public void Can_delete_ledgerTransaction()
            var testTransaction = this.GetTestLedgerTransaction();

            _mockRepo.Verify(x => x.Delete(testTransaction), Times.Once);
            _mockRepo.Verify(x => x.Save(), Times.Once);
 public IActionResult Delete(int id)
         // TODO: get the user creating the ledger account
         // get the admin creating the student
         //                var adminId = GetCurrentUserId();
         //                if (adminId == null) return NotFound(new { error = "User is not authenticated." });
         //                var admin = _dbContext.Admins.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Id == adminId);
         //                if (admin == null) return NotFound(new { error = $"User ID {adminId} has not been found" });
         return(new OkResult());
     catch (Exception e)
         // return the error.
         return(BadRequest(new { Error = e.Message }));