internal async Task ConfigureAcmeClient() { var httpClient = _proxyService.GetHttpClient(); httpClient.BaseAddress = _settings.BaseUri; _log.Verbose("Loading ACME account signer..."); IJwsTool?signer = null; var accountSigner = AccountSigner; if (accountSigner != null) { signer = accountSigner.JwsTool(); } _log.Verbose("Constructing ACME protocol client..."); try { _client = new AcmeProtocolClient( httpClient, signer: signer, usePostAsGet: _settings.Acme.PostAsGet); } catch (CryptographicException) { if (signer == null) { // There has been a problem generate a signer for the // new account, possibly because some EC curve is not // on available on the system? So we give it another // shot with a less fancy RSA signer _log.Verbose("First chance error generating new signer, retrying with RSA instead of ECC"); signer = new RSJwsTool { KeySize = _settings.Security.RSAKeyBits }; signer.Init(); _client = new AcmeProtocolClient( httpClient, signer: signer, usePostAsGet: _settings.Acme.PostAsGet); } else { throw; } } _client.BeforeHttpSend = (x, r) => _log.Debug("Send {method} request to {uri}", r.Method, r.RequestUri); _client.AfterHttpSend = (x, r) => _log.Verbose("Request completed with status {s}", r.StatusCode); _client.Directory = await _client.GetDirectoryAsync(); await _client.GetNonceAsync(); _client.Account = await LoadAccount(_client, signer); if (_client.Account == null) { throw new Exception("AcmeClient was unable to find or create an account"); } }
private async Task <AccountDetails?> LoadAccount(AcmeProtocolClient client, IJwsTool?signer) { AccountDetails?account = null; if (File.Exists(AccountPath)) { if (signer != null) { _log.Debug("Loading account information from {registrationPath}", AccountPath); account = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AccountDetails>(File.ReadAllText(AccountPath)); client.Account = account; // Maybe we should update the account details // on every start of the program to figure out // if it hasn't been suspended or cancelled? // UpdateAccount(); } else { _log.Error("Account found but no valid signer could be loaded"); } } else { var contacts = await GetContacts(); var(_, filename, content) = await client.GetTermsOfServiceAsync(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { if (!await AcceptTos(filename, content)) { return(null); } } account = await client.CreateAccountAsync(contacts, termsOfServiceAgreed : true); _log.Debug("Saving registration"); var accountKey = new AccountSigner { KeyType = client.Signer.JwsAlg, KeyExport = client.Signer.Export(), }; AccountSigner = accountKey; File.WriteAllText(AccountPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(account)); } return(account); }
internal AcmeProtocolClient PrepareClient(HttpClient httpClient, IJwsTool?signer) { AcmeProtocolClient?client = null; _log.Verbose("Constructing ACME protocol client..."); try { client = new AcmeProtocolClient( httpClient, signer: signer, usePostAsGet: _settings.Acme.PostAsGet); } catch (CryptographicException) { if (signer == null) { // There has been a problem generate a signer for the // new account, possibly because some EC curve is not // on available on the system? So we give it another // shot with a less fancy RSA signer _log.Verbose("First chance error generating new signer, retrying with RSA instead of ECC"); signer = new RSJwsTool { KeySize = _settings.Security.RSAKeyBits }; signer.Init(); client = new AcmeProtocolClient( httpClient, signer: signer, usePostAsGet: _settings.Acme.PostAsGet); } else { throw; } } client.BeforeHttpSend = (x, r) => _log.Debug("Send {method} request to {uri}", r.Method, r.RequestUri); client.AfterHttpSend = (x, r) => _log.Verbose("Request completed with status {s}", r.StatusCode); return(client); }
internal async Task ConfigureAcmeClient() { _log.Verbose("Loading ACME account signer..."); var accountSigner = AccountSigner; IJwsTool?signer = null; if (accountSigner != null) { signer = accountSigner.JwsTool(); } var httpClient = _proxyService.GetHttpClient(); httpClient.BaseAddress = _settings.BaseUri; var client = PrepareClient(httpClient, signer); try { client.Directory = await client.GetDirectoryAsync(); } catch (Exception) { // Perhaps the BaseUri *is* the directory, such // as implemented by Digicert (#1434) client.Directory.Directory = ""; client.Directory = await client.GetDirectoryAsync(); } await client.GetNonceAsync(); client.Account = await LoadAccount(client, signer); if (client.Account == null) { throw new Exception("AcmeClient was unable to find or create an account"); } _client = client; _log.Verbose("ACME client initialized"); }
