested) {
   argumentUsed = 0;
   int len = this.GenericArguments.Count;
   var nestedType = nominalType as INestedTypeReference;
   if (nestedType != null) {
     var parentTemplate = this.GetSpecializedTypeReference(peFileToObjectModel, (INamedTypeReference)nestedType.ContainingType, out argumentUsed, mostNested: false);
     if (parentTemplate != nestedType.ContainingType)
       nominalType = new SpecializedNestedTypeReference(nestedType, parentTemplate, peFileToObjectModel.InternFactory);
   var argsToUse = mostNested ? len-argumentUsed : nominalType.GenericParameterCount;
   if (argsToUse == 0) return nominalType;
   var genericArgumentsReferences = new ITypeReference[argsToUse];
   for (int i = 0; i < argsToUse; ++i)
     genericArgumentsReferences[i] = this.GenericArguments[i+argumentUsed].GetAsTypeReference(peFileToObjectModel, peFileToObjectModel.Module)??Dummy.TypeReference;
   argumentUsed += argsToUse;
   return new GenericTypeInstanceReference(nominalType, IteratorHelper.GetReadonly(genericArgumentsReferences), peFileToObjectModel.InternFactory);
 private ITypeReference Specialize(uint typeSpecToken, INamedTypeReference namedTypeReference, ref ushort genericArgumentCount, bool outer) {
   if (genericArgumentCount == 0) return namedTypeReference;
   var nestedTypeReference = namedTypeReference as INestedTypeReference;
   if (nestedTypeReference != null) {
     Contract.Assume(!(nestedTypeReference is ISpecializedNestedTypeReference)); //the type reference comes from the metadata, which is always fully unspecialized
     var containingType = this.Specialize(0, (INamedTypeReference)nestedTypeReference.ContainingType, ref genericArgumentCount, outer: false);
     if (containingType != nestedTypeReference.ContainingType)
       namedTypeReference = new SpecializedNestedTypeReference(nestedTypeReference, containingType, this.PEFileToObjectModel.InternFactory);
   var genericParametersCount = namedTypeReference.GenericParameterCount;
   if (genericParametersCount == 0) {
     if (genericArgumentCount == 0 || !outer) return namedTypeReference;
     //If we get here we believed that namedTypeReference has no type parameters because it has no tick in its name.
     //However, there actually are generic types without ticks, so we better now change our belief to match this signature.
     //This does not work for nested generics, but that is just too bad.
     genericParametersCount = genericArgumentCount;
   genericArgumentCount -= genericParametersCount;
   var genericArgumentArray = new ITypeReference[genericParametersCount];
   for (int i = 0; i < genericParametersCount; ++i) genericArgumentArray[i] = this.GetTypeReference()??Dummy.TypeReference;
   if (outer)
     return new GenericTypeInstanceReferenceWithToken(typeSpecToken, namedTypeReference, IteratorHelper.GetReadonly(genericArgumentArray), this.PEFileToObjectModel.InternFactory);
     return new GenericTypeInstanceReference(namedTypeReference, IteratorHelper.GetReadonly(genericArgumentArray), this.PEFileToObjectModel.InternFactory);
Esempio n. 46
 public virtual void AddTypeReference(INamedTypeReference type)
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs some computation with the given named type reference.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void Visit(INamedTypeReference namedTypeReference)
Esempio n. 48
 /// <summary>
 /// Provides the host with an opportunity to substitute one named type reference for another during metadata reading.
 /// This avoids the cost of rewriting the entire unit in order to make such changes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="referringUnit">The unit that contains the reference.</param>
 /// <param name="typeReference">A named type reference encountered during metadata reading.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Usually the value in typeReference, but occassionally something else.
 /// </returns>
 public virtual INamedTypeReference Redirect(IUnit referringUnit, INamedTypeReference typeReference) {
   return typeReference;
 /// <summary>
 /// Provides the host with an opportunity to substitute one type reference for another during metadata reading.
 /// This avoids the cost of rewriting the entire unit in order to make such changes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="referringUnit">The unit that contains the reference.</param>
 /// <param name="typeReference">A type reference encountered during metadata reading.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Usually the value in typeReference, but occassionally something else.
 /// </returns>
 public override INamedTypeReference Redirect(IUnit referringUnit, INamedTypeReference typeReference) {
   if (!this.projectToCLRTypes) return typeReference;
   var referringModule = referringUnit as IModule;
   if (referringModule == null || referringModule.ContainingAssembly == null || !(referringModule.ContainingAssembly.ContainsForeignTypes)) return typeReference;
   var platformType = (WindowsRuntimePlatform)this.PlatformType;
   var namespaceTypeReference = typeReference as INamespaceTypeReference;
   if (namespaceTypeReference == null) return typeReference;
   var namespaceReference = namespaceTypeReference.ContainingUnitNamespace as INestedUnitNamespaceReference;
   if (namespaceReference == null) return typeReference;
   if (this.IsWindowsFoundationMetadata(namespaceReference)) {
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.SystemAttributeUsageAttribute.Name) return platformType.SystemAttributeUsageAttribute;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.SystemAttributeTargets.Name) return platformType.SystemAttributeTargets;
   } else if (this.IsWindowsUI(namespaceReference)) {
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsUIColor.Name) return platformType.WindowsUIColor;
   } else if (this.IsWindowsFoundation(namespaceReference)) {
