Expression GetBundleFile(Source src, string file) { return(_ilf.CallMethod( src, _ilf.CallMethod(src, _ilf.Essentials.Bundle, "Get", new Constant(src, _ilf.Essentials.String, src.Package.Name)), "GetFile", new Constant(src, _ilf.Essentials.String, file))); }
Expression ProcessVertexBuffer(StageValue vertexBuffer) { Expression result; if (!VertexBuffers.TryGetValue(vertexBuffer.Value.ToString(), out result)) { var src = vertexBuffer.Value.Source; var type = ILFactory.GetType(src, "Uno.Graphics.VertexBuffer"); if (vertexBuffer.Value.ReturnType.Equals(type)) { result = ProcessStage(vertexBuffer, MetaStage.Volatile, MetaStage.Volatile).Value; VertexBuffers.Add(vertexBuffer.Value.ToString(), result); return(result); } var loc = LocationStack.Last(); var mp = GetProperty(loc); var name = CreateFieldName(mp, loc); var owner = Path.DrawBlock.Method.DeclaringType; var field = new Field(src, owner, name, null, Modifiers.Private | Modifiers.Generated, 0, type); owner.Fields.Add(field); result = new LoadField(src, new This(src, owner), field); VertexBuffers.Add(vertexBuffer.Value.ToString(), result); if (vertexBuffer.MinStage > MetaStage.Volatile) { Log.Error(src, ErrorCode.E5025, "Vertex buffer cannot be accessed from " + vertexBuffer.MinStage + " stage"); return(result); } else if (vertexBuffer.MinStage == MetaStage.Volatile) { InitScope.Statements.Add( new StoreField(src, new This(src, owner), field, ILFactory.NewObject(src, "Uno.Graphics.VertexBuffer", ILFactory.GetExpression(src, "Uno.Graphics.BufferUsage.Dynamic")))); FrameScope.Statements.Add( ILFactory.CallMethod(src, new LoadField(src, new This(src, owner), field), "Update", vertexBuffer.Value)); } else { InitScope.Statements.Add( new StoreField(src, new This(src, owner), field, ILFactory.NewObject(src, "Uno.Graphics.VertexBuffer", vertexBuffer.Value, ILFactory.GetExpression(src, "Uno.Graphics.BufferUsage.Immutable")))); } FreeScope.Statements.Add( ILFactory.CallMethod(src, new LoadField(src, new This(src, owner), field), "Dispose")); } return(result); }
private Expression RegisterTest(TestMethod testMethod, Expression registryArgument, NewDelegate invokeDelegate) { var testNameExpr = new Constant(_source, Essentials.String, testMethod.Name); var ignoreExpr = new Constant(_source, Essentials.Bool, testMethod.Ignored); var ignoreReasonExpr = new Constant(_source, Essentials.String, testMethod.IgnoreReason); return ILFactory.CallMethod(_source, registryArgument, "Add", invokeDelegate, testNameExpr, ignoreExpr, ignoreReasonExpr); }
Expression CreateByteArray(Expression buf) { return(ILFactory.CallMethod( buf.ReturnType.Equals(ILFactory.GetType(buf.Source, "Uno.Buffer")) ? buf : ILFactory.CallMethod(buf.Source, "Uno.Runtime.Implementation.Internal.BufferConverters", "ToBuffer", buf), "GetBytes")); }
protected override Statement TransformDraw(Draw draw) { var src = draw.Source; var scope = new Scope(src); var field = GetField(draw); var obj = new LoadField(src, new This(src, field.DeclaringType).Address, field).Address; var index = 0; foreach (var t in TerminalFields) { if (t.Value != draw.State.Terminals[t.Key].ToString()) { scope.Statements.Add(ILFactory.SetProperty(src, obj, t.Key, draw.State.Terminals[t.Key])); } } foreach (var v in draw.State.RuntimeConstants) { scope.Statements.Add(CallConst(src, obj, v, index++)); } scope.Statements.Add(ILFactory.CallMethod(src, obj, "Use")); foreach (var v in draw.State.VertexAttributes) { scope.Statements.Add(CallAttrib(src, obj, v, index++)); } foreach (var v in draw.State.Uniforms) { scope.Statements.Add(CallUniform(src, obj, v, index++)); } foreach (var v in draw.State.PixelSamplers) { scope.Statements.Add(CallSampler(src, obj, v, index++)); } scope.Statements.Add(draw.State.OptionalIndices == null ? ILFactory.CallMethod(src, obj, "DrawArrays", draw.State.Terminals["VertexCount"]) : ILFactory.CallMethod(src, obj, "Draw", draw.State.Terminals["VertexCount"], draw.State.OptionalIndices.IndexType, draw.State.OptionalIndices.Buffer)); return(draw.State.Terminals.ContainsKey("CullDrawable") ? (Statement) new IfElse(src, ILFactory.CallOperator(src, Essentials.Bool, "!", draw.State.Terminals["CullDrawable"]), scope) : scope); }
