Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method called when the add-in is run.
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute(IDesignContext context)
            // This example code places some new objects from the Standard Library into the active model of the project.
            if (context.ActiveModel != null)
                // Example of how to place some new fixed objects into the active model.
                // This example code places three new fixed objects: a Source, a Server, and a Sink.
                IIntelligentObjects intelligentObjects = context.ActiveModel.Facility.IntelligentObjects;
                IFixedObject        sourceObject       = intelligentObjects.CreateObject("Source", new FacilityLocation(-10, 0, -10)) as IFixedObject;
                IFixedObject        serverObject       = intelligentObjects.CreateObject("Server", new FacilityLocation(0, 0, 0)) as IFixedObject;
                IFixedObject        sinkObject         = intelligentObjects.CreateObject("Sink", new FacilityLocation(10, 0, 10)) as IFixedObject;

                // Example of how to place some new link objects into the active model (to add network paths between nodes).
                // This example code places two new link objects: a Path connecting the Source 'output' node to the Server 'input' node,
                // and a Path connecting the Server 'output' node to the Sink 'input' node.
                INodeObject sourceOutputNode = sourceObject.Nodes[0];
                INodeObject serverInputNode  = serverObject.Nodes[0];
                INodeObject serverOutputNode = serverObject.Nodes[1];
                INodeObject sinkInputNode    = sinkObject.Nodes[0];
                ILinkObject pathObject1      = intelligentObjects.CreateLink("Path", sourceOutputNode, serverInputNode, null) as ILinkObject;
                ILinkObject pathObject2      = intelligentObjects.CreateLink("Path", serverOutputNode, sinkInputNode, null) as ILinkObject;

                // Example of how to edit the property of an object.
                // This example code edits the 'ProcessingTime' property of the added Server object.
                serverObject.Properties["ProcessingTime"].Value = "100";
        private static Uri ResolveDocumentationUri(ILinkObject link, string rel)
            var template = new UriTemplate(link.Href.ToString());

            template.SetParameter("rel", rel);

            return new Uri(template.Resolve());
        private static Uri ResolveDocumentationUri(ILinkObject link, string rel)
            var template = new UriTemplate(link.Href.ToString());

            template.SetParameter("rel", rel);

            return(new Uri(template.Resolve()));
Esempio n. 4
 public static ILinkObject ParseLinkObject(ILinkObject link, Dictionary <string, string> parameters)
     if (parameters.Count > 0)
         var resolvedLink = link.ResolveTemplated((UriTemplate x) =>
             foreach (var keyValue in parameters)
                 x.AddParameter(keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Method called when the add-in is run.
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute(IDesignContext context)
            var warnings = new List <String>();

            // This example code places some new objects from the Standard Library into the active model of the project.
            if (context.ActiveModel != null)
                IIntelligentObjects intelligentObjects = context.ActiveModel.Facility.IntelligentObjects;
                IFixedObject        bed          = intelligentObjects.CreateObject("Bed", new FacilityLocation(0, 0, 0)) as IFixedObject;
                IFixedObject        sourceObject = intelligentObjects.CreateObject("Source", new FacilityLocation(-10, 0, -10)) as IFixedObject;
                IFixedObject        serverObject = intelligentObjects.CreateObject("Server", new FacilityLocation(0, 0, 0)) as IFixedObject;
                IFixedObject        sinkObject   = intelligentObjects.CreateObject("Sink", new FacilityLocation(10, 0, 10)) as IFixedObject;
                IEntityInstanceReferencePropertyDefinition modelentitiy = intelligentObjects.CreateObject("Patient", new FacilityLocation(-20, 0, -10))
                                                                          as IEntityInstanceReferencePropertyDefinition;
                ITransporterInstanceReferencePropertyDefinition regnurse = intelligentObjects.CreateObject("Worker", new FacilityLocation(-30, 0, -30))
                                                                           as ITransporterInstanceReferencePropertyDefinition;
                //var RNurseName = context.ActiveModel.Facility.IntelligentObjects["Worker1"];
                //RNurseName.Properties["Name"].Value = "RegularNurse";
                //var modelentitiy = context.ActiveModel.Facility.IntelligentObjects["Patient"];
                // Example of how to place some new link objects into the active model (to add network paths between nodes).
                // This example code places two new link objects: a Path connecting the Source 'output' node to the Server 'input' node,
                // and a Path connecting the Server 'output' node to the Sink 'input' node.
                INodeObject sourceOutputNode = sourceObject.Nodes[0];
                INodeObject serverInputNode  = serverObject.Nodes[0];
                INodeObject serverOutputNode = serverObject.Nodes[1];
                INodeObject sinkInputNode    = sinkObject.Nodes[0];
                INodeObject bedinputnode     = bed.Nodes[0];
                INodeObject bedoutputnode    = bed.Nodes[1];
                ILinkObject pathObject1      = intelligentObjects.CreateLink("Path", sourceOutputNode, serverInputNode, null) as ILinkObject;
                ILinkObject pathObject2      = intelligentObjects.CreateLink("Path", serverOutputNode, bedinputnode, null) as ILinkObject;
                ILinkObject pathObject3      = intelligentObjects.CreateLink("Path", bedoutputnode, sinkInputNode, null) as ILinkObject;

