Esempio n. 1
    private void ProcInit_InventorySlot()
        IInventorySlot[] arrInventoryslot = GetComponentsInChildren <IInventorySlot>(true);

        int iLen = arrInventoryslot.Length;

        for (int i = 0; i < iLen; i++)
            IInventorySlot pSlot = arrInventoryslot[i];

            if (_mapInventorySlot.ContainsKey(i))
                Debug.LogWarning("이미 _mapInventorySlot 에 " + pSlot + " 가 있습니다...");
                _mapInventorySlot.Add(i, pSlot);


        _iMaxSlotCount = iLen;
Esempio n. 2
    private void ProcInit_InventoryData(List <CLASS_DATA> listInventoryData)

        int iCount_InventoryData = listInventoryData.Count;
        int iCount = _mapInventorySlot.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
            IInventorySlot pSlot = _mapInventorySlot[i];

            bool bContains_InventoryData = i < iCount_InventoryData;
            if (bContains_InventoryData)
                CLASS_DATA sInfoData     = listInventoryData[i];
                string     strSpriteName = GetSpriteName(sInfoData);

                OnSetInventoryData(sInfoData, (CLASS_SLOT)pSlot);

                _mapInventoryData.Add(i, sInfoData);

Esempio n. 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets up the display properly based on slot data
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="slot">The slot to display</param>
    public void Set(IInventorySlot slot)
        if (_slot != null)
            _slot.PropertyChanged -= Slot_PropertyChanged;

        _slot = slot;
        _slot.PropertyChanged += Slot_PropertyChanged;

        public void EquippedToSlot(IInventorySlot slot)
            if (ContainingSlot != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Item is already in a slot.");

            ContainingSlot = slot;

            foreach (var component in Owner.GetComponents <ISpriteRenderableComponent>())
                component.Visible = false;
        public void RemovedFromSlot()
            if (ContainingSlot == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Item is not in a slot.");

            ContainingSlot = null;

            foreach (var component in Owner.GetComponents <ISpriteRenderableComponent>())
                component.Visible = true;
Esempio n. 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Swaps the content of the slot with another one
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="left">The slot to swap from</param>
    /// <param name="right">The slot to swap to</param>
    public static void Swap(IInventorySlot left, IInventorySlot right)
        //Only swap if slot types match
        if (!left.CanSet(right.Item.Type) || !right.CanSet(left.Item.Type))

        var leftId     = left.Id;
        var leftAmount = left.Amount;

        left.Set(right.Id, right.Amount);

        right.Set(leftId, leftAmount);
Esempio n. 7
    /// <summary>
    /// Swaps the content of the slot with another one
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="other">The other slot to swap the content with</param>
    public void Swap(IInventorySlot other)
        //Only swap if slot types match
        if (!CanSet(other.Item.Type) || !other.CanSet(Item.Type))

        var id     = Id;
        var amount = Amount;

        Set(other.Id, other.Amount);

        other.Set(id, amount);
Esempio n. 8
    private int?GetOpenSlot(Item item)
        for (int i = 0; i < totalSlots; i++)
            IInventorySlot inventorySlot = inventorySlots[i];
            Item           itemInSlot    = inventorySlot.Item;

            if (itemInSlot == null || (item.Id == itemInSlot.Id && inventorySlot.Count + 1 <= item.MaxStackSize))

Esempio n. 9
    //public CLASS_DATA GetInventoryData(int iRealID)
    //	return _mapInventoryData[iRealID];

    //public CUGUIInventorySlot GetInventorySlot(int iSlotID)
    //	return _mapInventorySlot[iSlotID];

    /* public - [Event] Function
     * 프랜드 객체가 호출(For Friend class call)*/

    //public void OnRegisterSlot(CUGUIInventorySlot pSlot)
    //	int iSlotID = pSlot.p_iSlotID;
    //	if (_mapInventorySlot.ContainsKey(iSlotID))
    //	{
    //		Debug.Log( "이미 슬롯 키 값이 들어가있습니다." );
    //		return;
    //	}

    //	_mapInventorySlot.Add(iSlotID, pSlot);

    //public void OnPickItem(Vector3 v3CursorPos, int iPickSlotID)
    //	if (_bEnableDragItem == false) return;

    //	_bIsSlotContainItem = _mapInventoryData.ContainsKey(iPickSlotID);

    //public void OnDragItem(Vector3 v3CursorPos, int iPickSlotID)
    //	if (_bEnableDragItem == false) return;

    //	if (_bIsSlotContainItem == false) return;

    //	CUGUIInventorySlot pSlot = _mapInventorySlot[iPickSlotID];

