private InstallModel PrepareCountryList(InstallModel model)
            if (!model.InstallRegionalResources)

            var browserCulture = _locService.GetBrowserCulture();
            var countries      = new List <SelectListItem>
                //This item was added in case it was not possible to automatically determine the country by culture
                new SelectListItem {
                    Value = string.Empty, Text = _locService.GetResource("CountrySelect")

            countries.AddRange(from country in ISO3166.GetCollection()
                               from localization in ISO3166.GetLocalizationInfo(country.Alpha2)
                               let lang                       = ISO3166.GetLocalizationInfo(country.Alpha2).Count() > 1 ? $" [{localization.Language} language]" : string.Empty
                                                     let item = new SelectListItem
                Value    = $"{country.Alpha2}-{localization.Culture}",
                Text     = $"{country.Name}{lang}",
                Selected = (localization.Culture == browserCulture) && browserCulture[^ 2..] == country.Alpha2
                               select item);
