Esempio n. 1
    // ---------------------------------- All controls ------------------------------
    void Update()
        // Menu activation
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))

        // Robot values
        if (!robot)

        output.text = "Angles: \n";
        for (int artIndex = robot.GetArticulations().Length - 1; artIndex >= 0; artIndex--)
            output.text += robot.GetArticulations()[artIndex].Angle() + "\n";

        output.text += "Efector pos: \n" + robot.GetE().position + "\n";

        //robot.articulations[3].UpdateAngleAsGlobal(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 45f));

         * output.text = "Efector pos: \n" + robot.GetE().position + "\n";
         * output.text += robot.GetArticulations()[3].Angle() + "\n";
         * output.text += robot.GetArticulations()[3].transform.rotation.eulerAngles + "\n";
    public void MoveC(IK robot, Transform finalPoint, Transform middlePoint)
        List <Transform> list = new List <Transform>();


        Vector3[]      positions = spline.PrepareSpline(list);
        List <Vector3> points    = spline.GetTrayectory(positions);

        Transform[] trayectory = new Transform[points.Count - 1]; // skip first one, Efector

        for (int i = 0; i < trayectory.Length - 1; i++)           // Last one is target, skip
            Transform transf = new GameObject().transform;
            transf.position = points[i + 1];
            trayectory[i]   = transf;
        trayectory[trayectory.Length - 1] = finalPoint;

        robot.CCDAlg(trayectory, false);

        if (gameController.GetOnlineMode())
            controller.RunCommandOnline("move" + " " + finalPoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + " " + middlePoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName());
    public void MoveL(IK robot, Transform target)
        Vector3 a = robot.GetE().position;
        Vector3 b = target.position;

        float resolution = 0.1f; // Line quality, small=high
        int   loops      = Mathf.FloorToInt(1f / resolution);

        // Linear trayectory
        Transform[] trayectory = new Transform[loops];

        for (int i = 1; i < loops; i++) // Last one is target, skip
            Transform transf = new GameObject().transform;
            float     t      = i * resolution;
            //transf.position = Vector3.Lerp(robot.E.position, target.position, t);
            transf.position   = Vector3.Lerp(a, b, t);
            trayectory[i - 1] = transf;
        trayectory[loops - 1] = target;

        robot.CCDAlg(trayectory, false);

        if (gameController.GetOnlineMode())
            controller.RunCommandOnline("movel" + " " + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName());
Esempio n. 4
     * Mueve el Scorbot a una posición ya definida. El movimiento es una línea recta.
     * @param robot Scorbot
     * @param target Posición (objeto)
     * @return void
    public void MoveL(IK robot, Transform target)
        // If target with invalid data
        if (!target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetValid())
            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. MOVEL Unreachable position \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", false);
        // Scorbot end effector
        Vector3 a = robot.GetE().position;
        // Position coordinates
        Vector3 b = target.position;

        float resolution = 0.1f; // Line quality, small=high quality
        int   loops      = Mathf.FloorToInt(1f / resolution);

        // Linear trajectory
        Transform[] trajectory = new Transform[loops];

        for (int i = 1; i < loops; i++) // Last one is target, skip
            // New object
            Transform transf = new GameObject().transform;
            float     t      = i * resolution;
            // Modify coordinates. Interpolation from a to b
            transf.position = Vector3.Lerp(a, b, t);
            // Add to trajectory
            trajectory[i - 1] = transf;
        // Add target to trajectory
        trajectory[loops - 1] = target;

        // Move Scorbot following trajectory. It uses "speedl"
        robot.CCDAlg(trajectory, false);
        stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. MOVEL \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", true);

        // Online mode
        if (gameController.GetOnlineMode())
            bool done = controller.RunCommandUIOnline("movel", target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName());
            if (done)
                string aux = "";
                if (!target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetSync())
                    aux = ". NO SYNC";
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Online MOVEL \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"" + aux, done);
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Online MOVEL \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
    void Update()
        // After initialization, only once
        if (!loadedEffector)
            // New end effector values
            loadedEffector = true;
            // Only one scorbot should be active
            foreach (IK scorbot in scorbots)
                if (scorbot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().scorbotIndex == ScorbotERIX.INDEX)

        // Menu activation
        if (menu.activeSelf)
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))

