Esempio n. 1
        public override void Aquire(ScheduledRenewal renewal, IOptionsService optionsService, IInputService inputService, RunLevel runLevel)
            var ask = true;

            if (renewal.Binding.IIS == true)
                if (runLevel == RunLevel.Advanced)
                    ask = inputService.PromptYesNo("Use different site for installation?");
                    ask = false;
            if (ask)
                var chosen = inputService.ChooseFromList("Choose site to create new bindings",
                                                         x => new Choice <long>(x.Id)
                    Description = x.Name, Command = x.Id.ToString()
                renewal.Binding.InstallationSiteId = chosen;
Esempio n. 2
 public override void Aquire(Target target, IOptionsService optionsService, IInputService inputService, RunLevel runLevel)
     if (inputService.PromptYesNo("Use different site for validation?"))
         target.ValidationSiteId = inputService.ChooseFromList("Validation site, must receive requests for all hosts on port 80",
                                                               x => new Choice <long>(x.Id)
             Command = x.Id.ToString(), Description = x.Name
         }, true);
        private List <Target> GetBindings(bool hideHttps, bool logInvalidSites)
            if (_iisClient.ServerManager == null)
                _log.Warning("IIS not found. Skipping scan.");
                return(new List <Target>());

            // Get all bindings matched together with their respective sites
            _log.Debug("Scanning IIS site bindings for hosts");
            var siteBindings = _iisClient.RunningWebsites().
                               SelectMany(site => site.Bindings, (site, binding) => new { site, binding }).
                               Where(sb => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sb.binding.Host)).
                               Where(sb => !sb.binding.Host.StartsWith("*"));

            // Option: hide http bindings when there are already https equivalents
            var hidden = siteBindings.Take(0);

            if (hideHttps)
                hidden = siteBindings.
                         Where(sb => sb.binding.Protocol == "https" ||
                      => other.Protocol == "https" &&
                                                    string.Equals(sb.binding.Host, other.Host, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)));

            var targets = siteBindings.
                          Select(sb => new {
                idn = _iisClient.IdnMapping.GetAscii(sb.binding.Host.ToLower()),
                hidden = hidden.Contains(sb)
                          Select(sbi => new Target {
                TargetSiteId =,
                Host         = sbi.idn,
                HostIsDns    = true,
                Hidden       = sbi.hidden,
                IIS          = true,
                WebRootPath  =
                          DistinctBy(t => t.Host).
                          OrderBy(t => t.Host).

            if (targets.Count() == 0 && logInvalidSites)
                _log.Warning("No IIS bindings with host names were found. A host name is required to verify domain ownership.");
Esempio n. 4
 public override void Aquire(Target target, IOptionsService optionsService, IInputService inputService, RunLevel runLevel)
     // Choose alternative site for validation
     if (target.IIS == true && _iisClient.Version.Major > 0)
         if (inputService.PromptYesNo("Use different site for validation?"))
             var site = inputService.ChooseFromList("Validation site, must receive requests for all hosts on port 80",
                                                    x => new Choice <Site>(x)
                 Command = x.Id.ToString(), Description = x.Name
             }, true);
             if (site != null)
                 target.ValidationSiteId = site.Id;
                 target.WebRootPath      = site.WebRoot();
     base.Aquire(target, optionsService, inputService, runLevel);
        internal List <Target> GetSites(bool hideHttps, bool logInvalidSites)
            if (_iisClient.ServerManager == null)
                _log.Warning("IIS not found. Skipping scan.");
                return(new List <Target>());

            // Get all bindings matched together with their respective sites
            _log.Debug("Scanning IIS sites");
            var sites = _iisClient.RunningWebsites();

            // Option: hide http bindings when there are already https equivalents
            var hidden = sites.Take(0);

            if (hideHttps)
                hidden = sites.Where(site => site.Bindings.
                                     All(binding => binding.Protocol == "https" ||
                                         site.Bindings.Any(other => other.Protocol == "https" &&
                                                           string.Equals(other.Host, binding.Host, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))));

            var targets = sites.
                          Select(site => new Target {
                TargetSiteId     = site.Id,
                Host             = site.Name,
                HostIsDns        = false,
                Hidden           = hidden.Contains(site),
                WebRootPath      = site.WebRoot(),
                IIS              = true,
                AlternativeNames = GetHosts(site)
                          Where(target => {
                if (target.AlternativeNames.Count > SettingsService.maxNames)
                    if (logInvalidSites)
                        _log.Information("{site} has too many hosts for a single certificate. Let's Encrypt has a maximum of {maxNames}.", target.Host, SettingsService.maxNames);
                else if (target.AlternativeNames.Count == 0)
                    if (logInvalidSites)
                        _log.Information("No valid hosts found for {site}.", target.Host);
                          OrderBy(target => target.Host).

            if (targets.Count() == 0 && logInvalidSites)
                _log.Warning("No applicable IIS sites were found.");