                // Example of how to edit the property of an object.
                // This example code edits the 'ProcessingTime' property of the added Server object.
                serverObject.Properties["ProcessingTime"].Value = "0";
                sourceObject.Properties["EntityType"].Value     = "Patient1";
                var defaultEntity = context.ActiveModel.Facility.IntelligentObjects["Patient1"];

                defaultEntity.Properties["RegNurseCheckTime"].Value       = "HospitalData.RNRounding";
                defaultEntity.Properties["TherapistCheckTime"].Value      = "HospitalData.TherapistRounding";
                defaultEntity.Properties["AssistantNurseCheckTime"].Value = "HospitalData.ANRounding";
                defaultEntity.Properties["BedStayTime"].Value             = "HospitalData.BedStayTime";
                defaultEntity.Properties["TherapistVisitTime"].Value      = "HospitalData.TherapistVisitTime";
                defaultEntity.Properties["RegNurseVisitTime"].Value       = "HospitalData.RegNurseVisitTime";
                defaultEntity.Properties["AssistantNurseNextVisit"].Value = "HospitalData.AssistantNurseNextVisit";
                ITable entitydatatable = context.ActiveModel.Tables.Create("HospitalData");
                var    i            = entitydatatable.Columns.AddEntityReferenceColumn("PatientTypes");
                var    mix          = entitydatatable.Columns.AddRealColumn("Mix", 0.0);
                var    admisiontime = entitydatatable.Columns.AddExpressionColumn("AdmissionTime", "0.0");
                (admisiontime as IUnitizedTableColumn).UnitType = SimioUnitType.Time;
                var rnrounding        = entitydatatable.Columns.AddExpressionColumn("RNRounding", "0.0");
                var nurserounding     = entitydatatable.Columns.AddExpressionColumn("ANRounding", "0.0");
                var therapistrounding = entitydatatable.Columns.AddExpressionColumn("TherapistRounding", "0.0");
                var bedtime           = entitydatatable.Columns.AddExpressionColumn("BedStayTime", "0.0");
                var RVisitTime        = entitydatatable.Columns.AddExpressionColumn("RegNurseVisitTime", "0.0");
                var TVisitTime        = entitydatatable.Columns.AddExpressionColumn("TherapistVisitTime", "0.0");
                var AVisitTime        = entitydatatable.Columns.AddExpressionColumn("AssistantNurseNextVisit", "0.0");
                //Add Resource Type List

                var resourceType = context.ActiveModel.NamedLists["ResourceType"];
                if (resourceType != null)
                    resourceType = context.ActiveModel.NamedLists.AddObjectList("ResourceType");
                    var firstRow = resourceType.Rows.Create();
                    firstRow.Properties[0].Value = "Source";
                    var secondRow = resourceType.Rows.Create();
                    secondRow.Properties[0].Value = "Server";
                    var thirdRow = resourceType.Rows.Create();
                    thirdRow.Properties[0].Value = "Patient";
                    var fourthRow = resourceType.Rows.Create();
                    fourthRow.Properties[0].Value = "RegNurse";
                    var fifthRow = resourceType.Rows.Create();
                    fifthRow.Properties[0].Value = "Therapist";
                    var sixthrow = resourceType.Rows.Create();
                    sixthrow.Properties[0].Value = "Ass.Nurse";
                    var seventhRow = resourceType.Rows.Create();
                    seventhRow.Properties[0].Value = "Sink";
                    var eigthRow = resourceType.Rows.Create();
                    eigthRow.Properties[0].Value = "Bed";
                    var ninthRow = resourceType.Rows.Create();
                    ninthRow.Properties[0].Value = "Worker";
                //Adding Resource Table
                ITable resourceTable = context.ActiveModel.Tables["Resources"];
                if (resourceTable != null)
                    resourceTable = context.ActiveModel.Tables.Create("Resources");
                    var j = resourceTable.Columns.AddObjectReferenceColumn("ResourceName");
                    j.FilterToResources = false;
                    j.IsKey             = true;
                    var resourceTypes = resourceTable.Columns.AddListReferenceColumn("ResourceType");
                    resourceTypes.ListName      = ("ResourceType");
                    resourceTypes.DefaultString = ("Bed");
                ITable link = context.ActiveModel.Tables["LinkBetweenResources"];
                if (link != null)
                //var modelentity1 = context.ActiveModel.Facility.IntelligentObjects["Patient"];

