Esempio n. 1
        public static bool CheckExisting(IMSDataEntities model, string column, string value)
            Status = false;

Esempio n. 2
        public async Task Invoke(IDictionary <string, object> environment)
//            Debug.WriteLine("Begin Request");
            var url         = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath;
            var acceptedUrl = "";

            if (url == "/")
                acceptedUrl = "Dashboard";
                var unProcessedUrl = url.TrimStart('/').TrimEnd('/');
                var processedUrl   = unProcessedUrl.Split('/');
                acceptedUrl = processedUrl[0];
                if (acceptedUrl != "__browserLink" || acceptedUrl != "Account" || acceptedUrl != "Error")
                    using (IMSDataEntities db = new IMSDataEntities())
                        var menuName = db.Menus.Where(x => x.Controller == acceptedUrl && x.Action == "Index");
                        if (menuName.Any())
//                            Debug.WriteLine("anuthorised");
                            var id          = menuName.First().Id;
                            var permissions = db.UserRoleAllocations.Where(x => x.RoleId == Library.UserRole)
                                              .Select(x => x.MenuId);
                            if (!permissions.Contains(id))
                                UrlHelper u = new UrlHelper(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext);

                                var redUrl = u.Action("NotFound", "Error");
//                                HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers.Set("Location", redUrl);

            await next.Invoke(environment);
Esempio n. 3
        public void AssignRole(long roleId, long menuId, long parentId, string cruds)
            var context = new IMSDataEntities();

            var count = context.UserRoleAllocations.Where(x => x.RoleId == roleId && x.MenuId == menuId);

            if (!count.Any())

                    new UserRoleAllocation
                    MenuId      = menuId,
                    RoleId      = roleId,
                    ParentId    = parentId,
                    CrudActions = cruds
Esempio n. 4
        public static bool Status(string check = null)
//            bool status = false;
            if (check != null)
                // create a new instance of the db context
                var db = new IMSDataEntities();

                //first get the logged in user
                var userId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId <int>();

                //with the user id get the role which the user belongs to
                var userRoleId = db.UserRoles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userId);
                if (userRoleId == null)
                    return(status = false);

                    //now store the role id to use it below
                    var roleId = userRoleId.RoleId;

                    //below we get the current request so that we get the menu id and check whether it has the crud permissions that we need
                    var currentUrl = Path.GetFileName(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath);

                    //format the url to obtain both the controller name and the name of the menu
                    var formattedUrl = currentUrl.TrimStart(new[] { ' ', '/' }).TrimEnd(new[] { ' ', '/' });
                    var urls         = formattedUrl.Split(new char[] { '/' });
                    if (urls.Length > 1)
                        Controller = urls[0];
                        Action     = urls[1];
                        Controller = formattedUrl;
                        Action     = "Index";

                    //now we can get the id of the menu using the contoller and the action name as well
                    var menuId = db.Menus.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Controller == Controller && x.Action == Action);
                    if (menuId == null)
                        status = false;
                        //store the id of the menu
                        var currentMenuId = menuId.Id;

                        //by the look of things, its now clear that we can be able to get the crud actions that are assigned to this menu item since we have
                        // the menu id, and the role id... perfect,right?
                        var allocatedCrudActions =
                            db.UserRoleAllocations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MenuId == currentMenuId && x.RoleId == roleId);
                        if (allocatedCrudActions == null || allocatedCrudActions.CrudActions == null)
                            status = false;
                            //first we get the id of the action the user is trying to access from the view, can either be add, edit or delete.
                            //the action should be passed as a parameter when the function is called
                            var currentActionId = db.CrudActions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ActionCode == check);
                            if (currentActionId == null)
                                status = false;
                                var crudId = currentActionId.Id;
                                //now we format the crud actions and and strip them into an array
                                var allocatedActions = allocatedCrudActions.CrudActions;
                                var formattedCrud    = allocatedActions.Trim(new[] { '{', '}' }).TrimStart().TrimEnd(new char[] { ',', ' ' });

                                //now get the allocated crud actions as an array
                                var finalCrudActions = formattedCrud.Split(new char[] { ',' });

                                //check whether the requested permission exists in the final array
                                if (finalCrudActions.Contains(crudId.ToString()))
                                    status = true;
                                    status = false;
            Debug.WriteLine("status " + status);