Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a IGDB API client based on a custom-created RestEase client. Adds required
        /// JSON serializer settings on top of any existing settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IGDBClient(string clientId, string clientSecret, ITokenStore tokenStore)
            if (tokenStore == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tokenStore),
                                                "A ITokenStore is required. Pass InMemoryTokenStore if you do not have a custom store implemented.");

            _tokenManager = new TokenManager(tokenStore, new TwitchOAuthClient(clientId, clientSecret));

            var api = new RestClient("", async(request, cancellationToken) =>
                var twitchToken = await _tokenManager.AcquireTokenAsync();

                if (twitchToken?.AccessToken != null)
                    request.Headers.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue(
                        "Bearer", twitchToken.AccessToken);
                JsonSerializerSettings = DefaultJsonSerializerSettings
            }.For <IGDBApi>();

            api.ClientId = clientId;
            _api         = api;
Esempio n. 2
        public static async void InitializeAsync(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            Debug.AutoFlush = true;
            using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(
                       serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <
                           DbContextOptions <ApplicationDbContext> >()))
                // Look for any movies.
                IGDBApi client = Client.Create(""); //your IGDB API Key here
                if (context.Game.Any())
                    return;   // db has been seeded
                GameJSON[] GameJSONs = new GameJSON[1000];

                // Task.Run(async () =>
                var coverSmall     = "";
                var artworkImageId = "";
                //loop through the API and add Games to Database
                for (int i = 32001; i <= 33000; i++)
                        GameJSONs = await client.QueryAsync <GameJSON>(Client.Endpoints.Games, query : "fields name,cover.*,genres.*,platforms.*,artworks.image_id,release_dates.*,involved_companies.*,aggregated_rating,storyline,summary,rating_count; where id =(" + i.ToString() + ");");


                        if (GameJSONs.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                            var genres    = "";
                            var platforms = "";
                            var developer = "";

                            var bigCover = "";
                            if (coverSmall != null)
                                foreach (var item in GameJSONs)
                                    if (item != null)
                                        if (item.Artworks != null)
                                            artworkImageId = item.Artworks.Values.First().ImageId;
                                            artworkImageId = "";
                                        // coverSmall = ImageHelper.GetImageUrl(imageId: artworkImageId, size: ImageSize.CoverBig, retina: false);
                                        if (artworkImageId != "")
                                            bigCover = ImageHelper.GetImageUrl(imageId: artworkImageId, size: ImageSize.ScreenshotBig, retina: false);
                                        foreach (var item2 in item.Genres.Values)
                                            genres = genres + item2.Name + "/";
                                        foreach (var item2 in item.Platforms.Values)
                                            platforms += item2.Name + "/";
                                        //we need to trim the storyline and summary if higher than 4000 characters
                                        if (item.Storyline.Length > 4000)
                                            game = new Game(item.Id, item.Name, DateTimeOffset.Parse(item.ReleaseDates.Values.First().Human), "http:" + item.Cover.Value.Url, genres, platforms, item.AggregatedRating, developer, "http:" + bigCover, item.Storyline.Substring(0, 4000), item.Summary, item.AggregatedRatingCount);
                                        else if (item.Summary.Length > 4000)
                                            game = new Game(item.Id, item.Name, DateTimeOffset.Parse(item.ReleaseDates.Values.First().Human), "http:" + item.Cover.Value.Url, genres, platforms, item.AggregatedRating, developer, "http:" + bigCover, item.Storyline, item.Summary.Substring(0, 4000), item.AggregatedRatingCount);
                                            game = new Game(item.Id, item.Name, DateTimeOffset.Parse(item.ReleaseDates.Values.First().Human), "http:" + item.Cover.Value.Url, genres, platforms, item.AggregatedRating, developer, "http:" + bigCover, item.Storyline, item.Summary, item.AggregatedRatingCount);
                                        //used for testing locally
                                        // Game.GetAllProperties(game);
                                        if (game != null)
                                            await context.AddAsync(game);
                                        catch (Exception e1)
                                    genres    = "";
                                    platforms = "";
                    catch (Exception e)
                }//end for