Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>Returns the full and complete URL as a single string.</summary>
        public static string ToFull(this IHttpUrl url)
            var sb = new StringBuilder(256);

            sb.Append(url.Https ? "https://" : "http://");
            if (url.ParentDomains != null)
                for (int i = url.ParentDomains.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if ((!url.Https && url.Port != 80) || (url.Https && url.Port != 443))
            if (url.ParentPaths != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < url.ParentPaths.Length; i++)
            url.AppendQueryString(sb, first: true);
Esempio n. 2
 private HttpResponse register(HttpRequest req, IHttpUrl redirectTo) => withSession(req, (session, db) =>
     var username = req.Post["username"].Value;
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username))
         return(loginPage(req, redirectTo, registerErrorMessage: "Your username cannot be empty."));
     var email = req.Post["email"].Value;
     if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email) && db.Users.Any(u => u.Username == username || u.EmailAddress == username || u.Username == email || u.EmailAddress == email))
         return(loginPage(req, redirectTo, registerErrorMessage: "I’m afraid that username oder email address is already taken! Maybe you can just reset your password and re-use that account?"));
     var password = req.Post["password1"].Value;
     if (req.Post["password2"].Value != password)
         return(loginPage(req, redirectTo, registerErrorMessage: "The two passwords don’t match. Please try again."));
     var newUser = db.Users.Add(new User
         Username          = username,
         EmailAddress      = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(req.Post["email"].Value) ? null : req.Post["email"].Value,
         PasswordHash      = createPasswordHash(password),
         ShowErrors        = true,
         SemitransparentXs = false
     session.User = newUser;
     //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email) && email.Contains('@'))
     //    sendMail($"Kyudosudoku registration",
     //        $"<p style='font-weight: bold'>Thank you for registering for Kyudosudoku!</p>" +
     //        $"<p>Your username is {username}.</p>" +
     //        $"<p>You can <a href='{redirectTo.ToFull()}'>log in</a> at any time.",
     //        new MailAddress(email, username));
Esempio n. 3
 private HttpResponse logout(HttpRequest req, IHttpUrl redirectTo) => withSession(req, (session, db) =>
     if (session != null)
         session.Action = SessionAction.Delete;
Esempio n. 4
 public UrlWithoutQueryMultiple(IHttpUrl source, HashSet <string> names)
     : base(source)
     if (names == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("names");
     _names = names;
Esempio n. 5
 private HttpResponse loginPage(HttpRequest req, IHttpUrl url, string loginErrorMessage = null, string registerErrorMessage = null) => RenderPage(
     "Log in", null, null,
     new DIV {
     class_ = "main"
         new H1("Log in"),
         loginErrorMessage.NullOr(error => new DIV {
     class_ = "error"
         new FORM {
     action = url.WithPath("/login").ToHref(), method =
             new TABLE(
                 new TR(new TD(new LABEL {
     for_ = "login-username", accesskey = "u"
 }._("Username: "******"login-username", name = "username", type = itype.text, value = req?.Post["username"].Value
                 new TR(new TD(new LABEL {
     for_ = "login-password", accesskey = "p"
 }._("Password: "******"login-password", name = "password", type = itype.password, value = req?.Post["password"].Value
                 new TR(new TD(new BUTTON {
     type = btype.submit, accesskey = "l"
 }._("Log in".Accel('L')))))),
         new H1("Register a new user"),
         registerErrorMessage.NullOr(error => new DIV {
     class_ = "error"
         new FORM {
     action = url.WithPath("/register").ToHref(), method =
             new TABLE(
                 new TR(new TD(new LABEL {
     for_ = "register-username", accesskey = "s"
 }._("Username: "******"register-username", name = "username", type = itype.text, value = req?.Post["username"].Value
                 new TR(new TD(new LABEL {
     for_ = "register-password-1", accesskey = "a"
 }._("Password: "******"register-password-1", name = "password1", type = itype.password, value = req?.Post["password1"].Value
                 new TR(new TD(new LABEL {
     for_ = "register-password-2", accesskey = "o"
 }._("Confirm password: "******"register-password-2", name = "password2", type = itype.password, value = req?.Post["password2"].Value
                 new TR(new TD(new LABEL {
     for_ = "register-email", accesskey = "e"
 }._("Email address: ".Accel('E'))), new TD(new INPUT {
     id = "register-email", name = "email", type = itype.text, value = req?.Post["email"].Value
 }, " (this is not used for anything right now, no emails are sent to this)")),
                 new TR(new TD(new BUTTON {
     type = btype.submit, accesskey = "r"
Esempio n. 6
 public UrlWithQueryWhereValues(IHttpUrl source, Func <string, string, bool> nameValueFilter)
     : base(source)
     if (nameValueFilter == null)
         throw new ArgumentException();
     _nameValueFilter = nameValueFilter;
Esempio n. 7
        private HttpResponse updateUser(HttpRequest req, IHttpUrl redirectTo) => withSession(req, (session, db) =>
            if (session.User == null)
            if (req.Post["user"].Value != session.User.UserID.ToString())
                return(userPage(req, redirectTo, session.User, db, updateUserError: "It appears that you logged out and back in as someone else. Please try again."));

