/// <summary>
        ///     Delete the entry from persistent storage using stored procedure.
        ///     It is a generic method, it can be used to delete any of the
        ///     objects which implements Framework.Common.Models.IModel interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">
        ///     Any type which implements Framework.Common.Models.IModel interface.
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <param name="primaryKey">
        ///     Primary key of the entity which is used to identify the entity.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     A boolean value indicating delete operation is succesful or not.
        /// </returns>
        public bool DeleteProcedure <T>(int primaryKey) where T : IModel, new()
            IFrameworkDataAccessFactory factory = DbInstance.CurrentInstance;

            // retrieves connection string of specified server type
            string        connectionString = ServerManager.Instance.GetConnectionString(new T().DatabaseServerType);
            IDbConnection connection       = factory.CreateConnection(connectionString);

            bool isSuccess = false;


                // create common data accessor for doing database operations.
                IDataAccessor dataAccessor = factory.CreateAccessor(connection, typeof(T));

                isSuccess = dataAccessor.DeleteProcedure(primaryKey);
                // Close the Connection if Opened
                if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)

        /// <summary>
        ///     Retrieve a collection of entities based on the input criterias using stored procedure
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">
        ///     Any type which implements Framework.Common.Models.IModel interface.
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <param name="model">
        ///     A model object which contains filter conditions.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     A collection of entities.
        /// </returns>
        public List <T> GetModelsProcedure <T>(T model) where T : IModel, new()
            IFrameworkDataAccessFactory factory = DbInstance.CurrentInstance;

            // retrieves connection string of specified server type
            string        connectionString = ServerManager.Instance.GetConnectionString(model.DatabaseServerType);
            IDbConnection connection       = factory.CreateConnection(connectionString);

            List <T> dataModels = null;


                // create common data accessor for doing database operations.
                IDataAccessor dataAccessor = factory.CreateAccessor(connection, typeof(T));

                dataModels = dataAccessor.SelectMultipleFromProcedure <T>(model);
                // Close the Connection if Opened
                if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)

        /// <summary>
        ///     Retrieve an entity from the persistant storage using the primary key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">
        ///      Any type which implements Framework.Common.Models.IModel interface.
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <param name="model">
        ///     A model object which contains filter conditions
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     A Framework.Common.Models object which contains requested entity.
        /// </returns>
        public T GetModelProcedure <T>(T model) where T : IModel, new()
            IFrameworkDataAccessFactory factory = DbInstance.CurrentInstance;

            // retrieves connection string of specified server type
            string        connectionString = ServerManager.Instance.GetConnectionString(model.DatabaseServerType);
            IDbConnection connection       = factory.CreateConnection(connectionString);


                // create common data accessor for doing database operations.
                IDataAccessor dataAccessor = factory.CreateAccessor(connection, typeof(T));

                // call select method for retrieving requested entity
                // from database and fill to the dto model.
                model = (T)dataAccessor.SelectProcedure(model);
                // Close the Connection if Opened
                if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)

        /// <summary>
        ///     Save the data in a persistant storage.
        ///     If the given object is new one then create a new record else update existing record.
        ///     It is a generaic method, it can be used to save any of the objects which implements
        ///     Framework.Common.Models.IModel interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">
        ///     Any type which implements Framework.Common.Models.IModel interface.
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <param name="dtoModel">
        ///     A Framework.Common.Models object that contins data to be saved.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     A boolean value which indicating save operation is succesful or not.
        /// </returns>
        public bool Save <T>(T dtoModel) where T : IModel
            IFrameworkDataAccessFactory factory = DbInstance.CurrentInstance;

            // retrieves connection string of specified server type
            string        connectionString = ServerManager.Instance.GetConnectionString(dtoModel.DatabaseServerType);
            IDbConnection connection       = factory.CreateConnection(connectionString);

            bool isSuccess = false;


                // create common data accessor for doing database operations.
                IDataAccessor dataAccessor = factory.CreateAccessor(connection, typeof(T));

                // If the given object is new one then create a new record in database
                // else update existing record.
                if (dtoModel.IsNew)
                    // Create a  new record in database, Insert method of data accessor class
                    // will generate sql statements on the fly from custom attributes of dto model.
                    dtoModel = (T)dataAccessor.Insert(dtoModel);
                    if (!dtoModel.IsNew)
                        isSuccess = true;
                    // Update existing record in database, Update method of data accessor class
                    // will generate sql statements on the fly from custom attributes of dto model.
                    dtoModel  = (T)dataAccessor.Update(dtoModel);
                    isSuccess = true;
                // Close the Connection if Opened
                if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)