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.SystemDateTime.Name) return platformType.SystemDateTimeOffset;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.SystemEventHandler1.Name && namespaceTypeReference.GenericParameterCount == 1)
       return platformType.SystemEventHandler1;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.SystemRuntimeInteropServicesWindowsRuntimeEventRegistrationToken.Name)
       return platformType.SystemRuntimeInteropServicesWindowsRuntimeEventRegistrationToken;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.HResult) return platformType.SystemException;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.IReference && namespaceTypeReference.GenericParameterCount == 1)
       return platformType.SystemNullable1;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsFoundationPoint.Name) return platformType.WindowsFoundationPoint;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsFoundationRect.Name) return platformType.WindowsFoundationRect;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsFoundationSize.Name) return platformType.WindowsFoundationSize;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.SystemTimeSpan.Name) return platformType.SystemTimeSpan;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.SystemUri.Name) return platformType.SystemUri;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.IClosable) return platformType.SystemIDisposable;
   } else if (this.IsWindowsFoundationCollections(namespaceReference)) {
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.IIterable) return platformType.SystemCollectionsGenericIEnumerable;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.IVector) return platformType.SystemCollectionsGenericIList;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.IVectorView) return platformType.SystemCollectionsGenericReadOnlyList;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.IMap) return platformType.SystemCollectionsGenericIDictionary;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.IMapView) return platformType.SystemCollectionsGenericReadOnlyDictionary;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.IKeyValuePair) return platformType.SystemCollectionsGenericKeyValuePair;
   } else if (this.IsWindowsUIXamlInput(namespaceReference)) {
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.SystemWindowsInputICommand.Name) return platformType.SystemWindowsInputICommand;
   } else if (this.IsWindowsUIXamlInterop(namespaceReference)) {
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.IBindableIterable) return platformType.SystemCollectionsIEnumerable;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.IBindableVector) return platformType.SystemCollectionsIList;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.INotifyCollectionChanged) return platformType.SystemCollectionsSpecializedINotifyColletionChanged;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler) return platformType.SystemCollectionsSpecializedNotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) return platformType.SystemCollectionsSpecializedNotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.NotifyCollectionChangedAction) return platformType.SystemCollectionsSpecializedNotifyCollectionChangedAction;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.TypeName) return platformType.SystemType;
   } else if (this.IsWindowsUIXamlData(namespaceReference)) {
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.INotifyPropertyChanged) return platformType.SystemComponentModelINotifyPropertyChanged;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.PropertyChangedEventArgs) return platformType.SystemComponentModelPropertyChangedEventArgs;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == this.PropertyChangedEventHandler) return platformType.SystemComponentModelPropertyChangedEventHandler;
   } else if (this.IsWindowsUIXaml(namespaceReference)) {
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsUIXamlCornerRadius.Name) return platformType.WindowsUIXamlCornerRadius;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsUIXamlDuration.Name) return platformType.WindowsUIXamlDuration;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsUIXamlDurationType.Name) return platformType.WindowsUIXamlDurationType;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsUIXamlGridLength.Name) return platformType.WindowsUIXamlGridLength;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsUIXamlGridUnitType.Name) return platformType.WindowsUIXamlGridUnitType;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsUIXamlThickness.Name) return platformType.WindowsUIXamlThickness;
   } else if (this.IsWindowsUIXamlControlsPrimitives(namespaceReference)) {
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsUIXamlControlsPrimitivesGeneratorPosition.Name)
       return platformType.WindowsUIXamlControlsPrimitivesGeneratorPosition;
   } else if (this.IsWindowsUIXamlMedia(namespaceReference)) {
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsUIXamlMediaMatrix.Name) return platformType.WindowsUIXamlMediaMatrix;
   } else if (this.IsWindowsUIXamlMediaAnimation(namespaceReference)) {
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsUIXamlMediaAnimationKeyTime.Name)
       return platformType.WindowsUIXamlMediaAnimationKeyTime;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsUIXamlMediaAnimationRepeatBehavior.Name)
       return platformType.WindowsUIXamlMediaAnimationRepeatBehavior;
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsUIXamlMediaAnimationRepeatBehaviorType.Name)
       return platformType.WindowsUIXamlMediaAnimationRepeatBehaviorType;
   } else if (this.IsWindowsUIXamlMediaMedia3D(namespaceReference)) {
     if (namespaceTypeReference.Name == platformType.WindowsUIXamlMediaMedia3DMatrix3D.Name)
       return platformType.WindowsUIXamlMediaMedia3DMatrix3D;
   return typeReference;
Esempio n. 50
        private static void WriteType(ITypeReference type, TextWriter writer, bool omitOutermostTypeFormals)
            Contract.Requires(type != null);
            Contract.Requires(writer != null);

