Esempio n. 1
 private static SessionFactory CreateDefaultSessionFactory(
     string productId,
     string serviceId,
     KeyManagementService keyManagementService,
     IMetastore <JObject> metastore)
     return(SessionFactory.NewBuilder(productId, serviceId)
Esempio n. 2
 public SessionFactory(
     string productId,
     string serviceId,
     IMetastore <JObject> metastore,
     SecureCryptoKeyDictionaryFactory <DateTimeOffset> secureCryptoKeyDictionaryFactory,
     CryptoPolicy cryptoPolicy,
     KeyManagementService keyManagementService)
     this.productId = productId;
     this.serviceId = serviceId;
     this.metastore = metastore;
     this.secureCryptoKeyDictionaryFactory = secureCryptoKeyDictionaryFactory;
     systemKeyCache            = secureCryptoKeyDictionaryFactory.CreateSecureCryptoKeyDictionary();
     this.cryptoPolicy         = cryptoPolicy;
     this.keyManagementService = keyManagementService;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EnvelopeEncryptionJsonImpl"/> class using the provided
 /// parameters. This is an implementation of <see cref="IEnvelopeEncryption{TD}"/> which uses
 /// <see cref="JObject"/> as the Data Row Record format.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="partition">A <see cref="GoDaddy.Asherah.AppEncryption.Partition"/> object.</param>
 /// <param name="metastore">A <see cref="IMetastore{T}"/> implementation used to store system & intermediate
 /// keys.</param>
 /// <param name="systemKeyCache">A <see cref="ConcurrentDictionary{TKey,TValue}"/> based implementation for
 /// caching system keys.</param>
 /// <param name="intermediateKeyCache">A <see cref="ConcurrentDictionary{TKey,TValue}"/> based implementation
 /// for caching intermediate keys.</param>
 /// <param name="aeadEnvelopeCrypto">An implementation of
 /// <see cref="GoDaddy.Asherah.Crypto.Envelope.AeadEnvelopeCrypto"/>, used to encrypt/decrypt keys and
 /// envelopes.</param>
 /// <param name="cryptoPolicy">A <see cref="GoDaddy.Asherah.Crypto.CryptoPolicy"/> implementation that dictates
 /// the various behaviors of Asherah.</param>
 /// <param name="keyManagementService">A <see cref="GoDaddy.Asherah.AppEncryption.Kms.KeyManagementService"/>
 /// implementation that generates the top level master key and encrypts the system keys using the master key.
 /// </param>
 public EnvelopeEncryptionJsonImpl(
     Partition partition,
     IMetastore <JObject> metastore,
     SecureCryptoKeyDictionary <DateTimeOffset> systemKeyCache,
     SecureCryptoKeyDictionary <DateTimeOffset> intermediateKeyCache,
     AeadEnvelopeCrypto aeadEnvelopeCrypto,
     CryptoPolicy cryptoPolicy,
     KeyManagementService keyManagementService)
     this.partition            = partition;
     this.metastore            = metastore;
     this.systemKeyCache       = systemKeyCache;
     this.intermediateKeyCache = intermediateKeyCache;
     crypto                    = aeadEnvelopeCrypto;
     this.cryptoPolicy         = cryptoPolicy;
     this.keyManagementService = keyManagementService;
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SessionFactory"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="productId">A unique identifier for a product.</param>
 /// <param name="serviceId">A unique identifier for a service.</param>
 /// <param name="metastore">A <see cref="IMetastore{T}"/> implementation used to store system & intermediate
 /// keys.</param>
 /// <param name="systemKeyCache">A <see cref="ConcurrentDictionary{TKey,TValue}"/> based implementation for
 /// caching system keys.</param>
 /// <param name="cryptoPolicy">A <see cref="GoDaddy.Asherah.Crypto.CryptoPolicy"/> implementation that dictates
 /// the various behaviors of Asherah.</param>
 /// <param name="keyManagementService">A <see cref="GoDaddy.Asherah.AppEncryption.Kms.KeyManagementService"/>
 /// implementation that generates the top level master key and encrypts the system keys using the master key.
 /// </param>
 public SessionFactory(
     string productId,
     string serviceId,
     IMetastore <JObject> metastore,
     SecureCryptoKeyDictionary <DateTimeOffset> systemKeyCache,
     CryptoPolicy cryptoPolicy,
     KeyManagementService keyManagementService)
     this.productId            = productId;
     this.serviceId            = serviceId;
     this.metastore            = metastore;
     this.systemKeyCache       = systemKeyCache;
     this.cryptoPolicy         = cryptoPolicy;
     this.keyManagementService = keyManagementService;
     semaphoreLocks            = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, object>();
     SessionCache = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions());
Esempio n. 5
        public AppJsonEncryptionImplTest()
            partition = new Partition("PARTITION", "SYSTEM", "PRODUCT");
            Dictionary <string, JObject> memoryPersistence = new Dictionary <string, JObject>();

