Esempio n. 1
        public void OwnedObjects()
            m_dtree.Initialize(Cache, false, m_layouts, m_parts);
            m_dtree.ShowObject(m_entry, "OptSensesEty", null, m_entry, false);
            // With no etymology or senses, this view contains nothing at all.
            Assert.AreEqual(0, m_dtree.Controls.Count);
            m_parent = null;

            ILexSense sense1 = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <ILexSenseFactory>().Create();

            ILexSense sense2 = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <ILexSenseFactory>().Create();

                                              TsStringUtils.MakeTss("blah blah", Cache.DefaultAnalWs));

            m_parent = new Form();
            m_dtree  = new DataTree();
            m_dtree.Initialize(Cache, false, m_layouts, m_parts);
            m_dtree.ShowObject(m_entry, "OptSensesEty", null, m_entry, false);
            // With two senses, we get a header slice, a gloss slice for
            // sense 1 (not optional), and both gloss and Scientific name
            // slices for sense 2.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, m_dtree.Controls.Count);
            //Assert.AreEqual("Senses", (m_dtree.Controls[0] as Slice).Label);
            Assert.AreEqual("Gloss", (m_dtree.Controls[0] as Slice).Label);
            Assert.AreEqual("Gloss", (m_dtree.Controls[1] as Slice).Label);
            Assert.AreEqual("ScientificName", (m_dtree.Controls[2] as Slice).Label);
            m_parent = null;

            ILexEtymology lm = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <ILexEtymologyFactory>().Create();

            m_entry.EtymologyOA = lm;

            m_parent = new Form();
            m_dtree  = new DataTree();
            m_dtree.Initialize(Cache, false, m_layouts, m_parts);
            m_dtree.ShowObject(m_entry, "OptSensesEty", null, m_entry, false);
            // Adding an etymology gets us just no more slices so far,
            // because it doesn't have a form or source
            Assert.AreEqual(3, m_dtree.Controls.Count);
            //Assert.AreEqual("Etymology", (m_dtree.Controls[3] as Slice).Label);
            m_parent = null;

            lm.Source = "source";
            // Again set both because I'm not sure which it really
            // should be.
            lm.Form.VernacularDefaultWritingSystem = TsStringUtils.MakeTss("rubbish", Cache.DefaultVernWs);
            lm.Form.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem   = TsStringUtils.MakeTss("rubbish", Cache.DefaultAnalWs);

            m_parent = new Form();
            m_dtree  = new DataTree();
            m_dtree.Initialize(Cache, false, m_layouts, m_parts);
            m_dtree.ShowObject(m_entry, "OptSensesEty", null, m_entry, false);
            // When the etymology has something we get two more.
            Assert.AreEqual(5, m_dtree.Controls.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Form", (m_dtree.Controls[3] as Slice).Label);
            Assert.AreEqual("Source", (m_dtree.Controls[4] as Slice).Label);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert FDO lex entry to LF lex entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>LF entry
        /// <param name="fdoEntry">Fdo entry.</param>
        private LfLexEntry FdoLexEntryToLfLexEntry(ILexEntry fdoEntry)
            if (fdoEntry == null)

            ILgWritingSystem AnalysisWritingSystem   = ServiceLocator.LanguageProject.DefaultAnalysisWritingSystem;
            ILgWritingSystem VernacularWritingSystem = ServiceLocator.LanguageProject.DefaultVernacularWritingSystem;

            var lfEntry = new LfLexEntry();

            IMoForm fdoLexeme = fdoEntry.LexemeFormOA;

            if (fdoLexeme == null)
                lfEntry.Lexeme = null;
                lfEntry.Lexeme = ToMultiText(fdoLexeme.Form);
            // Other fields of fdoLexeme (AllomorphEnvironments, LiftResidue, MorphTypeRA, etc.) not mapped