            var changingPassword = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(req.Post["password1"].Value);
            if (changingPassword)
                if (!verifyPasswordHash(req.Post["oldpassword"].Value, session.User.PasswordHash))
                    return(userPage(req, redirectTo, session.User, db, updateUserError: "The specified old password was not correct."));
                if (req.Post["password1"].Value != req.Post["password2"].Value)
                    return(userPage(req, redirectTo, session.User, db, updateUserError: "The two new passwords do not match."));

            var messages = new List <string>();

            var newUsername = req.Post["username"].Value;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newUsername) && newUsername != session.User.Username)
                if (db.Users.Any(u => u.UserID != session.User.UserID && (u.Username == newUsername || u.EmailAddress == newUsername)))
                    return(userPage(req, redirectTo, session.User, db, updateUserError: "I’m afraid that username is already taken!"));

                session.User.Username = newUsername;
                messages.Add("Username updated.");

            var newEmail = req.Post["email"].Value;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newEmail) && newEmail != session.User.EmailAddress)
                if (db.Users.Any(u => u.UserID != session.User.UserID && (u.Username == newEmail || u.EmailAddress == newEmail)))
                    return(userPage(req, redirectTo, session.User, db, updateUserError: "I’m afraid that email address is already taken!"));

                session.User.EmailAddress = newEmail;
                messages.Add("Email address updated.");
            if (changingPassword)
                session.User.PasswordHash = createPasswordHash(req.Post["password1"].Value);
                messages.Add("Password updated.");

            var changingGameOptions = false;
            foreach (var(curVal, setter, key) in Ut.NewArray <(bool curVal, Action <bool> setter, string key)>(
Esempio n. 8
 public UrlWithQueryMultiple(IHttpUrl source, string name, IEnumerable <string> values)
     : base(source)
     if (name == null)
         throw new ArgumentException();
     _name   = name;
     _values = values ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>();
Esempio n. 9
 public UrlWithQuerySingle(IHttpUrl source, string name, string value)
     : base(source)
     if (name == null)
         throw new ArgumentException();
     _name  = name;
     _value = value;
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the full path and query string of the specified URL (the part that follows the domain).</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     This is intended to be used as <c>href</c> attribute values in <c>&lt;a&gt;</c> tags as it works well for an
        ///     absolute path within the same domain.</remarks>
        public static string ToHref(this IHttpUrl url)
            var sb = new StringBuilder(128);

