Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicates if we can write the specified packet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CanWritePacket(IMessengerPacket packet)
            //we don't send across all types - just a few we understand.
            if ((packet is LogMessagePacket) ||
                (packet is ApplicationUserPacket) ||
                (packet is ExceptionInfoPacket) ||
                (packet is ThreadInfoPacket) ||
                (packet is SessionSummaryPacket))
                //BUG: This is a check to see why we're getting one byte session summaries.
                if (packet is SessionSummaryPacket)
                    if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(((SessionSummaryPacket)packet).ProductName)) && (Debugger.IsAttached))
                        Debugger.Break(); // Stop in debugger, ignore in production.

        private void QueueToNotifier(IMessengerPacket packet)
            if (packet is LogMessagePacket message)
                if (m_AutoSendOnError)
                    //Do we have an error that should be sent?
                    if (m_PendingAutoSend || message.Severity <= LogMessageSeverity.Error)
                        //OK, but *can* we?  We don't want to go too often...
                        if (m_NextAutoSendAllowed < DateTimeOffset.UtcNow)
                            m_NextAutoSendAllowed = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(Notifier.DefaultSendDelay);

                            //to be 100% sure we're not blocking, we'll chuck this to a task.
                            Task.Run(() => Log.SendSessions(SessionCriteria.ActiveSession, null, false, Log.SilentMode));
                            //We are holding this send until the minimum delay expires.
                            m_PendingAutoSend = true;

                //now that we've dealt with auto-send, lets notify everyone else.
                LogMessageNotify?.Invoke(this, new LogMessageNotifyEventArgs(message));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Inheritors must override this method to implement their custom message writing functionality.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Code in this method is protected by a Queue Lock
        /// This method is called with the Message Dispatch thread exclusively.</remarks>
        protected override void OnWrite(IMessengerPacket packet, bool writeThrough, ref MaintenanceModeRequest maintenanceRequested)
            //Do we have a serializer opened?
            if (m_CurrentSerializer == null)
                //we do not.  we need to open a file.

            //now write to the file

            if (writeThrough)

            //and do we need to request maintenance?
            if (m_CurrentFile.Length > m_MaxFileSizeBytes)
                maintenanceRequested = MaintenanceModeRequest.Regular;
            else if (DateTime.Now > m_FileExpiration)
                maintenanceRequested = MaintenanceModeRequest.Regular;
Esempio n. 4
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public void Process(IMessengerPacket packet, ref bool cancel)
     if (_func != null)
             cancel = !_func(packet); //note we are inverting the boolean - most people think of functions returning true for success.
         catch (Exception ex)
         catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the actual package queuing and wait for it to be committed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This must be done within the message queue lock.  This method may return a null envelope if called
        /// on a thread which must not block and the packet had to be discarded due to an overflow condition.</remarks>
        /// <param name="packet">The packet to be queued</param>
        /// <param name="writeThrough">True if the call should block the current thread until the packet has been committed,
        /// false otherwise.</param>
        /// <returns>The packet envelope for the packet that was queued, or null if the packet was discarded.</returns>
        private PacketEnvelope QueuePacket(IMessengerPacket packet, bool writeThrough)
            //even though the packet might already have a timestamp that's preferable to ours, we're deciding we're the judge of order to ensure it aligns with sequence.
            packet.Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now; //we convert to UTC during serialization, we want local time.

            //wrap it in a packet envelope and indicate we're in write through mode.
            PacketEnvelope packetEnvelope = new PacketEnvelope(packet, writeThrough);

            //But what queue do we put the packet in?
            if ((m_MessageOverflowQueue.Count > 0) || (m_MessageQueue.Count > m_MessageQueueMaxLength))
                // We are currently using the overflow queue, so we'll put it there.
                // However, if we were called by a must-not-block thread, we want to discard overflow packets...
                // unless it's a command packet, which is too important to discard (it just won't wait on pending).
                if (t_ThreadMustNotBlock && !packetEnvelope.IsCommand)
                    packetEnvelope = null; // We won't queue this packet, so there's no envelope to hang onto.