            // Fields below in alphabetical order by ILexSense property, except for Lexeme
            foreach (IMoForm allomorph in fdoEntry.AlternateFormsOS)
                // Do nothing; LanguageForge doesn't currently handle allomorphs, so we don't convert them
            lfEntry.EntryBibliography = ToMultiText(fdoEntry.Bibliography);
            // TODO: Consider whether to use fdoEntry.CitationFormWithAffixType instead
            // (which would produce "-s" instead of "s" for the English plural suffix, for instance)
            lfEntry.CitationForm = ToMultiText(fdoEntry.CitationForm);
            lfEntry.Note         = ToMultiText(fdoEntry.Comment);

            // DateModified and DateCreated can be confusing, because LF and FDO are doing two different
            // things with them. In FDO, there is just one DateModified and one DateCreated; simple. But
            // in LF, there is an AuthorInfo record as well, which contains its own ModifiedDate and CreatedDate
            // fields. (Note the word order: there's LfEntry.DateCreated, and LfEntry.AuthorInfo.CreatedDate).

            // The conversion we have chosen to use is: AuthorInfo will correspond to FDO. So FDO.DateCreated
            // becomes AuthorInfo.CreatedDate, and FDO.DateModified becomes AuthorInfo.ModifiedDate. The two
            // fields on the LF entry will instead refer to when the *Mongo record* was created or modified,
            // and the LfEntry.DateCreated and LfEntry.DateModified fields will never be put into FDO.

            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (LfProject.IsInitialClone)
                lfEntry.DateCreated = now;
            // LanguageForge needs this modified to know there is changed data
            lfEntry.DateModified = now;

            if (lfEntry.AuthorInfo == null)
                lfEntry.AuthorInfo = new LfAuthorInfo();
            lfEntry.AuthorInfo.CreatedByUserRef  = null;
            lfEntry.AuthorInfo.CreatedDate       = fdoEntry.DateCreated.ToUniversalTime();
            lfEntry.AuthorInfo.ModifiedByUserRef = null;
            lfEntry.AuthorInfo.ModifiedDate      = fdoEntry.DateModified.ToUniversalTime();

#if DBVERSION_7000068
            ILexEtymology fdoEtymology = fdoEntry.EtymologyOA;
            // TODO: Once LF's data model is updated from a single etymology to an array,
            // convert all of them instead of just the first. E.g.,
            // foreach (ILexEtymology fdoEtymology in fdoEntry.EtymologyOS) { ... }
            ILexEtymology fdoEtymology = null;
            if (fdoEntry.EtymologyOS.Count > 0)
                fdoEtymology = fdoEntry.EtymologyOS.First();
            if (fdoEtymology != null)
                lfEntry.Etymology        = ToMultiText(fdoEtymology.Form);
                lfEntry.EtymologyComment = ToMultiText(fdoEtymology.Comment);
                lfEntry.EtymologyGloss   = ToMultiText(fdoEtymology.Gloss);
#if DBVERSION_7000068
                lfEntry.EtymologySource = LfMultiText.FromSingleStringMapping(AnalysisWritingSystem.Id, fdoEtymology.Source);
                lfEntry.EtymologySource = ToMultiText(fdoEtymology.LanguageNotes);
                // fdoEtymology.LiftResidue not mapped
            lfEntry.Guid = fdoEntry.Guid;
            if (fdoEntry.LIFTid == null)
                lfEntry.LiftId = null;
                lfEntry.LiftId = fdoEntry.LIFTid.Normalize(System.Text.NormalizationForm.FormC);                  // Because LIFT files on disk are NFC and we need to make sure LiftIDs match those on disk
            lfEntry.LiteralMeaning = ToMultiText(fdoEntry.LiteralMeaning);
            if (fdoEntry.PrimaryMorphType != null)
                lfEntry.MorphologyType = fdoEntry.PrimaryMorphType.NameHierarchyString;
            // TODO: Once LF's data model is updated from a single pronunciation to an array of pronunciations, convert all of them instead of just the first. E.g.,
            //foreach (ILexPronunciation fdoPronunciation in fdoEntry.PronunciationsOS) { ... }
            if (fdoEntry.PronunciationsOS.Count > 0)
                ILexPronunciation fdoPronunciation = fdoEntry.PronunciationsOS.First();
                lfEntry.Pronunciation = ToMultiText(fdoPronunciation.Form);
                lfEntry.CvPattern     = LfMultiText.FromSingleITsString(fdoPronunciation.CVPattern, ServiceLocator.WritingSystemFactory);
                lfEntry.Tone          = LfMultiText.FromSingleITsString(fdoPronunciation.Tone, ServiceLocator.WritingSystemFactory);
                // TODO: Map fdoPronunciation.MediaFilesOS properly (converting video to sound files if necessary)
                lfEntry.Location = ToStringField(LocationListCode, fdoPronunciation.LocationRA);
            lfEntry.EntryRestrictions = ToMultiText(fdoEntry.Restrictions);
            if (lfEntry.Senses == null)             // Shouldn't happen, but let's be careful
                lfEntry.Senses = new List <LfSense>();
            lfEntry.SummaryDefinition = ToMultiText(fdoEntry.SummaryDefinition);