public override void End(ref Statement e) { if (e.Tag is InvalidExpression) { e = new NoOp(e.Source); } switch (e.StatementType) { case StatementType.DrawDispose: { if (!Backend.CanExportDontExports) { e = ILFactory.CallMethod(e.Source, new This(e.Source, Type).Address, "free_DrawCalls"); } break; } } }
void ProcessIndexBuffer(Source vaSrc, StageValue indexBuffer, StageValue indexType) { if (IndexBuffer == null && indexBuffer.Value == null && IndexType == null && indexType.Value == null || indexBuffer.Value != null && IndexBuffer == indexBuffer.Value.ToString() && indexType.Value != null && IndexType == indexType.Value.ToString()) { // OK return; } if (IndexBuffer != null || indexBuffer.Value == null || IndexType != null || indexType.Value == null) { Log.Error(vaSrc, ErrorCode.E5023, "Index buffer argument must be consistent for all <vertex_attrib>s in " + Path.Quote()); return; } var src = indexBuffer.Value.Source; var type = ILFactory.GetType(src, "Uno.Graphics.IndexBuffer"); IndexBuffer = indexBuffer.Value.ToString(); IndexType = indexType.Value.ToString(); if (indexBuffer.Value.ReturnType.Equals(type)) { DrawState.OptionalIndices = new IndexBinding( ProcessStage(indexType, MetaStage.Volatile, MetaStage.Volatile).Value, ProcessStage(indexBuffer, MetaStage.Volatile, MetaStage.Volatile).Value); return; } var loc = LocationStack.Last(); var mp = GetProperty(loc); var name = CreateFieldName(mp, loc); var owner = Path.DrawBlock.Method.DeclaringType; var field = new Field(src, owner, name, null, Modifiers.Private | Modifiers.Generated, 0, type); owner.Fields.Add(field); DrawState.OptionalIndices = new IndexBinding( ProcessStage(indexType, MetaStage.Volatile, MetaStage.Volatile).Value, new LoadField(src, new This(src, owner), field)); if (indexBuffer.MinStage > MetaStage.Volatile) { Log.Error(src, ErrorCode.E5024, "Index buffer cannot be accessed from " + indexBuffer.MinStage + " stage"); return; } if (indexBuffer.MinStage == MetaStage.Volatile) { InitScope.Statements.Add( new StoreField(src, new This(src, owner), field, ILFactory.NewObject(src, "Uno.Graphics.IndexBuffer", ILFactory.GetExpression(src, "Uno.Graphics.BufferUsage.Dynamic")))); FrameScope.Statements.Add( ILFactory.CallMethod(src, new LoadField(src, new This(src, owner), field), "Update", indexBuffer.Value)); } else { InitScope.Statements.Add( new StoreField(src, new This(src, owner), field, ILFactory.NewObject(src, "Uno.Graphics.IndexBuffer", indexBuffer.Value, ILFactory.GetExpression(src, "Uno.Graphics.BufferUsage.Immutable")))); } FreeScope.Statements.Add( ILFactory.CallMethod(src, new LoadField(src, new This(src, owner), field), "Dispose")); }
public Statement CompileStatement(AstStatement e) { switch (e.StatementType) { default: if (e is AstExpression) { return(CompileExpression(e as AstExpression)); } break; case AstStatementType.VariableDeclaration: return(CompileVariableDeclaration(e as AstVariableDeclaration)); case AstStatementType.FixedArrayDeclaration: return(CompileFixedArrayDeclaration(e as AstFixedArrayDeclaration)); case AstStatementType.Scope: return(CompileScope(e as AstScope)); case AstStatementType.Draw: return(Compiler.BlockBuilder.CompileDraw(Function, VariableScopeStack, e as AstDraw)); case AstStatementType.DrawDispose: return(new DrawDispose(e.Source)); case AstStatementType.Break: return(new Break(e.Source)); case AstStatementType.Continue: return(new Continue(e.Source)); case AstStatementType.Unchecked: { CheckCastStack.Add(false); try { return(CompileStatement(((AstModifiedStatement)e).Statement)); } finally { CheckCastStack.RemoveLast(); } } case AstStatementType.IfElse: { var s = e as AstIfElse; if (s.Condition is AstDefined) { var def = s.Condition as AstDefined; return(Environment.Test(def.Source, def.Condition) ? s.OptionalIfBody != null ? CompileStatement(s.OptionalIfBody) : new NoOp(s.Source) : s.OptionalElseBody != null ? CompileStatement(s.OptionalElseBody) : new NoOp(s.Source)); } var r = new IfElse(s.Source, CompileCondition(s.Condition)); if (s.OptionalIfBody != null) { r.OptionalIfBody = CompileStatement(s.OptionalIfBody); } if (s.OptionalElseBody != null) { r.OptionalElseBody = CompileStatement(s.OptionalElseBody); } return(r); } case AstStatementType.ExternScope: { var s = (AstExternScope)e; return(new ExternScope(s.Source, Compiler.CompileAttributes(Namescope, s.Attributes), s.Body.String, ExtensionTransform.CreateObject(s.Source, Function, TypeBuilder.Parameterize(Function.DeclaringType)), s.OptionalArguments != null ? CompileArgumentList(s.OptionalArguments) : ExtensionTransform.CreateArgumentList(s.Source, Function), GetUsings(s.Source))); } case AstStatementType.While: { var s = e as AstLoop; var r = new While(s.Source, false, CompileCondition(s.Condition)); var vscope = new VariableScope(); VariableScopeStack.Add(vscope); if (s.OptionalBody != null) { r.OptionalBody = CompileStatement(s.OptionalBody); } if (s.OptionalBody == null || (!s.OptionalBody.IsInvalid && ((s.OptionalBody is AstScope && (s.OptionalBody as AstScope).IsClosed) || !(s.OptionalBody is AstScope)))) { VariableScopeStack.Remove(vscope); CurrentVariableScope.Scopes.Add(vscope); } return(r); } case AstStatementType.DoWhile: { var s = e as AstLoop; var r = new While(s.Source, true, CompileCondition(s.Condition)); var vscope = new VariableScope(); VariableScopeStack.Add(vscope); if (s.OptionalBody != null) { r.OptionalBody = CompileStatement(s.OptionalBody); } if (s.OptionalBody == null || (!s.OptionalBody.IsInvalid && ((s.OptionalBody is AstScope && (s.OptionalBody as AstScope).IsClosed) || !(s.OptionalBody is AstScope)))) { VariableScopeStack.Remove(vscope); CurrentVariableScope.Scopes.Add(vscope); } return(r); } case AstStatementType.For: { var s = e as AstFor; var r = new For(s.Source); var vscope = new VariableScope(); VariableScopeStack.Add(vscope); if (s.OptionalInitializer != null) { r.OptionalInitializer = CompileStatement(s.OptionalInitializer); } if (s.OptionalCondition != null) { r.OptionalCondition = CompileCondition(s.OptionalCondition); } if (s.OptionalBody != null) { r.OptionalBody = CompileStatement(s.OptionalBody); } if (s.OptionalIncrement != null) { r.OptionalIncrement = CompileExpression(s.OptionalIncrement); } if (s.OptionalBody == null || (!s.OptionalBody.IsInvalid && ((s.OptionalBody is AstScope && (s.OptionalBody as AstScope).IsClosed) || !(s.OptionalBody is AstScope)))) { VariableScopeStack.Remove(vscope); CurrentVariableScope.Scopes.Add(vscope); } return(r); } case AstStatementType.Foreach: { var s = e as AstForeach; var scope = new Scope(s.Source); var collection = CompileExpression(s.Collection); Statement result; var vscope = new VariableScope(); VariableScopeStack.Add(vscope); VerifyVariableName(s.ElementName.Source, s.ElementName.Symbol); if (collection.ReturnType.IsArray || collection.ReturnType == Essentials.String) { var loop = new For(s.Source) { OptionalBody = scope }; var collectionVar = new Variable(s.Collection.Source, Function, Namescope.GetUniqueIdentifier("array"), collection.ReturnType); if (collection is LoadLocal) { collectionVar = (collection as LoadLocal).Variable; } else { vscope.Variables.Add(collectionVar.Name, collectionVar); } var indexInitializer = new Constant(s.Collection.Source, Essentials.Int, 0); var lengthInitializer = CompileImplicitCast(s.Collection.Source, Essentials.Int, CompileExpression( new AstMember( new AstIdentifier(s.Collection.Source, collectionVar.Name), new AstIdentifier(s.Collection.Source, "Length")))); var indexVar = new Variable(s.Collection.Source, Function, Namescope.GetUniqueIdentifier("index"), Essentials.Int); var lengthVar = new Variable(s.Collection.Source, Function, Namescope.GetUniqueIdentifier("length"), Essentials.Int); if (collection is LoadLocal) { indexVar.OptionalValue = indexInitializer; lengthVar.OptionalValue = lengthInitializer; loop.OptionalInitializer = new VariableDeclaration(indexVar, lengthVar); } else { loop.OptionalInitializer = new SequenceOp( new StoreLocal(s.Collection.Source, collectionVar, collection), new StoreLocal(s.Collection.Source, indexVar, indexInitializer), new StoreLocal(s.Collection.Source, lengthVar, lengthInitializer)); } vscope.Variables.Add(indexVar.Name, indexVar); vscope.Variables.Add(lengthVar.Name, lengthVar); loop.OptionalCondition = CompileCondition( new AstBinary(AstBinaryType.LessThan, new AstIdentifier(s.Collection.Source, indexVar.Name), s.Collection.Source, new AstIdentifier(s.Collection.Source, lengthVar.Name))); loop.OptionalIncrement = new FixOp(s.Collection.Source, FixOpType.IncreaseBefore, new LoadLocal(s.Collection.Source, indexVar)); var elementType = s.ElementType.ExpressionType == AstExpressionType.Var ? collection.ReturnType.IsArray ? collection.ReturnType.ElementType : Essentials.Char : NameResolver.GetType(Namescope, s.ElementType); var elementVar = new Variable(s.ElementName.Source, Function, s.ElementName.Symbol, elementType, VariableType.Iterator, CompileImplicitCast(s.ElementName.Source, elementType, CompileExpression( new AstCall(AstCallType.LookUp, new AstIdentifier(s.ElementName.Source, collectionVar.Name), new AstIdentifier(s.ElementName.Source, indexVar.Name))))); scope.Statements.Add(new VariableDeclaration(elementVar)); vscope.Variables.Add(elementVar.Name, elementVar); result = loop; } else { // TODO: Verify that collection implements IEnumerable<T> var loop = new While(s.Source) { OptionalBody = scope }; var enumeratorInitializer = ILFactory.CallMethod(s.Collection.Source, collection.Address, "GetEnumerator"); var enumeratorVar = new Variable(s.Collection.Source, Function, Namescope.GetUniqueIdentifier("enum"), enumeratorInitializer.ReturnType, VariableType.Default, enumeratorInitializer); vscope.Variables.Add(enumeratorVar.Name, enumeratorVar); loop.Condition = CompileImplicitCast(s.Collection.Source, Essentials.Bool, ILFactory.CallMethod(s.Collection.Source, new LoadLocal(s.Collection.Source, enumeratorVar).Address, "MoveNext")); var elementInitializer = CompileExpression(new AstMember( new AstIdentifier(s.ElementName.Source, enumeratorVar.Name), new AstIdentifier(s.ElementName.Source, "Current"))); var elementType = s.ElementType.ExpressionType == AstExpressionType.Var ? elementInitializer.ReturnType : NameResolver.GetType(Namescope, s.ElementType); var elementVar = new Variable(s.Source, Function, s.ElementName.Symbol, elementType, VariableType.Iterator, CompileImplicitCast(s.ElementName.Source, elementType, elementInitializer)); var hasDispose = false; foreach (var m in enumeratorVar.ValueType.Methods) { if (m.Name == "Dispose" && m.Parameters.Length == 0) { hasDispose = true; break; } } // Optimization: avoid casting to IDisposable when Dispose() method is found var dispose = hasDispose ? ILFactory.CallMethod(s.Collection.Source, new LoadLocal(s.Collection.Source, enumeratorVar).Address, "Dispose") : ILFactory.CallMethod(s.Collection.Source, new