protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { long eventId; try { eventId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.Params.Get("eventId")); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { //Hacer un redirect a los grupos eventId = 0; } if (eventId != 0) { ViewState["eventId"] = eventId; IIoCManager ioCManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IRecommendationGroupService recommendationGroupService = ioCManager.Resolve <IRecommendationGroupService>(); HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["loginName"]; List <DTOGroupsUser> groupsUsers = recommendationGroupService.ShowUserGroups(cookie.Value); if (groupsUsers.Count == 0) { this.lblEvents.Visible = false; lclRecommendation.Visible = false; txtRecommend.Visible = false; lblNoGroupsToRecommend.Visible = true; lblSelectCheckBox.Visible = false; this.btnCreateRecommendation.Visible = false; return; } DataTable table = new DataTable(); using (var reader = ObjectReader.Create(groupsUsers, "group_usersId", "gr_name")) { table.Load(reader); } ViewState["groupsRecommend"] = table; this.gvGroups.DataSource = (DataTable)ViewState["groupsRecommend"]; this.DataBind(); this.gvGroups.Columns[0].Visible = false; } else { lblNoeventId.Visible = true; txtRecommend.Visible = false; btnCreateRecommendation.Visible = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { IIoCManager ioCManager = (IIoCManager)Application["managerIoC"]; ISportEventService sportEventService = ioCManager.Resolve <ISportEventService>(); List <string> categories = sportEventService.GetCategories(); UpdateComboCategories(categories); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IProductService productService = (IProductService)iocManager.Resolve <IProductService>(); IOrderService orderService = (IOrderService)iocManager.Resolve <IOrderService>(); //Cogemos los keywords long orderId = (long)Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params.Get("orderId")); List <ProductDetails> products = productService.GetOrderLineProductsByOrderId(orderId); double prize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < products.Count; i++) { prize += products.ElementAt(i).numberOfUnits *products.ElementAt(i).prize; } gvOrderDetails.DataSource = products; gvOrderDetails.DataBind(); txtPrize.Text = prize.ToString(); OrderDetails order = orderService.FindOrder(orderId); txtCard.Text = order.CardNumber; txtPostalAddress.Text = order.PostalAddress.ToString(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { long eventId; try { eventId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.Params.Get("eventId")); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { eventId = 0; lblNoComments.Visible = true; lblComments.Visible = false; return; } int count; IIoCManager ioCManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; ISportEventService sportEventService = ioCManager.Resolve <ISportEventService>(); count = Settings.Default.PracticaMaD_defaultCount; List <DTOComment> comments = sportEventService.FindComments(eventId, 0, count); if (comments.Count == 0) { lblNoComments.Visible = true; lblComments.Visible = false; return; } else { lblComments.Visible = true; } DataTable table = new DataTable(); using (var reader = ObjectReader.Create(comments, "commentId", "loginName", "eventId", "comment_description", "publishDate")) { table.Load(reader); } ViewState["comments"] = table; this.gvComments.DataSource = table; this.DataBind(); this.gvComments.Columns[0].Visible = false; this.gvComments.Columns[2].Visible = false; }
protected void BtnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IProductService productService = iocManager.Resolve <IProductService>(); long productId = long.Parse(btnDelete.Attributes["name"]); long id = Convert.ToInt64(cellOwnCommentId.Text); productService.DeleteComment(id); Response.Redirect(Response. ApplyAppPathModifier("~/Pages/Product/ProductComments.aspx" + "?product=" + productId)); }
protected void btnDeleteTag_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { long tagId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params.Get("tagId")); IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; ITagDao tagDao = (ITagDao)iocManager.Resolve <ITagDao>(); if (SessionManager.IsUserAuthenticated(Context)) { tagDao.Remove(tagId); Response.Redirect(Response.ApplyAppPathModifier("~/Pages/MainPage.aspx")); } else { lblAutenticated.Visible = true; } }