    //	_pInventoryCursor.DoSetImage(pSlot.p_pImage.sprite);
    //	_pInventoryCursor.DoUpdatePosition(v3CursorPos);

    //public void OnDropItem(GameObject pGameObject, int iOwnerSlotID, int iOwnerSlotHashCode)
    //	if (_bEnableDragItem == false) return;

    //	if (_bIsSlotContainItem == false) return;

    //	_pInventoryCursor.SetActive(false);

    //	if (pGameObject == null) return;

    //	// 일단 슬롯이 있는지 체크
    //	CUGUIInventorySlot pTargetSlot = pGameObject.GetComponent<CUGUIInventorySlot>();
    //	if (pTargetSlot == null) return;

    //	CLASS_DATA pOwnerData_Backup = _mapInventoryData[iOwnerSlotID];

    //	IInventoryEquipSlot<CLASS_DATA> ITargetEquipSlot = pTargetSlot.GetComponent<IInventoryEquipSlot<CLASS_DATA>>();
    //	if (ITargetEquipSlot != null)
    //	{
    //		CUGUIInventorySlot pOwnerSlot = GetInventorySlot(iOwnerSlotID);
    //		if (ITargetEquipSlot.CheckSlotType(pOwnerData_Backup) == false) return;
    //	}

    //	if (iOwnerSlotHashCode == pTargetSlot.p_iInvenHashCode)
    //	{
    //		// 같은 슬롯일 경우 데이터만 스왑해준다.
    //		if (_bEnableSwapItemInSameInventory)
    //			EventSwapData(iOwnerSlotID, pTargetSlot.p_iSlotID);
    //	}
    //	else
    //	{
    //		// 다른 슬롯일 경우 데이터 발신
    //		if (_bRemoveItem)
    //			EventRemoveData(iOwnerSlotID);

    //		pTargetSlot.OnReceiveData(pOwnerData_Backup);
    //	}

    //public void OnSelectSlot(CUGUIInventorySlot pSlot)
    //	if (_bEnableSelectSlot == false) return;

    //	EventSelectSlot(pSlot);

    //protected void EventSelectSlot(CUGUIInventorySlot pSlot)
    //	int iSlotID = pSlot.p_iSlotID;
    //	if (_mapInventoryData.ContainsKey(iSlotID) == false) return;

    //	if (_pSelectedSlot != null)
    //	{
    //		_pSelectedSlot.DoEnableImageSelected(false);

    //		if (_pSelectedSlot.p_iSlotID == pSlot.p_iSlotID)
    //		{
    //			EventUnSelectSlot();
    //			OnUnSelectedSlot();
    //			return;
    //		}
    //	}

    //	pSlot.DoEnableImageSelected(true);
    //	OnSelectedSlot(pSlot, _mapInventoryData[pSlot.p_iSlotID]);

    //	_pSelectedSlot = pSlot;

    //protected void EventUnSelectSlot()
    //	if (_pSelectedSlot != null)
    //	{
    //		_pSelectedSlot.DoEnableImageSelected(false);
    //		_pSelectedSlot = null;
    //	}

    //public void OnReceiveData(int iReceiveSlotID, CInventoryData_Test IReceiveData)
    //	CLASS_DATA pData = (CLASS_DATA)IReceiveData;

    //	if (_mapInventoryData.ContainsKey(iReceiveSlotID))
    //	{
    //		// 일단 옮기기 전에 들어있던 데이터 백업
    //		CLASS_DATA pDataDroppedPos_Backup = _mapInventoryData[iReceiveSlotID];
    //		IInventoryListener pInventoryListner_Backup = pData.p_pInventoryOwner;

    //		int iSlot_Backup = pData.p_iSlotID;

    //		// 현재 드래그된 아이템을 현재 인벤토리에 일단 옮긴다..
    //		EventSetSlotData(iReceiveSlotID, pData);
    //		pInventoryListner_Backup.OnReceiveData(iSlot_Backup, pDataDroppedPos_Backup);
    //	}
    //	else
    //	{
    //		EventSetSlotData(iReceiveSlotID, pData);
    //	}

    public void OnClickSlot(IInventorySlot IInventorySlot)
Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets an item into a slot
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="slot">The slot</param>
 /// <param name="item">The item</param>
 /// <param name="amount">The amount to add</param>
 /// <returns>The amount not set</returns>
 public int Set(IInventorySlot slot, int itemId, int amount)
     return(Set(slot.Index, itemId, amount));
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Unsets a slot
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="slot">The slot</param>
 public void Unset(IInventorySlot slot)