CastOp(s.Collection.Source, Essentials.IDisposable, new LoadLocal(s.Collection.Source, enumeratorVar)).Address, "Dispose"); scope.Statements.Add(new VariableDeclaration(elementVar)); vscope.Variables.Add(elementVar.Name, elementVar); result = new Scope(s.Source, new VariableDeclaration(enumeratorVar), new TryCatchFinally(s.Source, new Scope(s.Source, loop), new Scope(s.Source, dispose))); } if (s.OptionalBody != null) { var body = CompileStatement(s.OptionalBody); if (body is Scope) { scope.Statements.AddRange((body as Scope).Statements); } else { scope.Statements.Add(body); } } if (s.OptionalBody == null || !s.OptionalBody.IsInvalid && ((s.OptionalBody is AstScope && (s.OptionalBody as AstScope).IsClosed) || !(s.OptionalBody is AstScope))) { VariableScopeStack.Remove(vscope); CurrentVariableScope.Scopes.Add(vscope); } return(result); } case AstStatementType.Return: return(new Return(e.Source)); case AstStatementType.ReturnValue: { var s = e as AstValueStatement; var returnValue = CompileExpression(s.Value); var returnType = Lambdas.Count == 0 ? Function.ReturnType : Lambdas.Peek().DelegateType.ReturnType; return(new Return(s.Source, CompileImplicitCast(s.Source, returnType, returnValue))); } case AstStatementType.TryCatchFinally: { var s = e as AstTryCatchFinally; var tryScope = CompileScope(s.TryScope); var catchBlocks = new List <CatchBlock>(); Scope finallyScope = null; foreach (var c in s.CatchBlocks) { var exceptionType = c.OptionalType != null? NameResolver.GetType(Namescope, c.OptionalType) : Essentials.Exception; var vscope = new VariableScope(); VariableScopeStack.Add(vscope); VerifyVariableName(c.Name.Source, c.Name.Symbol); var exceptionVar = new Variable(c.Name.Source, Function, c.Name.Symbol, exceptionType, VariableType.Exception); vscope.Variables.Add(exceptionVar.Name, exceptionVar); var catchBody = CompileScope(c.Body); if (c.Body == null || !c.Body.IsInvalid && c.Body.IsClosed) { VariableScopeStack.Remove(vscope); CurrentVariableScope.Scopes.Add(vscope); } catchBlocks.Add(new CatchBlock(c.Name.Source, exceptionVar, catchBody)); } if (s.OptionalFinallyScope != null) { finallyScope = CompileScope(s.OptionalFinallyScope); } return(new TryCatchFinally(s.Source, tryScope, finallyScope, catchBlocks.ToArray())); } case AstStatementType.Lock: { var s = e as AstLock; var scope = new Scope(s.Source); var tryScope = new Scope(s.Source); var finallyScope = new Scope(s.Source); var obj = CompileExpression(s.Object); switch (obj.ExpressionType) { case ExpressionType.LoadLocal: case ExpressionType.LoadArgument: case ExpressionType.LoadField: case ExpressionType.This: case ExpressionType.Base: if (!obj.ReturnType.IsReferenceType) { Log.Error(obj.Source, ErrorCode.E0000, "Only reference types can be used in 'lock'"); } break; default: Log.Error(obj.Source, ErrorCode.E0000, "Only variables can occur inside 'lock' initializer"); break; } if (s.OptionalBody != null) { tryScope.Statements.Add(CompileStatement(s.OptionalBody)); } scope.Statements.Add(ILFactory.CallMethod(obj.Source, Essentials.Monitor, "Enter", obj)); finallyScope.Statements.Add(ILFactory.CallMethod(obj.Source, Essentials.Monitor, "Exit", obj)); scope.Statements.Add(new TryCatchFinally(s.Source, tryScope, finallyScope)); return(scope); } case AstStatementType.Using: { var s = e as AstUsing; var scope = new Scope(s.Source); var objects = new List <Expression>(); var vscope = new VariableScope(); VariableScopeStack.Add(vscope); var init = CompileStatement(s.Initializer); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { switch (init.StatementType) { case StatementType.VariableDeclaration: { scope.Statements.Add(init); for (var var = ((VariableDeclaration)init).Variable; var != null; var = var.Next) { objects.Add(new LoadLocal(var.Source, var)); } continue; } case StatementType.Expression: { if (AddObjects(objects, (Expression)init)) { continue; } break; } } // TODO: Actually some expressions are valid as well in C#. Read spec and implement later Log.Error(init.Source, ErrorCode.E0000, "Only variable declarations, fields and/or local variables can occur inside 'using' initializer"); } var tryScope = new Scope(s.Source); var finallyScope = new Scope(s.Source); if (s.OptionalBody != null) { tryScope.Statements.Add(CompileStatement(s.OptionalBody)); } foreach (var dispose in Enumerable.Reverse(objects)) { var idisposable = CompileImplicitCast(dispose.Source, Essentials.IDisposable, dispose); finallyScope.Statements.Add(ILFactory.CallMethod(dispose.Source, idisposable, "Dispose")); } scope.Statements.Add(new TryCatchFinally(s.Source, tryScope, finallyScope)); if (s.OptionalBody == null || (!s.OptionalBody.IsInvalid && ((s.OptionalBody is AstScope && (s.OptionalBody as AstScope).IsClosed) || !(s.OptionalBody is AstScope)))) { VariableScopeStack.Remove(vscope); CurrentVariableScope.Scopes.Add(vscope); } return(scope); } case AstStatementType.ThrowValue: { var s = e as AstValueStatement; return(new Throw(s.Source, CompileExpression(s.Value))); } case AstStatementType.Throw: { for (int i = VariableScopeStack.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { foreach (var v in VariableScopeStack[i].Variables.Values) { if (v.IsException) { return(new Throw(e.Source, new LoadLocal(e.Source, v), true)); } } } return(Error(e.Source, ErrorCode.E0000, "Cannot rethrow outside of catch block")); } case AstStatementType.Switch: { var s = e as AstSwitch; var c = CompileExpression(s.Condition); if (!c.ReturnType.IsIntegralType) { c = TryCompileImplicitCast(s.Source, Essentials.Int, c) ?? Error(s.Condition.Source, ErrorCode.E3415, "A switch expression must be of enum or integral type"); } var cases = new List <SwitchCase>(); foreach (var a in s.Cases) { var handler = CompileScope(a.Scope); var values = new List <Constant>(); var includesDefault = false; foreach (var v in a.Values) { if (v == null) { includesDefault = true; continue; } var sym = CompileImplicitCast(v.Source, c.ReturnType, CompileExpression(v)); var constSym = Compiler.ConstantFolder.TryMakeConstant(sym); if (constSym != null) { values.Add(constSym); } else if (sym.IsInvalid) { values.Add(new Constant(sym.Source, DataType.Invalid, -1)); } else { Log.Error(v.Source, ErrorCode.E3410, "Case-expression must be constant"); } } cases.Add(new SwitchCase(values.ToArray(), includesDefault, handler)); } return(new Switch(s.Source, c, cases.ToArray())); } case AstStatementType.Assert: { if (!Environment.Debug) { return(new NoOp(e.Source, "Stripped assert")); } var s = e as AstValueStatement; var value = CompileExpression(s.Value); var args = new List <Expression> { value, new Constant(s.Source, Essentials.String, value.ToString()), new Constant(s.Source, Essentials.String, s.Source.File.ToString().Replace('\\', '/')), new Constant(s.Source, Essentials.Int, s.Source.Line), }; var locals = new List <StoreLocal>(); switch (value.ExpressionType) { case ExpressionType.CallUnOp: { var o = value as CallUnOp; args.Add(CreateAssertIndirection(ref o.Operand, locals, Namescope)); break; } case ExpressionType.CallBinOp: { var o = value as CallBinOp; args.Add(CreateAssertIndirection(ref o.Left, locals, Namescope)); args.Add(CreateAssertIndirection(ref o.Right, locals, Namescope)); break; } case ExpressionType.BranchOp: { var o = value as BranchOp; args.Add(CreateAssertIndirection(ref o.Left, locals, Namescope)); args.Add(CreateAssertIndirection(ref o.Right, locals, Namescope)); break; } case ExpressionType.CallMethod: { var o = value