Esempio n. 1
        public OnClickVisitor(IInputAdapter inputAdapter)
            this.inputAdapter = inputAdapter;

            previousMouseState = inputAdapter.GetMouseState();
            mouseState         = inputAdapter.GetMouseState();
 public MonoGameDrawStrategy(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GraphicsDeviceManager graphicsDeviceManager, ContentManager contentManager, IInputAdapter inputAdapter)
     this.spriteBatch           = spriteBatch;
     this.graphicsDeviceManager = graphicsDeviceManager;
     this.contentManager        = contentManager;
     this.inputAdapter          = inputAdapter;
 public void Configure(IInputAdapter typeOfInput, ProjectileId defaultProjectile, Vector2 speed, float fireRatio)
     movementController.Configure(this, speed);
     weaponController.Configure(this, defaultProjectile, fireRatio);
     _inputAdapter = typeOfInput;
     isConfigure   = true;
        public void flushFrames(IInputAdapter adapter, MocapFrame frame)
            if (this._config.SkeletonStreamFlush)

                if (this.frameList.Count > this._config.SkeletonStreamFlushSize)
                    // freeze to serialize
                    List <MocapFrame> serializeList = new List <MocapFrame>(frameList);
                    // Serialize
                    string flushPath = Path.Combine(this.SkeletonStreamPath, (this.skeletonFlushCount.ToString() + ".json"));

                        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(flushPath))
                            using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw))
                                serializer.Serialize(writer, serializeList);
                    } catch (Exception e)
                        Logger.Error("Error occurred during flushing frames: {0}", e.ToString());

                    this.skeletonFlushCount += 1;

                    // Clear the List
Esempio n. 5
        // Adds an input adapter to the dependency chain.
        private void AddInputAdapter(IInputAdapter adapter, ISet <IAdapter> dependencyChain, IInputAdapter[] inputAdapterCollection, IActionAdapter[] actionAdapterCollection, IOutputAdapter[] outputAdapterCollection)
            HashSet <MeasurementKey> outputMeasurementKeys = new HashSet <MeasurementKey>(adapter.OutputMeasurementKeys());

            // Adds the adapter to the chain

            if ((object)actionAdapterCollection != null)
                // Checks all action adapters to determine whether they also need to be
                // added to the chain as a result of this adapter being added to the chain
                foreach (IActionAdapter actionAdapter in actionAdapterCollection)
                    if (actionAdapter.RespectInputDemands && !dependencyChain.Contains(actionAdapter) && outputMeasurementKeys.Overlaps(actionAdapter.InputMeasurementKeys()))
                        AddActionAdapter(actionAdapter, dependencyChain, inputAdapterCollection, actionAdapterCollection, outputAdapterCollection);

            if ((object)outputAdapterCollection != null)
                // Checks all output adapters to determine whether they also need to be
                // added to the chain as a result of this adapter being added to the chain
                foreach (IOutputAdapter outputAdapter in outputAdapterCollection)
                    if (!dependencyChain.Contains(outputAdapter) && outputMeasurementKeys.Overlaps(outputAdapter.InputMeasurementKeys()))
                        AddOutputAdapter(outputAdapter, dependencyChain, inputAdapterCollection, actionAdapterCollection, outputAdapterCollection);
Esempio n. 6
 public SGUIDFInput(IInputAdapter @base)
     Base = @base;
     if (@base == null)
         throw new NullReferenceException("SDGUIFInput cannot be instantiated without base input!");
Esempio n. 7
 public virtual void Start()
     input               = GetComponent <InputStragety>().GetInput();
     comportamiento      = GetComponent <ComportamientoEscenario>();
     escenario           = comportamiento.escenario;
     controladorDeGrupos = GetComponent <ControladorDeGrupos>();
     vidasUI             = GetComponent <ControadorDeVidasDeUI>();
Esempio n. 8
 public Game1()
     inputAdapter          = new InputAdapter();
     graphics              = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
     Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
     mouseState            = inputAdapter.GetMouseState();
     keyboardState         = inputAdapter.GetKeyboardState();
     windowFactory         = new WindowFactory();
Esempio n. 9
        public void Refersh(IInputAdapter adapter)

            foreach (KeyCode value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)))
                _states.Add(value, adapter.KeyDown(value));
Esempio n. 10
        private void HandleErrorEvent(IInputAdapter source, Exception e)
            Logger.Error("Adapter: {0}, has severe problems: {1}", source.Name, e.Message);