            for (int i = 0; i < url.ParentPaths.Length; i++)
            url.AppendQueryString(sb, first: true);
Esempio n. 11
 public UrlWithPathParent(IHttpUrl source)
     : base(source)
     if (source.ParentPaths.Length == 0)
         throw new ArgumentException();
     if (source.ParentPaths.Length == 1)
         _parentPaths = HttpHelper.EmptyStrings;
Esempio n. 12
 private UrlMapping[] getApplicableMappings(IHttpUrl url)
     lock (Locker)
                .Where(mp =>
                       ((mp.Hook.Protocols.HasFlag(Protocols.Http) && !url.Https) || (mp.Hook.Protocols.HasFlag(Protocols.Https) && url.Https)) &&
                       (mp.Hook.Port == null || mp.Hook.Port.Value == url.Port) &&
                       (mp.Hook.Domain == null || mp.Hook.Domain == url.Domain || (!mp.Hook.SpecificDomain && url.Domain.EndsWith("." + mp.Hook.Domain))) &&
                       (mp.Hook.Path == null || mp.Hook.Path == url.Path || (mp.Hook.Path == "" && url.Path == "/") || (!mp.Hook.SpecificPath && url.Path.StartsWith(mp.Hook.Path + "/"))))
Esempio n. 13
 public UrlWithPathOnly(IHttpUrl source, string path)
     : base(source)
     if (path == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
     if (path != "" && !path.StartsWith("/"))
         throw new ArgumentException("The specified path must either be empty or begin with a slash ('/') character.", "path");
     _path = path;
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the full domain name (the part that comes before the first slash) regardless of any URL resolvers in
        ///     use. The protocol and the port number is not included.</summary>
        public static string GetFullDomain(this IHttpUrl url)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (url.ParentDomains != null)
                for (int i = url.ParentDomains.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the full path (the part that comes after the domain) regardless of any URL resolvers in use. The query
        ///     string is not included.</summary>
        public static string GetFullPath(this IHttpUrl url)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (url.ParentPaths != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < url.ParentPaths.Length; i++)
Esempio n. 16
 private HttpResponse login(HttpRequest req, IHttpUrl redirectTo) => withSession(req, (session, db) =>
     var username = req.Post["username"].Value;
     var user     = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username == username) ?? db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Username.Equals(username, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || u.EmailAddress.Equals(username, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
     if (user == null)
         return(loginPage(req, req.Url.WithPathParent(), "The specified username does not exist."));
     if (!verifyPasswordHash(req.Post["password"].Value, user.PasswordHash))
         return(loginPage(req, req.Url.WithPathParent(), "The specified password is not correct."));
     session.User = user;
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary>
 ///     Changes a URL’s subpath or subdomain relative to the specified number of URL resolvers.</summary>
 /// <param name="url">
 ///     The URL to modify.</param>
 /// <param name="levels">
 ///     The number of URL resolvers to rewind.</param>
 /// <param name="pathOrSubdomain">
 ///     The new subpath or subdomain, without any slashes or dots.</param>
 /// <param name="useSubdomain">
 ///     If <c>true</c>, the subdomain is changed; if <c>false</c> (default), the path is changed.</param>
 /// <param name="retainQueryParams">
 ///     If <c>true</c>, the query parameters are retained; if <c>false</c> (default), they are removed.</param>
 /// <returns>
 ///     The new URL.</returns>
 public static IHttpUrl WithParents(this IHttpUrl url, int levels, string pathOrSubdomain, bool useSubdomain = false, bool retainQueryParams = false)
     pathOrSubdomain = pathOrSubdomain.Length == 0 ? "" : useSubdomain ? pathOrSubdomain + "." : "/" + pathOrSubdomain;
     for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++)
         url = useSubdomain ? url.WithDomainParent() : url.WithPathParent();
             ? retainQueryParams
                 ? url.WithDomain(pathOrSubdomain)
                 : url.WithDomain(pathOrSubdomain).WithoutQuery()
         : retainQueryParams
             ? url.WithPath(pathOrSubdomain)
             : url.WithPathOnly(pathOrSubdomain));
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates a new instance based on the specified other URL.</summary>
 /// <param name="source">
 ///     URL to copy information from.</param>
 public HttpUrl(IHttpUrl source)
     if (source == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
     Https         = source.Https;
     Port          = source.Port;
     ParentDomains = source.ParentDomains;
     Domain        = source.Domain;
     ParentPaths   = source.ParentPaths;
     Path          = source.Path;
     _hasQuery     = source.HasQuery;
     _query        = source.Query;
     _queryString  = null;
Esempio n. 19
 public UrlWithDomain(IHttpUrl source, string domain)
     : base(source)
     if (domain == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("domain");
     if (ParentDomains.Length == 0 && (domain == "" || domain.EndsWith(".")))
         throw new ArgumentException("At the TLD level the domain name must not be empty and must not end with a dot (.).");
     if (ParentDomains.Length > 0 && domain != "" && !domain.EndsWith("."))
         throw new ArgumentException("The domain name must be empty or end with a dot.");
     _domain = domain;
Esempio n. 20
 public UrlWithPath(IHttpUrl source, string path)
     : base(source)
     if (path == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
     if (path.Contains('?'))
         throw new ArgumentException("The Path must not contain a question mark. Did you forget to escape the URL?");
     if (path != "" && path[0] != '/')
         throw new ArgumentException("The Path must start with a forward slash.");
     _path = path;
Esempio n. 21
        private static IEnumerable <string> generateDirectoryXml(string localPath, IHttpUrl url, string urlPath)
            List <DirectoryInfo> dirs    = new List <DirectoryInfo>();
            List <FileInfo>      files   = new List <FileInfo>();
            DirectoryInfo        dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(localPath);