        // Scorbot values
        if (!robot || !robot.GetE())
        // Scorbot end effector
        Vector3 pos = new Vector3(robot.GetE().position.x, robot.GetE().position.z, robot.GetE().position.y);

        pos         = pos * 10f;
        output.text = "Efector pos: \n" + "X: " +
                      pos.x.ToString(NUMBER_FORMAT) + "\nY: " + pos.y.ToString(NUMBER_FORMAT) + "\nZ: " + pos.z.ToString(NUMBER_FORMAT) + "\n";

    public void Here(IK robot, Transform target)
        if (gameController.GetOnlineMode())
            // 2 options. use pos from robot (simulation) or real robot
            if (isHereFromSimulation)
                // TEST????

                // Copy angles from robot
                target.position = new Vector3(robot.GetE().position.x, robot.GetE().position.y, robot.GetE().position.z);
                target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetAngles(robot.GetAngles());

                // Get pos and p, r from simulation. Do teach to real Scorbot

                List <float> xyzpr = new List <float>()
                    target.position.x, target.position.z, target.position.y,
                    target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetPitch(), -target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRoll()
                controller.Connection.GetComponent <SerialController>().WriteToControllerTeach(target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().name, xyzpr);
                //Teach(robot, target, pos, posPitchRoll[3], posPitchRoll[4]);
                stateOutput.text = "Success Here";
            else // From real Scorbot
                List <String[]> listString = new List <string[]>();
                // This stops main thread

                //listString = controller.RunCommandListpvOnline(target.GetComponent<TargetModel>().GetName());

                string result = "";

                Regex        rx           = new Regex("^.:(.+?)$");
                List <int>   counts       = new List <int>();
                List <float> posPitchRoll = new List <float>();

                foreach (String[] a in listString)
                    //aux += a.Length.ToString();
                    foreach (string b in a)
                        MatchCollection matches = rx.Matches(b);
                        foreach (Match match in matches)
                            GroupCollection groups = match.Groups;
                            result += groups[1].Value + "?";

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

                result          += posPitchRoll.Count + " " + counts.Count + " " + counts[0] + " " + posPitchRoll[0];
                stateOutput.text = result;

                // Just set robot to angles of real robot, then teach? with POS PITCH ROLL recovered (use target)
                //target.position = robot.GetPosFromCounts(counts);
                // 18 19.8 46.9

                // Or do teach to get same pos
                Teach(robot, target, new Vector3(posPitchRoll[0], posPitchRoll[1], posPitchRoll[2]), posPitchRoll[3], posPitchRoll[4], false);
        else // Offline
            // Copy angles from robot
            target.position = new Vector3(robot.GetE().position.x, robot.GetE().position.y, robot.GetE().position.z);
            target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetAngles(robot.GetAngles());

            //List<int> counts = new List<int>() { -13541, -22691, -3489, 56937, 27};
            //target.position = robot.GetPosFromCounts(counts);
            //stateOutput.text =  robot.GetPosFromCounts(counts).ToString();
     * Mueve o rota un objeto dependiento del objeto seleccionado. Si es un eje se produce un movimiento
     * con ayuda de los cambios del ratón, si es un eje de rotación se aplica una rotación con ayuda
     * de los cambios del ratón.
     * @return void
    private void MoveOrRotate()
        // Parent from selected object. An object can contain axis and a selectable object,
        // these components are contained in a parent object, so to move everything we just move
        // the parent since its children will automatically follow.
        Transform parent = selectedObject.transform.parent.transform;

        // Selected object is an Axis
        if (selectedObject.tag.Contains(AXIS_TAG))
            Vector3 startPos = parent.position;
            // Selected object is an Axis X
            if (selectedObject.tag.Contains(X_TAG))
                // Angle between camera and object
                float angle = Vector3.Angle(cam.right, parent.right);
                // Move object around axis x, angle determines forward or backward
                if (angle < 90f)
                    parent.Translate(new Vector3(axisSensibityReduction * axisSensibity *
                                                 Input.GetAxis(MOUSE_X), 0f, 0f));
                    parent.Translate(new Vector3(axisSensibityReduction * -axisSensibity *
                                                 Input.GetAxis(MOUSE_X), 0f, 0f));
            // Selected object is an Axis Y
            if (selectedObject.tag.Contains(Y_TAG))
                // Move object around axis y
                parent.Translate(new Vector3(0f, axisSensibityReduction * axisSensibity *
                                             Input.GetAxis(MOUSE_Y), 0f));
            // Selected object is an Axis Z
            if (selectedObject.tag.Contains(Z_TAG))
                // Angle between camera and object
                float angle = Vector3.Angle(cam.right, parent.forward);
                // Move object around axis z, angle determines forward or backward
                if (angle < 90f)
                    parent.Translate(new Vector3(0f, 0f, axisSensibityReduction * axisSensibity *
                    parent.Translate(new Vector3(0f, 0f, axisSensibityReduction * -axisSensibity *