                    //and set that it's pending so our caller knows they need to wait for it.
                    packetEnvelope.IsPending = true;
                //just queue the packet, we don't want to wait.

Esempio n. 6
        private void QueueToNotifier(IMessengerPacket packet)
            if (packet is LogMessagePacket message)
                if (m_AutoSendOnError)
                    //Do we have an error that should be sent?
                    if (m_PendingAutoSend || message.Severity <= LogMessageSeverity.Error)
                        //OK, but *can* we?  We don't want to go too often...
                        if (m_NextAutoSendAllowed < DateTimeOffset.UtcNow)
                                Task.Run(() => Log.SendSessions(SessionCriteria.ActiveSession, null, true));
                            catch (Exception)
                                //we never want to log this because we're in the middle of the publisher pipeline..
                            m_NextAutoSendAllowed = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(Notifier.DefaultSendDelay);
                            //We are holding this send until the minimum delay expires.
                            m_PendingAutoSend = true;

                //now that we've dealt with auto-send, lets notify everyone else.
                LogMessageNotify?.Invoke(this, new LogMessageNotifyEventArgs(message));
Esempio n. 7
        private void QueueToNotifier(IMessengerPacket packet)
            LogMessageNotifyEventHandler notifyEvent = LogMessageNotify;

            if (notifyEvent != null)
                notifyEvent(this, new LogMessageNotifyEventArgs(packet));
Esempio n. 8
 public void Process(IMessengerPacket packet, ref bool cancel)
     if (packet is LogMessagePacket logMessagePacket)
         logMessagePacket.Caption     = logMessagePacket.Caption?.Replace(_FindWord, _ReplaceWord);
         logMessagePacket.Description = logMessagePacket.Description?.Replace(_FindWord, _ReplaceWord);
         logMessagePacket.Details     = logMessagePacket.Details?.Replace(_FindWord, _ReplaceWord);
         if (logMessagePacket.HasException)
             foreach (var exception in logMessagePacket.Exceptions.Cast <ExceptionInfoPacket>())
                 exception.Message = exception.Message?.Replace(_FindWord, _ReplaceWord);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the provided packet to the client stream (synchronously)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        public void Write(IMessengerPacket packet)
            lock (m_Lock)
                if ((IsFailed) || (IsClosed))

                //we don't send across all types - just a few we understand.
                if (CanWritePacket(packet))
Esempio n. 10
        //public event EventHandler PacketCommitted;

        public PacketEnvelope(IMessengerPacket packet, bool writeThrough)
            m_Packet       = packet;
            m_WriteThrough = writeThrough;

            if (packet is CommandPacket)
                m_IsCommand = true;
                m_IsCommand = false;

            ICachedMessengerPacket cachedPacket = packet as ICachedMessengerPacket;

            if (cachedPacket != null)
                m_IsHeader = cachedPacket.IsHeader;
Esempio n. 11
        private void QueuePacket(IMessengerPacket messengerPacket)
            LogMessagePacket packet = messengerPacket as LogMessagePacket;

            if (packet == null || packet.SuppressNotification)

            if (packet.Severity > m_MinimumSeverity) // Severity compares in reverse.  Critical = 1, Verbose = 16.
                return;                              // Bail if this packet doesn't meet the minimum severity we care about.
            lock (m_MessageQueueLock)
                if (m_NotificationEvent == null) // Check for unsubscribe race condition.
                    return;                      // Don't add it to the queue if there are no subscribers.
                int messageQueueLength = m_MessageQueue.Count;
                if (messageQueueLength < m_MessageQueueMaxLength)
                    if (messageQueueLength <= 0)                         // First new one:  Wait for a burst to collect.
                        m_BurstCollectionWait = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; // Clear it so we'll reset the wait clock.

