Esempio n. 1
 public PlayerHandBehaviours(PlayerBehaviours abb, PropHandler ph, FBIKChain hc, IKEffector iKEffector) : base(abb, ph)
     handChain    = hc;
     hp           = ac.humanoidParts;
     handEffector = iKEffector;
     //Muscle handMuscle = ph.attachedMuscleGroup.muscles[ph.attachedMuscleGroup.muscles.Length - 1];// 最后一个位置即为 最末尾的 hand 的 muscle
Esempio n. 2
    private void GetFootContact(IKEffector IK, Transform Bone, Transform ToeTip, Vector3 BoneSpeed, RaycastHit HIT, RaycastHit THIT)
        Ray RAY1 = new Ray(new Vector3(IK.position.x, BIK.position.y, IK.position.z), new Vector3(0, -1, 0));
        Ray RAY2; if (ToeTip)

            RAY2 = new Ray(new Vector3(ToeTip.position.x, BIK.position.y, ToeTip.position.z), new Vector3(0, -1, 0));
            RAY2 = RAY1;

        if (Physics.Raycast(RAY1, out HIT, (LegLength * RayReach), FeetMask.value))
            IK.positionWeight = 1f; IK.rotationWeight = 1f;
            IK.position       = Vector3.Lerp(IK.position, new Vector3(Bone.position.x, HIT.point.y + HeelOffset, Bone.position.z), Time.time);
            IK.rotation       = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, HIT.normal) * IK.bone.rotation;
            Debug.DrawLine(RAY1.origin, BIK.position, Color.cyan); Debug.DrawLine(RAY1.origin, IK.position,; Debug.DrawLine(IK.position, HIT.point,;
        if (ToeTip && Physics.Raycast(RAY2, out THIT, (LegLength * RayReach), FeetMask.value) && THIT.point.y > HIT.point.y)
            IK.positionWeight = 1f; IK.rotationWeight = 1f;
            IK.position       = Vector3.Lerp(IK.position, new Vector3(Bone.position.x, THIT.point.y + HeelOffset, Bone.position.z), Time.time);
            IK.rotation       = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, THIT.normal) * IK.bone.rotation;
            Debug.DrawLine(RAY2.origin, BIK.position, Color.cyan); Debug.DrawLine(RAY2.origin, ToeTip.position,; Debug.DrawLine(ToeTip.position, THIT.point,;
        if (IK.position.y < THIT.point.y)
            IK.position = new Vector3(Bone.position.x, THIT.point.y + HeelOffset, Bone.position.z);
        // Rotate an effector from the root of the character
        private void RotateEffector(IKEffector effector, Quaternion rotation, float mlp)
            Vector3 d1     = effector.bone.position - transform.position;
            Vector3 d2     = rotation * d1;
            Vector3 offset = d2 - d1;

            effector.positionOffset += offset * mlp;
Esempio n. 4
 void Awake()
     newRotation = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
     resetCam    = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
     posweight   = 0f;
     rotweight   = 0f;
     lefthand    = ik.solver.leftHandEffector;
Esempio n. 5
        private void RotateEffector(IKEffector effector, Quaternion rotation, float mlp)
            Vector3 vector = effector.bone.position - base.transform.position;
            Vector3 a      = rotation * vector;
            Vector3 a2     = a - vector;

            effector.positionOffset += a2 * mlp;
Esempio n. 6
        private void RotateEffector(IKEffector effector, Quaternion rotation, float mlp)
            Vector3    vector3_1  = Vector3.op_Subtraction(((Transform)effector.bone).get_position(), ((Component)this).get_transform().get_position());
            Vector3    vector3_2  = Vector3.op_Subtraction(Quaternion.op_Multiply(rotation, vector3_1), vector3_1);
            IKEffector ikEffector = effector;

            ikEffector.positionOffset = (__Null)Vector3.op_Addition((Vector3)ikEffector.positionOffset, Vector3.op_Multiply(vector3_2, mlp));
Esempio n. 7
        static bool Prefix(MotionIKUI __instance, ChaControl _chara, Motion.IK _ik, FullBodyBipedIK _fullBodyIK, KinematicCtrl _kinematicCtrl, int _charaID)
            if (_ik == null || _fullBodyIK == null || _kinematicCtrl == null)
            var hEditInstance = Singleton <HEditGlobal> .Instance;

