Esempio n. 1
        public async void Run()
            var scenario = this.configurationReader.ReadTournament(this.Name);
            int count;

            if (int.TryParse(this.gamesCount, out count))
                scenario.GamesCount = count;

            var     blackInstance = this.configurationReader.ReadBotInstance(scenario.BlackBot);
            var     whiteInstance = this.configurationReader.ReadBotInstance(scenario.WhiteBot);
            BotKind blackKind     = this.configurationReader.ReadBotKind(blackInstance.Kind);
            BotKind whiteKind     = this.configurationReader.ReadBotKind(whiteInstance.Kind);

            for (var i = 0; i < scenario.GamesCount; i++)
                this.taskResult = new TaskCompletionSource <GameResult>();
                IGoBot blackBot = this.botFactory.CreateBotInstance(blackKind, blackInstance.Name);
                IGoBot whiteBot = this.botFactory.CreateBotInstance(whiteKind, whiteInstance.Name);
                blackBot.BoardSize = scenario.BoardSize;
                whiteBot.BoardSize = scenario.BoardSize;
                blackBot.Level     = blackInstance.Level;
                whiteBot.Level     = whiteInstance.Level;

                this.RunBotRunner(blackBot, whiteBot, scenario);
                this.OutputStatistic(await this.taskResult.Task, blackInstance.Name, whiteInstance.Name);
Esempio n. 2
        public LiveStatisticsViewModel(IGoBot goBot,
                                       IPokestopsHandler pokestopHandler,
                                       ICatchPokemonHandler catchPokemonHandler,
                                       IEvolvePokemonHandler evolvePokemonHandler,
                                       ITransferPokemonHandler transferPokemonHandler)
            _goBot                  = goBot;
            _pokestopHandler        = pokestopHandler;
            _catchPokemonHandler    = catchPokemonHandler;
            _evolvePokemonHandler   = evolvePokemonHandler;
            _transferPokemonHandler = transferPokemonHandler;

            _goBot.OnLogin += OnLogin;
            _pokestopHandler.OnPokestopFound     += OnPokestopFound;
            _pokestopHandler.OnPokestopVisited   += OnPokestopVisited;
            _pokestopHandler.OnExperienceAwarded += OnExperienceAwarded;

            _catchPokemonHandler.OnExperienceAwarded  += OnExperienceAwarded;
            _evolvePokemonHandler.OnExperienceAwarded += OnExperienceAwarded;

            _transferPokemonHandler.OnTranfer += OnTransferPokemon;

            Runtime    = "00:00:00";
            Level      = "#";
            Stardust   = "#";
            Pokemons   = "#";
            Pokestops  = "0/0";
            Experience = "#";

            _dispatcher          = new DispatcherTimer();
            _dispatcher.Tick    += RunTimeDispatcher;
            _dispatcher.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
Esempio n. 3
        public LoginViewModel(ISettingsHandler settingsHandler,
                              IGoBot goBot)
            _settingsHandler = settingsHandler;

            _goBot       = goBot;
            LoginCommand = DelegateCommand.FromAsyncHandler(Login, CanLogin);
            LoginTypes   = new ObservableCollection <LoginType>(new List <LoginType>()
                new LoginType()
                    LoginAuth = LoginAuth.Google
                new LoginType()
                    LoginAuth = LoginAuth.PCT

            SelectedLoginType = LoginTypes.FirstOrDefault(t => t.LoginAuth == _settingsHandler.Settings.LoginAuth);

            UserName = _settingsHandler.Settings.Username;
            Password = _settingsHandler.Settings.Password;


            _dispatcher          = new DispatcherTimer();
            _dispatcher.Tick    += LoginDispatcher;
            _dispatcher.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
Esempio n. 4
        public void GoBotFactoryCreateBotInstanceTest()
            var injector    = new Mock <ISimpleInjectorWrapper>();
            var fileService = new Mock <IFileService>();

            fileService.Setup(s => s.FileExists("gnugo.exe")).Returns(() => true);
            fileService.Setup(s => s.PathCombine(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(() => "gnugo.exe");
            injector.Setup(s => s.GetInstance <IFileService>()).Returns(() => fileService.Object);
            var processFactory = new Mock <IProcessManagerFactory>();

            processFactory.Setup(s => s.Create(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(() => new Mock <IProcessManager>().Object);
            var confServ = new Mock <IConfigurationService>();

            injector.Setup(s => s.GetInstance <IConfigurationService>()).Returns(() => confServ.Object);
            injector.Setup(s => s.GetInstance <IProcessManagerFactory>()).Returns(() => processFactory.Object);

            IGoBotFactory botFactory = new GoBotFactory(injector.Object);
            BotKind       kind       = new BotKind {
                FullClassName = "GoTournament.GnuGoBot", BinaryPath = "bot.exe"
            IGoBot result = botFactory.CreateBotInstance(kind, "superName");

            Assert.Equal("superName", result.Name);
            BotKind kind2 = new BotKind {
                FullClassName = "GoTournament.NotExistedGoBot", BinaryPath = "bot.exe"
            IGoBot result2 = botFactory.CreateBotInstance(kind2, "superName");

Esempio n. 5
        public BotRunner(IAdjudicator adjudicator, IGoBot black, IGoBot white)
            if (adjudicator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(adjudicator));

            if (black == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(black));

            if (white == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(white));

            if (ReferenceEquals(black, white))
                throw new ArgumentException("Two instances cannot point to the same object");

            if (black.Name == white.Name)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Give unique names to the bot instances. Be creative.");

            this.bots = new List <IDisposable> {
                black, white, adjudicator

            this.EndGame                   = delegate { };
            black.MovePerformed            = adjudicator.BlackMoves;
            white.MovePerformed            = adjudicator.WhiteMoves;
            adjudicator.BlackMoveValidated = white.PlaceMove;
            adjudicator.WhiteMoveValidated = black.PlaceMove;

