Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a symbol request.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <Request> CreateAsync(CancellationToken token)
            if (!m_config.DomainId.HasValue)
                m_logger.Verbose("DomainId is not specified. Creating symbol publishing request using DefaultDomainId.");

            IDomainId domainId = m_config.DomainId.HasValue
                ? new ByteDomainId(m_config.DomainId.Value)
                : WellKnownDomainIds.DefaultDomainId;

            Request result;

            using (m_counters.StartStopwatch(SymbolClientCounter.CreateDuration))
                result = await m_symbolClient.CreateRequestAsync(domainId, RequestName, m_config.EnableChunkDedup, token);

            m_requestId = result.Id;
            m_domainId  = result.DomainId;

            // info about a request in a human-readable form
            var requestDetails = $"Symbol request has been created:{Environment.NewLine}"
                                 + $"ID: {result.Id}{Environment.NewLine}"
                                 + $"Name: {result.Name}{Environment.NewLine}"
                                 + $"Content list: '{result.Url}/DebugEntries'";

            // Send the message to the main log.
            Analysis.IgnoreResult(await m_apiClient.LogMessage(requestDetails));


Esempio n. 2
        private async Task <IIpcResult> ParseAndExecuteCommandAsync(int id, IIpcOperation operation)
            string cmdLine = operation.Payload;

            m_logger.Verbose($"Command received. Request #{id}, CommandLine: {cmdLine}");
            ConfiguredCommand conf;

            using (m_counters.StartStopwatch(DaemonCounter.ParseArgsDuration))
                conf = ParseArgs(cmdLine, m_parser);

            IIpcResult result;

            using (var duration = m_counters.StartStopwatch(DaemonCounter.ServerActionDuration))
                result = await conf.Command.ServerAction(conf, this);

                result.ActionDuration = duration.Elapsed;

            TimeSpan queueDuration = operation.Timestamp.Daemon_BeforeExecuteTime - operation.Timestamp.Daemon_AfterReceivedTime;

            m_counters.AddToCounter(DaemonCounter.QueueDurationMs, (long)queueDuration.TotalMilliseconds);

            m_logger.Verbose($"Request #{id} processed in {queueDuration}, Result: {result.ExitCode}");
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes and, if necessary, retries an operation
        /// </summary>
        protected async Task <U> RetryAsync <U>(
            string operationName,
            Func <T, CancellationToken, Task <U> > fn,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            IEnumerator <TimeSpan> retryIntervalEnumerator = null,
            bool reloadFirst = false,
            Guid?operationId = null,
            TimeSpan?timeout = null)
            operationId             = operationId ?? Guid.NewGuid();
            retryIntervalEnumerator = retryIntervalEnumerator ?? m_retryIntervals.GetEnumerator();
            timeout = timeout ?? s_defaultOperationTimeout;

                using (CancellationTokenSource timeoutCancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource())
                    using (CancellationTokenSource innerCancellationSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken, timeoutCancellationSource.Token))
                        var instance = GetCurrentVersionedValue();

                        if (reloadFirst)
                            var reloaded = Reloader.Reload(instance.Version);
                            m_logger.Warning("[{2}] Service client reloaded; new instance created: {0}, new client version: {1}", reloaded, Reloader.CurrentVersion, operationId.Value);

                        m_logger.Verbose("[{2}] Invoking '{0}' against instance version {1}", operationName, instance.Version, operationId.Value);
                        return(await WithTimeoutAsync(fn(instance.Value, innerCancellationSource.Token), timeout.Value, timeoutCancellationSource));
            catch (Exception e) when(m_nonRetryableExceptions.Contains(e.GetType()))
                // We should not retry exceptions of this type.
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is TimeoutException)
                    m_logger.Warning("Timeout ({0}sec) happened while waiting {1}.", timeout.Value.TotalSeconds, operationName);

                if (retryIntervalEnumerator.MoveNext())
                    m_logger.Warning("[{2}] Waiting {1} before retrying on exception: {0}", e.ToString(), retryIntervalEnumerator.Current, operationId.Value);
                    await Task.Delay(retryIntervalEnumerator.Current);

                    return(await RetryAsync(operationName, fn, cancellationToken, retryIntervalEnumerator, reloadFirst : true, operationId : operationId));
                    m_logger.Error("[{1}] Failing because number of retries were exhausted.  Final exception: {0};", e.ToString(), operationId.Value);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts to listen for client connections.  As soon as a connection is received,
        /// it is placed in an action block from which it is picked up and handled asynchronously
        /// (in the <see cref="ParseAndExecuteCommandAsync"/> method).
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()

            // some tests run without API Client, so there is no one to notify that the service is ready
            if (ApiClient != null)
                var process = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
                m_logger.Verbose($"Reporting to BuildXL that the service is ready (pid: {process.Id}, processName: '{process.ProcessName}')");
                var possibleResult = ApiClient.ReportServicePipIsReady(process.Id, process.ProcessName).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                if (!possibleResult.Succeeded)
                    m_logger.Error("Failed to notify BuildXL that the service is ready.");
                    m_logger.Verbose("Successfully notified BuildXL that the service is ready.");
Esempio n. 5
 private TcpIpConnectivity CreateAndStartTcpIpProvider(IIpcLogger logger, int numTimesToRetry = 3, int delayMillis = 250)
         var port          = Utils.GetUnusedPortNumber();
         var tcpIpProvider = new TcpIpConnectivity(port);
     catch (SocketException e)
         if (numTimesToRetry > 0)
             logger.Verbose($"Could not connect; error: '{e.GetLogEventMessage()}'. Waiting {delayMillis}ms then retrying {numTimesToRetry} more times");
             Thread.Sleep(millisecondsTimeout: delayMillis);
             return(CreateAndStartTcpIpProvider(logger, numTimesToRetry - 1, delayMillis * 2));
             logger.Verbose($"Could not connect; error: '{e.GetLogEventMessage()}'. Not retrying any more.");
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a list of arguments and returns a ConfiguredCommand.
        /// </summary>
        public static ConfiguredCommand ParseArgs(string[] args, IParser parser, IIpcLogger logger = null, bool ignoreInvalidOptions = false)
            var usageMessage = Lazy.Create(() => "Usage:" + Environment.NewLine + Usage());