            // keep console open until key is pressed
            if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
        /// <summary>
        /// Patches the existing routing table with the supplied adapters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="producerAdapters">all of the producers</param>
        /// <param name="consumerAdapters">all of the consumers</param>
        public void PatchRoutingTable(RoutingTablesAdaptersList producerAdapters, RoutingTablesAdaptersList consumerAdapters)
            if (producerAdapters == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(producerAdapters));
            if (consumerAdapters == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(consumerAdapters));

            foreach (var producerAdapter in producerAdapters.NewAdapter)
                IInputAdapter  inputAdapter  = producerAdapter as IInputAdapter;
                IActionAdapter actionAdapter = producerAdapter as IActionAdapter;
                if ((object)inputAdapter != null)
                    inputAdapter.NewMeasurements += Route;
                else if ((object)actionAdapter != null)
                    actionAdapter.NewMeasurements += Route;

            foreach (var producerAdapter in producerAdapters.OldAdapter)
                IInputAdapter  inputAdapter  = producerAdapter as IInputAdapter;
                IActionAdapter actionAdapter = producerAdapter as IActionAdapter;
                if ((object)inputAdapter != null)
                    inputAdapter.NewMeasurements -= Route;
                else if ((object)actionAdapter != null)
                    actionAdapter.NewMeasurements -= Route;

            Dictionary <IAdapter, Consumer> consumerLookup = new Dictionary <IAdapter, Consumer>(m_globalCache.GlobalDestinationLookup);

            foreach (var consumerAdapter in consumerAdapters.NewAdapter)
                consumerLookup.Add(consumerAdapter, new Consumer(consumerAdapter));

            foreach (var consumerAdapter in consumerAdapters.OldAdapter)

            m_globalCache = new GlobalCache(consumerLookup, m_globalCache.Version + 1);
            RouteCount    = m_globalCache.GlobalSignalLookup.Count(x => x != null);
Esempio n. 12
        public void Refresh(IInputAdapter adapter)

            _chosen = 0;

            _buttonStates.Add(MouseButton.LeftButton, GetState(adapter, MouseButton.LeftButton));
            _buttonStates.Add(MouseButton.RightButton, GetState(adapter, MouseButton.RightButton));
            _buttonStates.Add(MouseButton.MiddleButton, GetState(adapter, MouseButton.MiddleButton));

            _screenPostion = Utils.ToWorld(adapter.MousePostion());
            _rawPostion    = adapter.MousePostion();
Esempio n. 13
        private MouseState GetState(IInputAdapter adapter, MouseButton button)
            if (adapter.MouseClicked(button))

            if (adapter.MouseDown(button))

            public LocalCache(RouteMappingHighLatencyLowCpu route, IAdapter adapter)
                Enabled = true;
                m_route = route;

                IInputAdapter  inputAdapter  = adapter as IInputAdapter;
                IActionAdapter actionAdapter = adapter as IActionAdapter;

                if ((object)inputAdapter != null)
                    inputAdapter.NewMeasurements += Route;
                else if ((object)actionAdapter != null)
                    actionAdapter.NewMeasurements += Route;
Esempio n. 15
        public GameManager(RenderAdapter renderAdapter, IUtilsAdapter utilsAdapter, IInputAdapter inputAdapter, IResourceAdapter resoruceAdapter)
            _graphics = new GraphicsManager(renderAdapter);
            _input = new InputManger(inputAdapter);


            _world = new World(_factory, _settings.BackgroundMusicFileName);
            _ui    = new UserInterfaceManger(_factory, _world);
            // Must be called After adapters are set
            _collsion = new CollsionManger();
            _sound    = new SoundManger();
Esempio n. 16
        protected SimpleEventProcessorRunnerBase(IEventProcessor eventProcessor, IInputAdapter inputAdapter, ILogger logger)
            InputAdapter   = inputAdapter;
            EventProcessor = eventProcessor;
            Logger         = logger;

            if (EventProcessor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("eventProcessor",
                                                "EventProcessor should be specified in order to run the EventSystem");
            if (InputAdapter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("inputAdapter",
                                                "InputAdapter should be specified in order to run the EventSystem");
Esempio n. 17
 public void OnEnable()
     this.mouseHandler = new dfInputManager.MouseInputManager();
     if (this.adapter == null)
         Component component = (
             from c in (IEnumerable <Component>)base.GetComponents(typeof(MonoBehaviour))
             where typeof(IInputAdapter).IsAssignableFrom(c.GetType())
             select c).FirstOrDefault <Component>();
         object defaultInput = (IInputAdapter)component;
         if (defaultInput == null)
             defaultInput = new dfInputManager.DefaultInput();
         this.adapter = (IInputAdapter)defaultInput;
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            // Initialization logic here
            screenFactory      = new ScreenFactory();
            applicationAdapter = new MonoGameApplicationAdapter(this);
            screenNavigator    = new ScreenNavigator(screenFactory, applicationAdapter);

            inputAdapter = new MonoGameInputAdapter();

            onClickVisitor = new OnClickVisitor(inputAdapter);
            updateVisitor  = new DefaultUpdateVisitor(inputAdapter);