            var nowPartCharaInfo = hEditInstance.nowPartCharaInfo;

            hEditInstance.nowPartCharaInfo = null;
            if (_ik.isUse)
                _kinematicCtrl.Active(PoseInfo.ModeEN.IK, false);

            var effectors = new IKEffector[] { _fullBodyIK.solver.bodyEffector,
                                               _fullBodyIK.solver.leftShoulderEffector, _fullBodyIK.solver.leftHandEffector,
                                               _fullBodyIK.solver.rightShoulderEffector, _fullBodyIK.solver.rightHandEffector,
                                               _fullBodyIK.solver.leftThighEffector, _fullBodyIK.solver.leftFootEffector,
                                               _fullBodyIK.solver.rightThighEffector, _fullBodyIK.solver.rightFootEffector };

            var chains = new FBIKChain[] { _fullBodyIK.solver.leftArmChain, _fullBodyIK.solver.rightArmChain,
                                           _fullBodyIK.solver.leftLegChain, _fullBodyIK.solver.rightLegChain };

            for (int i = 0; i < EffectorIndices.Length; i++)
                var targetIndex = EffectorIndices[i];
                var effector    = effectors[i];
                var area        = _ik.areas[targetIndex];
                SetIKUse(__instance, targetIndex, effector, area.isUse, _kinematicCtrl, false);
                SetIKWeight(__instance, targetIndex, effector, area.isUse, area.weight, false);
                hEditInstance.SetIKParent(_chara, _kinematicCtrl, area.parentCharaID, area.parentArea, targetIndex);
                hEditInstance.SetIKPos(_kinematicCtrl.lstIKBone[targetIndex].changeAmount, area.amount);

            for (int i = 0; i < ChainIndices.Length; i++)
                var targetIndex = ChainIndices[i];
                var chain       = chains[i];
                var area        = _ik.areas[targetIndex];
                SetIKUse(__instance, targetIndex, chain, area.isUse, _kinematicCtrl, false);
                SetIKWeight(__instance, targetIndex, chain, area.isUse, area.weight, false);
                hEditInstance.SetIKParent(_chara, _kinematicCtrl, area.parentCharaID, area.parentArea, targetIndex);
                hEditInstance.SetIKPos(_kinematicCtrl.lstIKBone[targetIndex].changeAmount, area.amount);

            if (!_ik.isUse)
                _kinematicCtrl.Active(PoseInfo.ModeEN.None, false);
            else if (__instance.CharaInfoData != null && __instance.CharaInfoData.useCharaID != _charaID)
                hEditInstance.KinematicCtrlAllVisible(_kinematicCtrl, false);
            hEditInstance.nowPartCharaInfo = nowPartCharaInfo;
Esempio n. 8
            public Footstep(IKEffector effector, Transform thigh, Muscle pelvisMuscle, bool isLeft)
                this.effector     = effector;
                this.thigh        = thigh;
                this.pelvisMuscle = pelvisMuscle;
                this.isLeft       = isLeft;

Esempio n. 9
    protected void Start()
        var ik     = GetComponent <FullBodyBipedIK>();
        var solver = ik.GetIKSolver() as IKSolverFullBodyBiped;

        reachingHand = solver.rightHandEffector;
        reachingHand.positionWeight = 0;
        relaxedPos = reachPos = reachingHand.bone.position;
        public static EffectorHandle Create(IKEffector effector, IllusionCamera camera)
            var handle = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube).AddComponent <EffectorHandle>();

            handle.transform.localScale *= 0.1f;