            foreach (var d in dirInfo.GetDirectories())
            foreach (var f in dirInfo.GetFiles())
            dirs.Sort((a, b) => a.Name.CompareTo(b.Name));
            files.Sort((a, b) => a.Name.CompareTo(b.Name));

            yield return("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n");

            yield return("<?xml-stylesheet href=\"{0}\" type=\"text/xsl\" ?>\n".Fmt(url.WithPathOnly("/$/directory-listing/xsl").ToHref().HtmlEscape()));

            yield return("<directory url=\"{0}\" unescapedurl=\"{1}\" img=\"{2}\" numdirs=\"{3}\" numfiles=\"{4}\">\n"
                         .Fmt(url.ToHref().HtmlEscape(), url.ToHref().UrlUnescape().HtmlEscape(), url.WithPathOnly("/$/directory-listing/icons/folderbig").ToHref().HtmlEscape(), dirs.Count, files.Count));

            foreach (var d in dirs)
                yield return("  <dir link=\"{0}/\" img=\"{2}\">{1}</dir>\n".Fmt(d.Name.UrlEscape(), d.Name.HtmlEscape(), url.WithPathOnly("/$/directory-listing/icons/folder").ToHref().HtmlEscape()));
            foreach (var f in files)
                string extension = f.Name.Contains('.') ? f.Name.Substring(f.Name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1) : "";
                yield return("  <file link=\"{0}\" size=\"{1}\" nicesize=\"{2}\" img=\"{3}\">{4}</file>\n"
                             .Fmt(f.Name.UrlEscape(), f.Length, Ut.SizeToString(f.Length), url.WithPathOnly("/$/directory-listing/icons/" + GetDirectoryListingIconStr(extension)).ToHref().HtmlEscape(), f.Name.HtmlEscape()));

