Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <object> ExecuteAsync(IFunction function, object[] parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            //Push this function onto the stack
            _callStack.Push(new CallStackFrame(function, parameters, _callStack.Count));

            object result;

                //Number the statements

                //Execute the function
                result = await function.ExecuteAsync(parameters, this, cancellationToken);
            catch (VplRuntimeException)
                //Just throw this - we've already handled it at a higher level.
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Wrap up the exception
                throw new VplRuntimeException(ex.Message, CallStack?.ToString(), ex);

            //Pop this function off of the stack.

Esempio n. 2
        public async Task Query()
            IQuery <string> query       = _database.Products.Query().Join(e => e.Owner).Where(e => e.IsAvailable).OrderBy(e => e.Name).Offset(10).Limit(20).Select(e => e.Name);
            IDelete         batchDelete = _database.Products.Delete().Where(e => e.IsAvailable);
            IInsert         batchInsert = _database.Products.Insert(new Product(), new Product());
            IUpdate         batchUpdate = _database.Products.Update().Where(e => e.IsAvailable).Set(e => new Product {
                IsAvailable = false

            IUpdate singleUpdate = _database.Products.Update().Set(e => e.NetPrice, e => e.NetPrice * 1.1m).Set(e => e.DateAdded, DateTime.UtcNow);

            var(queryResult, deleteAffected, updateAffected, insertAffected) = _database.Execute(query, batchDelete, batchUpdate, batchInsert);
            (queryResult, deleteAffected, updateAffected, insertAffected)    = await _database.ExecuteAsync(query, batchDelete, batchUpdate, batchInsert);

            string querySql  = query.ToSqlString();
            string deleteSql = batchDelete.ToSqlString();
            string updateSql = batchUpdate.ToSqlString();
            string insertSql = batchInsert.ToSqlString();

            var product1 = await _database.Products.Query().Where(e => e.Id == 1).Single().ExecuteAsync();

            var product2 = await _database.Products.Query().Where(e => e.Id == 2).Single().ExecuteAsync();

            var updatedExplicitly = await _database.Products.Update(product1, product2).ExecuteAsync();

            var product3 = await _database.Products.Query().Where(e => e.Id == 3).Single().ExecuteAsync();

            var product4 = await _database.Products.Query().Where(e => e.Id == 4).Single().ExecuteAsync();

            var deletedExplicitly = await _database.Products.Delete(product3, product4).ExecuteAsync();

            var copyInsert = _database.ArchivedProducts.InsertFrom(_database.Products.Query().Where(p => !p.IsAvailable && p.DateAdded < DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(-1)).Select(e => new ArchivedProduct { /* ... */
            var copiedRows = await copyInsert.ExecuteAsync();

            queryResult = _database.ExecuteSql <List <string> >(querySql, new { x = 1 });
            queryResult = await _database.ExecuteSqlAsync <List <string> >(querySql, new { x = 1 });

            IStoredProcedure <List <ProductDto> > searchedProductsProcedure = _database.SearchProducts("name");
            var searchedProducts = searchedProductsProcedure.Execute();

            searchedProducts = await searchedProductsProcedure.ExecuteAsync();

            searchedProducts = _database.Execute(searchedProductsProcedure);
            searchedProducts = await _database.ExecuteAsync(searchedProductsProcedure);

            IFunction <decimal> priceFunction = _database.CalculatePrice(123);
            var price = priceFunction.Execute();

            price = await priceFunction.ExecuteAsync();

            price = _database.Execute(priceFunction);
            price = await _database.ExecuteAsync(priceFunction);

            _database.Insert(new Product()).Execute();
            var product5 = _database.Query <Product>().Where(e => e.Id == 5).Execute();


            var q1 = _database.Products.Query().Where(e => e.OwnerId == 5);
            var q2 = _database.Products.Query().Where(e => e.OwnerId == 6);
            var q3 = _database.Products.Query().Where(e => e.OwnerId == 7);

            List <Product> unionList123 = q1.Union(q2).UnionAll(q3).Execute();
            List <Product> unionList    = _database.Products
                                          .Query().Where(e => e.OwnerId == 5)
                                          .Query().Where(e => e.OwnerId == 6)

            var product7 = _database.Query <Product>(options => options.AsEditable().WithComment("my query tag").WithHint("NOLOCK"))
                           .Where(e => e.Id == 7).Execute();

            // WITH CTE explicit
            var cte1      = _database.Query <Product>();
            var cte2      = _database.Query(cte1).Where(e => e.IsAvailable);
            var withQuery = _database.Query(cte2).Where(e => e.NetPrice > 0);

            // Recursive CTE
            var managerQuery = _database.Query <Employee>().Where(e => e.ManagerId == null)
                               .Select(e => new EmployeeDto {
                Id = e.Id, Name = e.Name, ManagerId = e.ManagerId, Level = 1
            var employeeQuery = _database.Query <Employee>().Join(managerQuery, (l, r) => l.ManagerId == r.Id)
                                .Where((e, mq) => e.Id == 234)
                                .Select((e, mq) => new EmployeeDto {
                Id = e.Id, Name = e.Name, ManagerId = e.ManagerId, Level = mq.Level + 1
            var hierarchyUnion = managerQuery.UnionAll(employeeQuery);

            var employeeHierarchy = _database.Query(hierarchyUnion)
                                    .OrderBy(e => e.Level)
                                    .ThenOrderByDescending(e => e.ManagerId)
                                    .Select(e => new EmployeeHierarchy
                Employee = e.Name,
                Level    = e.Level,
                Manager  = _database.Query <Employee>().Where(m => m.Id == e.ManagerId).Select(m => m.Name).First().Execute()

            // Subquery
            _database.Products.Query().Select(e => new ProductDto()).OrderBy(e => e.Price).Execute();

            // Multiquery
            _database.Query <Product, Owner, Employee>();

            _database.Query(_database.Products, _database.AvailableProducts, hierarchyUnion)
            .Join(managerQuery, (p, _, _, m) => p.Id == m.Id);

            // Group by
            var groupedProducts = _database.Query <Product>()
                                  .GroupBy(p => new { p.Id, p.Name })
                                  .Having(p => p.Key.Id > 4 && p.Count() > 5 && p.Max(e => e.NetPrice) > 50)
                                  .Select(p => new
                Count          = p.Count(),
                Max            = p.Max(e => e.NetPrice),
                CountAvailable = p.Where(e => e.IsAvailable).Count(),
                MaxAvailable   = p.Where(e => e.IsAvailable).Max(e => e.NetPrice),
                AllAvailable   = p.Where(e => e.IsAvailable).Select(e => new { e.Name, e.NetPrice }).AsList()

            // Mapping
            Product[] productArray = _database.Query <Product>().AsArray().Execute();
            Dictionary <int, Product> productByOwnerDict = _database.Query <Product>().AsDictionary(e => e.OwnerId).Execute();
        private async void RunInner(IFunction function)
                Errors = null;

                _cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

                using (var context = new ExecutionContext(_context))
                    await function.ExecuteAsync(new object[] {}, context, _cts.Token);

                _cts = null;

            catch (Exception ex)
                _cts = null;

                _messageBoxService.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);