                //modelentity1.Properties["BedStayTime"].Value = "5";

Esempio n. 6
 public Uri GetUri(ILinkObject linkObject)
     return(new Uri(Address + linkObject.Href));
Esempio n. 7
        public void analizar()
            if (listaAeropuertos.Count > 0 && listaVuelos.Count > 0)
                // ISimioProject _simioproject;
                string _projectPathAndFile = getPathActual();
                string[] warnings;
                currentProject = SimioProjectFactory.LoadProject("Model.spfx", out warnings);

                //ISimioProject project = SimioProjectFactory.LoadProject("Test.spfx", out warnings);
                IModel model = currentProject.Models["Model"];

                IExperiment experiment = model.Experiments.Create("Experiment");

                // Setup the experiment (optional)
                // Specify run times.
                //string experiment_ScenarioEnded = "2";
                double    runtime = 2;
                IRunSetup setup   = experiment.RunSetup;
                setup.StartingTime         = new DateTime(2010, 10, 01);
                setup.WarmupPeriod         = TimeSpan.FromHours(0);
                setup.EndingTime           = experiment.RunSetup.StartingTime + TimeSpan.FromDays(runtime);
                experiment.ConfidenceLevel = ExperimentConfidenceLevelType.Point90;
                experiment.LowerPercentile = 5;
                experiment.UpperPercentile = 95;
                //model.Facility.IntelligentObjects["aeropuerto"].Properties["InitialCapacity"].Value = "69";
                int          contador = 0;
                Random       rnd      = new Random();
                IFixedObject source   = model.Facility.IntelligentObjects["fuente"] as IFixedObject;
                source.Properties["InterarrivalTime"].Value = "Random.Poisson(60/300)";
                foreach (var air in listaAeropuertos)
                    TiempoServicioGeneral = rnd.Next(1, 3);

                    IFixedObject aeropuerto = model.Facility.IntelligentObjects.CreateObject("Server", new FacilityLocation(air.x, air.y, air.z)) as IFixedObject;
                    aeropuerto.ObjectName = air.nombre;
                    switch (TiempoServicioGeneral)
                    case 1:
                        aeropuerto.Properties["ProcessingTime"].Value = "Random.Triangular(35,45,60)";

                    case 2:
                        aeropuerto.Properties["ProcessingTime"].Value = "Random.Triangular(30,40,50)";

                    case 3:
                        aeropuerto.Properties["ProcessingTime"].Value = "Random.Uniform(30,50)";
                    aeropuerto.Properties["FailureType"].Value          = air.tipoFalla;
                    aeropuerto.Properties["OffShiftRule"].Value         = "FinishWorkAlreadyStarted";
                    aeropuerto.Properties["CountBetweenFailures"].Value = air.cantEntreFallas.ToString();
                    aeropuerto.Properties["TimeToRepair"].Value         = air.tiempoReparacion.ToString();

                    IFixedObject mezclador = model.Facility.IntelligentObjects.CreateObject("Combiner", new FacilityLocation(air.x, air.y + 30, air.z)) as IFixedObject;
                    String       n         = air.nombre + "C";
                    mezclador.ObjectName = n;

                    IFixedObject sourceAviones = model.Facility.IntelligentObjects.CreateObject("Source", new FacilityLocation(air.x, air.y + 30, air.z)) as IFixedObject;
                    n = air.nombre + "S";
                    sourceAviones.ObjectName = n;
                    sourceAviones.Properties["InitialCapacity"].Value = "100";

