Esempio n. 1
        public DefaultHttp2RemoteFlowController(IHttp2Connection connection, IStreamByteDistributor streamByteDistributor, IHttp2RemoteFlowControllerListener listener)
            if (connection is null)
            if (streamByteDistributor is null)
            _connection            = connection;
            _streamByteDistributor = streamByteDistributor;

            // Add a flow state for the connection.
            _stateKey        = connection.NewKey();
            _connectionState = new FlowState(this, _connection.ConnectionStream);
            _ = connection.ConnectionStream.SetProperty(_stateKey, _connectionState);

            // Monitor may depend upon connectionState, and so initialize after connectionState
            _monitor.WindowSize(_connectionState, _initialWindowSize);

            // Register for notification of new streams.
        public WeightedFairQueueByteDistributor(IHttp2Connection connection, int maxStateOnlySize)
            uint uMaxStateOnlySize = (uint)maxStateOnlySize;

            if (uMaxStateOnlySize > SharedConstants.TooBigOrNegative)
                ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException_PositiveOrZero(maxStateOnlySize, ExceptionArgument.maxStateOnlySize);
            if (0u >= uMaxStateOnlySize)
                _stateOnlyMap          = EmptyDictionary <int, State> .Instance;
                _stateOnlyRemovalQueue = EmptyPriorityQueue <State> .Instance;
                _stateOnlyMap = new Dictionary <int, State>(maxStateOnlySize);
                // +2 because we may exceed the limit by 2 if a new dependency has no associated IHttp2Stream object. We need
                // to create the State objects to put them into the dependency tree, which then impacts priority.
                _stateOnlyRemovalQueue = new PriorityQueue <State>(StateOnlyComparator.Instance, maxStateOnlySize + 2);

            _maxStateOnlySize = maxStateOnlySize;

            _connection = connection;
            _stateKey   = connection.NewKey();
            IHttp2Stream connectionStream = connection.ConnectionStream;

            _ = connectionStream.SetProperty(_stateKey, _connectionState = new State(this, connectionStream, 16));

            // Register for notification of new streams.
Esempio n. 3
        public DelegatingDecompressorFrameListener(IHttp2Connection connection, IHttp2FrameListener listener, bool strict)
            : base(listener)
            _connection = connection;
            _strict     = strict;

            _propertyKey = connection.NewKey();
            _connection.AddListener(new DelegatingConnectionAdapter(this));
Esempio n. 4
        public UniformStreamByteDistributor(IHttp2Connection connection)
            // Add a state for the connection.
            _stateKey = connection.NewKey();
            var connectionStream = connection.ConnectionStream;

            _ = connectionStream.SetProperty(_stateKey, new State(this, connectionStream));

            // Register for notification of new streams.
        public InboundHttp2ToHttpAdapter(IHttp2Connection connection, int maxContentLength,
                                         bool validateHttpHeaders, bool propagateSettings)
            if (connection is null)
            if ((uint)(maxContentLength - 1) > SharedConstants.TooBigOrNegative)
                ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException_Positive(maxContentLength, ExceptionArgument.maxContentLength);

            _connection          = connection;
            _maxContentLength    = maxContentLength;
            _validateHttpHeaders = validateHttpHeaders;
            _propagateSettings   = propagateSettings;
            _sendDetector        = DefaultImmediateSendDetector.Instance;
            _messageKey          = connection.NewKey();
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a controller with the given settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection">the connection state.</param>
        /// <param name="windowUpdateRatio">the window percentage below which to send a <c>WINDOW_UPDATE</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="autoRefillConnectionWindow">if <c>true</c>, effectively disables the connection window
        /// in the flow control algorithm as they will always refill automatically without requiring the
        /// application to consume the bytes. When enabled, the maximum bytes you must be prepared to
        /// queue is proportional to <c>maximum number of concurrent streams * the initial window
        /// size per stream</c>
        /// (<a href="">SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS</a>
        /// <a href="">SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE</a>).
        /// </param>
        public DefaultHttp2LocalFlowController(IHttp2Connection connection, float windowUpdateRatio, bool autoRefillConnectionWindow)
            if (connection is null)

            _connection = connection;

            // Add a flow state for the connection.
            _stateKey = connection.NewKey();
            IFlowState connectionState = autoRefillConnectionWindow
                ? new AutoRefillState(this, connection.ConnectionStream, _initialWindowSize)
                : new DefaultState(this, connection.ConnectionStream, _initialWindowSize);

            _ = connection.ConnectionStream.SetProperty(_stateKey, connectionState);

            // Register for notification of new streams.