Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This constructor passes up the width and height to the abstract class constructor. Let it deal with
        /// the size. We just want to get the required bits that we need to run the game
        /// </summary>
        public Game3x3(IGameState gameState, IGameDrawer gameDrawer, IPlayer player1, IPlayer player2) : base(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
            _gameState     = gameState;
            _gameDrawer    = gameDrawer;
            _player1       = player1;
            _player2       = player2;
            _currentPlayer = player1;

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This constructor passes up the width and height to the abstract class constructor. Let it deal with
        /// the size. We just want to get the required bits that we need to run the game
        /// </summary>
        public Game3x3(IGameState gameState, IGameDrawer gameDrawer, IPlayer player1, IPlayer player2)
            : base(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
            _gameState = gameState;
            _gameDrawer = gameDrawer;
            _player1 = player1;
            _player2 = player2;
            _currentPlayer = player1;

        private void setGameHandler(IGameHandler handler)
            if (handler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");

            if (this.gameHandler != null)
                this.gameHandler.Stopped -= this.setGameHandler;

            this.gameHandler = handler;

            this.gameDrawer = handler as IGameDrawer;

            this.gameHandler.Stopped += this.setGameHandler;
Esempio n. 4
        private void setGameHandler(IGameHandler handler)
            if (handler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");

            if (this.gameHandler != null)
                this.gameHandler.Stopped -= this.setGameHandler;

            this.gameHandler = handler;

            this.gameDrawer = handler as IGameDrawer;

            this.gameHandler.Stopped += this.setGameHandler;
Esempio n. 5
        public void MakeAMove(out int shapeId, out string placement, Board board, IDictionary <int, Shape> shapes,
                              IGameDrawer renderer)
            shapeId   = 0;
            placement = "";

            if (CalcMoves.Count == 0)
                possibleMoves = 0;
                Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

                var gamePaths = new List <GamePath>();

                renderer.ShowUpdateMessageStart("Calculating possible moves... ");
                InnerMakeAMove(board, shapes, gamePaths, null, renderer);

                var best = SelectBestPath(gamePaths);

                foreach (var cand in best.Moves)

                if (possibleMoves > 0)
                    renderer.ShowMessage("Throughput: " +
                                         (float)possibleMoves / (float)(stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000) + "/sec");
            shapeId   = CalcMoves[0].ShapeId;
            placement = CalcMoves[0].Placement;
Esempio n. 6
        public void MakeAMove(out int shapeId, out string placement, Board board, IDictionary <int, Shape> shapes, IGameDrawer renderer)
            placement = "";
            shapeId   = 0;
            var valGain = InitVal();

            foreach (var shape in shapes)
                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                        var newBoard     = new Board(board);
                        var curPlacement = "" + (char)(97 + x) + (char)(49 + y);
                        if (newBoard.TryPlace(shape.Value, curPlacement))
                            var curValGain = Gain(newBoard, board);
                            if (Eval(curValGain, valGain))
                                valGain   = curValGain;
                                placement = curPlacement;
                                shapeId   = shape.Key;
Esempio n. 7
        private void InnerMakeAMove(Board board, IDictionary <int, Shape> shapes,
                                    IList <GamePath> gamePaths, GamePath startGamePath, IGameDrawer renderer)
            if (shapes.Count == 0)
                GatherPathStats(startGamePath, board);

            var placed = false;

            foreach (var shape in shapes)
                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                        var curPlacement = "" + (char)(97 + x) + (char)(49 + y);
                        var newBoard     = new Board(board);
                        if (newBoard.TryPlace(shape.Value, curPlacement))
                            placed = true;
                            var gamePath = new GamePath(startGamePath);

                            var candidate = new Candidate()
                                ShapeId   = shape.Key,
                                Placement = curPlacement,

                            GatherStepStats(candidate, gamePath, board, newBoard);

                            var newShapes = new Dictionary <int, Shape>();
                            foreach (var sh in shapes)
                                if (sh.Key != shape.Key)
                                    newShapes.Add(sh.Key, sh.Value);

                            InnerMakeAMove(newBoard, newShapes, gamePaths, gamePath, renderer);
            renderer.ShowUpdateMessage("[" + possibleMoves.ToString("N0") + "]");
            if (!placed)
Esempio n. 8
        public void MakeAMove(out int shapeId, out string placement, Board board, IDictionary <int, Shape> shapes, IGameDrawer renderer)
            placement = "";
            shapeId   = 0;
            var candidates = new List <Candidate>();

            foreach (var shape in shapes)
                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                        var newBoard     = new Board(board);
                        var curPlacement = "" + (char)(97 + x) + (char)(49 + y);
                        if (newBoard.TryPlace(shape.Value, curPlacement))
                            var candidate = new Candidate()
                                Placement  = curPlacement,
                                ShapeId    = shape.Key,
                                ScoreGain  = (newBoard.Score - shape.Value.Score) - board.Score,
                                CellsGain  = newBoard.CellCount() - board.CellCount(),
                                LinesScore = newBoard.LinesScore(),
                                MaxArea    = MaxArea.MaximalRectangle(newBoard.Cells),
                                FragScore  = Fragmentation.GetFragmentationScore(newBoard.Cells)

            var maxAreaList = from x in candidates orderby x.MaxArea descending, x.FragScore descending select x;
            var fragScoreList = from x in candidates orderby x.FragScore descending, x.MaxArea descending select x;

            var maxArea   = maxAreaList.First();
            var fragScore = fragScoreList.First();

            var final = fragScore.MaxArea < 0.32F ? maxArea : fragScore;

            placement = final.Placement;
            shapeId   = final.ShapeId;
Esempio n. 9
 public void MakeAMove(out int shapeId, out string placement, Board board, IDictionary <int, Shape> shapes, IGameDrawer renderer)
     shapeId   = renderer.ChooseShape();
     placement = renderer.ChoosePlacement();