Esempio n. 1
 protected virtual void OnWindowLoaded(IInternalPlayerWindow obj)
     Action<IInternalPlayerWindow> handler = WindowLoaded;
     if (handler != null) {
Esempio n. 2
        public InternalDirectShowPlayer(ILogManager logManager, IInternalPlayerWindowManager windowManager, IPresenter presentation, ISessionManager sessionManager, IApiClient apiClient, IPlaybackManager playbackManager, ITheaterConfigurationManager config, IIsoManager isoManager/*, IUserInputManager inputManager*/)
            _logger = logManager.GetLogger("InternalDirectShowPlayer");
            _windowManager = windowManager;
            _hiddenWindow = windowManager.Window;
            _presentation = presentation;
            _sessionManager = sessionManager;
            _apiClient = apiClient;
            _playbackManager = playbackManager;
            _config = config;
            _isoManager = isoManager;
//            _inputManager = inputManager;

            windowManager.WindowLoaded += window => _hiddenWindow = window;
Esempio n. 3
        public UserInputManager(IPresenter presenationManager, INavigator navigationService, IInternalPlayerWindowManager internalPlayerWindowManager, ILogManager logManager)
            _presenationManager = presenationManager;
            _navigationService = navigationService;
            _hiddenWindow = internalPlayerWindowManager.Window;

            internalPlayerWindowManager.WindowLoaded += window => _hiddenWindow = window;

            _presenationManager.MainWindowLoaded += MainWindowLoaded;
            _logger = logManager.GetLogger(GetType().Name);
Esempio n. 4
        public DirectShowPlayer(ILogger logger, IInternalPlayerWindowManager windowManager, InternalDirectShowPlayer playerWrapper, IntPtr applicationWindowHandle, ISessionManager sessionManager, ITheaterConfigurationManager mbtConfig/*, IUserInputManager input*/)
            _logger = logger;
            _hiddenWindow = windowManager.Window;
            _playerWrapper = playerWrapper;
            _applicationWindowHandle = applicationWindowHandle;
            _sessionManager = sessionManager;
//            _input = input;
//            _input.KeyDown += HiddenForm_KeyDown;
            _mbtConfig = mbtConfig;

            windowManager.WindowLoaded += window => _hiddenWindow = window;


            //use a static object so we keep the libraries in the same place. Doesn't usually matter, but the EVR Presenter does some COM hooking that has problems if we change the lib address.
            if(_urCom == null)
                _urCom = new URCOMLoader(_mbtConfig);