            yield return("</directory>\n");
Esempio n. 22
 public UrlWithoutQueryMultiple(IHttpUrl source, IEnumerable<string> names) : this(source, names.ToHashSet()) { }
Esempio n. 23
 public UrlWithQueryWhereValues(IHttpUrl source, Func<string, string, bool> nameValueFilter)
     : base(source)
     if (nameValueFilter == null)
         throw new ArgumentException();
     _nameValueFilter = nameValueFilter;
Esempio n. 24
 public UrlWithQueryRemovals(IHttpUrl source) : base(source) { }
Esempio n. 25
 public UrlWithoutQueryMultiple(IHttpUrl source, HashSet<string> names)
     : base(source)
     if (names == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("names");
     _names = names;
Esempio n. 26
 public UrlWithQueryRemovals(IHttpUrl source) : base(source)
Esempio n. 27
 public UrlWithoutQueryAll(IHttpUrl source) : base(source)
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>
 ///     Redirects the client to a new URL, using the HTTP status code 302 Found and making the response uncacheable.</summary>
 /// <param name="newUrl">
 ///     URL to redirect the client to.</param>
 public static HttpResponseContent Redirect(IHttpUrl newUrl)
     return Redirect(newUrl.ToFull());
Esempio n. 29
 public UrlWithQueryMultiple(IHttpUrl source, string name, IEnumerable<string> values)
     : base(source)
     if (name == null)
         throw new ArgumentException();
     _name = name;
     _values = values ?? Enumerable.Empty<string>();
Esempio n. 30
 public UrlWithHttps(IHttpUrl source, bool https)
     : base(source)
     _https = https;
Esempio n. 31
 public UrlWithDomain(IHttpUrl source, string domain)
     : base(source)
     if (domain == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("domain");
     if (ParentDomains.Length == 0 && (domain == "" || domain.EndsWith(".")))
         throw new ArgumentException("At the TLD level the domain name must not be empty and must not end with a dot (.).");
     if (ParentDomains.Length > 0 && domain != "" && !domain.EndsWith("."))
         throw new ArgumentException("The domain name must be empty or end with a dot.");
     _domain = domain;
Esempio n. 32
 private HttpResponse loginForm(string returnto, bool failed, string username, string password, IHttpUrl formSubmitUrl)
     return HttpResponse.Html(
         new HTML(
             new HEAD(
                 new TITLE("Log in"),
                 new STYLELiteral(_formCss)
             new BODY(
                 new FORM { method =, action = formSubmitUrl.ToHref() }._(
                     new DIV(
                         returnto == null ? null : new INPUT { type = itype.hidden, name = "returnto", value = returnto },
                         new P("Please log in to access ", _appName, "."),
                         failed ? new P("The specified username and/or password has not been recognised.") { class_ = "error" } : null,
                             new object[] { "Username:"******"username", type = itype.text, size = 60, value = username } },
                             new object[] { "Password:"******"password", type = itype.password, size = 60, value = password } },
                             new[] { null, new INPUT { value = "Log in", type = itype.submit } }
Esempio n. 33
 /// <summary>
 ///     Redirects the client to a new URL, using the HTTP status code 302 Found and making the response uncacheable.</summary>
 /// <param name="newUrl">
 ///     URL to redirect the client to.</param>
 public static HttpResponseContent Redirect(IHttpUrl newUrl)
Esempio n. 34
 private HttpResponse userPage(HttpRequest req, IHttpUrl url, User user, Db db, string updateUserError = null, IEnumerable <string> updateUserSuccess = null, string teamError = null) => RenderPage(
     user.Username, user, null,
     new DIV {
     class_ = "main"
         new H1("Welcome, ", new BDI(user.Username), "!"),
         new FORM {
     action = url.WithPath("/logout").ToHref(), method =, class_ = "logout"
             new BUTTON {
     type = btype.submit, accesskey = "o"
 }._("Log out".Accel('o'))),
         new H2("Options"),
         updateUserError.NullOr(msg => new DIV {
     class_ = "error"
         updateUserSuccess.NullOr(msgs => new DIV {
     class_ = "success"
 }._(msgs.Count() == 1 ? (object)msgs.First() : new UL(msgs.Select(msg => new LI(msg))))),
         new FORM {
     action = url.WithPath("/update-user").ToHref(), method =
             new INPUT {
     type = itype.hidden, name = "user", value = user.UserID.ToString()
             new TABLE {
     class_ = "options"
                 new TR(
                     new TH {
     rowspan = 2
 }._("Game options"),
                     new TD(new INPUT {
     type = itype.checkbox, name = "opt-show-errors", value = "1", checked_ = user.ShowErrors, id = "opt-show-errors", accesskey = "s"
 }, new LABEL {
     for_ = "opt-show-errors"
 }._(" Show a red glow around grids with errors".Accel('S')))),
                 new TR(new TD(new INPUT {
     type = itype.checkbox, name = "opt-semitransparent-xs", value = "1", checked_ = user.SemitransparentXs, id = "opt-semitransparent-xs", accesskey = "x"
 }, new LABEL {
     for_ = "opt-semitransparent-xs"
 }._(" Show semitransparent X’s so you can still see the digits underneath".Accel('X')))),
                 new TR(
                     new TH("Personal info"),
                     new TD(
                         new TABLE(
                             new TR(new TD {
     class_ = "label"
 }._(new LABEL {
     for_ = "changeusername", accesskey = "n"
 }._("Username: "******"changeusername", name = "username", type = itype.text, value = req?.Post["username"].Value ?? user.Username
                             new TR(new TD {
     class_ = "label"
 }._(new LABEL {
     for_ = "changeemail", accesskey = "e"
 }._("Email address: ".Accel('E'))), new TD(new INPUT {
     id = "changeemail", name = "email", type =, value = req?.Post["email"].Value ?? user.EmailAddress
                             new TR(new TD {
     class_ = "label"
 }._(new LABEL {
     for_ = "changepassword-old", accesskey = "p"
 }._("Old password: "******"changepassword-old", name = "oldpassword", type = itype.password, value = req?.Post["oldpassword"].Value
                             new TR(new TD {