            // Target (a position) moved. Invalid angles
            if (selectedObject.tag.Contains(TARGET_TAG) && (!startPos.Equals(parent.position)))
                // If it is not a being used by another position (relative), this position not sync anymore

                if (parent.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRelativeTo() == null)
                    Transform relativePosition = parent.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRelativeFrom();
                    parent.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(false);
                    // if this position is being used by another position (relative), that position is not sync anymore
                    if (parent.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRelativeFrom())
                        relativePosition.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(false);
                        // Updating relative position
                        relativePosition.GetComponent <TargetModel>().UpdateRelativePosition();

                        // Update angles data
                        if (robot.TargetInRange(relativePosition))
                            // Reachable. Load data to target
                            relativePosition.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetAngles(robot.GetAnglesFromCopy());
                            relativePosition.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetValid(true);
                        else // Unreachable
                            relativePosition.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetValid(false);

                    // Check if it's an unreachable point
                    if (robot.TargetInRange(parent))
                        // Reachable. Load data to target
                        parent.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetAngles(robot.GetAnglesFromCopy());
                        parent.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetValid(true);
                    else // Unreachable
                        parent.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetValid(false);


                else // Moved a relative position, revert position
                    parent.GetComponent <TargetModel>().UpdateRelativePosition();
            // Update trayectory in case a position is moved

        // Selected object is a rotation axis
        if (selectedObject.tag.Contains(ROTATION_TAG))
            // Scorbot articulation
            Articulation art = parent.GetComponent <Articulation>();
            // If selected object parent is an articulation
            if (art != null)
                // If articulation plane is xz, apply rotation
                if (art.GetPlane().Equals(PlaneHelper.XZ))
                    parent.GetComponent <Articulation>().Rotate(-rotationSensibity * Input.GetAxis(MOUSE_X));

                // If articulation plane is xy, apply rotation
                if (art.GetPlane().Equals(PlaneHelper.XY))
                    // Angle between camera and object
                    float angle = Vector3.Angle(cam.forward, parent.forward);
                    // Rotate object around plane xy, angle determines forward or backward
                    if (angle < 90f)
                        parent.GetComponent <Articulation>().Rotate(-rotationSensibity * Input.GetAxis(MOUSE_X));
                        parent.GetComponent <Articulation>().Rotate(rotationSensibity * Input.GetAxis(MOUSE_X));

                // If articulation plane is yz, apply rotation
                if (art.GetPlane().Equals(PlaneHelper.YZ))
                    // Angle between camera and object
                    float angle = Vector3.Angle(cam.forward, parent.right);
                    // Rotate object around plane yz, angle determines forward or backward
                    if (angle < 90f)
                        parent.GetComponent <Articulation>().Rotate(-rotationSensibity * Input.GetAxis(MOUSE_X));
                        parent.GetComponent <Articulation>().Rotate(rotationSensibity * Input.GetAxis(MOUSE_X));

        // If selected object is Scorbot InnerAxis (InnerTarget contains InnerAxis)
        if (selectedObject.tag.Contains(INNERAXIS_TAG))
            // Move Scorbot to InnerTarget position
        else // Update InnerTarget position to Scorbot end effector position when is not selected
            innerTarget.transform.parent.transform.position = robot.GetE().position;
Esempio n. 8
     * Modifica una posición con los valores actuales del Scorbot. Modifica una posición en el controlador con los
     * valores actuales del Scorbot real o el de la simulación. En modo "From simulation" el Scorbot es el de
     * la simulación, mientras que en modo "From Scorbot" es el Scorbot real. En modo "From simulation" se ejecuta
     * el comando "Teach" (online) con los valores del Scorbot de la simulación. En modo "From Scorbot" se ejecuta
     * el comando "Here" (online) en el Scorbot real, seguidamente de "Listpv" (online) para recuperar los datos
     * del "Here" y se realiza un "Teach" (Offline) para cargar esos datos.
     * @param robot Scorbot
     * @param target Posición (objeto)
     * @return void
    public void Here(IK robot, Transform target)
        // Online mode
        if (gameController.GetOnlineMode())
            // 2 options. Use pos from simulation or real Scorbot
            if (isHereFromSimulation) // Here. Mode "From simulation"
                // Copy angles from simulation into the position (object)
                target.position = new Vector3(robot.GetE().position.x, robot.GetE().position.y, robot.GetE().position.z);
                target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetAngles(robot.GetAngles());
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. HERE \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", true);
                target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(false);