            if (args.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(I($"Command is required. {usageMessage.Value}"));

            var argsQueue = new Queue <string>(args.Length);

            foreach (var arg in args)
                if (arg[0] == ResponseFilePrefix)
                    foreach (var argFromFile in ProcessResponseFile(arg, parser))

            string cmdName = argsQueue.Dequeue();

            if (!Commands.TryGetValue(cmdName, out Command cmd))
                throw new ArgumentException(I($"No command '{cmdName}' is found. {usageMessage.Value}"));

            var    sw        = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            Config conf      = BuildXL.Utilities.CLI.Config.ParseCommandLineArgs(cmd.Options, argsQueue, parser, caseInsensitive: true, ignoreInvalidOptions: ignoreInvalidOptions);
            var    parseTime = sw.Elapsed;

            logger = logger ?? new ConsoleLogger(Verbose.GetValue(conf), ServicePipDaemon.LogPrefix);
            logger.Verbose("Parsing command line arguments done in {0}", parseTime);
            return(new ConfiguredCommand(cmd, conf, logger));
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a hash as string and registers its corresponding SHA-256 ContentHash using BuildXL Api.
        /// Should be called only when DropConfig.GenerateSignedManifest is true.
        /// Returns a hashset of failing RelativePaths.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <HashSet <string> > RegisterFilesForBuildManifestAsync(BuildManifestEntry[] buildManifestEntries)
            await Task.Yield();

            Contract.Requires(m_dropDaemon.DropConfig.GenerateSignedManifest == true, "RegisterFileForBuildManifest API called even though Build Manifest Generation is Disabled in DropConfig");
            var bxlResult = await m_dropDaemon.ApiClient.RegisterFilesForBuildManifest(m_dropDaemon.DropName, buildManifestEntries);

            if (!bxlResult.Succeeded)
                m_logger.Verbose($"ApiClient.RegisterFileForBuildManifest unsuccessful. Failure: {bxlResult.Failure.DescribeIncludingInnerFailures()}");
                return(new HashSet <string>(buildManifestEntries.Select(bme => bme.RelativePath)));

            if (bxlResult.Result.Length > 0)
                m_logger.Verbose($"ApiClient.RegisterFileForBuildManifest found {bxlResult.Result.Length} file hashing failures.");
                return(new HashSet <string>(bxlResult.Result.Select(bme => bme.RelativePath)));

            return(new HashSet <string>());
Esempio n. 8
 private VssCredentials GetCredentials() =>
 new VsoCredentialHelper(m => m_logger.Verbose(m))
 .GetCredentials(m_config.Service, true, null, null, PromptBehavior.Never);
Esempio n. 9
 private void Verbose(string msg, params object[] args)
     m_logger.Verbose("(" + m_name + ") " + msg, args);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <nodoc />
        public VsoClient(IIpcLogger logger, Client bxlApiClient, DaemonConfig daemonConfig, DropConfig dropConfig)
            Contract.Requires(daemonConfig != null);
            Contract.Requires(dropConfig != null);

            m_logger       = logger;
            m_config       = dropConfig;
            m_bxlApiClient = bxlApiClient;

            m_cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            logger.Info("Using drop config: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m_config));

            Stats = new DropStatistics();

            m_credentialFactory = new VssCredentialsFactory(pat: null, new CredentialProviderHelper(m => m_logger.Verbose(m)), m => m_logger.Verbose(m));

            // instantiate drop client
            m_dropClient = new ReloadingDropServiceClient(
                logger: logger,
                clientConstructor: CreateDropServiceClient);

            m_nagleQueue = NagleQueue <AddFileItem> .Create(
                maxDegreeOfParallelism : m_config.MaxParallelUploads,
                batchSize : m_config.BatchSize,
                interval : m_config.NagleTime,
                processBatch : ProcessAddFilesAsync);

            if (m_config.ArtifactLogName != null)
                Tracer.AddFileTraceListener(Path.Combine(daemonConfig.LogDir, m_config.ArtifactLogName));
Esempio n. 11
        /// <nodoc />
        public VsoSymbolClient(IIpcLogger logger, SymbolConfig config, Client apiClient)
            m_logger    = logger;
            m_apiClient = apiClient;
            m_config    = config;
            m_debugEntryCreateBehavior = config.DebugEntryCreateBehavior;
            m_cancellationSource       = new CancellationTokenSource();

            m_counters = new CounterCollection <SymbolClientCounter>();

            m_logger.Info(I($"[{nameof(VsoSymbolClient)}] Using symbol config: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(m_config)}"));

            m_credentialFactory = new VssCredentialsFactory(pat: null, new CredentialProviderHelper(m => m_logger.Verbose(m)), m => m_logger.Verbose(m));

            m_symbolClient = new ReloadingSymbolClient(
                logger: logger,
                clientConstructor: CreateSymbolServiceClient);

            m_nagleQueue = NagleQueue <BatchedSymbolFile> .Create(
                maxDegreeOfParallelism : m_config.MaxParallelUploads,
                batchSize : m_config.BatchSize,
                interval : m_config.NagleTime,
                processBatch : ProcessBatchedFilesAsync);

            m_fileUploadQueue = new ActionQueue(m_config.MaxParallelUploads);