     class_ = "label"
 }._(new LABEL {
     for_ = "changepassword-new-1", accesskey = "1"
 }._("New password 1: ".Accel('1'))), new TD(new INPUT {
     id = "changepassword-new-1", name = "password1", type = itype.password, value = req?.Post["password1"].Value
                             new TR(new TD {
     class_ = "label"
 }._(new LABEL {
     for_ = "changepassword-new-2", accesskey = "2"
 }._("New password 2: ".Accel('2'))), new TD(new INPUT {
     id = "changepassword-new-2", name = "password2", type = itype.password, value = req?.Post["password2"].Value
                             new TR(new TD {
     class_ = "label"
 }._(new BUTTON {
     type = btype.submit, accesskey = "u"
Esempio n. 35
 public UrlWithQueryChanges(IHttpUrl source) : base(source) { }
Esempio n. 36
 private HttpResponse createUserForm(string returnTo, bool userAlreadyExists, bool passwordsDiffer, string username, string newpassword1, string newpassword2, IHttpUrl formSubmitUrl)
                new HTML(
                    new HEAD(
                        new TITLE("Create user"),
                        new STYLELiteral(_formCss)
                    new BODY(
                        new FORM {
         method =, action = formSubmitUrl.ToHref()
                            new DIV(
                                returnTo == null ? null : new INPUT {
         type = itype.hidden, name = "returnto", value = returnTo
                                new P("To create a new user, type the desired username and the new password twice."),
                                userAlreadyExists ? new P("The specified username is already in use.")
         class_ = "error"
     } : null,
                                passwordsDiffer ? new P("The specified new passwords do not match. You have to type the same new password twice.")
         class_ = "error"
     } : null,
                                                  new object[] { "Username:"******"username", type = itype.text, size = 60, value = username
                                                                 } },
                                                  new object[] { "New password (1):", new INPUT {
                                                                     name = "newpassword1", type = itype.password, size = 60, value = newpassword1
                                                                 } },
                                                  new object[] { "New password (2):", new INPUT {
                                                                     name = "newpassword2", type = itype.password, size = 60, value = newpassword2
                                                                 } },
                                                  new[] { null, new INPUT {
                                                              value = "Create user", type = itype.submit
                                                          } }
Esempio n. 37
 public UrlWithQuerySingle(IHttpUrl source, string name, string value)
     : base(source)
     if (name == null)
         throw new ArgumentException();
     _name = name;
     _value = value;
Esempio n. 38
 private HttpResponse changePasswordForm(string loggedInUser, string returnTo, bool loginFailed, bool passwordsDiffer, string oldpassword, string newpassword1, string newpassword2, IHttpUrl formSubmitUrl)
     return HttpResponse.Html(
         new HTML(
             new HEAD(
                 new TITLE("Change Password"),
                 new STYLELiteral(_formCss)
             new BODY(
                 new FORM { method =, action = formSubmitUrl.ToHref() }._(
                     new DIV(
                         returnTo == null ? null : new INPUT { type = itype.hidden, name = "returnto", value = returnTo },
                         new P("To change your password, type your old password, and then the new password twice."),
                         loginFailed ? new P("The specified old password is wrong.") { class_ = "error" } : null,
                         passwordsDiffer ? new P("The specified new passwords do not match. You have to type the same new password twice.") { class_ = "error" } : null,
                             new object[] { "Username:"******"Old password:"******"password", type = itype.password, size = 60, value = oldpassword } },
                             new object[] { "New password (1):", new INPUT { name = "newpassword1", type = itype.password, size = 60, value = newpassword1 } },
                             new object[] { "New password (2):", new INPUT { name = "newpassword2", type = itype.password, size = 60, value = newpassword2 } },
                             new[] { null, new INPUT { value = "Change password", type = itype.submit } }
Esempio n. 39
 public UrlWithPath(IHttpUrl source, string path)
     : base(source)
     if (path == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
     if (path.Contains('?'))
         throw new ArgumentException("The Path must not contain a question mark. Did you forget to escape the URL?");
     if (path != "" && path[0] != '/')
         throw new ArgumentException("The Path must start with a forward slash.");
     _path = path;
Esempio n. 40
 public UrlWithoutQueryMultiple(IHttpUrl source, IEnumerable <string> names) : this(source, names.ToHashSet())
Esempio n. 41
 private HttpResponse loginForm(string returnto, bool failed, string username, string password, IHttpUrl formSubmitUrl)
                new HTML(
                    new HEAD(
                        new TITLE("Log in"),
                        new STYLELiteral(_formCss)
                    new BODY(
                        new FORM {
         method =, action = formSubmitUrl.ToHref()
                            new DIV(
                                returnto == null ? null : new INPUT {
         type = itype.hidden, name = "returnto", value = returnto
                                new P("Please log in to access ", _appName, "."),
                                failed ? new P("The specified username and/or password has not been recognised.")
         class_ = "error"
     } : null,
                                                  new object[] { "Username:"******"username", type = itype.text, size = 60, value = username