                    IIntelligentObject pista = model.Facility.IntelligentObjects.CreateObject("Server", new FacilityLocation(air.x, air.y + 30, air.z));
                    n = air.nombre + "P";
                    pista.ObjectName = n;

                    pista.Properties["InitialCapacity"].Value = air.capacidadPista.ToString();
                    ILinkObject path1 = model.Facility.IntelligentObjects.CreateLink("TimePath", source.Nodes[0], aeropuerto.Nodes[0], null) as ILinkObject;
                    path1.Properties["TravelTime"].Value = air.tiempoAbordajeDespegue.ToString();
                    ILinkObject path  = model.Facility.IntelligentObjects.CreateLink("Path", sourceAviones.Nodes[0], mezclador.Nodes[0], null) as ILinkObject;
                    ILinkObject path3 = model.Facility.IntelligentObjects.CreateLink("Path", aeropuerto.Nodes[0], mezclador.Nodes[1], null) as ILinkObject;

                    //nuevo.Properties[""].Value = air.tiempoPersonas;
                    //nuevo.Properties[""].Value = air.tiempoAbordajeDespegue;
                    //nuevo.Properties[""].Value =;

                    //if (contador == 0)

                    //    model.Facility.IntelligentObjects["DefaultEntity"].Properties["Name"].Value = air.nombre;

                    //    model.Facility.IntelligentObjects["Server"+(contador+1)].Properties["Name"].Value = air.nombre;

                    //model.Facility.IntelligentObjects[2].Properties["name"].Value = air.nombre;
                    contador = contador + 1;

                //model.Facility.IntelligentObjects.CreateObject("Server", new FacilityLocation(0, 0, 0));

                 * // Add event handler for events from experiment
                 * experiment.ScenarioEnded += new EventHandler<ScenarioEndedEventArgs>(experiment_ScenarioEnded);
                 * experiment.RunCompleted += new EventHandler<RunCompletedEventArgs>(experiment_RunCompleted);
                 * experiment.RunProgressChanged += new EventHandler<RunProgressChangedEventArgs>(experiment_RunProgressChanged);
                 * experiment.ReplicationEnded += new EventHandler<ReplicationEndedEventArgs>(experiment_ReplicationEnded);
                // Run Experiment, will call event handler methods when finished etc.
                SimioProjectFactory.SaveProject(currentProject, "Nuevo.spfx", out warnings);
                MessageBox.Show("Debe cargar ambos archivos.");
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Method called when the add-in is run.
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute(IDesignContext context)
            //Open Status Window
            string marker = "Begin.";

                // Check to make sure a model has been opened in Simio
                if (context.ActiveModel == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("You must have an active model to run this add-in.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                // Open the file.  Return immediately if the user cancels the file open dialog
                var getFile = new OpenFileDialog();
                getFile.Filter = "Excel Files(*.xlsx)|*.xlsx";
                if (getFile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
                    MessageBox.Show("Canceled by user.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                StatusWindow = new StatusWindow($"Importing From Excel Spreadsheet {getFile.FileName}");

                Boolean importVertices = true;

                // Update Status Window
                StatusWindow.UpdateProgress(25, "Checking worksheets");

                ExcelPackage  package    = new ExcelPackage(new System.IO.FileInfo(getFile.FileName));
                ExcelWorkbook xlWorkbook = package.Workbook;

                // Create the node and link sheet lists
                List <ExcelWorksheet> objectsWorksheets  = new List <ExcelWorksheet>();
                List <ExcelWorksheet> linksWorksheets    = new List <ExcelWorksheet>();
                List <ExcelWorksheet> verticesWorksheets = new List <ExcelWorksheet>();

                marker = "Categorizing Worksheets.";
                // Look through every sheet and categorize them according to objects, links, or vertices
                // We'll do objects first, then vertices, then links
                foreach (ExcelWorksheet ws in package.Workbook.Worksheets)
                    string wsName = ws.Name.ToLower();

                    if (wsName.Length >= 5)
                        // Add any sheet that name starts with 'objects' to the objects list
                        if (wsName.ToLower().StartsWith("objects"))
                        // Add any sheet that name starts with 'links' to the link list
                        else if (wsName.ToLower().StartsWith("links"))
                        // Add any sheet that name starts with 'vertices' to the link list
                        else if (wsName.ToLower().StartsWith("vertices"))
                } // foreach worksheet

                if (objectsWorksheets.Count + linksWorksheets.Count == 0)
                    logit("Workbook contains no valid object or link worksheets.");

                // Update Status Window
                StatusWindow.UpdateProgress(50, "Building Objects");

                // get a reference to intelligent objects...
                var intellObjects = context.ActiveModel.Facility.IntelligentObjects;

                // ... and a reference to Elements
                var elements = context.ActiveModel.Elements;