            IArrayType array = type as IArrayType;

            if (array != null)
                Contract.Assume(array.ElementType != null, "lack of CCI2 contracts");

                WriteType(array.ElementType, writer);
                if (array.Rank > 1)
                    for (int i = 0; i < array.Rank; i++)
                        if (i > 0)

            IManagedPointerTypeReference reference = type as IManagedPointerTypeReference;;

            if (reference != null)
                Contract.Assume(reference.TargetType != null, "lack of CCI2 contracts");

                var referencedType = reference.TargetType;
                WriteType(referencedType, writer);

            IPointerTypeReference pointer = type as IPointerTypeReference;

            if (pointer != null)
                Contract.Assume(pointer.TargetType != null, "lack of CCI2 contracts");

                WriteType(pointer.TargetType, writer);

            IModifiedTypeReference modref = type as IModifiedTypeReference;

            if (modref != null)
                Contract.Assume(modref.UnmodifiedType != null, "lack of CCI2 contracts");
                Contract.Assume(modref.CustomModifiers != null, "lack of CCI2 contracts");

                WriteType(modref.UnmodifiedType, writer);
                foreach (var modifier in modref.CustomModifiers)
                    Contract.Assume(modifier != null, "lack of collection contracts and CCI2 contracts");
                    Contract.Assume(modifier.Modifier != null, "lack of CCI2 contracts");

                    if (modifier.IsOptional)
                    WriteType(modifier.Modifier, writer);

            IGenericTypeParameterReference gtp = type as IGenericTypeParameterReference;

            if (gtp != null)
            IGenericMethodParameterReference gmp = type as IGenericMethodParameterReference;

            if (gmp != null)

            IGenericTypeInstanceReference instance = type as IGenericTypeInstanceReference;

            if (instance != null)
                Contract.Assume(instance.GenericType != null, "lack of CCI2 contracts");
                Contract.Assume(instance.GenericArguments != null, "lack of CCI2 contracts");

                WriteType(instance.GenericType, writer, true);
                var first = true;
                foreach (var arg in instance.GenericArguments)
                    Contract.Assume(arg != null, "lack of collection and CCI2 contracts");

                    if (first)
                        first = false;
                    WriteType(arg, writer);

            // namespace or nested
            INamedTypeReference  named  = (INamedTypeReference)type;
            INestedTypeReference nested = type as INestedTypeReference;

            if (nested != null)
                Contract.Assume(nested.ContainingType != null, "lack of CCI2 contracts");

                // names of nested types begin with outer type name
                WriteType(nested.ContainingType, writer);
                // continue to write type sig

            INamespaceTypeReference nt = type as INamespaceTypeReference;

            if (nt != null)
                Contract.Assume(nt.ContainingUnitNamespace != null, "lack of CCI2 contracts");

                WriteNamespaceAndSeparator(nt.ContainingUnitNamespace, writer);
                // continue to write type sig
            // name
            // generic parameters
            if (omitOutermostTypeFormals)

            if (named.GenericParameterCount > 0)
                writer.Write("`{0}", named.GenericParameterCount);
Esempio n. 51
 public virtual void AddTypeReference(INamedTypeReference type)