                                                                 } },
                                                  new object[] { "Password:"******"password", type = itype.password, size = 60, value = password
                                                                 } },
                                                  new[] { null, new INPUT {
                                                              value = "Log in", type = itype.submit
                                                          } }
Esempio n. 42
 private HttpResponse createUserForm(string returnTo, bool userAlreadyExists, bool passwordsDiffer, string username, string newpassword1, string newpassword2, IHttpUrl formSubmitUrl)
     return HttpResponse.Html(
         new HTML(
             new HEAD(
                 new TITLE("Create user"),
                 new STYLELiteral(_formCss)
             new BODY(
                 new FORM { method =, action = formSubmitUrl.ToHref() }._(
                     new DIV(
                         returnTo == null ? null : new INPUT { type = itype.hidden, name = "returnto", value = returnTo },
                         new P("To create a new user, type the desired username and the new password twice."),
                         userAlreadyExists ? new P("The specified username is already in use.") { class_ = "error" } : null,
                         passwordsDiffer ? new P("The specified new passwords do not match. You have to type the same new password twice.") { class_ = "error" } : null,
                             new object[] { "Username:"******"username", type = itype.text, size = 60, value = username } },
                             new object[] { "New password (1):", new INPUT { name = "newpassword1", type = itype.password, size = 60, value = newpassword1 } },
                             new object[] { "New password (2):", new INPUT { name = "newpassword2", type = itype.password, size = 60, value = newpassword2 } },
                             new[] { null, new INPUT { value = "Create user", type = itype.submit } }
Esempio n. 43
 private HttpResponse changePasswordForm(string loggedInUser, string returnTo, bool loginFailed, bool passwordsDiffer, string oldpassword, string newpassword1, string newpassword2, IHttpUrl formSubmitUrl)
                new HTML(
                    new HEAD(
                        new TITLE("Change Password"),
                        new STYLELiteral(_formCss)
                    new BODY(
                        new FORM {
         method =, action = formSubmitUrl.ToHref()
                            new DIV(
                                returnTo == null ? null : new INPUT {
         type = itype.hidden, name = "returnto", value = returnTo
                                new P("To change your password, type your old password, and then the new password twice."),
                                loginFailed ? new P("The specified old password is wrong.")
         class_ = "error"
     } : null,
                                passwordsDiffer ? new P("The specified new passwords do not match. You have to type the same new password twice.")
         class_ = "error"
     } : null,
                                                  new object[] { "Username:"******"Old password:"******"password", type = itype.password, size = 60, value = oldpassword
                                                                 } },
                                                  new object[] { "New password (1):", new INPUT {
                                                                     name = "newpassword1", type = itype.password, size = 60, value = newpassword1
                                                                 } },
                                                  new object[] { "New password (2):", new INPUT {
                                                                     name = "newpassword2", type = itype.password, size = 60, value = newpassword2
                                                                 } },
                                                  new[] { null, new INPUT {
                                                              value = "Change password", type = itype.submit
                                                          } }
Esempio n. 44
 public UrlWithHttps(IHttpUrl source, bool https)
     : base(source)
     _https = https;
Esempio n. 45
 public UrlWithPathOnly(IHttpUrl source, string path)
     : base(source)
     if (path == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
     if (path != "" && !path.StartsWith("/"))
         throw new ArgumentException("The specified path must either be empty or begin with a slash ('/') character.", "path");
     _path = path;
Esempio n. 46
 public UrlWithoutQueryAll(IHttpUrl source) : base(source) { }
Esempio n. 47
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates a new instance based on the specified other URL.</summary>
 /// <param name="source">
 ///     URL to copy information from.</param>
 public HttpUrl(IHttpUrl source)
     if (source == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
     Https = source.Https;
     Port = source.Port;
     ParentDomains = source.ParentDomains;
     Domain = source.Domain;
     ParentPaths = source.ParentPaths;
     Path = source.Path;
     _hasQuery = source.HasQuery;
     _query = source.Query;
     _queryString = null;
Esempio n. 48
 public UrlWithPathParent(IHttpUrl source)
     : base(source)
     if (source.ParentPaths.Length == 0)
         throw new ArgumentException();
     if (source.ParentPaths.Length == 1)
         _parentPaths = HttpHelper.EmptyStrings;
Esempio n. 49
        private static IEnumerable<string> generateDirectoryXml(string localPath, IHttpUrl url, string urlPath)
            List<DirectoryInfo> dirs = new List<DirectoryInfo>();
            List<FileInfo> files = new List<FileInfo>();
            DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(localPath);
            foreach (var d in dirInfo.GetDirectories())
            foreach (var f in dirInfo.GetFiles())
            dirs.Sort((a, b) => a.Name.CompareTo(b.Name));
            files.Sort((a, b) => a.Name.CompareTo(b.Name));