            /* black.MovePerformed = adjudicator.BlackMoves;
             * white.MovePerformed = adjudicator.WhiteMoves;*/

            /* adjudicator.BlackMoveValidated = m =>
             * {
             *   Console.WriteLine("white {0}", m);
             *   white.PlaceMove(m);
             * };
             * adjudicator.WhiteMoveValidated = m =>
             * {
             *   Console.WriteLine("black {0}", m);
             *   black.PlaceMove(m);
             * };*/
            adjudicator.Resigned = stat =>
                this.IsFinished = true;

Esempio n. 6
        private void RunBotRunner(IGoBot botBlack, IGoBot botWhite, Tournament tourn)
            // var finished = false;
            var sync  = new object();
            var judge = new Adjudicator(this.simpleInjector, tourn)
                BoardUpdated = board =>
                    lock (sync)
                        // if (!finished)
                        foreach (var line in board)

                SaveGameResults = true

            // var cancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
            Task.Run(() =>
                IBotRunner botRunner = new BotRunner(judge, botBlack, botWhite)
                    EndGame = stat =>
                        lock (sync)
                            // finished = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("Bot '{0}' won the game with the score: {1}. Total moves: {2}", stat.WinnerName, stat.FinalScore, stat.TotalMoves);
            }); // , cancelToken.Token);

            /* Console.ReadLine();
             * if (botRunner != null && !botRunner.IsFinished)
             * {
             *   botRunner.Cancel();
             *   cancelToken.Cancel();
             *   Console.WriteLine("Game was canceled");
             * }
             * else Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit");
             * Console.ReadLine();*/
        public GeneralViewModel(IGoBot goBot,
                                IPlayerPokemonViewModel playerPokemonViewModel,
                                ILiveStatisticsViewModel liveStatisticsViewModel,
                                ILogger logger)
            _goBot = goBot;
            LiveStatisticsViewModel = liveStatisticsViewModel;
            PlayerPokemonViewModel  = playerPokemonViewModel;
            Logger = logger;

            StartCommand = DelegateCommand.FromAsyncHandler(StartBot, CanStartBot);
            StopCommand  = new DelegateCommand(StopBot, CanStopBot);
Esempio n. 8
        public PlayerPokemonViewModel(IGoBot goBot,
                                      ITransferPokemonHandler transferPokemonHandler,
                                      IEvolvePokemonHandler evolvePokemonHandler,
                                      ICatchPokemonHandler catchPokemonHandler,
                                      ILogger logger)
            _goBot = goBot;
            _transferPokemonHandler = transferPokemonHandler;
            _evolvePokemonHandler   = evolvePokemonHandler;
            _catchPokemonHandler    = catchPokemonHandler;
            _logger = logger;

            _goBot.OnLogin += GetPlayerPokemons;
            _transferPokemonHandler.OnTranfer += TransferedPokemon;
            _catchPokemonHandler.OnCatch      += CatchedPokemon;
            _evolvePokemonHandler.OnEvolve    += EvolvedPokemon;
Esempio n. 9
        public void GnuGoBotCtorTest()
            IGoBot bot = null;

                bot = new GnuGoBot(null, null, null);
                Assert.True(false, "Should fail on previous statement");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.IsType(typeof(ArgumentNullException), ex);
                Assert.Equal("Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: simpleInjector", ex.Message);

            var injector = new Mock <ISimpleInjectorWrapper>();

                bot = new GnuGoBot(injector.Object, null, null);
                Assert.True(false, "Should fail on previous statement");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.IsType(typeof(ArgumentNullException), ex);
                Assert.Equal("Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: binaryPath", ex.Message);

                bot = new GnuGoBot(injector.Object, "bot.exe", null);
                Assert.True(false, "Should fail on previous statement");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.IsType(typeof(ArgumentNullException), ex);
                Assert.Equal("Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: botInstanceName", ex.Message);

            var fileService = new Mock <IFileService>();

            fileService.Setup(s => s.FileExists("bot.exe")).Returns(() => true);
            fileService.Setup(s => s.PathCombine(It.IsAny <string>(), "noFile")).Returns(() => "noFile");
            fileService.Setup(s => s.PathCombine(It.IsAny <string>(), "bot.exe")).Returns(() => "bot.exe");
            injector.Setup(s => s.GetInstance <IFileService>()).Returns(() => fileService.Object);
            var processFactory = new Mock <IProcessManagerFactory>();

            processFactory.Setup(s => s.Create(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns(() => new Mock <IProcessManager>().Object);
            injector.Setup(s => s.GetInstance <IProcessManagerFactory>()).Returns(() => processFactory.Object);
            var confServ = new Mock <IConfigurationService>();

            injector.Setup(s => s.GetInstance <IConfigurationService>()).Returns(() => confServ.Object);
            bot = new GnuGoBot(injector.Object, "bot.exe", "Goodman");

            fileService.Setup(s => s.FileExists("noFile")).Returns(() => false);
                bot = new GnuGoBot(injector.Object, "noFile", "BotName");
                Assert.True(false, "Should fail on previous statement");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.IsType(typeof(FileNotFoundException), ex);
                Assert.Equal("Bot binary not found,", ex.Message);