private void Init(PrepareScreen prepareScreen) { gradient = CreateChild <UguiSprite>("gradient", 0); { gradient.Anchor = AnchorType.Fill; gradient.RawSize =; gradient.SpriteName = "gradation-top"; gradient.Color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.75f); } listContainer = CreateChild <UguiObject>("list-container", 1); { listContainer.Anchor = AnchorType.TopStretch; listContainer.Pivot = PivotType.Top; listContainer.RawWidth = 0f; listContainer.Height = 64f; listContainer.Y = -prepareScreen.MenuBarHeight; versionList = listContainer.CreateChild <UguiListView>("version-list", 0); { versionList.Anchor = AnchorType.Fill; versionList.RawSize = new Vector2(-64f, 0f); versionList.SetOffsetVertical(0f); versionList.Background.Alpha = 0f; versionList.UseMask = false; versionList.IsVertical = false; versionList.Initialize(CreateVersionCell, SetupVersionCell); versionList.Axis = GridLayoutGroup.Axis.Horizontal; versionList.CellSize = new Vector2(64f, 64f); } } // Call after a frame due to unity ui limitations. InvokeAfterFrames(1, OnEnableInited); }
private void Init() { // Make the menu fit within the parent's object. Anchor = AnchorType.Fill; Offset = Offset.Zero; var blocker = CreateChild <Blocker>("blocker", 0); { blocker.OnTriggered += CloseMenu; } holder = CreateChild("holder", 1); { holder.Size = new Vector2(ContainerWidth, 0f); aniHolder = holder.CreateChild("ani-holder", 0); { aniHolder.Anchor = AnchorType.Fill; aniHolder.Offset = Offset.Zero; canvasGroup = aniHolder.RawObject.AddComponent <CanvasGroup>(); canvasGroup.alpha = 0f; shadow = aniHolder.CreateChild <UguiSprite>("shadow", 0); { shadow.Anchor = AnchorType.Fill; shadow.Offset = new Offset(-7f); shadow.SpriteName = "glow-circle-16"; shadow.ImageType = Image.Type.Sliced; shadow.Color =; } listContainer = aniHolder.CreateChild <UguiListView>("list", 1); { listContainer.Anchor = AnchorType.Fill; listContainer.Offset = Offset.Zero; listContainer.Background.SpriteName = "circle-16"; listContainer.Background.ImageType = Image.Type.Sliced; listContainer.Background.Color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.75f); listContainer.Initialize(OnCreateMenuItem, OnUpdateMenuItem); listContainer.CellSize = ItemSize; listContainer.Corner = GridLayoutGroup.Corner.UpperLeft; listContainer.Axis = GridLayoutGroup.Axis.Vertical; } } } showAni = new Anime(); showAni.AddEvent(0f, () => Active = true); showAni.AnimateFloat(a => canvasGroup.alpha = a) .AddTime(0f, () => canvasGroup.alpha) .AddTime(0.25f, 1f) .Build(); showAni.AnimateFloat(y => aniHolder.Y = y) .AddTime(0f, MoveAniAmount, EaseType.QuadEaseOut) .AddTime(0.25f, 0f) .Build(); hideAni = new Anime(); hideAni.AnimateFloat(a => canvasGroup.alpha = a) .AddTime(0f, () => canvasGroup.alpha) .AddTime(0.25f, 0f) .Build(); hideAni.AnimateFloat(y => aniHolder.Y = y) .AddTime(0f, 0f, EaseType.QuadEaseOut) .AddTime(0.25f, MoveAniAmount) .Build(); hideAni.AddEvent(hideAni.Duration, () => { OnHidden?.Invoke(this); Active = false; }); }