            dataPersistence = new AdhocPersistence <JObject>(
                key => memoryPersistence.TryGetValue(key, out JObject result) ? result : Option <JObject> .None,
                (key, jsonObject) => memoryPersistence.Add(key, jsonObject));

            metastore            = new InMemoryMetastoreImpl <JObject>();
            keyManagementService = new DummyKeyManagementService();

            AeadEnvelopeCrypto aeadEnvelopeCrypto = new BouncyAes256GcmCrypto();

            // Generate a dummy systemKey document
            CryptoKey systemKey = aeadEnvelopeCrypto.GenerateKey();

            byte[] encryptedSystemKey = keyManagementService.EncryptKey(systemKey);

            EnvelopeKeyRecord systemKeyRecord = new EnvelopeKeyRecord(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, null, encryptedSystemKey);

            // Write out the dummy systemKey record
            memoryPersistence.TryAdd(partition.SystemKeyId, systemKeyRecord.ToJson());
Esempio n. 6
 public ICryptoPolicyStep WithMetastore(IMetastore <JObject> metastore)
     this.metastore = metastore;
Esempio n. 7
 public ICryptoPolicyStep WithInMemoryMetastore()
     metastore = new InMemoryMetastoreImpl <JObject>();
Esempio n. 8
        private static async void App(Options options)
            IMetastore <JObject> metastore            = null;
            KeyManagementService keyManagementService = null;

            if (options.Metastore == Metastore.ADO)
                if (options.AdoConnectionString != null)
                    logger.LogInformation("using ADO-based metastore...");
                    metastore = AdoMetastoreImpl
                                .NewBuilder(MySqlClientFactory.Instance, options.AdoConnectionString)
                    logger.LogError("ADO connection string is a mandatory parameter with Metastore Type: ADO");
                    Console.WriteLine(HelpText.AutoBuild(cmdOptions, null, null));
            else if (options.Metastore == Metastore.DYNAMODB)
                logger.LogInformation("using DynamoDB-based metastore...");
                AWSConfigs.AWSRegion = "us-west-2";
                metastore            = DynamoDbMetastoreImpl.NewBuilder().Build();
                logger.LogInformation("using in-memory metastore...");
                metastore = new InMemoryMetastoreImpl <JObject>();

            if (options.Kms == Kms.AWS)
                if (options.PreferredRegion != null && options.RegionToArnTuples != null)
                    Dictionary <string, string> regionToArnDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    foreach (string regionArnPair in options.RegionToArnTuples)
                        string[] regionArnArray = regionArnPair.Split("=");
                        regionToArnDictionary.Add(regionArnArray[0], regionArnArray[1]);

                    logger.LogInformation("using AWS KMS...");
                    keyManagementService = AwsKeyManagementServiceImpl
                                           .NewBuilder(regionToArnDictionary, options.PreferredRegion).Build();
                    logger.LogError("Preferred region and <region>=<arn> tuples are mandatory with  KMS Type: AWS");
                    Console.WriteLine(HelpText.AutoBuild(cmdOptions, null, null));
                logger.LogInformation("using static KMS...");
                keyManagementService = new StaticKeyManagementServiceImpl("mysupersecretstaticmasterkey!!!!");

            CryptoPolicy cryptoPolicy = BasicExpiringCryptoPolicy

            // Setup metrics reporters and always include console.
            IMetricsBuilder metricsBuilder = new MetricsBuilder()
                                             .Report.ToConsole(consoleOptions => consoleOptions.FlushInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));