internal AcmeProtocolClient PrepareClient(HttpClient httpClient, IJwsTool?signer) { _log.Verbose("Constructing ACME protocol client..."); AcmeProtocolClient?client; try { client = new AcmeProtocolClient( httpClient, signer: signer, usePostAsGet: _settings.Acme.PostAsGet); } catch (CryptographicException) { if (signer == null) { // There has been a problem generate a signer for the // new account, possibly because some EC curve is not // on available on the system? So we give it another // shot with a less fancy RSA signer _log.Verbose("First chance error generating new signer, retrying with RSA instead of ECC"); signer = new RSJwsTool { KeySize = _settings.Security.RSAKeyBits }; signer.Init(); client = new AcmeProtocolClient( httpClient, signer: signer, usePostAsGet: _settings.Acme.PostAsGet); } else { throw; } } return(client); }
private async Task <AccountDetails?> LoadAccount(AcmeProtocolClient client, IJwsTool?signer) { _log.Verbose("Loading ACME account"); AccountDetails?account = null; if (File.Exists(AccountPath)) { if (signer != null) { _log.Debug("Loading account information from {registrationPath}", AccountPath); account = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AccountDetails>(File.ReadAllText(AccountPath)); client.Account = account; // Maybe we should update the account details // on every start of the program to figure out // if it hasn't been suspended or cancelled? // UpdateAccount(); } else { _log.Error("Account found but no valid signer could be loaded"); } } else { _log.Verbose("No account found at {path}, creating new one", AccountPath); try { var(_, filename, content) = await client.GetTermsOfServiceAsync(); _log.Verbose("Terms of service downloaded"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { if (!await AcceptTos(filename, content)) { return(null); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex, "Error getting terms of service"); } var contacts = default(string[]); var externalAccount = default(ExternalAccountBinding); var kid = _accountArguments.EabKeyIdentifier; var key = _accountArguments.EabKey; var alg = _accountArguments.EabAlgorithm ?? "HS256"; var eabFlow = client.Directory?.Meta?.ExternalAccountRequired == "true"; if (eabFlow) { _input.CreateSpace(); _input.Show(null, "This ACME endpoint requires an external account. You will " + "need to provide a key identifier and a key to proceed. Please refer to the " + "providers instructions on how to obtain these."); } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kid)) { eabFlow = true; _input.CreateSpace(); _input.Show(null, "You have provided external account binding key, but the server" + "claims that is not required. We will attempt to register using this key anyway."); } if (eabFlow) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kid)) { kid = await _input.RequestString("Key identifier"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) { key = await _input.ReadPassword("Key (base64url encoded)"); } externalAccount = new ExternalAccountBinding( alg, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(client.Signer.ExportJwk(), Formatting.None), kid, key ?? "", client.Directory?.NewAccount ?? ""); } else { contacts = await GetContacts(); } try { account = await client.CreateAccountAsync( contacts, termsOfServiceAgreed : true, externalAccountBinding : externalAccount?.Payload() ?? null); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex, "Error creating account"); } if (account != null) { try { _log.Debug("Saving account"); var accountKey = new AccountSigner { KeyType = client.Signer.JwsAlg, KeyExport = client.Signer.Export(), }; AccountSigner = accountKey; await File.WriteAllTextAsync(AccountPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(account)); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex, "Error saving account"); account = null; } } } return(account); }