        /// <summary>
        /// Bulk insert collection of record to the database using sql server table valued parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">
        ///  Any type which implements Framework.Common.Models.IModel interface.
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <param name="modelCollection">
        ///  Implements imodel for bulk insert.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dtProduct">
        ///  A collection objects which implements imodel for bulk insert.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool InsertTableProcedure <T>(List <T> modelCollection, DataTable dtProduct, T modeldt) where T : IModel, new()
            IFrameworkDataAccessFactory factory = DbInstance.CurrentInstance;

            // retrieves connection string of specified server type
            string         connectionString = ServerManager.Instance.GetConnectionString(modeldt.DatabaseServerType);
            IDbConnection  connection       = factory.CreateConnection(connectionString);
            IDbTransaction transaction      = null;
            bool           isSuccess        = false;

            // get your connection string
            // connect to SQL
            using (SqlConnection sqlconnection =
                       new SqlConnection(connectionString))

                    // create common data accessor for doing database operations.
                    IDataAccessor dataAccessor = factory.CreateAccessor(connection, typeof(T), transaction);

                    //transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

                    ///     Hash table for model mapping
                    ModelDataMap modelDataMap = dataAccessor.InsertTableValuedProcedure <T>(modelCollection);

                    // make sure to enable triggers
                    // more on triggers in next post
                    SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy =
                        new SqlBulkCopy
                            SqlBulkCopyOptions.TableLock |
                            SqlBulkCopyOptions.FireTriggers |

                    // set the destination table name
                    bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = modelDataMap.TableName;

                    // write the data in the "dataTable"

                    isSuccess = true;

                    //if (isSuccess)
                    //    transaction.Commit();
                    //    transaction.Rollback();

                    //transaction = null;
                    // if transaction exits then rollback transaction
                    //if (transaction != null)
                    //    transaction.Rollback();

                    // Close the Connection if Opened
                    if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)

        /// <summary>
        ///     Save the data in a persistant storage using stored procedure.
        ///     If the given object is new one then create a new record else update existing record.
        ///     It is a generic method, it can be used to save any of the objects which implements
        ///     Framework.Common.Models.IModel interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">
        ///     Any type which implements Framework.Common.Models.IModel interface.
        /// </typeparam>
        /// <param name="dtoModel">
        ///     A Framework.Common.Models object that contins data to be saved.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     A boolean value which indicating save operation is succesful or not.
        /// </returns>
        public bool SaveProcedure <T>(T dtoModel) where T : IModel
            IFrameworkDataAccessFactory factory = DbInstance.CurrentInstance;

            // retrieves connection string of specified server type
            string        connectionString = ServerManager.Instance.GetConnectionString(dtoModel.DatabaseServerType);
            IDbConnection connection       = factory.CreateConnection(connectionString);

            bool isSuccess = false;


                // create common data accessor for doing database operations.
                IDataAccessor dataAccessor = factory.CreateAccessor(connection, typeof(T));

                // If the given object is new one then create a new record in database
                // else update existing record.
                if (dtoModel.IsNew)
                    // Create a  new record in database, Insert method of data accessor class
                    // will generate sql command object and parameters on the fly from custom attributes of dto model.
                    dtoModel = (T)dataAccessor.InsertProcedure(dtoModel);
                    if (dtoModel != null && (!dtoModel.IsNew))
                        isSuccess = true;
                    // Update existing record in database, Update method of data accessor class
                    // will generate sql command object and parameters on the fly from custom attributes of dto model.
                    dtoModel  = (T)dataAccessor.UpdateProcedure(dtoModel);
                    isSuccess = true;
            catch (SqlException sx)
                if (sx.Number == DatabaseErrorConstants.TIMESTAMP_MISMATCH_ERROR)
                    // Throw custom exception
                    throw new TimeStampMismatchException(sx.Message, sx);
                else if (sx.Number == DatabaseErrorConstants.HAZMAT_PACKET_NOT_RECEIVED_ERROR)
                    // Throw custom exception
                    throw new CarrierPacketNotAvailableException(sx.Message, sx);
                    throw sx;
                // Close the Connection if Opened
                if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