            // Configuration
            this.IsMouseVisible = true;

Esempio n. 19
 private static void getMouseButtonInfo(IInputAdapter adapter, ref dfMouseButtons buttonsDown, ref dfMouseButtons buttonsReleased, ref dfMouseButtons buttonsPressed)
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
         if (adapter.GetMouseButton(i))
             buttonsDown = (dfMouseButtons)((int)buttonsDown | 1 << (i & 31));
         if (adapter.GetMouseButtonUp(i))
             buttonsReleased = (dfMouseButtons)((int)buttonsReleased | 1 << (i & 31));
         if (adapter.GetMouseButtonDown(i))
             buttonsPressed = (dfMouseButtons)((int)buttonsPressed | 1 << (i & 31));
Esempio n. 20
    void Start()
        switch (device)
        case Device.PC:
            playerInput = new InputAdapterPC();

        case Device.Mobile:
            GameObject joystick = Instantiate(virtualJoystickPrefab);
            virtualJoystick = joystick.GetComponent <SimpleTouchController>();
            playerInput = new InputAdapterMobile();

Esempio n. 21
            public LocalCache(RouteMappingDoubleBufferQueue routingTables, IAdapter producerAdapter)
                m_localCacheLock         = new object();
                m_localSignalLookup      = new Dictionary <Guid, List <Producer> >();
                m_localDestinationLookup = new Dictionary <Consumer, Producer>();
                m_routingTables          = routingTables;

                IInputAdapter  inputAdapter  = producerAdapter as IInputAdapter;
                IActionAdapter actionAdapter = producerAdapter as IActionAdapter;

                if ((object)inputAdapter != null)
                    inputAdapter.NewMeasurements += Route;
                else if ((object)actionAdapter != null)
                    actionAdapter.NewMeasurements += Route;
Esempio n. 22
        private void HandleFrameAvailable(IInputAdapter source, MocapFrame frame)
            /* frame available occurs inside adapter thread
             * so synchronize access to the stopwatch
            lock (StopwatchLock)
                frame.ElapsedMillis = _applicationWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                Session.Duration    = Convert.ToUInt32(_applicationWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            /* get a data merger specific to the type of input adapter,
             * so only a optitrack merger gets frames from an optitrack
             * input adapter and so forth.
            var merger = _dataMergers.First(m => m.MergerType == source.AdapterType);

            Logger.Debug("{Frame #{0} available from {1}", frame.ElapsedMillis, source.Config.AdapterType);
            var mergedFrame = merger.HandleFrame(frame);

            //get the output from datamerger to output manager
    public void OnEnable()
        activeInstances.Add( this );

        // Mouse input will be handled by a MouseInputManager instance to
        // consolidate the complexity of mouse operations
        mouseHandler = new MouseInputManager();

        if( useTouch )
            // Multi-touch input will be handled by a TouchInputHandler instance
            // to localize code complexity
            touchHandler = new TouchInputManager( this );

        // If an input adapter has not already been assigned, look for
        // a replacement or assign the default
        if( this.adapter == null )

            // Look for a replacement IInputAdapter component
            var inputAdapter =
                GetComponents( typeof( MonoBehaviour ) )
                .Where( c => c != null && c.GetType() != null && typeof( IInputAdapter ).IsAssignableFrom( c.GetType() ) )

            // Use the replacement if found, otherwise use the default adapter
            this.adapter = (IInputAdapter)inputAdapter ?? new DefaultInput();


        Input.simulateMouseWithTouches = !this.useTouch;
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the set of adapters in the dependency chain that produces the set of signals in the
        /// <paramref name="inputMeasurementKeysRestriction"/> and returns the set of input signals required by the
        /// adapters in the chain and the set of output signals produced by the adapters in the chain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputMeasurementKeysRestriction">The set of signals that must be produced by the dependency chain.</param>
        /// <param name="inputAdapterCollection">Collection of input adapters at start of routing table calculation.</param>
        /// <param name="actionAdapterCollection">Collection of action adapters at start of routing table calculation.</param>
        /// <param name="outputAdapterCollection">Collection of output adapters at start of routing table calculation.</param>
        protected virtual ISet<IAdapter> TraverseDependencyChain(ISet<MeasurementKey> inputMeasurementKeysRestriction, IInputAdapter[] inputAdapterCollection, IActionAdapter[] actionAdapterCollection, IOutputAdapter[] outputAdapterCollection)
            ISet<IAdapter> dependencyChain = new HashSet<IAdapter>();

            if ((object)inputAdapterCollection != null)
                foreach (IInputAdapter inputAdapter in inputAdapterCollection)
                    if (!dependencyChain.Contains(inputAdapter) && inputMeasurementKeysRestriction.Overlaps(inputAdapter.OutputMeasurementKeys()))
                        AddInputAdapter(inputAdapter, dependencyChain, inputAdapterCollection, actionAdapterCollection, outputAdapterCollection);

