public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { string Response = await DS.GetAsync("AboutUs/GetAboutUsPageInfo"); Info = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AboutUsPageInfo>(Response); IMTS.setParams("", "article", "About Us", "The All Ports Open Network Crew", ""); return(Page()); }
private void SetSeriesPageIMTS() { StartingIndex = -1; try { IMTS.setParams("" + SeriesName, "article", SPD.Series.Name, "The " + SPD.Series.Name + " podcast", SPD.Series.ImageURL); }catch (Exception ex) { } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { Series = await SeriesService.GetSeriesList(false); IMTS.setParams("", "article", "Our Shows", "The All Ports Open Network Podcasts", ""); string response = await DS.GetAsync("Streaming/GetChannels"); Channels = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <StreamChannel> >(response); return(Page()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { string Response = await DS.GetAsync("News/GetQuickNews/" + id); NewsInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <QuickNewsInfo>(Response); IMTS.setParams("" + NewsInfo.QuickNews.QuickNewsID, "article", NewsInfo.QuickNews.Headline, NewsInfo.QuickNews.ShortDescription, NewsInfo.QuickNews.ImageURL); return(Page()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { string response = await DS.GetAsync("feed/GetActiveFeeds"); Feeds = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <RSSFeed> >(response); IMTS.setParams("", "article", "News", "News and RSS Feeds", ""); response = await DS.GetAsync("News/GetQuickNewsList"); News = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <QuickNews> >(response); return(Page()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { IMTS.setParams("", "website", "The All Ports Open Network", "A Podcast Network for Geeks", ""); if (SplashNews == null) { var result = await DS.GetAsync("SplashNews/GetThree"); FPI = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FrontPageInfo>(result); } ViewData["SplashNews"] = FPI.SplashNews; SeriesList = await SeriesService.GetSeriesList(false); return(Page()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { string result = await DS.GetAsync("Streaming/GetStreamSeries/" + id); SCRO = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StreamSeriesReturnObject>(result); if (SCRO.Series != null) { IMTS.setParams("" + id, "article", SCRO.Series.Title, SCRO.Series.Description, SCRO.Series.ImageURL); return(Page()); } else { { return(RedirectToPage("Podcasts")); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { if (FeatureID == 0) { return(Page()); } CurrentUserID = myAuthService.getUser().UserID; string response = await DS.GetAsync("News/GetNewsItemWTags/" + FeatureID); Feature = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <NewsWithTags>(response); // Feature.News.LongText = Feature.News.LongText.Replace("<img", "<img style='width:100%'"); IMTS.setParams("" + Feature.News.NewsID, "article", Feature.News.Headline, Feature.News.Text, Feature.News.ImageURL); return(Page()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { string Response = await DS.GetAsync("cast/GetCastForStreamSeries_TypeSafe/" + SeriesID); CastList = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StreamCastWithSocialMedia>(Response); string SeriesResponse = await DS.GetAsync("streaming/GetStreamSeries/" + SeriesID); StreamSeries = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StreamSeriesReturnObject>(SeriesResponse); IMTS.setParams("" + SeriesID, "article", "Cast for " + StreamSeries.Series.Title, "Cast for the " + StreamSeries.Series.Title + " stream", StreamSeries.Series.ImageURL); return(Page()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { string Response = await DS.GetAsync("cast/GetCastForSeries_TypeSafe/" + SeriesID); CastList = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CastWithSocialMedia>(Response); string SeriesResponse = await DS.GetAsync("series/" + SeriesID); series = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <APONCoreLibrary.Models.Series>(SeriesResponse); IMTS.setParams("" + SeriesID, "article", "Cast for " + series.Name, "Cast for the " + series.Name + " podcast", series.ImageURL); return(Page()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { id = id.ToUpper(); string result = await DS.GetAsync("Streaming/GetChannel/" + id); SCRO = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StreamChannelReturnObject>(result); if (SCRO.Channel != null) { IMTS.setParams("" + SCRO.Channel.NavLinkName, "article", SCRO.Channel.Name, SCRO.Channel.Description, SCRO.Channel.ImageURL); return(Page()); } else { return(RedirectToPage("Podcasts")); } }