            BsonDocument customFieldsAndGuids = _convertCustomField.GetCustomFieldsForThisCmObject(fdoEntry, "entry", ListConverters);
            BsonDocument customFieldsBson     = customFieldsAndGuids["customFields"].AsBsonDocument;
            BsonDocument customFieldGuids     = customFieldsAndGuids["customFieldGuids"].AsBsonDocument;

            lfEntry.CustomFields     = customFieldsBson;
            lfEntry.CustomFieldGuids = customFieldGuids;


            /* Fields not mapped because it doesn't make sense to map them (e.g., Hvo, backreferences, etc):
             * fdoEntry.ComplexFormEntries;
             * fdoEntry.ComplexFormEntryRefs;
             * fdoEntry.ComplexFormsNotSubentries;
             * fdoEntry.EntryRefsOS;
             * fdoEntry.HasMoreThanOneSense;
             * fdoEntry.HeadWord; // Read-only virtual property
             * fdoEntry.IsMorphTypesMixed; // Read-only property
             * fdoEntry.LexEntryReferences;
             * fdoEntry.MainEntriesOrSensesRS;
             * fdoEntry.MinimalLexReferences;
             * fdoEntry.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC;
             * fdoEntry.MorphTypes;
             * fdoEntry.NumberOfSensesForEntry;
             * fdoEntry.PicturesOfSenses;

            /* Fields that would make sense to map, but that we don't because LF doesn't handle them (e.g., allomorphs):
             * fdoEntry.AllAllomorphs; // LF doesn't handle allomorphs, so skip all allomorph-related fields
             * fdoEntry.AlternateFormsOS;
             * fdoEntry.CitationFormWithAffixType; // Citation form already mapped
             * fdoEntry.DoNotPublishInRC;
             * fdoEntry.DoNotShowMainEntryInRC;
             * fdoEntry.DoNotUseForParsing;
             * fdoEntry.HomographForm;
             * fdoEntry.HomographFormKey;
             * fdoEntry.HomographNumber;
             * fdoEntry.ImportResidue;
             * fdoEntry.LiftResidue;
             * fdoEntry.PronunciationsOS
             * fdoEntry.PublishAsMinorEntry;
             * fdoEntry.PublishIn;
             * fdoEntry.ShowMainEntryIn;
             * fdoEntry.Subentries;
             * fdoEntry.VariantEntryRefs;
             * fdoEntry.VariantFormEntries;
             * fdoEntry.VisibleComplexFormBackRefs;
             * fdoEntry.VisibleComplexFormEntries;
             * fdoEntry.VisibleVariantEntryRefs;
Esempio n. 3
		private void WriteEtymology(TextWriter w, ILexEtymology ety)
			WriteLiftDates(w, ety);
			w.Write(" type=\"{0}\"", MakeSafeAndNormalizedAttribute(GetProperty(ety, "LiftType").ToString()));
			w.Write(" source=\"{0}\"", MakeSafeAndNormalizedAttribute(GetProperty(ety, "LiftSource").ToString()));
			WriteAllForms(w, null, null, "form", ety.Form);
			WriteAllForms(w, null, null, "gloss", ety.Gloss);
			WriteAllForms(w, "field", "type=\"comment\"", "form", ety.Comment);
			WriteLiftResidue(w, ety);