            if ((object)actionAdapterCollection != null)
                foreach (IActionAdapter actionAdapter in actionAdapterCollection)
                    if (!dependencyChain.Contains(actionAdapter) && inputMeasurementKeysRestriction.Overlaps(actionAdapter.OutputMeasurementKeys()))
                        AddActionAdapter(actionAdapter, dependencyChain, inputAdapterCollection, actionAdapterCollection, outputAdapterCollection);

            return dependencyChain;
            public void ProcessInput( dfInputManager manager, IInputAdapter adapter, Ray ray, dfControl control, bool retainFocusSetting )

            var position = adapter.GetMousePosition();

            buttonsDown = dfMouseButtons.None;
            buttonsReleased = dfMouseButtons.None;
            buttonsPressed = dfMouseButtons.None;

            getMouseButtonInfo( adapter, ref buttonsDown, ref buttonsReleased, ref buttonsPressed );

            float scroll = adapter.GetAxis( scrollAxisName );
            if( !Mathf.Approximately( scroll, 0f ) )
                // By default the mouse wheel is reported in increments of 0.1f,
                // which is just a useless number for UI, but this can be changed
                // by the user in the Unity Input Manager. We'll assume that if the
                // number reported is less than 1 then it is probably safe to
                // assume that we can massage it for UI purposes.
                scroll = Mathf.Sign( scroll ) * Mathf.Max( 1, Mathf.Abs( scroll ) );

            mouseMoveDelta = position - lastPosition;
            lastPosition = position;

            #region Drag and drop

            if( dragState == dfDragDropState.Dragging )

                if( buttonsReleased == dfMouseButtons.None )

                    // Do nothing if the drag operation is over the source control
                    // and no buttons have been released.
                    if( control == activeControl )

                    if( control != lastDragControl )

                        if( lastDragControl != null )
                            var dragArgs = new dfDragEventArgs( lastDragControl, dragState, dragData, ray, position );
                            lastDragControl.OnDragLeave( dragArgs );

                        if( control != null )
                            var dragArgs = new dfDragEventArgs( control, dragState, dragData, ray, position );
                            control.OnDragEnter( dragArgs );

                        lastDragControl = control;



                    if( control != null )

                        if( mouseMoveDelta.magnitude > 1.0f )
                            var dragArgs = new dfDragEventArgs( control, dragState, dragData, ray, position );
                            control.OnDragOver( dragArgs );




                if( control != null && control != activeControl )

                    var dragArgs = new dfDragEventArgs( control, dfDragDropState.Dragging, dragData, ray, position );
                    control.OnDragDrop( dragArgs );

                    // If there was no event consumer, or if the event consumer did not
                    // change the state from Dragging (which is not a valid state for
                    // a drop event) then just cancel the operation
                    if( !dragArgs.Used || dragArgs.State == dfDragDropState.Dragging )
                        dragArgs.State = dfDragDropState.Cancelled;

                    dragArgs = new dfDragEventArgs( activeControl, dragArgs.State, dragArgs.Data, ray, position );
                    dragArgs.Target = control;
                    activeControl.OnDragEnd( dragArgs );

                    var cancelState = ( control == null ) ? dfDragDropState.CancelledNoTarget : dfDragDropState.Cancelled;
                    var dragArgs = new dfDragEventArgs( activeControl, cancelState, dragData, ray, position );
                    activeControl.OnDragEnd( dragArgs );

                dragState = dfDragDropState.None;
                lastDragControl = null;
                activeControl = null;
                lastClickTime = 0f;
                lastHoverTime = 0f;
                lastPosition = position;




            #region Mouse button pressed

            if( buttonsPressed != dfMouseButtons.None )

                lastHoverTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + manager.hoverStartDelay;

                if( activeControl != null )
                    // If a control has capture, forward all events to it
                    if( activeControl.transform.IsChildOf( manager.transform ) )
                        activeControl.OnMouseDown( new dfMouseEventArgs( activeControl, buttonsPressed, 0, ray, position, scroll ) );
                else if( control == null || control.transform.IsChildOf( manager.transform ) )

                    setActive( manager, control, position, ray );
                    if( control != null )
                        dfGUIManager.SetFocus( control );
                        control.OnMouseDown( new dfMouseEventArgs( control, buttonsPressed, 0, ray, position, scroll ) );
                    else if( !retainFocusSetting )
                        var focusControl = dfGUIManager.ActiveControl;
                        if( focusControl != null && focusControl.transform.IsChildOf( manager.transform ) )


                if( buttonsReleased == dfMouseButtons.None )