public void OnGet() { IMTS.setParams("", "website", "Login", "Login Page", ""); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { string result = ""; result = await DS.GetAsync("Episodes/GetEpisodeRedirect/" + EpisodeID); SimpleResponse SR = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SimpleResponse>(result); return(Redirect(SR.Response)); if (EpisodeID == 0) { return(Page()); } try { result = await DS.GetAsync("Episodes/GetEpisodePageData/" + EpisodeID); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("404")) { Response.Redirect("/"); Episode = new Episode(); Episode.Title = "No Episode Found"; Episode.EpisodeID = -1; return(Page()); } } EpisodeData = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EpisodePageData>(result); if (EpisodeData.EpWithTag.episode.Local) { FileURL = "" + EpisodeData.Series.Folder + EpisodeData.EpWithTag.episode.FileURL; } else { FileURL = EpisodeData.EpWithTag.episode.FileURL; } // IMTS.setParams("" + EpisodeData.EpWithTag.episode.EpisodeID, "article", EpisodeData.Series.Name + " Podcast " + EpisodeData.EpWithTag.episode.Title, EpisodeData.EpWithTag.episode.Description, EpisodeData.EpWithTag.episode.EpImageURL); Episode = EpisodeData.EpWithTag.episode; Tags = EpisodeData.EpWithTag.tags; SeriesName = EpisodeData.Series.Name; Author = EpisodeData.Author; //TODO: add current user ID to forum post page and compare with forum post info fvm = new Shared._ForumViewModel(); fvm.Forum = EpisodeData.Forum; fvm.ForumLUI = EpisodeData.ForumLUI; fvm.Posts = new List <_Forum__PostModel>(); foreach (ForumPostInfo fpi in EpisodeData.Posts) { fpi.CurrentUserID = myAuthService.getUserID(); _Forum__PostModel f = new _Forum__PostModel(fpi, myAuthService.getUserID()); fvm.Posts.Add(f); } CurrentUserID = myAuthService.getUserID(); fvm.CurrentUserID = myAuthService.getUserID(); fvm.ShowTop = false; metaData md = new metaData(); md.description = Episode.Description; md.image = Episode.EpImageURL; md.title = Episode.Title; md.type = "article"; md.URL = "" + Episode.EpisodeID; epSeries = await SS.GetSeriesByID(Episode.SeriesID); return(Page()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { SubseriesIndex = -1; UnknownPath = false; //If someone puts a number or subseries in that is unknown //Get the Series information as well as episodes information. string result = await DS.GetAsync("Series/GetSeriesPageByName/" + SeriesName); try { SPD = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SeriesPageData>(result); } catch (Exception e) { return(Redirect(Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString())); } if (SPD.Series == null) { return(RedirectToPage("/Index")); } if (LinkID != null) { //Is episode or subseries try { EpisodeID = int.Parse(LinkID); } catch (Exception ex) { EpisodeID = 0; if (LinkID != "") { SubseriesName = LinkID.ToLower(); for (int i = 0; i < SPD.SeriesLinks.Count; i++) { if (SPD.SeriesLinks[i].LinkName.ToLower() == SubseriesName) { SubseriesIndex = i; break; } } SeriesLinkInfo sl = SPD.SeriesLinks.Where(x => x.LinkName.ToLower() == SubseriesName.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault(); if (sl == null) { UnknownPath = true; SetSeriesPageIMTS(); } else { IMTS.setParams("" + SeriesName + "/" + SubseriesName, "article", SPD.Series.Name + " Podcast " + sl.Link.Headline, sl.Link.Description, sl.Link.ImgURL); } } } bool episodeFound = false; if (EpisodeID != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < SPD.Episodes.Count; i++) { if (SPD.Episodes[i].episode.EpisodeID == EpisodeID) { StartingIndex = i; IMTS.setParams("" + SeriesName + "/" + EpisodeID, "article", SPD.Series.Name + " Podcast " + SPD.Episodes[i].episode.Title, SPD.Episodes[i].episode.Description, SPD.Episodes[i].episode.EpImageURL); episodeFound = true; break; } } if (!episodeFound) { UnknownPath = true; SetSeriesPageIMTS(); } } } else { //No episode or subseries selected SetSeriesPageIMTS(); } //Figure out Paging, return(Page()); }