public bool AddGroupNotice(string RequestingAgentID, UUID groupID, UUID noticeID, string fromName, string subject, string message,
                                   bool hasAttachment, byte attType, string attName, UUID attItemID, string attOwnerID)
            if (m_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                m_log.DebugFormat("{0} called", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            string url = string.Empty, gname = string.Empty;

            if (IsLocal(groupID, out url, out gname))
                if (m_LocalGroupsConnector.AddGroupNotice(AgentUUI(RequestingAgentID), groupID, noticeID, fromName, subject, message,
                                                          hasAttachment, attType, attName, attItemID, AgentUUI(attOwnerID)))
                    // then send the notice to every grid for which there are members in this group
                    List <GroupMembersData> members = m_LocalGroupsConnector.GetGroupMembers(AgentUUI(RequestingAgentID), groupID);
                    List <string>           urls    = new List <string>();
                    foreach (GroupMembersData m in members)
                        if (!m_UserManagement.IsLocalGridUser(m.AgentID))
                            string gURL = m_UserManagement.GetUserServerURL(m.AgentID, "GroupsServerURI");
                            if (!urls.Contains(gURL))

                    // so we have the list of urls to send the notice to
                    // this may take a long time...
                        foreach (string u in urls)
                            GroupsServiceHGConnector c = GetConnector(u);
                            if (c != null)
                                c.AddNotice(AgentUUIForOutside(RequestingAgentID), groupID, noticeID, fromName, subject, message,
                                            hasAttachment, attType, attName, attItemID, AgentUUIForOutside(attOwnerID));

