Esempio n. 1
        Task IConfigurableComponent.ConfigureAsync(
            IEnvironment environment, EnvironmentVariableTarget environmentTarget,
            IGitConfiguration configuration, GitConfigurationLevel configurationLevel)
            // NOTE: We currently only update the PATH in Windows installations and leave putting the GCM executable
            //       on the PATH on other platform to their installers.
            if (PlatformUtils.IsWindows())
                string directoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(_appPath);
                if (!environment.IsDirectoryOnPath(directoryPath))
                    Context.Trace.WriteLine("Adding application to PATH...");
                    environment.AddDirectoryToPath(directoryPath, environmentTarget);
                    Context.Trace.WriteLine("Application is already on the PATH.");

            string helperKey        = $"{Constants.GitConfiguration.Credential.SectionName}.{Constants.GitConfiguration.Credential.Helper}";
            string gitConfigAppName = GetGitConfigAppName();

            using (IGitConfiguration targetConfig = configuration.GetFilteredConfiguration(configurationLevel))
                 * We are looking for the following to be considered already set:
                 * [credential]
                 *     ...                         # any number of helper entries
                 *     helper =                    # an empty value to reset/clear any previous entries
                 *     helper = {gitConfigAppName} # the expected executable value in the last position & directly following the empty value

                string[] currentValues = targetConfig.GetMultivarValue(helperKey, Constants.RegexPatterns.Any).ToArray();
                if (currentValues.Length < 2 ||
                    !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentValues[currentValues.Length - 2]) ||    // second to last entry is empty
                    currentValues[currentValues.Length - 1] != gitConfigAppName)              // last entry is the expected executable
                    Context.Trace.WriteLine("Updating Git credential helper configuration...");

                    // Clear any existing entries in the configuration.
                    targetConfig.DeleteMultivarEntry(helperKey, Constants.RegexPatterns.Any);

                    // Add an empty value for `credential.helper`, which has the effect of clearing any helper value
                    // from any lower-level Git configuration, then add a second value which is the actual executable path.
                    targetConfig.SetValue(helperKey, string.Empty);
                    targetConfig.SetMultivarValue(helperKey, Constants.RegexPatterns.None, gitConfigAppName);
                    Context.Trace.WriteLine("Credential helper configuration is already set correctly.");