protected void BtnEditCommentClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (commentBody.Text == string.Empty) { return; } if (SessionManager.IsUserAuthenticated(Context)) { long commentId = long.Parse(Request.Params.Get("comment")); /* Get the Service */ IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IProductService productService = iocManager.Resolve <IProductService>(); string savedTags = (string)ViewState["tags"]; if (savedTags != tagBox.Text) { List <string> strTags = tagBox.Text.Split(' ').ToList(); List <long> tags = new List <long>(); foreach (string strTag in strTags) { try { tags.Add(productService.AddTag(strTag.ToLower())); } catch (DuplicateInstanceException) { tags.Add(productService.FindTagByName(strTag).tagId); } } productService.UpdateComment(commentId, commentBody.Text, tags); } else { productService.UpdateComment(commentId, commentBody.Text); } long productId = productService.FindCommentById(commentId).productId; Response.Redirect( Response.ApplyAppPathModifier("~/Pages/Product/ProductComments.aspx?product=" + productId.ToString())); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { long productId = long.Parse(Request.Params.Get("product")); tagBox.Visible = false; commentBody.Visible = false; btnAddComment.Visible = false; lnkBack.NavigateUrl = "~/Pages/Product/ProductDetails.aspx?product=" + productId.ToString(); if (!SessionManager.IsUserAuthenticated(Context)) { lblUnlogedUser.Visible = true; tagBox.Visible = false; commentBody.Visible = false; btnAddComment.Visible = false; return; } /* Get the Service */ IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IProductService productService = iocManager.Resolve <IProductService>(); productService.FindCommentByProductAndUser(productId, SessionManager.GetUserSession(Context).UserProfileId); lblCommented.Visible = true; } catch (ArgumentNullException) { lblNoProduct.Visible = true; tagBox.Visible = false; commentBody.Visible = false; btnAddComment.Visible = false; lnkBack.NavigateUrl = "~/Pages/Product/ProductSearch.aspx"; } catch (InstanceNotFoundException) { tagBox.Visible = true; commentBody.Visible = true; btnAddComment.Visible = true; } }
private void ChangeDefault() { if (paymentMethod == false) { IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; ICardService cardService = (ICardService)iocManager.Resolve <ICardService>(); CardDetails card = cardService.GetUserDefaultCard(SessionManager.GetUserSession(Context).UserProfileId); if (card != null) { cardId = card.CardId; cardNumber = card.CardNumber; cardType = card.CardType; expirateTime = card.ExpirateTime.ToString(); txtId.Text = cardId.ToString(); txtCardNumber.Text = cardNumber.ToString(); txtType.Text = cardType; txtExpirationTime.Text = expirateTime; } } }
protected void gvProducts_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { /* Get the Service */ IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IProductService productService = iocManager.Resolve <IProductService>(); Comment comment = productService.FindCommentById(long.Parse(e.Row.Cells[0].Text)); // Find ListBox TextBox box = (TextBox)e.Row.FindControl("TextTags"); box.Text = ""; foreach (Tag tag in comment.Tags) { box.Text += tag.tagName + "\n"; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { IIoCManager ioCManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IRecommendationGroupService recommendationGroupService = ioCManager.Resolve <IRecommendationGroupService>(); HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["loginName"]; List <DTOGroupsUser> groupsUsers = recommendationGroupService.ShowUserGroups(cookie.Value); if (groupsUsers.Count == 0) { lblNoGroups.Visible = true; lblGroups.Visible = false; return; } lblGroups.Visible = false; #region //Forma normal //this.gvGroups.DataSource = groupsUsers; //this.DataBind(); #endregion //Forma normal #region //Forma opcional : Utilizando paquete Nuget: FastMember DataTable table = new DataTable(); using (var reader = ObjectReader.Create(groupsUsers, "group_usersId", "gr_name")) { table.Load(reader); } ViewState["groups"] = table; this.gvGroups.DataSource = (DataTable)ViewState["groups"];; this.DataBind(); this.gvGroups.Columns[0].Visible = false; #endregion //Forma opcional : Utilizando paquete Nuget: FastMember } }