                // Get pos, p, r from simulation. Do teach to real Scorbot
                float multPos     = 10f;
                float multDegrees = 1f;
                if (robot.GetComponent <ScorbotModel>().scorbotIndex == ScorbotERVPlus.INDEX)
                    multPos     = 100f;
                    multDegrees = 10f;

                List <float> xyzpr = new List <float>()
                    target.position.x *multPos, target.position.z *multPos, target.position.y *multPos,
                    target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetPitch() * multDegrees, target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetRoll() * multDegrees

                bool done = controller.RunCommandUITeach(target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName(), xyzpr);

                if (done)
                    stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Online HERE \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
                    target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(true);
                    stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Online HERE \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
            else // Here. Mode "From real Scorbot"
                // Real scorbot here
                bool here = controller.RunCommandUIOnline("here", target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName());
                if (here)
                    stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Online HERE(HERE) \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", here);
                    target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(false);
                    stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Online HERE(HERE) \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", here);

                // Get data from real Scorbot into the position (object)
                bool done = SyncScorbotToSimulation(robot, target);

                if (done)
                    stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Online HERE(SYNC) \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
                    stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Online HERE(SYNC) \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);
        else // Offline mode
            // Copy angles from simulation into the position (object)
            target.position = new Vector3(robot.GetE().position.x, robot.GetE().position.y, robot.GetE().position.z);
            target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetAngles(robot.GetAngles());
            target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().SetSync(false);

            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. HERE \"" + target.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", true);
Esempio n. 9
     * Mueve el Scorbot a una posición ya definida pasando por otra posición. El movimiento es una curva generada
     * por el algoritmo del spline de CatmullRom.
     * @param robot Scorbot
     * @param finalPoint Posición final(objeto)
     * @param middlePoint Posición intermedia (objeto)
     * @return void
    public void MoveC(IK robot, Transform finalPoint, Transform middlePoint)
        // Valid final position
        if (!finalPoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetValid())
            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. MOVEC Unreachable position \"" + finalPoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", false);
        // Valid intermediate position
        if (!middlePoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetValid())
            stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. MOVEC Unreachable position \"" + middlePoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", false);

        List <Transform> list = new List <Transform>();

        // Scorbot final effector
        // Intermadiate position
        // Final position

        // Add 2 control points
        Vector3[] positions = spline.PrepareSpline(list);
        // Get final trajectory
        List <Vector3> points = spline.GetTrayectory(positions);

        // Build objects from final trajectory
        Transform[] trayectory = new Transform[points.Count - 1]; // skip first one, Effector

        for (int i = 0; i < trayectory.Length - 1; i++)           // Last one is target, skip
            Transform transf = new GameObject().transform;
            transf.position = points[i + 1];
            trayectory[i]   = transf;
        trayectory[trayectory.Length - 1] = finalPoint;
        // Move Scorbot following trajectory
        robot.CCDAlg(trayectory, false);
        stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. MOVEC \"" + finalPoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"" +
                                         " \"" + middlePoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", true);

        // Online mode
        if (gameController.GetOnlineMode())
            bool done = controller.RunCommandUIOnline("movec", finalPoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName(), middlePoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName());

            if (done)
                string aux = "";
                if (!finalPoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetSync() || !middlePoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetSync())
                    aux = ". NO SYNC";
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Done. Online MOVEC \"" + finalPoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"" +
                                                 " \"" + middlePoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + aux, done);
                stateMessageControl.WriteMessage("Error. Online MOVEC \"" + finalPoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"" +
                                                 " \"" + middlePoint.GetComponent <TargetModel>().GetName() + "\"", done);