                    // If there were already messages in our queue, it's waiting on a timeout, so don't bother pulsing it.
                    // But if there were no messages in the queue, we need to make sure it's not waiting forever!
                    if (messageQueueLength <= 0 || DateTimeOffset.Now >= m_NextNotifyAfter)

Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Inheritors must override this method to implement their custom message writing functionality.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Code in this method is protected by a Queue Lock
        /// This method is called with the Message Dispatch thread exclusively.</remarks>
        protected override void OnWrite(IMessengerPacket packet, bool writeThrough, ref MaintenanceModeRequest maintenanceRequested)
            if (m_IsClosed) //we act like we're closed as soon as we receive exit mode, so we will still get writes after that.

            if (NetworkWriter.CanWritePacket(packet))
                lock (m_ActiveClients) //between caching and writing to the active clients we need to be consistent.
                    //queue it for later clients

                    //send the packet to all our clients
                    foreach (var activeClient in m_ActiveClients)
                            //if we run into a failed active client it's because it hasn't yet been pruned from the active list,
                            //so we need to go into maintenance
                            if ((activeClient.IsFailed) || (activeClient.IsClosed))
                                maintenanceRequested = MaintenanceModeRequest.Regular;
                        catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 13
        private void CachePacket(IMessengerPacket packet)
            // Make sure this is actually a message, not null.
            if (packet == null)
                Log.DebugBreak(); // This shouldn't happen, and we'd like to know if it is, so stop here if debugging.

                return;           // Otherwise, just return; we don't want to throw exceptions.

            lock (m_ActiveClients) //we are kept in sync with active client activity.
                if (m_BufferSize > 0)

                while (m_Buffer.Count > m_BufferSize)
                    m_Buffer.Dequeue(); //discard older excess.
Esempio n. 14
        private void StampPacket(IMessengerPacket packet, DateTimeOffset defaultTimeStamp)
            Debug.Assert(defaultTimeStamp.Ticks > 0);
            //we don't check dependencies on command packets, it'll fail (and they aren't written out)
            if ((packet is CommandPacket) == false)
                //check our dependent packets to see if they've been stamped.
                Dictionary <IPacket, IPacket> dependentPackets = GetRequiredPackets(packet);

                if ((dependentPackets != null) && (dependentPackets.Count > 0))
                    //we only have to check these packets, not their children because if they've been stamped, their children have.
                    foreach (IPacket dependentPacket in dependentPackets.Values)
                        IMessengerPacket dependentMessengerPacket = dependentPacket as IMessengerPacket;
                        if ((dependentMessengerPacket != null) &&
                            (dependentMessengerPacket.Sequence == 0) && //our quickest bail check - if it has a nonzero sequence it's definitely been stamped.
                            (dependentMessengerPacket.Timestamp.Ticks == 0))
                            //stamp this guy first, we depend on him and he's not been stamped.
                            StampPacket(dependentMessengerPacket, defaultTimeStamp);

            packet.Sequence = m_PacketSequence;
            m_PacketSequence++; //yeah, this could have been on the previous line.  but hey, this is really clear on order.

            //make sure we have a timestamp - if there isn't one use the default (which is the timestamp of the packet that depended on us or earlier)
            if (packet.Timestamp.Ticks == 0)
                packet.Timestamp = defaultTimeStamp;
Esempio n. 15
 public void Process(IMessengerPacket packet, ref bool cancel)
     Interlocked.Increment(ref _FilterRequests);
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Register the network writer to receive information and get it in sync with the current packet stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>If the network writer was previously activated then it will be re-activated.</remarks>
        internal void ActivateWriter(NetworkWriter writer, long sequenceOffset = 0)
            //dump the queue to it....
                if (!Log.SilentMode)
                    Log.Write(LogMessageSeverity.Verbose, LogCategory, "New remote network viewer connection starting", "We will process the connection attempt and feed it our buffered data.\r\nRemote Endpoint: {0}\r\nSequence Offset: {1:N0}", writer, sequenceOffset);
                lock (m_ActiveClients) //we can't have a gap between starting to dump the buffer and the buffer changing.
                    //write out every header packet to the stream
                    ICachedMessengerPacket[] headerPackets = HeaderPackets;
                    if (headerPackets != null)

                    var bufferContents = m_Buffer.ToArray();