protected void BtnCreateRecommendation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.lblError.Visible = false; this.lblSuccess.Visible = false; this.lblNoGroupsSelected.Visible = false; IIoCManager ioCManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IRecommendationGroupService recommendationGroupService = ioCManager.Resolve <IRecommendationGroupService>(); List <long> groupsChecked = new List <long>(); foreach (GridViewRow row in gvGroups.Rows) { long groupId = Convert.ToInt64(gvGroups.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Value.ToString()); var chk = row.FindControl("chkGroup") as CheckBox; if (chk != null && chk.Checked) { groupsChecked.Add(groupId); } } if (groupsChecked.Count != 0) { try { long eventId = (long)ViewState["eventId"]; HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["loginName"]; recommendationGroupService.AddRecommendation(cookie.Value, eventId, groupsChecked, this.txtRecommend.Value); } catch (Exception) { lblError.Visible = true; } this.lblSuccess.Visible = true; } else { this.lblNoGroupsSelected.Visible = true; } }
protected int GetFontSize(Object references) { /* Get the Service */ IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IEventService eventService = iocManager.Resolve <IEventService>(); if (totalReferences == 0) { totalReferences = eventService.GetTotalReferences(); } int size = Settings.Default.Labels_FontSize; int increment = Settings.Default.Labels_FontIncrement; for (int i = Settings.Default.Labels_NumFontIncrements; i > 1; i--) { if ((int)references > totalReferences / i) { size += increment; } } return(size); }
protected void btnToPay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IOrderService orderService = (IOrderService)iocManager.Resolve <IOrderService>(); long usrId = SessionManager.GetUserSession(Context).UserProfileId; List <ProductDetails> products = SessionManager.shoppingCart; long cardId = (long)Convert.ToInt32(txtId.Text); int postalAddress = Convert.ToInt32(txtPostalAddress.Text); try { orderService.GenerateOrder(usrId, cardId, postalAddress, products); CleanCache(); SessionManager.shoppingCart.Clear(); paymentMethod = false; string message = GetLocalResourceObject("message.Text").ToString(); Response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('" + message + "'); location.href='/Pages/MainPage.aspx';</script>"); } catch (InsuficientNumberOfUnitsException w) { lblError.Visible = true; lblError.Text = GetLocalResourceObject("lblError.Text").ToString() + " " + w.Message.ToString(); } }
/// <summary>Handles the Click event of the btnEditComment control.</summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param> protected void BtnEditComment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { string commentId = Session["commentId"].ToString(); string txtComment = this.txtComment.Value; IIoCManager ioCManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; ISportEventService sportEventService = ioCManager.Resolve <ISportEventService>(); long commentIdfinal = Convert.ToInt64(commentId); try { sportEventService.UpdateComment(commentIdfinal, txtComment); this.lblSuccess.Visible = true; this.btnEditComment.Visible = false; } catch (Exception) { this.lblError.Text += txtComment; this.lblError.Visible = true; return; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int startIndex, count; long productId; lnkPrevious.Visible = false; lnkNext.Visible = false; lblNoComments.Visible = false; btnDelete.Visible = false; btnModify.Visible = false; /* Get productId */ try { productId = long.Parse(Request.Params.Get("product")); btnDelete.Attributes["name"] = productId.ToString(); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { lblNoComments.Visible = true; lnkBack.NavigateUrl = "~/Pages/Product/ProductSearch.aspx"; return; } lnkBack.NavigateUrl = "~/Pages/Product/ProductDetails.aspx?product=" + productId.ToString(); /* Get Start Index */ try { startIndex = int.Parse(Request.Params.Get("startIndex")); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { startIndex = 0; } /* Get Count */ try { count = int.Parse(Request.Params.Get("count")); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { count = Settings.Default.PracticaMaD_defaultCount; } /* Get the Service */ IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IProductService productService = iocManager.Resolve <IProductService>(); /* Get Products Info */ CommentBlock commentBlock = productService.FindAllProductComments(productId, startIndex, count); if (commentBlock.Comments.Count == 0) { lblNoComments.Visible = true; return; } gvProducts.DataSource = commentBlock.Comments; gvProducts.DataBind(); /* "Previous" link */ if ((startIndex - count) >= 0) { string url = "~/Pages/Product/ProductComments.aspx" + "?product=" + productId + "&startIndex=" + (startIndex - count) + "&count=" + count; lnkPrevious.NavigateUrl = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url); lnkPrevious.Visible = true; } /* "Next" link */ if (commentBlock.ExistMoreComments) { string url = "~/Pages/Product/ProductComments.aspx" + "?product=" + productId + "&startIndex=" + (startIndex + count) + "&count=" + count; lnkNext.NavigateUrl = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url); lnkNext.Visible = true; } Comment comment = null; if (SessionManager.IsUserAuthenticated(Context)) { try { comment = productService.FindCommentByProductAndUser(productId, SessionManager.GetUserSession(Context).UserProfileId); cellOwnCommentId.Text = comment.commentId.ToString(); cellOwnCommentProfileName.Text = comment.UserProfile.loginName; cellOwnCommentBody.Text = comment.comment1; cellOwnCommentDate.Text = comment.commentDate.ToString("d/M/yyyy"); cellOwnCommentTags.Text = ""; foreach (Tag tag in comment.Tags) { cellOwnCommentTags.Text += tag.tagName + " <br/>"; } ownComment.Visible = true; btnDelete.Visible = true; btnModify.Visible = true; } catch (InstanceNotFoundException) { ownComment.Visible = false; } } else { ownComment.Visible = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { IIoCManager container = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; userService = container.Resolve <IUserService>(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int startIndex, count; string selectedValue = "-1"; lnkPrevious.Visible = false; lnkNext.Visible = false; lblNoProducts.Visible = false; lblAmountError.Visible = false; /* Get the Service */ IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IProductService productService = iocManager.Resolve <IProductService>(); /* Get Start Index */ try { startIndex = int.Parse(Request.Params.Get("startIndex")); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { startIndex = 0; } /* Get Count */ try { count = int.Parse(Request.Params.Get("count")); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { count = Settings.Default.PracticaMaD_defaultCount; } /* Get keyword */ string keyword = Request.Params.Get("keyword"); if (keyword != null) { txtSearch.Text = keyword; /* Get category id */ try { long catId = long.Parse(Request.Params.Get("category")); selectedValue = Request.Params.Get("category"); /* Get Products Info */ ProductBlock productBlock = productService.FindAllProductsByKeyword(keyword, catId, startIndex, count); if (productBlock.Products.Count == 0) { lblNoProducts.Visible = true; } else { gvProducts.DataSource = productBlock.Products; gvProducts.DataBind(); /* "Previous" link */ if ((startIndex - count) >= 0) { string url = "~/Pages/Product/ProductSearch.aspx" + "?keyword=" + keyword + "&category=" + catId + "&startIndex=" + (startIndex - count) + "&count=" + count; lnkPrevious.NavigateUrl = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url); lnkPrevious.Visible = true; } /* "Next" link */ if (productBlock.ExistMoreProducts) { string url = "~/Pages/Product/ProductSearch.aspx" + "?keyword=" + keyword + "&category=" + catId + "&startIndex=" + (startIndex + count) + "&count=" + count; lnkNext.NavigateUrl = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url); lnkNext.Visible = true; } } } catch (ArgumentNullException) { /* Get Products Info */ ProductBlock productBlock = productService.FindAllProductsByKeyword(keyword, startIndex, count); if (productBlock.Products.Count == 0) { lblNoProducts.Visible = true; } else { gvProducts.DataSource = productBlock.Products; gvProducts.DataBind(); /* "Previous" link */ if ((startIndex - count) >= 0) { string url = "~/Pages/Product/ProductSearch.aspx" + "?keyword=" + keyword + "&startIndex=" + (startIndex - count) + "&count=" + count; lnkPrevious.NavigateUrl = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url); lnkPrevious.Visible = true; } /* "Next" link */ if (productBlock.ExistMoreProducts) { string url = "~/Pages/Product/ProductSearch.aspx" + "?keyword=" + keyword + "&startIndex=" + (startIndex + count) + "&count=" + count; lnkNext.NavigateUrl = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url); lnkNext.Visible = true; } } } } /* If there is no keyword, search all products */ else { try { long tagId = long.Parse(Request.Params.Get("tagId")); /* Get Products Info */ ProductBlock productBlock = productService.FindAllProductsByTag(tagId, startIndex, count); if (productBlock.Products.Count == 0) { lblNoProducts.Visible = true; } else { gvProducts.DataSource = productBlock.Products; gvProducts.DataBind(); /* "Previous" link */ if ((startIndex - count) >= 0) { string url = "~/Pages/Product/ProductSearch.aspx" + "?tagId=" + tagId + "startIndex=" + (startIndex - count) + "&count=" + count; lnkPrevious.NavigateUrl = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url); lnkPrevious.Visible = true; } /* "Next" link */ if (productBlock.ExistMoreProducts) { string url = "~/Pages/Product/ProductSearch.aspx" + "?tagId=" + tagId + "startIndex=" + (startIndex + count) + "&count=" + count; lnkNext.NavigateUrl = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url); lnkNext.Visible = true; } } } catch (ArgumentNullException) { /* Get Products Info */ ProductBlock productBlock = productService.FindAllProducts(startIndex, count); if (productBlock.Products.Count == 0) { lblNoProducts.Visible = true; } else { gvProducts.DataSource = productBlock.Products; gvProducts.DataBind(); /* "Previous" link */ if ((startIndex - count) >= 0) { string url = "~/Pages/Product/ProductSearch.aspx" + "?startIndex=" + (startIndex - count) + "&count=" + count; lnkPrevious.NavigateUrl = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url); lnkPrevious.Visible = true; } /* "Next" link */ if (productBlock.ExistMoreProducts) { string url = "~/Pages/Product/ProductSearch.aspx" + "?startIndex=" + (startIndex + count) + "&count=" + count; lnkNext.NavigateUrl = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url); lnkNext.Visible = true; } } } } if (!IsPostBack) { List <Category> categories = productService.FindAllCategories(); // Create a table to store data for the DropDownList control. DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // Define the columns of the table. dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("CategoryNameField", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("CategoryIdField", typeof(long))); // Populate the table. dt.Rows.Add(CreateRow("-", -1, dt)); foreach (Category category in categories) { dt.Rows.Add(CreateRow(category.categoryName, category.categoryId, dt)); } // Create a DataView from the DataTable to act as the data source // for the DropDownList control. DataView dv = new DataView(dt); CategoryDropDownList.DataSource = dv; CategoryDropDownList.DataTextField = "CategoryNameField"; CategoryDropDownList.DataValueField = "CategoryIdField"; // Bind the data to the control. CategoryDropDownList.DataBind(); // Set the default selected item. CategoryDropDownList.SelectedValue = selectedValue; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* Get the Service */ IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IEventService eventService = iocManager.Resolve <IEventService>(); if (!IsPostBack) { this.GvLabels.DataSource = eventService.GetLabelsDtos(); this.GvLabels.DataBind(); } if (!SessionManager.IsUserAuthenticated(Context)) { if (lblDash2 != null) { lblDash2.Visible = false; } if (lnkUpdate != null) { lnkUpdate.Visible = false; } if (lblDash3 != null) { lblDash3.Visible = false; } if (lnkLogout != null) { lnkLogout.Visible = false; } if (lblDash5 != null) { lblDash5.Visible = false; } if (lnkNewGroup != null) { lnkNewGroup.Visible = false; } if (lblDash6 != null) { lblDash6.Visible = false; } if (lnkMyGroups != null) { lnkMyGroups.Visible = false; } if (lblDash7 != null) { lblDash7.Visible = false; } if (lnkAddLabel != null) { lnkAddLabel.Visible = false; } } else { if (lblWelcome != null) { lblWelcome.Text = GetLocalResourceObject("lblWelcome.Hello.Text").ToString() + " " + SessionManager.GetUserSession(Context).FirstName; } if (lblDash1 != null) { lblDash1.Visible = false; } if (lnkAuthenticate != null) { lnkAuthenticate.Visible = false; } } }
protected void callService() { IIoCManager container = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; eventService = container.Resolve <IEventService>(); }
protected void btnAddCard_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { if (lblCardNumberFormat.Visible == true) { lblCardNumberFormat.Visible = false; } if (lblCardTypeError.Visible == true) { lblCardTypeError.Visible = false; } if (lblCardNumberError.Visible == true) { lblCardNumberError.Visible = false; } if (lblCVError.Visible == true) { lblCVError.Visible = true; } try { if (txtCardNumber.Text.Count() == 16) { IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; ICardService cardService = (ICardService)iocManager.Resolve <ICardService>(); string cardNumber = txtCardNumber.Text.ToString(); string cardType; if (chBDebit.Checked == true) { cardType = "Debit"; } else if (chBCredit.Checked) { cardType = "Credit"; } else { throw new Exception("cardType"); } // txtType.Text.ToString(); Int16 cv = 0; bool canConvert = Int16.TryParse(txtCV.Text, out cv); if (!canConvert || txtCV.Text.Count() != 3) { throw new Exception("cv"); } Int32 dd1 = Convert.ToInt32(dropMonth.SelectedItem.Text); Int32 