as CallMethod; for (int i = 0; i < o.Arguments.Length; i++) { args.Add(CreateAssertIndirection(ref o.Arguments[i], locals, Namescope)); } break; } } var result = ILFactory.CallMethod(s.Source, "Uno.Diagnostics.Debug", "Assert", args.ToArray()); while (locals.Count > 0) { result = new SequenceOp(locals.RemoveLast(), result); } return(result); } case AstStatementType.DebugLog: { if (!Environment.Debug) { return(new NoOp(e.Source, "Stripped debug_log")); } var s = (AstValueStatement)e; var message = CompileExpression(s.Value); return(ILFactory.CallMethod(s.Source, "Uno.Diagnostics.Log", "Debug", message)); } case AstStatementType.BuildError: return(CreateBuildError(e.Source, true)); case AstStatementType.BuildWarning: return(CreateBuildError(e.Source, false)); case AstStatementType.BuildErrorMessage: { var s = (AstValueStatement)e; return(CreateBuildError(e.Source, true, s.Value)); } case AstStatementType.BuildWarningMessage: { var s = (AstValueStatement)e; return(CreateBuildError(e.Source, false, s.Value)); } } Log.Error(e.Source, ErrorCode.I3411, "Unknown statement type <" + e.StatementType + ">"); return(Expression.Invalid); }
Expression CallSampler(Source src, Expression obj, PixelSampler sampler, int index) { return(sampler.OptionalState == null ? ILFactory.CallMethod(src, obj, "Sampler", new Constant(src, Essentials.Int, index), sampler.Texture) : ILFactory.CallMethod(src, obj, "Sampler", new Constant(src, Essentials.Int, index), sampler.Texture, sampler.OptionalState)); }
Expression CallUniform(Source src, Expression obj, ShaderVariable var, int index) { return(ILFactory.CallMethod(src, obj, "Uniform", new Constant(src, Essentials.Int, index), var.Value)); }
Expression CallAttrib(Source src, Expression obj, VertexAttribute attr, int index) { return(ILFactory.CallMethod(src, obj, "Attrib", new Constant(src, Essentials.Int, index), attr.AttribType, attr.Buffer, attr.Stride, attr.Offset)); }
Expression GetProgram(Draw draw) { _obfuscator.Minify(draw.State); var src = draw.Source; var vsSource = GlslWriter.BuildString(_backend, draw.State.VertexShader, !Environment.Debug); var fsSource = GlslWriter.BuildString(_backend, draw.State.PixelShader, !Environment.Debug); var key = vsSource + ":" + fsSource; foreach (var e in _programs.GetList(key)) { if (e.Source.Package.IsAccessibleFrom(draw.Source.Package)) { return(e); } } int constCount = draw.State.RuntimeConstants.Count; int attribCount = draw.State.VertexAttributes.Count; int uniformCount = draw.State.Uniforms.Count; int samplerCount = draw.State.PixelSamplers.Count; var array = new Expression[constCount + attribCount + uniformCount + samplerCount]; var index = 0; foreach (var v in draw.State.RuntimeConstants) { array[index++] = new Constant(src, Essentials.String, v.Name); } foreach (var v in draw.State.VertexAttributes) { array[index++] = new Constant(src, Essentials.String, v.Name); } foreach (var v in draw.State.Uniforms) { array[index++] = new Constant(src, Essentials.String, v.Name); } foreach (var v in draw.State.PixelSamplers) { array[index++] = new Constant(src, Essentials.String, v.Name); } var prog = ILFactory.CallMethod(src, "Uno.Graphics.OpenGL.GLProgram", "Create", new Constant(src, Essentials.String, vsSource), new Constant(src, Essentials.String, fsSource), new Constant(src, Essentials.Int, constCount), new Constant(src, Essentials.Int, attribCount), new NewArray(src, _stringArray, array)); var result = _bundle.AddProgram(draw.State.Path.DrawBlock, prog); _programs.Add(key, result); if (_dumpShaders) { var prefix = Environment.Combine("shaders", Type.QualifiedName + "." + key.GetHashCode().ToString("x8")); Disk.WriteAllText(prefix + ".vert", vsSource); Disk.WriteAllText(prefix + ".frag", fsSource); } return(result); }