                    if ((sequenceOffset > 0) && (bufferContents.Length > 0))
                        //they have all the packets up through the sequence offset so only later packets
                        if (bufferContents[0].Sequence > sequenceOffset)
                            //All of our packets qualify because even the first one is after our offset. So we just use bufferContents unmodified.
                        else if (bufferContents[bufferContents.Length - 1].Sequence <= sequenceOffset)
                            //*none* of our packets qualify, it's at the end of our buffer, so just clear it.
                            bufferContents = new IMessengerPacket[0];
                            //figure out exactly where in the buffer we should be.
                            int firstPacketOffset = 0;                                                                           //we know the zeroth packet should not be included because we checked that above.
                            for (int packetBufferIndex = bufferContents.Length - 2; packetBufferIndex >= 0; packetBufferIndex--) //we iterate backwards because if they have any offset they're likely close to current.
                                if (bufferContents[packetBufferIndex].Sequence <= sequenceOffset)
                                    //This is the first packet we should *skip* so the first offset to take is up one.
                                    firstPacketOffset = packetBufferIndex + 1;

                            var offsetBuffer = new IMessengerPacket[bufferContents.Length - firstPacketOffset];   //inclusive

                            //we've been trying unsuccessfully to isolate why we're getting an exception that the destination array isn't long enough.
                                Array.Copy(bufferContents, firstPacketOffset, offsetBuffer, 0, bufferContents.Length - firstPacketOffset);
                                bufferContents = offsetBuffer;
                            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                                Log.Write(LogMessageSeverity.Error, LogWriteMode.Queued, ex, false, LogCategory,
                                          "Unable to create offset buffer due to " + ex.GetType(),
                                          "Original Buffer Length: {0}\r\nFirst Packet Offset: {1}\r\nOffset Buffer Length: {2}", bufferContents.Length, firstPacketOffset, offsetBuffer.Length);

                    if (bufferContents.Length > 0)

                    //and mark it active if that succeeded
                    if (writer.IsFailed == false)
                        //note that it may have been previously registered so we need to be cautious about this.
                        if (m_ActiveClients.Contains(writer) == false)
                    //if it didn't succeed it should raise its failed event, and in turn we will eventually dispose it in due course.
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!Log.SilentMode)
                    Log.RecordException(0, ex, null, LogCategory, true);
Esempio n. 17
 internal PacketEventArgs(IMessengerPacket packet)
     m_Packet = packet;
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish the provided batch of packets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packetArray">An array of packets to publish as a batch.</param>
        /// <param name="writeThrough">True if the information contained in packet should be committed synchronously,
        /// false if the publisher can use write caching (when available).</param>
        public void Publish(IMessengerPacket[] packetArray, bool writeThrough)
            // Sanity-check the most likely no-op cases before we bother with the lock
            if (packetArray == null)

            // Check for nulls from the end to find the last valid packet.
            int count     = packetArray.Length;
            int lastIndex = count - 1;

            while (lastIndex >= 0 && packetArray[lastIndex] == null)

            if (lastIndex < 0)
                return; // An array of only null packets (or empty), just quick bail.  Don't bother with the lock.
            //resolve users...
            var        resolver  = m_PrincipalResolver;
            IPrincipal principal = null;

            if (resolver != null)
                //and set that user to each packet that wants to track the current user (and doesn't have one manually set)
                foreach (var packet in packetArray.AsEnumerable().OfType <IUserPacket>().Where(p => p.Principal == null))
                    //we only want to resolve the principal once per block, even if there are multiple messages.
                    if (principal == null)
                        //before we resolve the principal make sure our thread isn't *currently* trying to resolve a principal.
                        if (!t_ThreadMustNotResolvePrincipal)
                                t_ThreadMustNotResolvePrincipal = true;
                                var resolved = resolver.TryResolveCurrentPrincipal(out principal);
                                if (resolved == false)
                                    principal = null;                    //in case they broke the contract..
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                t_ThreadMustNotResolvePrincipal = false;

                        if (principal == null)
                            break; //no point in keeping trying if we filed to resolve the principal..
                    packet.Principal = principal;

            PacketEnvelope lastPacketEnvelope = null;

            bool effectiveWriteThrough;
            bool isPending;
            int  queuedCount = 0;

            // Get the queue lock.
            lock (m_MessageQueueLock)
                if (m_Shutdown) // If we're already shut down, just bail.  We'll never process it anyway.