            #region Mouse button released

            if( buttonsReleased != dfMouseButtons.None )

                lastHoverTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + manager.hoverStartDelay;

                // Mouse up without a control having capture is ignored
                if( activeControl == null )
                    setActive( manager, control, position, ray );

                // If the mouse button is released over the same control it was pressed on,
                // the Click event gets generated (in addition to MouseUp)
                if( activeControl == control && buttonsDown == dfMouseButtons.None )

                    var p2u = activeControl.PixelsToUnits();
                    var startPosition = activeControlPosition / p2u;
                    var currentPosition = activeControl.transform.position / p2u;

                    // Don't fire click events if the control has been moved since the mouse was down
                    if( Vector3.Distance( startPosition, currentPosition ) <= 1 )

                        if( Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastClickTime < DOUBLECLICK_TIME )
                            lastClickTime = 0f;
                            activeControl.OnDoubleClick( new dfMouseEventArgs( activeControl, buttonsReleased, 1, ray, position, scroll ) );
                            lastClickTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                            activeControl.OnClick( new dfMouseEventArgs( activeControl, buttonsReleased, 1, ray, position, scroll ) );



                // Let the last control know that the button was released whether it was
                // released over the control or not
                activeControl.OnMouseUp( new dfMouseEventArgs( activeControl, buttonsReleased, 0, ray, position, scroll ) );

                // If all buttons are up, then we need to reset the mouse state
                if( buttonsDown == dfMouseButtons.None && activeControl != control )
                    setActive( manager, null, position, ray );




            #region Doesn't matter if buttons are down or not

            if( activeControl != null && activeControl == control )

                if( mouseMoveDelta.magnitude == 0 && Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastHoverTime > manager.hoverNotifactionFrequency )
                    activeControl.OnMouseHover( new dfMouseEventArgs( activeControl, buttonsDown, 0, ray, position, scroll ) );
                    lastHoverTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;



            #region No buttons down

            if( buttonsDown == dfMouseButtons.None )

                if( scroll != 0 && control != null )
                    setActive( manager, control, position, ray );
                    control.OnMouseWheel( new dfMouseEventArgs( control, buttonsDown, 0, ray, position, scroll ) );

                setActive( manager, control, position, ray );



            #region Some buttons down

            else if( buttonsDown != dfMouseButtons.None ) // Some buttons are down

                if( activeControl != null )

                    // Special case: Another control with a higher RenderOrder is now under the mouse.
                    // This can happen when a control moves, such as when you click on a slider and the
                    // thumb position is updated to be under the mouse (when it wasn't previously)
                    if( control != null && control.RenderOrder > activeControl.RenderOrder )
                        // TODO: What to do about this when a control has capture?

                    // If the mouse was moved notify the control, otherwise nothing to do
                    // NOTE: This is similar to "mouse capture" on Windows Forms
                    if( mouseMoveDelta.magnitude >= DRAG_START_DELTA )

                        if( ( buttonsDown & ( dfMouseButtons.Left | dfMouseButtons.Right ) ) != 0 && dragState != dfDragDropState.Denied )
                            var dragArgs = new dfDragEventArgs( activeControl ) { Position = position };
                            activeControl.OnDragStart( dragArgs );
                            if( dragArgs.State == dfDragDropState.Dragging )
                                dragState = dfDragDropState.Dragging;
                                dragData = dragArgs.Data;
                                dragState = dfDragDropState.Denied;





            if( activeControl != null && mouseMoveDelta.magnitude >= 1 )
                var moveArgs = new dfMouseEventArgs( activeControl, buttonsDown, 0, ray, position, scroll ) { MoveDelta = mouseMoveDelta };
                activeControl.OnMouseMove( moveArgs );
        private static void getMouseButtonInfo( IInputAdapter adapter, ref dfMouseButtons buttonsDown, ref dfMouseButtons buttonsReleased, ref dfMouseButtons buttonsPressed )
            for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )

                if( adapter.GetMouseButton( i ) )
                    buttonsDown |= (dfMouseButtons)( 1 << i );
                if( adapter.GetMouseButtonUp( i ) )
                    buttonsReleased |= (dfMouseButtons)( 1 << i );
                if( adapter.GetMouseButtonDown( i ) )
                    buttonsPressed |= (dfMouseButtons)( 1 << i );

Esempio n. 27
 private void Start()
     _input = GetComponent <InputStragety>().GetInput();
Esempio n. 28
        // Adds an output adapter to the dependency chain.
        private void AddOutputAdapter(IOutputAdapter adapter, ISet<IAdapter> dependencyChain, IInputAdapter[] inputAdapterCollection, IActionAdapter[] actionAdapterCollection, IOutputAdapter[] outputAdapterCollection)
            HashSet<MeasurementKey> inputMeasurementKeys = new HashSet<MeasurementKey>(adapter.InputMeasurementKeys());