dd2 = Convert.ToInt32(dropYear.SelectedItem.Text); DateTime expirationTime = new DateTime(dd2, dd1, 1); CardDetails newCard = new CardDetails(cardNumber, cv, expirationTime, cardType); cardService.AddCard(SessionManager.GetUserSession(Context).UserProfileId, newCard); string message = GetLocalResourceObject("messageCard.Text").ToString(); //Response.Redirect(Response.ApplyAppPathModifier("~/Pages/Card/SeeMyCards.aspx")); Response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('" + message + "'); location.href='/Pages/Card/SeeMyCards.aspx';</script>"); } else { lblCardNumberFormat.Visible = true; } } catch (IncorrectCardNumberFormatException) { lblCardNumberFormat.Visible = true; } catch (DuplicateInstanceException) { lblCardNumberError.Visible = true; } catch (Exception w) { if (w.Message.Equals("cv")) { lblCVError.Visible = true; } else { lblCardTypeError.Visible = true; } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblProductError.Visible = false; TableProductInfo.Visible = false; hlComments.Visible = true; hlAddComment.Visible = false; long productId; /* Get productId */ try { productId = long.Parse(Request.Params.Get("product")); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { lblProductError.Visible = true; return; } TableProductInfo.Visible = true; /* Get the Service */ IIoCManager iocManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; IProductService productService = iocManager.Resolve <IProductService>(); /* Get Products Info */ Model.Product product = productService.FindProduct(productId); cellProductID.Text = product.productId.ToString(); cellProductName.Text = product.productName; cellCategoryName.Text = product.Category.categoryName; cellProductDate.Text = product.productDate.ToString("d/M/yyyy"); cellProductPrice.Text = product.productPrice.ToString("C", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); cellProductQuantity.Text = product.productQuantity.ToString(); hlComments.NavigateUrl = "~/Pages/Product/ProductComments.aspx" + "?product=" + product.productId; if (SessionManager.IsAdminAuthenticated(Context)) { lnkUpdate.NavigateUrl += product.productId; lnkUpdate.Visible = true; } if (SessionManager.IsUserAuthenticated(Context)) { try { productService.FindCommentByProductAndUser(productId, SessionManager.GetUserSession(Context).UserProfileId); lblDash1.Visible = false; } catch (InstanceNotFoundException) { hlAddComment.Visible = true; } } else { hlAddComment.Visible = true; } hlAddComment.NavigateUrl = "~/Pages/Product/AddComment.aspx" + "?product=" + productId; if (product.Comments.Count == 0) { hlComments.Visible = false; lblDash1.Visible = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int startIndex, count; string category, keywords; count = Settings.Default.PracticaMaD_defaultCount; //Obtain keywords try { keywords = Convert.ToString(Request.Params.Get("keywords")); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { keywords = ""; } try { //Obtain category category = Convert.ToString(Request.Params.Get("category")); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { category = null; } try { startIndex = Int32.Parse(Request.Params.Get("startIndex")); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { startIndex = 0; } IIoCManager ioCManager = (IIoCManager)HttpContext.Current.Application["managerIoC"]; ISportEventService sportEventService = ioCManager.Resolve <ISportEventService>(); SportEventBlock sportEventBlock; if (category != null) { sportEventBlock = sportEventService.FindEvents(keywords, startIndex, count, category); } else { sportEventBlock = sportEventService.FindEvents(keywords, startIndex, count); } if (sportEventBlock.result.Count == 0) { lblResultsEvents.Visible = false; lblNotCoincidenceEvents.Visible = true; return; } List <DTOSportEvent> sportEvents = sportEventBlock.result; this.gvEvents.DataSource = sportEvents; this.gvEvents.DataBind(); gvEvents.Columns[0].Visible = false; // Previus link if ((startIndex - count) >= 0) { string url = "/Pages/SportEvents/ResultSearchEvents.aspx" + "?category=" + category + "&keywords=" + keywords + "&startIndex=" + (startIndex - count); this.lnkPrevious.NavigateUrl = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url); this.lnkPrevious.Visible = true; } if (sportEventBlock.existMoreSportEvents) { string url = "/Pages/SportEvents/ResultSearchEvents.aspx" + "?category=" + category + "&keywords=" + keywords + "&startIndex=" + (startIndex + count); this.lnkNext.NavigateUrl = Response.ApplyAppPathModifier(url); this.lnkNext.Visible = true; } }