Esempio n. 1
 public DocHTML(HTMLDocument doc)
     mDoc = doc;
     mDoc2 = (IHTMLDocument2)mDoc;
     mDoc3 = (IHTMLDocument3)mDoc;
     mDoc4 = (IHTMLDocument4)mDoc;
     mDoc5 = (IHTMLDocument5)mDoc;
Esempio n. 2
 public DocHTML(HTMLDocument doc)
     this.mDoc  = doc;
     this.mDoc2 = (IHTMLDocument2)this.mDoc;
     this.mDoc3 = (IHTMLDocument3)this.mDoc;
     this.mDoc4 = (IHTMLDocument4)this.mDoc;
     this.mDoc5 = (IHTMLDocument5)this.mDoc;
Esempio n. 3
 public DocHTML(HTMLDocument doc)
     mDoc  = doc;
     mDoc2 = (IHTMLDocument2)mDoc;
     mDoc3 = (IHTMLDocument3)mDoc;
     mDoc4 = (IHTMLDocument4)mDoc;
     mDoc5 = (IHTMLDocument5)mDoc;
Esempio n. 4
    public DocumentAdapter( object document )
      //_documentUri = documentUri;

      _raw = document;

      _document = document as IHTMLDocument;
      _document2 = document as IHTMLDocument2;
      _document3 = document as IHTMLDocument3;
      _document4 = document as IHTMLDocument4;
      _document5 = document as IHTMLDocument5;
Esempio n. 5
        public DocumentAdapter(object document)
            //_documentUri = documentUri;

            _raw = document;

            _document  = document as IHTMLDocument;
            _document2 = document as IHTMLDocument2;
            _document3 = document as IHTMLDocument3;
            _document4 = document as IHTMLDocument4;
            _document5 = document as IHTMLDocument5;
        private static object getDocumentAttribute(IHTMLDocument2 theHTMLDocument, string theAttributeName)
            IHTMLDocument5 doc5 = (IHTMLDocument5)theHTMLDocument;
            IHTMLDocument3 doc3 = (IHTMLDocument3)theHTMLDocument;

            //compatibility mode affects how height is computed
            if ((doc3.documentElement != null) && (!doc5.compatMode.Equals("BackCompat")))
                return(doc3.documentElement.getAttribute(theAttributeName, 0));
                return(theHTMLDocument.body.getAttribute(theAttributeName, 0));
Esempio n. 7
        //*              Functions of get new donators               *
        private string GetChatContent()
            string HTMLContent = null;

                IntPtr         Message        = RegisterWindowMessage("WM_HTML_GETOBJECT");
                IntPtr         MessageTimeOut = SendMessageTimeout(PotPlayer.MainChatRoom, Message);
                IHTMLDocument5 HTMLDocument   = GetHTMLDocument(MessageTimeOut);
                HTMLContent = ((HTMLDocumentClass)HTMLDocument).body.innerHTML;
            catch (Exception e)
                File.WriteAllText(@".\GetChatContentError.txt", e.ToString());
Esempio n. 8
        public IHTMLDocument5 GetHTMLDocument(IntPtr ChatRoomHandle)
            IHTMLDocument5 Result = null;

                Result = (IHTMLDocument5)ObjectFromLresult(ChatRoomHandle, typeof(IHTMLDocument5).GUID, IntPtr.Zero);
            catch (COMException)
            catch (InvalidCastException)
Esempio n. 9
        private List <IntPtr> Get_PotPlayer_ChatRooms(List <IntPtr> IESs)
            List <IntPtr>  Result         = new List <IntPtr>();
            IntPtr         Message        = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr         MessageTimeOut = IntPtr.Zero;
            IHTMLDocument5 HTMLDocument   = null;
            string         HTMLContent    = null;

