Esempio n. 1
        public GoogleCalendarScheduler(IDateTimeProvider dateTimeProvider, IFlexKidsConfig flexKidsConfig /*IGoogleCalendarService googleCalendarService*/)
            //       if (googleCalendarService == null)
            //           throw new ArgumentNullException("googleCalendarService");

            //       calendarService = googleCalendarService;

            googleCalendarId      = flexKidsConfig.GoogleCalendarId;
            googleCalendarAccount = flexKidsConfig.GoogleCalendarAccount;

            //TODO Check if file exists and make it more robust.
            var certificate = new X509Certificate2(@flexKidsConfig.GoogleCalendarKeyFile, "notasecret", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);

            var credential = new ServiceAccountCredential(
                new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(googleCalendarAccount)
                Scopes = new[] { CalendarService.Scope.Calendar }

            // Create the service.
            var service = new CalendarService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
                HttpClientFactory     = new Google.Apis.Http.HttpClientFactory(),
                HttpClientInitializer = credential,
                ApplicationName       = "FlexKids Rooster by CoenM",

            if (service == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot create service.");

            calendarService = new GoogleCalendarService(service);

            var calendar = calendarService.GetCalendarById(googleCalendarId);

            if (calendar == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find calendar");
        public async Task MakeEvents(IReadOnlyList <ScheduleDiff> schedule, WeekSchedule updatedWeekSchedule)
            Calendar calendar = await _calendarService.GetCalendarById(_googleCalendarId);

            if (calendar == null)
                throw new CalendarNotFoundException(_googleCalendarId);

            var timezone = calendar.TimeZone;

            EventsResource.ListRequest request = _calendarService.CreateListRequestForWeek(

            Events result = await _calendarService.GetEvents(request);

            var allRows = new List <Event>();

            while (result.Items != null)
                // Add the rows to the final list

                // We will know we are on the last page when the next page token is null.
                // If this is the case, break.
                if (result.NextPageToken == null)

                // Prepare the next page of results
                request.PageToken = result.NextPageToken;

                // Execute and process the next page request
                result = await _calendarService.GetEvents(request);

            foreach (Event ev in allRows)
                _ = await _calendarService.DeleteEvent(_googleCalendarId, ev);

            // add items to calendar.
            IOrderedEnumerable <ScheduleDiff> addedSchedules = schedule
                                                               .Where(x => x.Status is ScheduleStatus.Added or ScheduleStatus.Unchanged)
                                                               .OrderBy(x => x.Start)
                                                               .ThenBy(x => x.Status);

            foreach (ScheduleDiff item in addedSchedules)
                var extendedProperty = new Event.ExtendedPropertiesData
                    Shared = new Dictionary <string, string>
                        { "Week", item.SingleShift.WeekSchedule.Year + "-" + item.SingleShift.WeekSchedule.WeekNumber },

                var newEvent = new Event
                    Start              = CreateEventDateTime(item.SingleShift.StartDateTime, timezone),
                    End                = CreateEventDateTime(item.SingleShift.EndDateTime, timezone),
                    Description        = string.Empty,
                    Location           = item.SingleShift.Location,
                    Summary            = item.SingleShift.Location,
                    ExtendedProperties = extendedProperty,

                _ = await _calendarService.InsertEvent(_googleCalendarId, newEvent);