Esempio n. 1

        private List <RAMFactoredEndReactions> ReadBeamEndReactions(List <string> ids = null)
            List <RAMFactoredEndReactions> barEndReactions = new List <RAMFactoredEndReactions>();

            IModel ramModel = m_Application.GetDispInterfacePointerByEnum(EINTERFACES.IModel_INT);

            List <IBeam> ramBeams = ReadRamBeams(ramModel);

            foreach (IBeam beam in ramBeams)
                IAnalyticalResult result = beam.GetAnalyticalResult();
                IMemberForces     forces = result.GetMaximumComboReactions(COMBO_MATERIAL_TYPE.GRAV_STEEL);

                RAMFactoredEndReactions bhomEndReactions = new RAMFactoredEndReactions()
                    ObjectId      = beam.lUID,
                    StartReaction = forces.GetAt(0).ToBHoMObject(),
                    EndReaction   = forces.GetAt(1).ToBHoMObject(),


Esempio n. 2

        public static Node ToBHoMObject(this INode ramNode)
            // Get the location of the node
            SCoordinate location = new SCoordinate();

            location = ramNode.sLocation;

            Node node = new Node {
                Position = location.PointFromRAM()

            IMemberForces IMemberForces = ramNode.GetReactions();

            // Collect all member forces at node, tracked by index; should these be combined?
            for (int i = 0; i < IMemberForces.GetCount(); i++)
                RAMNodeForceData ramNodeForceData = new RAMNodeForceData();

                IMemberForce IMemberForce = IMemberForces.GetAt(i);
                double       axial        = IMemberForce.dAxial;
                double       loc          = IMemberForce.dLocation;
                double       momMaj       = IMemberForce.dMomentMajor;
                double       momMin       = IMemberForce.dMomentMinor;
                double       shearMaj     = IMemberForce.dShearMajor;
                double       shearMin     = IMemberForce.dShearMinor;
                double       torsion      = IMemberForce.dTorsion;
                string       loadcaseID   = IMemberForce.lLoadCaseID.ToString();

                //Set by member number--is there a way to do this in nested lists instead?
                ramNodeForceData.Axial      = axial;
                ramNodeForceData.Location   = loc;
                ramNodeForceData.MomMaj     = momMaj;
                ramNodeForceData.MomMin     = momMin;
                ramNodeForceData.ShearMaj   = shearMaj;
                ramNodeForceData.ShearMin   = shearMin;
                ramNodeForceData.Torsion    = torsion;
                ramNodeForceData.LoadcaseID = loadcaseID;


Esempio n. 3

        public static Bar ToBHoMObject(this IBeam ramBeam, ILayoutBeam ramLayoutBeam, double dElevation)
            // Get coordinates from IBeam
            SCoordinate startPt = new SCoordinate();
            SCoordinate endPt   = new SCoordinate();

            ramBeam.GetCoordinates(EBeamCoordLoc.eBeamEnds, ref startPt, ref endPt);
            Node startNode = new Node {
                Position = startPt.PointFromRAM()
            Node endNode = new Node {
                Position = endPt.PointFromRAM()

            //Assign section property per bar
            string sectionName = ramBeam.strSectionLabel;

            ISectionProperty sectionProperty = ToBHoMSection(ramBeam);

            // Create bars with section properties
            Bar bhomBar = new Bar {
                StartNode = startNode, EndNode = endNode, SectionProperty = sectionProperty, Name = sectionName

            // Set Properties
            bhomBar.OrientationAngle = 0;

            // Unique RAM ID
            RAMId RAMId = new RAMId();

            RAMId.Id = ramBeam.lUID;

            RAMFrameData ramFrameData = new RAMFrameData();

            ramFrameData.FrameNumber      = ramBeam.lLabel;
            ramFrameData.StartCantilever  = ramBeam.dStartCantilever.FromInch();
            ramFrameData.EndCantilever    = ramBeam.dEndCantilever.FromInch();
            ramFrameData.IsStubCantilever = (ramLayoutBeam.IsStubCantilever() == 1);
            ramFrameData.FrameType        = ramBeam.eFramingType.ToString();
            ramFrameData.Material         = ramBeam.eMaterial.ToString();


            // Get Steel beam results
            ISteelBeamDesignResult Result = ramBeam.GetSteelDesignResult();
            DAArray ppalNumStuds          = Result.GetNumStudsInSegments();

            int numStudSegments = new int();

            ppalNumStuds.GetSize(ref numStudSegments);
            double camber    = ramBeam.dCamber;
            int    studCount = 0;

            IAnalyticalResult   AnalyticalResult = ramBeam.GetAnalyticalResult();
            IMemberForces       IMemberForces    = AnalyticalResult.GetMaximumComboReactions(Steel_Grav);

            //Add studs to custom Data by total stud count only
            for (int i = 0; i < numStudSegments; i++)
                var segStudCount = new object();
                ppalNumStuds.GetAt(i, ref segStudCount);
                string segStudStr = segStudCount.ToString();
                int    segStudNum = System.Convert.ToInt16(segStudStr);
                studCount         += segStudNum;
                ramFrameData.Studs = studCount;

            // Add camber to Custom Data
            if (camber > Double.MinValue)
                ramFrameData.Camber = camber.FromInch();

            // Translate RAM Releases to BHoM Releases (in progress; logic not yet complete since it is difficult map Maj/Min axes to global XYZ axes for every member)
            // May be better to just do in custom data, although if we can do this mapping it may be useful
            bhomBar.Release = new BarRelease();
            bhomBar.Release.StartRelease           = new Constraint6DOF();
            bhomBar.Release.EndRelease             = new Constraint6DOF();
            bhomBar.Release.StartRelease.RotationX = new DOFType();
            bhomBar.Release.EndRelease.RotationX   = new DOFType();
            bhomBar.Release.StartRelease.RotationY = new DOFType();
            bhomBar.Release.EndRelease.RotationY   = new DOFType();

            if (ramBeam.bMajAxisBendFixedStart == 1)
                bhomBar.Release.StartRelease.RotationX = DOFType.Fixed;
                bhomBar.Release.StartRelease.RotationX = DOFType.Free;
            if (ramBeam.bMajAxisBendFixedEnd == 1)
                bhomBar.Release.EndRelease.RotationX = DOFType.Fixed;
                bhomBar.Release.EndRelease.RotationX = DOFType.Free;
            if (ramBeam.bMinAxisBendFixedStart == 1)
                bhomBar.Release.StartRelease.RotationY = DOFType.Fixed;
                bhomBar.Release.StartRelease.RotationY = DOFType.Free;
            if (ramBeam.bMinAxisBendFixedEnd == 1)
                bhomBar.Release.EndRelease.RotationY = DOFType.Fixed;
                bhomBar.Release.EndRelease.RotationY = DOFType.Free;

            double DCI = Result.dDesignCapacityInteraction;
            double CDI = Result.dCriticalDeflectionInteraction;

            // Add DCI and CDI data
            ramFrameData.DesignCapacityInteraction     = DCI;
            ramFrameData.CriticalDeflectionInteraction = CDI;