            // CloudWatch metrics generation
            if (options.EnableCloudWatch)
                // Fill in when we open source our App.Metrics cloudwatch reporter separately

            IMetrics metrics = metricsBuilder.Build();

            // Create a session factory for this app. Normally this would be done upon app startup and the
            // same factory would be used anytime a new session is needed for a partition (e.g., shopper).
            // We've split it out into multiple using blocks to underscore this point.
            using (SessionFactory sessionFactory = SessionFactory
                                                   .NewBuilder("productId", "reference_app")
                // Now create an actual session for a partition (which in our case is a pretend shopper id). This session is used
                // for a transaction and is disposed automatically after use due to the IDisposable implementation.
                using (Session <byte[], byte[]> sessionBytes =
                    const string originalPayloadString = "mysupersecretpayload";
                    foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(0, options.Iterations))
                        string dataRowString;

                        // If we get a DRR as a command line argument, we want to directly decrypt it
                        if (options.Drr != null)
                            dataRowString = options.Drr;
                            // Encrypt the payload
                            byte[] dataRowRecordBytes =

                            // Consider this us "persisting" the DRR
                            dataRowString = Convert.ToBase64String(dataRowRecordBytes);

                        logger.LogInformation("dataRowRecord as string = {dataRow}", dataRowString);

                        byte[] newDataRowRecordBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(dataRowString);

                        // Decrypt the payload
                        string decryptedPayloadString =

                        logger.LogInformation("decryptedPayloadString = {payload}", decryptedPayloadString);
                        logger.LogInformation("matches = {result}", originalPayloadString.Equals(decryptedPayloadString));

            // Force final publish of metrics
            await Task.WhenAll(((IMetricsRoot)metrics).ReportRunner.RunAllAsync());
Esempio n. 9
        internal static Mock <IMetastore <JObject> > CreateMetastoreMock(
            Partition partition,
            KeyManagementService kms,
            KeyState metaIK,
            KeyState metaSK,
            CryptoKeyHolder cryptoKeyHolder,
            IMetastore <JObject> metastore)
            CryptoKey systemKey = cryptoKeyHolder.SystemKey;

            Mock <IMetastore <JObject> > metastoreSpy = new Mock <IMetastore <JObject> >();

            .Setup(x => x.Load(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <DateTimeOffset>()))
            .Returns <string, DateTimeOffset>(metastore.Load);
            .Setup(x => x.LoadLatest(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns <string>(metastore.LoadLatest);
            .Setup(x => x.Store(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <DateTimeOffset>(), It.IsAny <JObject>()))
            .Returns <string, DateTimeOffset, JObject>(metastore.Store);

            if (metaSK != KeyState.Empty)
                if (metaSK == KeyState.Retired)
                    // We create a revoked copy of the same key
                    DateTimeOffset created = systemKey.GetCreated();
                    systemKey = systemKey
                                .WithKey(bytes => Crypto.GenerateKeyFromBytes(bytes, created, true));

                EnvelopeKeyRecord systemKeyRecord = new EnvelopeKeyRecord(
                    systemKey.GetCreated(), null, kms.EncryptKey(systemKey), systemKey.IsRevoked());

            if (metaIK != KeyState.Empty)
                CryptoKey intermediateKey = cryptoKeyHolder.IntermediateKey;
                if (metaIK == KeyState.Retired)
                    // We create a revoked copy of the same key
                    DateTimeOffset created = intermediateKey.GetCreated();
                    intermediateKey = intermediateKey
                                      .WithKey(bytes => Crypto.GenerateKeyFromBytes(bytes, created, true));

                EnvelopeKeyRecord intermediateKeyRecord = new EnvelopeKeyRecord(
                    new KeyMeta(partition.SystemKeyId, systemKey.GetCreated()),
                    Crypto.EncryptKey(intermediateKey, systemKey),

Esempio n. 10
 public static SessionFactory CreateDefaultSessionFactory(
     KeyManagementService keyManagementService, IMetastore <JObject> metastore)
     return(CreateDefaultSessionFactory(DefaultProductId, DefaultServiceId, keyManagementService, metastore));