                // use bulk update to import quicker
                context.ActiveModel.BulkUpdate(model =>
                    // Read and create the objects.
                    int addedCount;
                    int updatedCount;
                    foreach (ExcelWorksheet ows in objectsWorksheets)
                        var dim = ows.Dimension;
                        if (dim.Rows == 0)

                        marker = $"Reading {dim.Rows} rows from Object sheet {ows.Name}";

                        addedCount   = 0;
                        updatedCount = 0;

                        for (int ri = 2; ri <= dim.Rows; ri++)
                            marker = $"Sheet={ows.Name} Row={ri}";

                            string className = ows.Cells[ri, 1].Value?.ToString();
                            string itemName  = ows.Cells[ri, 2].Value?.ToString();

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(className) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemName))
                                logit($"{marker}: Empty ClassName or ItemName");

                            // Find the coordinates for the object
                            double x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0;
                            bool updateCoordinates = true;

                            if (!GetCellAsDouble(ows.Cells[ri, 3], ref x) ||
                                !GetCellAsDouble(ows.Cells[ri, 4], ref y) ||
                                !GetCellAsDouble(ows.Cells[ri, 5], ref z))
                                updateCoordinates = false;

                            // Add the coordinates to the intelligent object
                            FacilityLocation loc = new FacilityLocation(x, y, z);
                            var intellObj        = intellObjects[itemName];
                            if (intellObj == null)
                                intellObj = intellObjects.CreateObject(className, loc);
                                if (intellObj == null)
                                    logit($"{marker}: Cannot create object with className={className}");

                                intellObj.ObjectName = itemName;
                                // update coords of existing one.
                                if (updateCoordinates)
                                    intellObj.Location = loc;

                            // Set Size
                            double length = intellObj.Size.Length;
                            double width  = intellObj.Size.Width;
                            double height = intellObj.Size.Height;

                            if (GetCellAsDouble(ows.Cells[ri, 6], ref length))
                                if (length == 0)
                                    length = intellObj.Size.Length;

                            if (GetCellAsDouble(ows.Cells[ri, 7], ref width))
                                if (width == 0)
                                    width = intellObj.Size.Width;

                            if (GetCellAsDouble(ows.Cells[ri, 8], ref height))
                                if (height == 0)
                                    height = intellObj.Size.Height;

                            FacilitySize fs = new FacilitySize(length, width, height);
                            intellObj.Size  = fs;

                            // update properties on object, which are columns 9 onward
                            for (int ci = 9; ci <= dim.Columns; ci++)
                                // By convention, the first row on the sheet is the header row, which contains the Property name.
                                string propertyName = ows.Cells[1, ci]?.Value as string;
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))

                                propertyName = propertyName.ToLower();

                                // Find a property with matching text (case insensitive)
                                IProperty prop = intellObj.Properties.AsQueryable()
                                                 .SingleOrDefault(rr => rr.Name.ToString().ToLower() == propertyName);

                                if (prop == null)

                                string cellValue = ows.Cells[ri, ci].Value?.ToString();
                                if (cellValue != null)
                                    if (!SetPropertyValue(prop, cellValue, out string explanation))
                            } // for each column property
                        }     // foreach row
                        logit($"Added {addedCount} objects and updated {updatedCount} objects");
                    }         // for each object worksheet

                    var vertexList = new ArrayList();

                    // Update Status Window
                    if (importVertices)
                        //  Add additional vertices
                        foreach (ExcelWorksheet vws in verticesWorksheets)
                            var dim = vws.Dimension;
                            if (dim.Rows > 0)
                                logit($"Info: Reading {dim.Rows} rows from sheet {vws.Name}");
                            addedCount   = 0;
                            updatedCount = 0;

                            for (int ri = 2; ri <= dim.Rows; ri++)
                                marker = $"Sheet={vws.Name} Row={ri}";

                                var cell        = vws.Cells[ri, 1];
                                string linkName = cell.Value as string;
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkName))
                                    logit($"{marker}: No LinkName");
                                    goto DoneWithVertexRows;
                                // Find the coordinates for the vertex
                                double x = double.MinValue, y = double.MinValue, z = double.MinValue;
                                if (!GetCellAsDouble(vws.Cells[ri, 2], ref x) ||
                                    !GetCellAsDouble(vws.Cells[ri, 3], ref y) ||
                                    !GetCellAsDouble(vws.Cells[ri, 4], ref z))
                                    logit($"{marker}: Bad Vertex Coordinate");
                                    goto DoneWithVertexRows;

