Esempio n. 1
        protected IQueryable <T> Next <T>(IQueryable <T> query,
                                          LambdaExpression includeExpression,
                                          LambdaExpression thenIncludeExpression,
                                          Type memberType) where T : class
            if (next == null)
                throw new NotImplementedException(
                          $"No valid convertion implemeted. Include: {includeExpression}, ThenInlude: {thenIncludeExpression}, member type: {memberType}");

            return(next.ApplyInclude(query, includeExpression, thenIncludeExpression, memberType));
Esempio n. 2
        public virtual IQueryable <T> ApplyIncludeChains <T>(IQueryable <T> query, List <IncludeChain> includeChains) where T : class
            var ret = query;

            foreach (var chain in includeChains)
                var param = chain.Include.Parameters[0];

                if (param == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              $"Given lambda expression has no parameters, required one. Expression :{chain.Include.ToString()}");
                if (param.Type != typeof(T))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              "Type of lambda expression parameter is diffrent from IQuerable generic type." +
                              $"Parameter type: {param.Type}, IQuerable type: {typeof(T).ToString()}");

                var member = (chain.Include.Body as MemberExpression).Member;
                if (member == null || member.MemberType != MemberTypes.Property)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              $"Given lambda expression is not property access expression. Expression :{chain.Include.ToString()}");

                var memberType      = ((PropertyInfo)member).PropertyType;
                var enumMemberTypes = memberType.IsGenericType ? memberType.GetGenericArguments() : null;

                if (enumMemberTypes != null)
                    if (enumMemberTypes.Count() != 1)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                  $"Member generic type has {enumMemberTypes.Count()} gneric arguments. Should be 1");

                if (chain.ThenIncludes.Count == 0)
                    return(chainStart.ApplyInclude(ret, chain.Include, null, memberType));

                foreach (var thenInclude in chain.ThenIncludes)
                    var tParam = thenInclude.Parameters[0];
                    if (tParam == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                  $"Given lambda expression has no parameters, required one. Expression :{thenInclude.ToString()}");
                    if (enumMemberTypes != null)
                        if (tParam.Type != enumMemberTypes[0])
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                      "Generic type of IEnumerable member of include is diffrent from ThenInclude expression parameter type." +
                                      $" Include type: {enumMemberTypes[0]}, ThenInclude type: {tParam.Type}");
                    else if (tParam.Type != memberType)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                  "Type of include expression parameter is diffrent from ThenInclude expression parameter type." +
                                  $" Include type: {member.DeclaringType}, ThenInclude type: {tParam.Type}");

                    var tMember = (thenInclude.Body as MemberExpression).Member;
                    if (tMember == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                  $"Given lambda expression is not member expression. Expression :{chain.Include.ToString()}");

                    return(chainStart.ApplyInclude(ret, chain.Include, thenInclude, memberType));