     = camera;
            handle.effector = effector;
            effector.maintainRelativePositionWeight = 1;

 private static OCIChar.IKInfo AddIKTarget(
     OCIChar _ociChar,
     IKCtrl _ikCtrl,
     int _no,
     IKEffector _effector,
     bool _usedRot,
     Transform _bone)
     OCIChar.IKInfo ikInfo = AddObjectAssist.AddIKTarget(_ociChar, _ikCtrl, _no, (Transform), _usedRot, _bone, true);
     _effector.positionWeight = (__Null)1.0;
     _effector.rotationWeight = !_usedRot ? (__Null)0.0 : (__Null)1.0;         = (__Null)ikInfo.targetObject;
Esempio n. 12
    IEnumerator blendIKEffector(IKEffector ikEffector, float targetWeight, float duration)
        float currentWeight = ikEffector.positionWeight;
        float time          = 0;
        float percentage    = 0;

        while (percentage < 1)
            time      += Time.deltaTime;
            percentage = time / duration;
            ikEffector.positionWeight = Mathf.Lerp(currentWeight, targetWeight, percentage);
            yield return(null);
        ikEffector.positionWeight = targetWeight;         = null;
Esempio n. 13
 private void Awake()
     FBIK = GetComponent <FullBodyBipedIK>();
     Body = FBIK.references.spine[BodySpineID];
     BIK  = FBIK.solver.bodyEffector;
     LFIK = FBIK.solver.leftFootEffector;
     RFIK = FBIK.solver.rightFootEffector;
     LeftFoot  = FBIK.references.leftFoot;
     RightFoot = FBIK.references.rightFoot;
     LeftFootContact = new RaycastHit(); RightFootContact = new RaycastHit();
     LeftToeContact  = new RaycastHit(); RightToeContact = new RaycastHit();
     LegLength       = Vector3.Distance(LeftFoot.position, Body.position);
Esempio n. 14
            internal Limb(LimbName limbpart, GameObject anchorObj, Transform animPos, IKEffector effector, Transform origTarget,
                          BaseData targetBone, FBIKChain chain = null, BaseData parentJointBone = null, IKEffector parentJointEffector = null,
                          Transform parentJointAnimPos         = null, bool fix = false)
                LimbPart   = limbpart;
                AnchorObj  = anchorObj;
                AnimPos    = animPos;
                Effector   = effector;
                Chain      = chain;
                OrigTarget = origTarget;
                TargetBone = targetBone;
                Fixed      = fix;

                ParentJointBone     = parentJointBone;
                ParentJointEffector = parentJointEffector;
                ParentJointAnimPos  = parentJointAnimPos;
    //TODO: Push() and Pull() /*like grab but no target on opponent's body*/

     * public bool Grab(MovePoint grabber, AttachPoint target)
     * {
     *  bool reachedTarget = Move(grabber, target.AttachObject.transform);
     *  if (reachedTarget)
     *  {
     *      //DebugLog("Reached target Player " + PlayerNumber);
     *      target.AttachedTo = grabber;
     *  }
     *  return reachedTarget;
     * }

    public bool Move(BodyPoint bodyPoint, Transform target)
        IKEffector effector = _ik.solver.GetEffector(bodyPoint.Effector);

        if (Vector3.Distance(effector.position, target.position) < MOVE_COMPLETE_PROXIMITY)

        float step = HAND_MOVE_SPEED * Time.deltaTime;

        bodyPoint.EffectorTargetPositionWeight = 1.0f;
        bodyPoint.EffectorTargetPosition       = Vector3.Lerp(effector.position, target.position, step);
        Debug.DrawLine(bodyPoint.EffectorTargetPosition, target.position, Color.white);

Esempio n. 16
            // Set effector position and rotation to match it's bone
            public void SetToBone(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, Mode mode)
                e = solver.GetEffector(effector);
                // Using world space position and rotation here for the sake of simplicity of the demo
                // Ideally we should use position and rotation relative to character's root, so we could move around while doing this.