                                vertexList.Add(new string[] { linkName, x.ToString(), y.ToString(), z.ToString() });
                            } // for each row of vertices

                        } // for each vertex worksheet
                    }     // Check if we are importing vertices

                    StatusWindow.UpdateProgress(75, "Building Links");

                    // Get Links Data

                    // Read and create the links.
                    foreach (ExcelWorksheet lws in linksWorksheets)
                        var dim = lws.Dimension;
                        if (dim.Rows > 0)
                            marker = $"Info: Reading {dim.Rows} rows from sheet {lws.Name}";
                        addedCount   = 0;
                        updatedCount = 0;

                        for (int ri = 2; ri <= dim.Rows; ri++)
                            marker           = $"Sheet={lws.Name} Row={ri}";
                            string className = lws.Cells[ri, 1]?.Value as string;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(className))
                                logit($"{marker}: Invalid ClassName={className}");
                                goto DoneWithLinkRow;

                            string linkName = lws.Cells[ri, 2]?.Value as string;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkName))
                                logit($"{marker}: Invalid LinkName={linkName}");
                                goto DoneWithLinkRow;

                            string fromNodeName = lws.Cells[ri, 3]?.Value as string;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromNodeName))
                                logit($"{marker}: Invalid FromNodeName={fromNodeName}");
                                goto DoneWithLinkRow;
                            string toNodeName = lws.Cells[ri, 4]?.Value as string;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toNodeName))
                                logit($"{marker}: Invalid ToNodeName={toNodeName}");
                                goto DoneWithLinkRow;

                            var fromNode = intellObjects[fromNodeName] as INodeObject;
                            if (fromNode == null)
                                logit($"{marker} Cannot find 'from' node name {fromNodeName}");
                                goto DoneWithWorksheets;

                            var toNode = intellObjects[toNodeName] as INodeObject;
                            if (toNode == null)
                                logit($"{marker}: Cannot find 'to' node name {toNodeName}");
                                goto DoneWithWorksheets;

                            // if link exists, remove and re-add
                            var link = intellObjects[linkName];
                            if (link != null)

                            // Define List of Facility Locations
                            List <FacilityLocation> locs = new List <FacilityLocation>();

                            foreach (string[] loc in vertexList)
                                if (loc[0] == linkName)
                                    double xx = double.MinValue, yy = double.MinValue, zz = double.MinValue;

                                    xx = Convert.ToDouble(loc[1]);
                                    yy = Convert.ToDouble(loc[2]);
                                    zz = Convert.ToDouble(loc[3]);

                                    // If coordinates are good, add vertex to facility locations
                                    if (xx > double.MinValue & yy > double.MinValue & zz > double.MinValue)
                                        // Add the coordinates to the intelligent object
                                        FacilityLocation loc2 = new FacilityLocation(xx, yy, zz);
                            } // for each vertex

                            // Add Link
                            link = intellObjects.CreateLink(className, fromNode, toNode, locs);
                            if (link == null)
                                logit($"{marker}: Cannot create Link");
                                goto DoneWithWorksheets;
                            link.ObjectName = linkName;

                            // Add Link to Network
                            string networkName = lws.Cells[ri, 5]?.Value as string;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(networkName))
                                logit($"{marker}: Null NetworkName");
                                goto DoneWithLinkRow;

                            var netElement = elements[networkName];
                            if (netElement == null)
                                netElement            = elements.CreateElement("Network");
                                netElement.ObjectName = networkName;
                            var netElementObj = netElement as INetworkElementObject;
                            if (netElement != null)
                                ILinkObject linkOb = (ILinkObject)link;

                            // get header row on sheet

                            // update properties on object, which begin with column index 6
                            for (int ci = 6; ci <= dim.Columns; ci++)
                                string propertyName = lws.Cells[1, ci]?.Value as string;

                                // Find a property with matching text (case insensitive)
                                IProperty prop = link.Properties.AsQueryable()
                                                 .SingleOrDefault(rr => rr.Name.ToString().ToLower() == propertyName.ToLower());

                                if (prop != null)
                                    string cellValue = lws.Cells[ri, ci]?.Value as string;
                                    if (!SetPropertyValue(prop, cellValue, out string explanation))
                                        goto DoneWithLinkRow;
                            } // foreach column

                        }   // for each row
                        marker = $"Info: Added {addedCount} links and deleted and re-added {updatedCount} existing links";


                // Update Status Window
                StatusWindow.UpdateProgress(100, "Complete");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException($"Marker={marker} Err={ex.Message}");