            foreach (IntPtr IES in IESs)
                Message        = RegisterWindowMessage("WM_HTML_GETOBJECT");
                MessageTimeOut = SendMessageTimeout(IES, Message);
                HTMLDocument   = GetHTMLDocument(MessageTimeOut);
                if (HTMLDocument != null && HTMLDocument.GetType().Name == "HTMLDocumentClass" && ((HTMLDocumentClass)HTMLDocument).url.Contains("blank"))
                    HTMLContent = ((HTMLDocumentClass)HTMLDocument).body.innerHTML;
                    if (HTMLContent != null && HTMLContent.Contains("wrap_chat"))
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Private helper method for the constructors
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document2">IHTMLDocument2</param>
        /// <param name="contentWindow">WindowDetails</param>
        private void Init(IHTMLDocument2 document2, WindowDetails contentWindow)
            this.document2     = document2;
            this.contentWindow = contentWindow;
            this.document3     = document2 as IHTMLDocument3;
            // Check what access method is needed for the document
            IHTMLDocument5 document5 = (IHTMLDocument5)document2;

            //compatibility mode affects how height is computed
            isDTD = false;
            try {
                if ((document3.documentElement != null) && (!document5.compatMode.Equals("BackCompat")))
                    isDTD = true;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LOG.Error("Error checking the compatibility mode:");
            Rectangle clientRectangle = contentWindow.WindowRectangle;

            try {
                IHTMLWindow2 window2 = (IHTMLWindow2)document2.parentWindow;
                //IHTMLWindow3 window3 = (IHTMLWindow3)document2.parentWindow;
                IHTMLScreen2 screen2 = (IHTMLScreen2)window2.screen;
                IHTMLScreen  screen  = window2.screen;
                if (parent != null)
                    // Copy parent values
                    zoomLevelX        = parent.zoomLevelX;
                    zoomLevelY        = parent.zoomLevelY;
                    viewportRectangle = parent.viewportRectangle;

                    // Calculate zoom level
                    zoomLevelX = (double)screen2.deviceXDPI / (double)screen2.logicalXDPI;
                    zoomLevelY = (double)screen2.deviceYDPI / (double)screen2.logicalYDPI;

                    // Calculate the viewport rectangle, needed if there is a frame around the html window
                    LOG.DebugFormat("Screen {0}x{1}", ScaleX(screen.width), ScaleY(screen.height));
                    //LOG.DebugFormat("Screen location {0},{1}", window3.screenLeft, window3.screenTop);
                    LOG.DebugFormat("Window rectangle {0}", clientRectangle);
                    LOG.DebugFormat("Client size {0}x{1}", ClientWidth, ClientHeight);
                    int diffX = clientRectangle.Width - ClientWidth;
                    int diffY = clientRectangle.Height - ClientHeight;
                    // If there is a border around the inner window, the diff == 4
                    // If there is a border AND a scrollbar the diff == 20
                    if ((diffX == 4 || diffX >= 20) && (diffY == 4 || diffY >= 20))
                        Point viewportOffset = new Point(2, 2);
                        Size  viewportSize   = new Size(ClientWidth, ClientHeight);
                        viewportRectangle = new Rectangle(viewportOffset, viewportSize);
                        LOG.DebugFormat("viewportRect {0}", viewportRectangle);
                LOG.DebugFormat("Zoomlevel {0}, {1}", zoomLevelX, zoomLevelY);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.Warn("Can't get certain properties for documents, using default. Due to: ", e);

            try {
                LOG.DebugFormat("Calculated location {0} for {1}", startLocation, document2.title);
                if (name == null)
                    name = document2.title;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.Warn("Problem while trying to get document title!", e);

            try {
                url = document2.url;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.Warn("Problem while trying to get document url!", e);
            sourceLocation      = new Point(ScaleX((int)startLocation.X), ScaleY((int)startLocation.Y));
            destinationLocation = new Point(ScaleX((int)startLocation.X), ScaleY((int)startLocation.Y));