                switch (mode)
                case Mode.Position:
                    e.position = e.bone.position;
                    e.rotation = e.bone.rotation;

                case Mode.PositionOffset:
                    position = e.bone.position;
                    rotation = e.bone.rotation;
Esempio n. 17
        private void HandsOnProp(IKEffector mainHand, IKEffector otherHand)
            Vector3    vector      = otherHand.bone.position - mainHand.bone.position;
            Vector3    point       = Quaternion.Inverse(mainHand.bone.rotation) * vector;
            Vector3    b           = mainHand.bone.position + vector * 0.5f;
            Quaternion rhs         = Quaternion.Inverse(mainHand.bone.rotation) * otherHand.bone.rotation;
            Vector3    toDirection = otherHand.bone.position + otherHand.positionOffset - (mainHand.bone.position + mainHand.positionOffset);
            Vector3    a           = mainHand.bone.position + mainHand.positionOffset + vector * 0.5f;

            mainHand.position       = mainHand.bone.position + mainHand.positionOffset + (a - b);
            mainHand.positionWeight = 1f;
            Quaternion lhs = Quaternion.FromToRotation(vector, toDirection);

            mainHand.rotation        = lhs * mainHand.bone.rotation;
            mainHand.rotationWeight  = 1f;
            otherHand.position       = mainHand.position + mainHand.rotation * point;
            otherHand.positionWeight = 1f;
            otherHand.rotation       = mainHand.rotation * rhs;
            otherHand.rotationWeight = 1f;
Esempio n. 18
    //							DOTween.To(()=> myVector, x=> myVector = x, new Vector3(3,4,8), 1);

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        rgdB             = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        rgdB.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation;
        rgdB.useGravity  = false;
        myTransform      = transform;
        mainCameraGO     = transform.Find("Camera").gameObject;
        //targetBone = head.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
        targetBone = GameObject.Find("Target Aim").gameObject;

        originalHeadRotation = mainCameraGO.transform.localRotation;


        bipedIk   = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <FullBodyBipedIK>();
        rightHand = bipedIk.solver.rightHandEffector;
        leftHand  = bipedIk.solver.leftHandEffector;
        initialHandTargetPosition =;

        velocityV = new Vector3();
        pene      = new Vector3();
        pene      = this.transform.position;

        flecha = Instantiate <GameObject>(arrowReference);
        flecha.transform.position = arrowReference.transform.position;
        flecha.transform.rotation = arrowReference.transform.rotation;

        flecha.transform.localScale = arrowReference.transform.lossyScale;


        returningLeftHandTween  = DOTween.To(() => leftHand.positionWeight, x => leftHand.positionWeight = x, 0.0f, 0.5f);
        returningRightHandTween = DOTween.To(() => rightHand.positionWeight, x => rightHand.positionWeight = x, 0.0f, 0.5f);
Esempio n. 19
            public Leg(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, PuppetMaster puppetMaster, FullBodyBipedEffector effectorType)
                this.solver = solver;
                effector    = solver.GetEffector(effectorType);
                chain       = solver.GetChain(effectorType);

                stepFrom = effector.bone.position;
                stepTo   = effector.bone.position;
                position = effector.bone.position;

                offset = effectorType == FullBodyBipedEffector.LeftFoot? Vector3.left: Vector3.right;

                stepTimer  = 0f;
                stepLength = 0f;

                muscle      = puppetMaster.GetMuscle(effector.bone);
                thighMuscle = puppetMaster.GetMuscle(chain.nodes[0].transform);

                mass          = muscle.rigidbody.mass;
                inertiaTensor = muscle.rigidbody.inertiaTensor;
Esempio n. 20
            // Apply the limit to the effector
            public void Apply(IKEffector e, Quaternion rootRotation)
                Vector3 offset = Quaternion.Inverse(rootRotation) * e.positionOffset;

                if (spring <= 0f)
                    // Hard limits
                    if (x)
                        offset.x = Mathf.Clamp(offset.x, minX, maxX);
                    if (y)
                        offset.y = Mathf.Clamp(offset.y, minY, maxY);
                    if (z)
                        offset.z = Mathf.Clamp(offset.z, minZ, maxZ);
                    // Soft limits
                    if (x)
                        offset.x = SpringAxis(offset.x, minX, maxX);
                    if (y)
                        offset.y = SpringAxis(offset.y, minY, maxY);
                    if (z)
                        offset.z = SpringAxis(offset.z, minZ, maxZ);

                // Apply to the effector
                e.positionOffset = rootRotation * offset;
Esempio n. 21
        private void HandsOnProp(IKEffector mainHand, IKEffector otherHand)
            // Get the animated direction from the main hand to the other hand
            Vector3 toOtherHand = otherHand.bone.position - mainHand.bone.position;