private async Task <AccountDetails?> LoadAccount(AcmeProtocolClient client, IJwsTool?signer) { _log.Verbose("Loading ACME account"); AccountDetails?account = null; if (File.Exists(AccountPath)) { if (signer != null) { _log.Debug("Loading account information from {registrationPath}", AccountPath); account = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AccountDetails>(File.ReadAllText(AccountPath)); client.Account = account; // Maybe we should update the account details // on every start of the program to figure out // if it hasn't been suspended or cancelled? // UpdateAccount(); } else { _log.Error("Account found but no valid signer could be loaded"); } } else { _log.Verbose("No account found at {path}, creating new one", AccountPath); try { var(_, filename, content) = await client.GetTermsOfServiceAsync(); _log.Verbose("Terms of service downloaded"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { if (!await AcceptTos(filename, content)) { return(null); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex, "Error getting terms of service"); } var contacts = default(string[]); var externalAccount = default(ExternalAccountBinding); var kid = _accountArguments.EabKeyIdentifier; var key = _accountArguments.EabKey; var alg = _accountArguments.EabAlgorithm ?? "HS256"; var eabFlow = client.Directory?.Meta?.ExternalAccountRequired == "true"; var zeroSslFlow = _settings.BaseUri.Host.Contains(""); // Warn about unneeded EAB if (!eabFlow && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kid)) { eabFlow = true; _input.CreateSpace(); _input.Show(null, "You have provided an external account binding key, even though " + "the server does not indicate that this is required. We will attempt to register " + "using this key anyway."); } if (zeroSslFlow) { async Task emailRegistration() { var registration = await GetContacts(allowMultiple : false, prefix : ""); var eab = await _zeroSsl.Register(registration.FirstOrDefault() ?? ""); if (eab != null) { kid = eab.Kid; key = eab.Hmac; } else { _log.Error("Unable to retrieve EAB credentials using the provided email address"); } } async Task apiKeyRegistration() { var accessKey = await _input.ReadPassword("API access key"); var eab = await _zeroSsl.Obtain(accessKey ?? ""); if (eab != null) { kid = eab.Kid; key = eab.Hmac; } else { _log.Error("Unable to retrieve EAB credentials using the provided API access key"); } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_accountArguments.EmailAddress)) { await emailRegistration(); } else { var instruction = "ZeroSsl can be used either by setting up a new " + "account using your email address or by connecting it to your existing " + "account using the API access key or pre-generated EAB credentials, which can " + "be obtained from the Developer section of the dashboard."; _input.CreateSpace(); _input.Show(null, instruction); var chosen = await _input.ChooseFromMenu( "How would you like to create the account?", new List <Choice <Func <Task> > >() { Choice.Create((Func <Task>)apiKeyRegistration, "API access key"), Choice.Create((Func <Task>)emailRegistration, "Email address"), Choice.Create <Func <Task> >(() => Task.CompletedTask, "Input EAB credentials directly") }); await chosen.Invoke(); } } if (eabFlow) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kid)) { var instruction = "This ACME endpoint requires an external account. " + "You will need to provide a key identifier and a key to proceed. " + "Please refer to the providers instructions on how to obtain these."; _input.CreateSpace(); _input.Show(null, instruction); kid = await _input.RequestString("Key identifier"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) { key = await _input.ReadPassword("Key (base64url encoded)"); } externalAccount = new ExternalAccountBinding( alg, JsonConvert.SerializeObject( client.Signer.ExportJwk(), Formatting.None), kid, key ?? "", client.Directory?.NewAccount ?? ""); } else { contacts = await GetContacts(); } try { account = await client.CreateAccountAsync( contacts, termsOfServiceAgreed : true, externalAccountBinding : externalAccount?.Payload() ?? null); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex, "Error creating account"); } if (account != null) { try { _log.Debug("Saving account"); var accountKey = new AccountSigner { KeyType = client.Signer.JwsAlg, KeyExport = client.Signer.Export(), }; AccountSigner = accountKey; await File.WriteAllTextAsync(AccountPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(account)); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex, "Error saving account"); account = null; } } } return(account); }