Esempio n. 1
        public void Execute()
            //is plugin installed?
            var pluginDescriptor = _pluginFinder.GetPluginDescriptorBySystemName("Widgets.mobSocial");

            if (pluginDescriptor == null)

            var plugin = pluginDescriptor.Instance() as MobSocialWebApiPlugin;

            if (plugin == null)

            //the task will send reminders to customers based on the timezone they are in, we don't want to send ill-timed emails
            //first get all the battles
            int notUsedTotalPages;
            var allBattles = _videoBattleService.GetAll(null, null, null, null, null, null, string.Empty, null, null,
                                                        out notUsedTotalPages, 1, int.MaxValue);

            #region to participants who have not uploaded video, that means only battles with pending status and within settings' threshold

            var pendingBattles = allBattles.Where(x => x.VideoBattleStatus == VideoBattleStatus.Pending &&
                                                  x.VotingStartDate.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow).TotalDays <= _mobSocialSettings.VideoUploadReminderEmailThresholdDays);

            //TODO: Find a way to improve performance of this feature
            foreach (var battle in pendingBattles)
                //participantVideos for this battle
                var participantVideos = _videoBattleVideoService.GetBattleVideos(battle.Id);

                //the ids of participants who have uploaded videos
                var participantIds = participantVideos.Select(x => x.ParticipantId);

                var battleParticipants = _videoBattleParticipantService.GetVideoBattleParticipants(battle.Id,

                //the ids of participants who need to be reminded
                var requireReminderParticipantIds =
                    battleParticipants.Where(x => !participantIds.Contains(x.ParticipantId)).Select(x => x.ParticipantId).ToArray();

                //send reminders to them
                var participantCustomers = _customerService.GetCustomersByIds(requireReminderParticipantIds);

                foreach (var customer in participantCustomers)
                    //get the current time in customer's timezone
                    var customerDateTime = _dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUserTime(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.Utc,

                    //make sure it's good time to send email, between 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM should be a good time right?
                    if (customerDateTime.Hour >= 7 && customerDateTime.Hour <= 17)
                        _mobSocialMessageService.SendXDaysToBattleStartNotificationToParticipant(customer, battle,
                                                                                                 _workContext.WorkingLanguage.Id, _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id);


            #region to the followers who are following the battle but haven't yet voted

            var openBattles = allBattles.Where(x => x.VideoBattleStatus == VideoBattleStatus.Open &&
                                               x.VotingStartDate.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow).TotalDays <= _mobSocialSettings.VideoUploadReminderEmailThresholdDays);
            //TODO: Find a way to improve performance of this feature
            foreach (var battle in openBattles)
                //followers of this battle
                var followers = _customerFollowService.GetFollowers <VideoBattle>(battle.Id);

                //get the votes casted so far
                var votes = _videoBattleVoteService.GetVideoBattleVotes(battle.Id, null);
                //their customer ids
                var votesCustomerIds = votes.Select(x => x.ParticipantId);

                //and now the followers who haven't voted, need to be reminded//should not be a battle owner either
                var followersToRemindIds =
                    followers.Where(x => !votesCustomerIds.Contains(x.CustomerId) && x.CustomerId != battle.ChallengerId).Select(x => x.CustomerId).ToArray();

                //send reminders to them
                var followerCustomers = _customerService.GetCustomersByIds(followersToRemindIds);

                foreach (var customer in followerCustomers)
                    //get the current time in customer's timezone
                    var customerDateTime = _dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUserTime(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.Utc,

                    //make sure it's good time to send email, between 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM should be a good time right?
                    if (customerDateTime.Hour >= 7 && customerDateTime.Hour <= 17)
                        _mobSocialMessageService.SendXDaysToBattleEndNotificationToFollower(customer, battle,
                                                                                            _workContext.WorkingLanguage.Id, _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id);


            //TODO: Send a consolidated email which contains all the battles (to participate and to vote)