                // Check to see if either the overall force write through or the local write through are set...
                // or if we are in ExitingMode.  In those cases, we'll want to block until the packet is committed.
                effectiveWriteThrough = (m_ForceWriteThrough || writeThrough || m_ExitingMode);
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    IMessengerPacket packet = packetArray[i];

                    // We have to double-check each element for null, or QueuePacket() would barf on it.
                    if (packet != null)
                        // We have a real packet, so queue it.  Only WriteThrough for the last packet, to flush the rest.
                        PacketEnvelope packetEnvelope = QueuePacket(packet, effectiveWriteThrough && i >= lastIndex);

                        // If a null is returned, the packet wasn't queued, so don't overwrite lastPacketEnvelope.
                        if (packetEnvelope != null)
                            lastPacketEnvelope = packetEnvelope; // Keep track of the last one queued.

                            if (!m_ExitMode && packetEnvelope.IsCommand)
                                CommandPacket commandPacket = (CommandPacket)packet;
                                if (commandPacket.Command == MessagingCommand.ExitMode)
                                    // Once we *receive* an ExitMode command, all subsequent messages queued
                                    // need to block, to make sure the process stays alive for any final logging
                                    // foreground threads might have.  We will be switching the Publisher to a
                                    // background thread when we process the ExitMode command so we don't hold
                                    // up the process beyond its own foreground threads.
                                    m_ExitingMode = true; // Force writeThrough blocking from now on.

                                    // Set the ending status, if it needs to be (probably won't).
                                    SessionStatus endingStatus = (SessionStatus)commandPacket.State;
                                    if (m_SessionSummary.Status < endingStatus)
                                        m_SessionSummary.Status = endingStatus;

                if (effectiveWriteThrough && t_ThreadMustNotBlock == false && queuedCount > 0 &&
                    (lastPacketEnvelope == null || ReferenceEquals(lastPacketEnvelope.Packet, packetArray[lastIndex]) == false))
                    // The expected WriteThrough packet got dropped because of overflow?  But we still need to block until
                    // those queued have completed, so issue a specific Flush command packet, which should not get dropped.
                    CommandPacket  flushPacket   = new CommandPacket(MessagingCommand.Flush);
                    PacketEnvelope flushEnvelope = QueuePacket(flushPacket, true);
                    if (flushEnvelope != null)
                        lastPacketEnvelope = flushEnvelope;

                // Grab the pending flag before we release the lock so we know we have a consistent view.
                // If we didn't queue any packets then lastPacketEnvelope will be null and there's nothing to be pending.
                isPending = (lastPacketEnvelope == null) ? false : lastPacketEnvelope.IsPending;

                // Now signal our next thread that might be waiting that the lock will be released.

            // Make sure our dispatch thread is still going.  This has its own independent locking (when necessary),
            // so we don't need to hold up other threads that are publishing.

            if (lastPacketEnvelope == null || t_ThreadMustNotBlock)
                // If we had no actual packets queued (e.g. shutdown, or no packets to queue), there's nothing to wait on.
                // Also, special case for must-not-block threads.  Once it's on the queue (or not), don't wait further.
                // We need the thread to get back to processing stuff off the queue or we're deadlocked!

            // See if we need to wait because we've degraded to synchronous message handling due to a backlog of messages
            if (isPending)
                // This routine does its own locking so we don't need to interfere with the nominal case of
                // not needing to pend.

            // Finally, if we need to wait on the write to complete now we want to stall.  We had to do this outside of
            // the message queue lock to ensure we don't block other threads.
            if (effectiveWriteThrough)
 internal LogMessageNotifyEventArgs(IMessengerPacket packet)
     Packet = packet;