private void comboChange(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { string selected = (sender as ComboBox).SelectedItem.ToString(); if (!selected.Equals(currentWindowsResolution[0].ToString() + " X " + currentWindowsResolution[1].ToString())) { sysRes.IsChecked = false; new IniManager(_iniFilepath).setParameter(keyWidth, (selected.Split('X')[0]).Trim(), _iniSection); new IniManager(_iniFilepath).setParameter(keyHeight, (selected.Split('X')[1]).Trim(), _iniSection); } else { sysRes.IsChecked = true; new IniManager(_iniFilepath).setParameter(keyWidth, (selected.Split('X')[0]).Trim(), _iniSection); new IniManager(_iniFilepath).setParameter(keyHeight, (selected.Split('X')[1]).Trim(), _iniSection); } if (GAME_TYPE.resolutionItemChangeWithCopyUIFixes) { string resolFixfile = INIT.RES_DIR + @"SkyUIFixesINI\" + (selected.Split('X')[0]).Trim() + "x" + (selected.Split('X')[1]).Trim() + @"\SkyrimCustom.ini"; string skyrimcustom = INIT.getpath("skyrimcustom_ini_userdocs"); if (File.Exists(resolFixfile)) { FileManager.remove(skyrimcustom); FileManager.copyFiles(resolFixfile, skyrimcustom); } else { MessageBox.Show("Внимание: для выбранного разрешения нет исправлений для анимации в меню!"); } } }
public static void changeLO(CONTROLS_ACTIONS action) { if (action.Equals(CONTROLS_ACTIONS.RESET)) { try { FileManager.remove(INIT.PLUGINS_TXT_PATH); FileManager.copyFiles(INIT.getpath("plugins_txt_backup"), INIT.PLUGINS_TXT_PATH); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Не удалось провести сброс"); } } else { if (currentShifted != null) { PluginInList current = LO.Find(o => o.getTitle().Equals(currentShifted.getTitle())); int pos = LO.IndexOf(current); if (action.Equals(CONTROLS_ACTIONS.UP) && (pos == INIT.MASTER_FILES_ESM.Length)) { return; } if (action.Equals(CONTROLS_ACTIONS.DOWN) && (pos >= LO.Count - 1)) { return; } PluginInList tmp; switch (action) { case CONTROLS_ACTIONS.UP: tmp = LO[pos]; LO[pos] = LO[pos - 1]; LO[pos - 1] = tmp; break; case CONTROLS_ACTIONS.DOWN: tmp = LO[pos]; LO[pos] = LO[pos + 1]; LO[pos + 1] = tmp; break; default: break; } writeLOInFile(); } } }
public static void writeLOInFile() { ArrayList LOForWriteinFile = new ArrayList(); if (!GAME_TYPE.activepluginsMarkAsterisk) { LOForWriteinFile.Add("# This file is used to tell Oblivion which data files to load."); LOForWriteinFile.Add(Environment.NewLine); foreach (PluginInList plugin in LO) { if (plugin.getActivity()) { LOForWriteinFile.Add(plugin.getTitle()); } } } else { LOForWriteinFile.Add("# This file is used by Skyrim to keep track of your downloaded content."); LOForWriteinFile.Add("# Please do not modify this file."); foreach (PluginInList plugin in LO) { if (!plugin.ismaster()) { if (plugin.getActivity()) { LOForWriteinFile.Add("*" + plugin.getTitle()); } else { LOForWriteinFile.Add(plugin.getTitle()); } } } } FileManager.WriteAllLines(INIT.getpath("plugins_txt"), LOForWriteinFile); }