public async Task <string> BuildAsync(IImageFromDockerfileConfiguration config, CancellationToken ct = default)
            var dockerFileArchive = new DockerfileArchive(config.DockerfileDirectory, config.Dockerfile, config.Image);

            var imageExists = await this.ExistsWithNameAsync(config.Image.FullName, ct)

            if (imageExists && config.DeleteIfExists)
                await this.DeleteAsync(config.Image, ct)

            using (var stream = new FileStream(dockerFileArchive.Tar(), FileMode.Open))
                using (var image = await this.Docker.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(stream, new ImageBuildParameters {
                    Dockerfile = config.Dockerfile, Tags = new[] { config.Image.FullName }
                }, ct)
                    // Read the image stream to the end, to avoid disposing before Docker has done it's job.
                    _ = await new StreamReader(image).ReadToEndAsync()

Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <string> BuildAsync(IImageFromDockerfileConfiguration configuration, CancellationToken ct = default)
            var image = configuration.Image;

            ITarArchive dockerFileArchive = new DockerfileArchive(configuration.DockerfileDirectory, configuration.Dockerfile, image, this.logger);

            var imageExists = await this.ExistsWithNameAsync(image.FullName, ct)

            if (imageExists && configuration.DeleteIfExists)
                await this.DeleteAsync(image, ct)

            var buildParameters = new ImageBuildParameters
                Dockerfile = configuration.Dockerfile,
                Tags       = new[] { image.FullName },
                Labels     = configuration.Labels.ToDictionary(item => item.Key, item => item.Value),

            using (var dockerFileStream = new FileStream(dockerFileArchive.Tar(), FileMode.Open))
                await this.Docker.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(buildParameters, dockerFileStream, Array.Empty <AuthConfig>(), new Dictionary <string, string>(), this.traceProgress, ct)

        public async Task <string> BuildAsync(IImageFromDockerfileConfiguration config, CancellationToken ct = default)
            var dockerFileArchive = new DockerfileArchive(config.DockerfileDirectory);

            var imageExists = await this.ExistsWithNameAsync(config.Image.FullName, ct);

            if (imageExists && config.DeleteIfExists)
                await this.DeleteAsync(config.Image, ct);

            using (var stream = new FileStream(dockerFileArchive.Tar(), FileMode.Open))
                using (var unused = await this.Docker.Images.BuildImageFromDockerfileAsync(stream, new ImageBuildParameters {
                    Dockerfile = config.Dockerfile, Tags = new[] { config.Image.FullName }
                }, ct))
                    // New Docker image built, ready to use.

 public async Task <string> BuildAsync(IImageFromDockerfileConfiguration configuration, CancellationToken ct = default)
     return(await this.images.BuildAsync(configuration, ct));
Esempio n. 5
 private ImageFromDockerfileBuilder(IImageFromDockerfileConfiguration configuration)
     this.configuration = configuration;