            // Adds the adapter to the chain

            if ((object)inputAdapterCollection != null)
                // Checks all input adapters to determine whether they also need to be
                // added to the chain as a result of this adapter being added to the chain
                foreach (IInputAdapter inputAdapter in inputAdapterCollection)
                    if (!dependencyChain.Contains(inputAdapter) && inputMeasurementKeys.Overlaps(inputAdapter.OutputMeasurementKeys()))
                        AddInputAdapter(inputAdapter, dependencyChain, inputAdapterCollection, actionAdapterCollection, outputAdapterCollection);

            if ((object)actionAdapterCollection != null)
                // Checks all action adapters to determine whether they also need to be
                // added to the chain as a result of this adapter being added to the chain
                foreach (IActionAdapter actionAdapter in actionAdapterCollection)
                    if (actionAdapter.RespectOutputDemands && !dependencyChain.Contains(actionAdapter) && inputMeasurementKeys.Overlaps(actionAdapter.OutputMeasurementKeys()))
                        AddActionAdapter(actionAdapter, dependencyChain, inputAdapterCollection, actionAdapterCollection, outputAdapterCollection);
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts or stops connect on demand adapters based on current state of demanded input or output signals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputMeasurementKeysRestriction">The set of signals to be produced by the chain of adapters to be handled.</param>
        /// <param name="inputAdapterCollection">Collection of input adapters at start of routing table calculation.</param>
        /// <param name="actionAdapterCollection">Collection of action adapters at start of routing table calculation.</param>
        /// <param name="outputAdapterCollection">Collection of output adapters at start of routing table calculation.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Set the <paramref name="inputMeasurementKeysRestriction"/> to null to use full adapter routing demands.
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual void HandleConnectOnDemandAdapters(ISet<MeasurementKey> inputMeasurementKeysRestriction, IInputAdapter[] inputAdapterCollection, IActionAdapter[] actionAdapterCollection, IOutputAdapter[] outputAdapterCollection)
            ISet<IAdapter> dependencyChain;

            ISet<MeasurementKey> inputSignals;
            ISet<MeasurementKey> outputSignals;
            ISet<MeasurementKey> requestedInputSignals;
            ISet<MeasurementKey> requestedOutputSignals;

            if (inputMeasurementKeysRestriction.Any())
                // When an input signals restriction has been defined, determine the set of adapters
                // by walking the dependency chain of the restriction
                dependencyChain = TraverseDependencyChain(inputMeasurementKeysRestriction, inputAdapterCollection, actionAdapterCollection, outputAdapterCollection);
                // Determine the set of adapters in the dependency chain for all adapters in the system
                dependencyChain = TraverseDependencyChain(inputAdapterCollection, actionAdapterCollection, outputAdapterCollection);

            // Get the full set of requested input and output signals in the entire dependency chain
            inputSignals = new HashSet<MeasurementKey>(dependencyChain.SelectMany(adapter => adapter.InputMeasurementKeys()));
            outputSignals = new HashSet<MeasurementKey>(dependencyChain.SelectMany(adapter => adapter.OutputMeasurementKeys()));

            // Turn connect on demand input adapters on or off based on whether they are part of the dependency chain
            if ((object)inputAdapterCollection != null)
                foreach (IInputAdapter inputAdapter in inputAdapterCollection)
                    if (!inputAdapter.AutoStart)
                        if (dependencyChain.Contains(inputAdapter))
                            requestedOutputSignals = new HashSet<MeasurementKey>(inputAdapter.OutputMeasurementKeys());
                            inputAdapter.RequestedOutputMeasurementKeys = requestedOutputSignals.ToArray();
                            inputAdapter.Enabled = true;
                            inputAdapter.RequestedOutputMeasurementKeys = null;
                            inputAdapter.Enabled = false;

            // Turn connect on demand action adapters on or off based on whether they are part of the dependency chain
            if ((object)actionAdapterCollection != null)
                foreach (IActionAdapter actionAdapter in actionAdapterCollection)
                    if (!actionAdapter.AutoStart)
                        if (dependencyChain.Contains(actionAdapter))
                            if (actionAdapter.RespectInputDemands)
                                requestedInputSignals = new HashSet<MeasurementKey>(actionAdapter.InputMeasurementKeys());
                                actionAdapter.RequestedInputMeasurementKeys = requestedInputSignals.ToArray();

                            if (actionAdapter.RespectOutputDemands)
                                requestedOutputSignals = new HashSet<MeasurementKey>(actionAdapter.OutputMeasurementKeys());
                                actionAdapter.RequestedOutputMeasurementKeys = requestedOutputSignals.ToArray();

