public void Check(IAssertionCall assertionCall, IMethodCallHistory methodCallHistory)
            var matcher = assertionCall.ToMethodCallMatcher();

            int matchingCallsCount = methodCallHistory

            if (matchingCallsCount != _times)
                throw new SubstituteException(
                          $"Expected *{_times}* call(s) matching assertion:\n" +
                          $"\t{assertionCall.Describe()}\n" +
                          $"but got *{matchingCallsCount}* matching calls.");
        public void Check(IAssertionCall assertionCall, IMethodCallHistory methodCallHistory)
            var anyArgsAssertionCall = new AnyArgumentsAssertionCall(assertionCall);
            var matcher = anyArgsAssertionCall.ToMethodCallMatcher();

            int matchingCallsCount = methodCallHistory

            // TODO: Add proxy name and full method signature to error message.
            // Put signature at the end (to not clutter error message).
            if (matchingCallsCount == 0)
                throw new SubstituteException(
                          $"Expecting to receive at least a single call to method " +
                          $"{anyArgsAssertionCall.Describe()} " +
                          $"but none was received.");