Esempio n. 1
        public List <IGingerService> GetServices()
            // TODO: cache
            if (!Isloaded)

            List <IGingerService> services = new List <IGingerService>();

            // TODO: fix make more efficent and load only what needed
            foreach (PluginAssemblyInfo PAI in mAssembliesInfo)
                var list = from type in PAI.Assembly.GetTypes()
                           where typeof(IGingerService).IsAssignableFrom(type) && type.IsAbstract == false
                           select type;

                foreach (Type t in list)
                    IGingerService service = (IGingerService)PAI.Assembly.CreateInstance(t.FullName);   // TODO: fix me find the driver without creating instance
Esempio n. 2
        //TODO: return DriverInfo

        //List<string> drivers = null;
        //public List<string> GetDrivers()
        //    if (!Isloaded)
        //    {
        //        ScanPackage();
        //    }
        //    if (drivers == null)
        //    {
        //        drivers = new List<string>();
        //        foreach (PluginAssemblyInfo PAI in mAssembliesInfo)
        //        {
        //            var list = from type in PAI.Assembly.GetTypes()
        //                       where typeof(PluginDriverBase).IsAssignableFrom(type) && type.IsAbstract == false
        //                       select type;

        //            foreach (Type t in list)
        //            {
        //                PluginDriverBase driver = (PluginDriverBase)PAI.Assembly.CreateInstance(t.FullName);

        //                //TODO: get driver info from annotation on the class

        //                drivers.Add(driver.Name);
        //            }

        //        }
        //    }
        //    return drivers;

        // Services are used for standalone action/ ActWithoutDriver
        public IGingerService GetService(string serviceName)
            if (!Isloaded)
            // TODO: fix make more efficent and load only what needed
            foreach (PluginAssemblyInfo PAI in mAssembliesInfo)
                var list = from type in PAI.Assembly.GetTypes()
                           where typeof(IGingerService).IsAssignableFrom(type) && type.IsAbstract == false
                           select type;

                foreach (Type t in list)
                    IGingerService service = (IGingerService)PAI.Assembly.CreateInstance(t.FullName);   // TODO: fix me find the driver without creating instance
                    //TODO: read the attr of service
                    //if (service.Name == serviceName)
                    //    return service;
            throw new Exception("Service not found in Plugin Package - " + serviceName);
Esempio n. 3
        public GingerNode(IGingerService service)
            mService = service;

            GingerServiceAttribute attr = (GingerServiceAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(mService.GetType(), typeof(GingerServiceAttribute), false);

            mServiceID = attr.Id;
        private void StartServiceOnGingerNode(IGingerService service, string NodeName, string GingerGridHost = "", int GingerGridPort = 15001)
            Console.WriteLine("Service Name: " + service);
            bool bReady = false;

            bNodest = true;
            Task t = new Task(() =>
                GingerNode GN = new GingerNode(service);
                GN.StartGingerNode(NodeName, GingerGridHost, GingerGridPort);
                GN.GingerNodeMessage += GingerNodeMessage;
                bReady = true;

            while (!bReady) // TODO: add timeout or use ManualResetEvent with timeout
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for service Node to be ready");
            Console.WriteLine("Ginger Service started - " + NodeName);  // Add ports and GingerGrid details
Esempio n. 5
        //TODO: check what we can hide from here and move to GingerCore  -- all the communcation Payload stuff move from here

        public GingerNode(DriverCapabilities DriverCapabilities, IGingerService service)
            //TODO: remove me!?
            mService = service;
        // ================================================================

        //private GingerNode StartDriverOnGingerNode(PluginDriverBase driver, string NodeName, string GingerGridHost = "", int GingerGridPort = 15001)
        //    Console.WriteLine("Driver Name: " + driver.Name);
        //    DriverCapabilities DC = new DriverCapabilities();

        //    //TODO: add info about the driver and machine
        //    DC.Platform = "Web";  // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        //    DC.OS = "Win 7";  // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        //    GingerNode GN = new GingerNode(DC, driver);
        //    GN.StartGingerNode(NodeName, GingerGridHost, GingerGridPort);

        //    Console.WriteLine("Ginger Node started - " + NodeName);  // Add ports and GingerGrid details
        //    return GN;

        public void StartService(string Name, string ID, string GingerGridHost = "", int GingerGridPort = 15001)
            IGingerService d = P.GetService(Name);

            StartServiceOnGingerNode(d, ID, GingerGridHost, GingerGridPort);