            // Get the hand direction relative to the main hand's rotation
            Vector3 otherHandRelativeDirection = Quaternion.Inverse(mainHand.bone.rotation) * toOtherHand;

            // Get the center point of two hands
            Vector3 handsCenter = mainHand.bone.position + (toOtherHand * 0.5f);

            // Get the other hand's rotation relative to the main hand's rotation
            Quaternion otherHandRelativeRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(mainHand.bone.rotation) * otherHand.bone.rotation;

            // Get the direction from the main hand to the other hand that icludes effector position offsets
            Vector3 toOtherHandWithOffset = (otherHand.bone.position + otherHand.positionOffset) - (mainHand.bone.position + mainHand.positionOffset);

            // Get the center point of two hands that includes effector position offsets
            Vector3 handsCenterWithOffset = (mainHand.bone.position + mainHand.positionOffset) + (toOtherHand * 0.5f);

            // Main hand position
            mainHand.position       = (mainHand.bone.position + mainHand.positionOffset) + (handsCenterWithOffset - handsCenter);
            mainHand.positionWeight = 1f;

            // Main hand rotation
            Quaternion rotationOffset = Quaternion.FromToRotation(toOtherHand, toOtherHandWithOffset);

            mainHand.bone.rotation = rotationOffset * mainHand.bone.rotation;

            // Other hand position
            otherHand.position       = mainHand.position + mainHand.bone.rotation * otherHandRelativeDirection;
            otherHand.positionWeight = 1f;

            // Other hand rotation
            otherHand.bone.rotation = mainHand.bone.rotation * otherHandRelativeRotation;

            ik.solver.leftArmMapping.maintainRotationWeight  = 1f;
            ik.solver.rightArmMapping.maintainRotationWeight = 1f;
Esempio n. 22
            public void Apply(IKEffector e, Quaternion rootRotation)
                Vector3 point = Quaternion.Inverse(rootRotation) * e.positionOffset;

                if (this.spring <= 0f)
                    if (this.x)
                        point.x = Mathf.Clamp(point.x, this.minX, this.maxX);
                    if (this.y)
                        point.y = Mathf.Clamp(point.y, this.minY, this.maxY);
                    if (this.z)
                        point.z = Mathf.Clamp(point.z, this.minZ, this.maxZ);
                    if (this.x)
                        point.x = this.SpringAxis(point.x, this.minX, this.maxX);
                    if (this.y)
                        point.y = this.SpringAxis(point.y, this.minY, this.maxY);
                    if (this.z)
                        point.z = this.SpringAxis(point.z, this.minZ, this.maxZ);
                e.positionOffset = rootRotation * point;
Esempio n. 23
        }                                               // 0x00000001804BD990-0x00000001804BDC90

        private void RotateEffector(IKEffector effector, Quaternion rotation, float mlp)
        }                                                                                           // 0x00000001804BDC90-0x00000001804BDE90
Esempio n. 24
 public static bool IsInRange(IKEffector effector, Vector3 toCheck)
     return(GetDistance(effector, toCheck) < GRAB_RANGE);
Esempio n. 25
 public static float GetDistance(IKEffector effector, Vector3 toCheck)
     return(Vector3.Distance(GetEffectorPosition(effector), toCheck));
Esempio n. 26
 public static Quaternion GetEffectorRotation(IKEffector effector)
Esempio n. 27
 public static Vector3 GetEffectorPosition(IKEffector effector)
Esempio n. 28
 public EffectorAndActor(IKEffector effector, CharBody actor)
     Effector = effector;
     Actor    = actor;
Esempio n. 29
 private static void SetIKUse(MotionIKUI instance, int area, IKEffector effector, bool isOn, KinematicCtrl kinematicCtrl, bool isSave)
     SetIKUseEffectorMethod.Invoke(instance, new object[] { area, effector, isOn, kinematicCtrl, isSave });
Esempio n. 30
 private static void SetIKWeight(MotionIKUI instance, int area, IKEffector effector, bool isOn, float value, bool isSave)
     SetIKWeightEffectorMethod.Invoke(instance, new object[] { area, effector, isOn, value, isSave });