            yield return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
            yield return "<?xml-stylesheet href=\"{0}\" type=\"text/xsl\" ?>\n".Fmt(url.WithPathOnly("/$/directory-listing/xsl").ToHref().HtmlEscape());
            yield return "<directory url=\"{0}\" unescapedurl=\"{1}\" img=\"{2}\" numdirs=\"{3}\" numfiles=\"{4}\">\n"
                .Fmt(url.ToHref().HtmlEscape(), url.ToHref().UrlUnescape().HtmlEscape(), url.WithPathOnly("/$/directory-listing/icons/folderbig").ToHref().HtmlEscape(), dirs.Count, files.Count);
            foreach (var d in dirs)
                yield return "  <dir link=\"{0}/\" img=\"{2}\">{1}</dir>\n".Fmt(d.Name.UrlEscape(), d.Name.HtmlEscape(), url.WithPathOnly("/$/directory-listing/icons/folder").ToHref().HtmlEscape());
            foreach (var f in files)
                string extension = f.Name.Contains('.') ? f.Name.Substring(f.Name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1) : "";
                yield return "  <file link=\"{0}\" size=\"{1}\" nicesize=\"{2}\" img=\"{3}\">{4}</file>\n"
                    .Fmt(f.Name.UrlEscape(), f.Length, Ut.SizeToString(f.Length), url.WithPathOnly("/$/directory-listing/icons/" + GetDirectoryListingIconStr(extension)).ToHref().HtmlEscape(), f.Name.HtmlEscape());

            yield return "</directory>\n";
Esempio n. 50
 public UrlWithNoChanges(IHttpUrl source) { _source = source; }