                            actionAdapter.Enabled = true;
                            actionAdapter.RequestedInputMeasurementKeys = null;
                            actionAdapter.RequestedOutputMeasurementKeys = null;
                            actionAdapter.Enabled = false;

            // Turn connect on demand output adapters on or off based on whether they are part of the dependency chain
            if ((object)outputAdapterCollection != null)
                foreach (IOutputAdapter outputAdapter in outputAdapterCollection)
                    if (!outputAdapter.AutoStart)
                        if (dependencyChain.Contains(outputAdapter))
                            requestedInputSignals = new HashSet<MeasurementKey>(outputAdapter.OutputMeasurementKeys());
                            outputAdapter.RequestedInputMeasurementKeys = requestedInputSignals.ToArray();
                            outputAdapter.Enabled = true;
                            outputAdapter.RequestedInputMeasurementKeys = null;
                            outputAdapter.Enabled = false;
Esempio n. 30
 public BulkImageResizer(IInputAdapter inputAdapter)
     this.inputAdapter = inputAdapter;
Esempio n. 31
 public InputManger(IInputAdapter adapter)
     _inputAdapter = adapter ?? throw new NullReferenceException();
 public DefaultUpdateVisitor(IInputAdapter inputAdapter)
     this.inputAdapter = inputAdapter;
Esempio n. 33
 private void Start()
     audioSource   = salidaDeSonido.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     input         = GetComponent <InputStragety>().GetInput();
     logicShooting = new LogicShooting(this);
Esempio n. 34
        public void ProcessInput(IInputAdapter adapter, Ray ray, dfControl control, bool retainFocusSetting)
            Vector2 mousePosition = adapter.GetMousePosition();

            this.buttonsDown     = dfMouseButtons.None;
            this.buttonsReleased = dfMouseButtons.None;
            this.buttonsPressed  = dfMouseButtons.None;
            dfInputManager.MouseInputManager.getMouseButtonInfo(adapter, ref this.buttonsDown, ref this.buttonsReleased, ref this.buttonsPressed);
            float axis = adapter.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");