            if (parent != null)
            try {
                IHTMLFramesCollection2 frameCollection = (IHTMLFramesCollection2)document2.frames;
                for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCollection.length; frame++)
                    try {
                        IHTMLWindow2      frameWindow = frameCollection.item(frame);
                        DocumentContainer frameData   = new DocumentContainer(frameWindow, contentWindow, this);
                        // check if frame is hidden
                        if (!frameData.isHidden)
                            LOG.DebugFormat("Creating DocumentContainer for Frame {0} found in window with rectangle {1}",, frameData.SourceRectangle);
                            LOG.DebugFormat("Skipping frame {0}", frameData.Name);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LOG.Warn("Problem while trying to get information from a frame, skipping the frame!", e);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LOG.Warn("Problem while trying to get the frames, skipping!", ex);

            try {
                // Correct iframe locations
                foreach (IHTMLElement frameElement in document3.getElementsByTagName("IFRAME"))
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LOG.Warn("Problem while trying to get information from an iframe, skipping the frame!", e);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LOG.Warn("Problem while trying to get the iframes, skipping!", ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Public constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="html">Html string to be processed.</param>
        public HtmlProcessor(string html)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                throw new ArgumentException("HTML string can not be null or empty.", "html");

            this.documentSource = html;

            this.doc2 = new HTMLDocumentClass();
            this.doc2.write(new object[] { html });

            //while (this.doc2.readyState != "complete" && this.doc2.readyState != "interactive")
            //    System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents();

            this.doc3 = (IHTMLDocument3)this.doc2;
            this.doc4 = (IHTMLDocument4)this.doc2;
            this.doc5 = (IHTMLDocument5)this.doc2;

            this.InnerText = (this.doc2.body == null) ? null : this.doc2.body.innerText;
            this.Title     = this.doc2.title;

            this._elements = new List <DomElement>();

            IHTMLElementCollection collection = this.doc2.all;

            foreach (var item in collection)
                var element = (IHTMLElement)item;

                if (element != null)
                    DomElement domElement = new DomElement
                        Class     = element.className,
                        InnerHtml = element.innerHTML.TrimSafe(),
                        OuterHtml = element.outerHTML.TrimSafe(),
                        InnerText = element.innerText.TrimSafe(),
                        Id        =,
                        TagName   = element.tagName.ToLowerInvariant()

                    domElement.Attributes = new NameValueCollection();

                    if (element.outerHTML.IsNullOrEmpty())

                    //@"<INPUT onblur=google&amp;&amp;google.fade&amp;&amp;google.fade() class=lst title='Google Search' value=TESTING maxLength=2048 size=55 name=q autocomplete='off' init='true'/>";
                    string node = element.outerHTML.Substring(0, element.outerHTML.IndexOf(">") + 1);

                    string pattern = @"
(?:<)(?<Tag>[^\s/>]+)       # Extract the tag name.
(?![/>])                    # Stop if /> is found
                     # -- Extract Attributes Key Value Pairs  --
((?:\s+)             # One to many spaces start the attribute
 (?<Key>[^=]+)       # Name/key of the attribute
 (?:=)               # Equals sign needs to be matched, but not captured.
(?([\x22\x27])              # If quotes are found
  (?<Value>[^\x22\x27]+)    # Place the value into named Capture
 |                          # Else no quotes
   (?<Value>[^\s/>]*)       # Place the value into named Capture
)+                  # -- One to many attributes found!";

                    var attr = (from Match mt in Regex.Matches(node, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace)
                                select new
                        Name = mt.Groups["Tag"],
                        Attrs = (from cpKey in mt.Groups["Key"].Captures.Cast <Capture>().Select((a, i) => new { a.Value, i })
                                 join cpValue in mt.Groups["Value"].Captures.Cast <Capture>().Select((b, i) => new { b.Value, i }) on cpKey.i equals cpValue.i
                                 select new KeyValuePair <string, string>(cpKey.Value, cpValue.Value)).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value)

                    if (attr != null)
                        var attributes = attr.Attrs;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in attributes)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kvp.Value))
                                domElement.Attributes.Add(kvp.Key.ToLowerInvariant(), kvp.Value);