            if (!Mathf.Approximately(axis, 0f))
                axis = Mathf.Sign(axis) * Mathf.Max(1f, Mathf.Abs(axis));
            this.mouseMoveDelta = mousePosition - this.lastPosition;
            this.lastPosition   = mousePosition;
            if (this.dragState == dfDragDropState.Dragging)
                if (this.buttonsReleased == dfMouseButtons.None)
                    if (control == this.activeControl)
                    if (control == this.lastDragControl)
                        if (control != null && Vector2.Distance(mousePosition, this.lastPosition) > 1f)
                            dfDragEventArgs dfDragEventArg = new dfDragEventArgs(control, this.dragState, this.dragData, ray, mousePosition);
                    if (this.lastDragControl != null)
                        dfDragEventArgs dfDragEventArg1 = new dfDragEventArgs(this.lastDragControl, this.dragState, this.dragData, ray, mousePosition);
                    if (control != null)
                        dfDragEventArgs dfDragEventArg2 = new dfDragEventArgs(control, this.dragState, this.dragData, ray, mousePosition);
                    this.lastDragControl = control;
                if (!(control != null) || !(control != this.activeControl))
                    dfDragDropState _dfDragDropState = (control != null ? dfDragDropState.Cancelled : dfDragDropState.CancelledNoTarget);
                    dfDragEventArgs dfDragEventArg3  = new dfDragEventArgs(this.activeControl, _dfDragDropState, this.dragData, ray, mousePosition);
                    dfDragEventArgs dfDragEventArg4 = new dfDragEventArgs(control, dfDragDropState.Dragging, this.dragData, ray, mousePosition);
                    if (!dfDragEventArg4.Used || dfDragEventArg4.State == dfDragDropState.Dragging)
                        dfDragEventArg4.State = dfDragDropState.Cancelled;
                    dfDragEventArg4 = new dfDragEventArgs(this.activeControl, dfDragEventArg4.State, dfDragEventArg4.Data, ray, mousePosition)
                        Target = control
                this.dragState       = dfDragDropState.None;
                this.lastDragControl = null;
                this.activeControl   = null;
                this.lastClickTime   = 0f;
                this.lastHoverTime   = 0f;
                this.lastPosition    = mousePosition;
            if (this.buttonsReleased != dfMouseButtons.None)
                this.lastHoverTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 0.25f;
                if (this.activeControl == null)
                    this.setActive(control, mousePosition, ray);
                if (this.activeControl == control && this.buttonsDown == dfMouseButtons.None)
                    if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - this.lastClickTime >= 0.25f)
                        this.lastClickTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                        this.activeControl.OnClick(new dfMouseEventArgs(this.activeControl, this.buttonsReleased, 1, ray, mousePosition, axis));
                        this.lastClickTime = 0f;
                        this.activeControl.OnDoubleClick(new dfMouseEventArgs(this.activeControl, this.buttonsReleased, 1, ray, mousePosition, axis));
                this.activeControl.OnMouseUp(new dfMouseEventArgs(this.activeControl, this.buttonsReleased, 0, ray, mousePosition, axis));
                if (this.buttonsDown == dfMouseButtons.None && this.activeControl != control)
                    this.setActive(null, mousePosition, ray);
            if (this.buttonsPressed != dfMouseButtons.None)
                this.lastHoverTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 0.25f;
                if (this.activeControl == null)
                    this.setActive(control, mousePosition, ray);
                    if (control != null)
                        control.OnMouseDown(new dfMouseEventArgs(control, this.buttonsPressed, 0, ray, mousePosition, axis));
                    else if (!retainFocusSetting)
                        dfControl activeControl = dfGUIManager.ActiveControl;
                        if (activeControl != null)
                    this.activeControl.OnMouseDown(new dfMouseEventArgs(this.activeControl, this.buttonsPressed, 0, ray, mousePosition, axis));
            if (this.activeControl != null && this.activeControl == control && this.mouseMoveDelta.magnitude == 0f && Time.realtimeSinceStartup - this.lastHoverTime > 0.1f)
                this.activeControl.OnMouseHover(new dfMouseEventArgs(this.activeControl, this.buttonsDown, 0, ray, mousePosition, axis));
                this.lastHoverTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
            if (this.buttonsDown == dfMouseButtons.None)
                if (axis != 0f && control != null)
                    this.setActive(control, mousePosition, ray);
                    control.OnMouseWheel(new dfMouseEventArgs(control, this.buttonsDown, 0, ray, mousePosition, axis));
                this.setActive(control, mousePosition, ray);
            else if (this.activeControl != null)
                if (control != null)
                    control.RenderOrder <= this.activeControl.RenderOrder;
                if (this.mouseMoveDelta.magnitude >= 2f && (this.buttonsDown & (dfMouseButtons.Left | dfMouseButtons.Right)) != dfMouseButtons.None && this.dragState != dfDragDropState.Denied)
                    dfDragEventArgs dfDragEventArg5 = new dfDragEventArgs(this.activeControl)
                        Position = mousePosition
                    if (dfDragEventArg5.State == dfDragDropState.Dragging)
                        this.dragState = dfDragDropState.Dragging;
                        this.dragData  = dfDragEventArg5.Data;
                    this.dragState = dfDragDropState.Denied;
            if (this.activeControl != null && this.mouseMoveDelta.magnitude >= 1f)
                dfMouseEventArgs dfMouseEventArg = new dfMouseEventArgs(this.activeControl, this.buttonsDown, 0, ray, mousePosition, axis)
                    MoveDelta = this.mouseMoveDelta
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the set of adapters in the dependency chain for all adapters in the system which are either not connect or demand or are demanded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputAdapterCollection">Collection of input adapters at start of routing table calculation.</param>
        /// <param name="actionAdapterCollection">Collection of action adapters at start of routing table calculation.</param>
        /// <param name="outputAdapterCollection">Collection of output adapters at start of routing table calculation.</param>
        protected virtual ISet<IAdapter> TraverseDependencyChain(IInputAdapter[] inputAdapterCollection, IActionAdapter[] actionAdapterCollection, IOutputAdapter[] outputAdapterCollection)
            ISet<IAdapter> dependencyChain = new HashSet<IAdapter>();

            if ((object)inputAdapterCollection != null)
                foreach (IInputAdapter inputAdapter in inputAdapterCollection)
                    if (inputAdapter.AutoStart && !dependencyChain.Contains(inputAdapter))
                        AddInputAdapter(inputAdapter, dependencyChain, inputAdapterCollection, actionAdapterCollection, outputAdapterCollection);

            if ((object)actionAdapterCollection != null)
                foreach (IActionAdapter actionAdapter in actionAdapterCollection)
                    if (actionAdapter.AutoStart && !dependencyChain.Contains(actionAdapter))
                        AddActionAdapter(actionAdapter, dependencyChain, inputAdapterCollection, actionAdapterCollection, outputAdapterCollection);

            if ((object)outputAdapterCollection != null)
                foreach (IOutputAdapter outputAdapter in outputAdapterCollection)
                    if (outputAdapter.AutoStart && !dependencyChain.Contains(outputAdapter))
                        AddOutputAdapter(outputAdapter, dependencyChain, inputAdapterCollection, actionAdapterCollection, outputAdapterCollection);

            return dependencyChain;
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     rigidbody2D  = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     input        = GetComponent <InputStragety>().GetInput();
     logicMovment = new LogicMovment(this);
Esempio n. 37
 public void Configure()
     _input = GetComponent <PacmanOfMap>().InputStragety.GetInput();