public FormulaInfoDTO MapFrom(IFormula formula) { return(new FormulaInfoDTO { Name = formula.Name, Type = formula.GetType() }); }
public bool FormulasAreTheSame(IFormula firstFormula, IFormula secondFormula) { if (firstFormula == null && secondFormula == null) { return(true); } if (firstFormula == null || secondFormula == null) { return(false); } var firstType = firstFormula.GetType(); var secondType = secondFormula.GetType(); if (firstType != secondType) { return(false); } //nothing more to check for distributed formula or black box formula if (firstFormula.IsDistributed() || firstFormula.IsBlackBox() || firstFormula.IsDynamic()) { return(true); } if (firstFormula.IsConstant()) { var firstConstFormula = firstFormula.DowncastTo <ConstantFormula>(); var secondConstFormula = secondFormula.DowncastTo <ConstantFormula>(); return(firstConstFormula.Value == secondConstFormula.Value); } if (firstFormula.IsExplicit()) { var firstExplicit = firstFormula.DowncastTo <ExplicitFormula>(); var secondExplicit = secondFormula.DowncastTo <ExplicitFormula>(); if (!string.Equals(firstExplicit.FormulaString, secondExplicit.FormulaString)) { return(false); } //check that formula have the same references using the same alias var firstObjectPathCache = new Cache <string, IFormulaUsablePath>(x => x.Alias); firstObjectPathCache.AddRange(firstExplicit.ObjectPaths); var secondObjectPathCache = new Cache <string, IFormulaUsablePath>(x => x.Alias); secondObjectPathCache.AddRange(secondExplicit.ObjectPaths); if (firstObjectPathCache.Count() != secondObjectPathCache.Count()) { return(false); } foreach (var keyValue in firstObjectPathCache.KeyValues) { if (!secondObjectPathCache.Contains(keyValue.Key)) { return(false); } var path = secondObjectPathCache[keyValue.Key]; if (!path.Equals(keyValue.Value)) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
public DistributionFormulaType MapFrom(IFormula formula) { if (formula == null) { return(DistributionFormulaType.DiscreteDistribution); } if (formula.IsAnImplementationOf <DiscreteDistributionFormula>() || formula.IsConstant()) { return(DistributionFormulaType.DiscreteDistribution); } if (formula.IsAnImplementationOf <UniformDistributionFormula>()) { return(DistributionFormulaType.UniformDistribution); } if (formula.IsAnImplementationOf <NormalDistributionFormula>()) { return(DistributionFormulaType.NormalDistribution); } if (formula.IsAnImplementationOf <LogNormalDistributionFormula>()) { return(DistributionFormulaType.LogNormalDistribution); } throw new MoBiException(AppConstants.Exceptions.UnknownDistributedFormula(formula.GetType())); }
public IEditTypedFormulaPresenter PresenterFor(IFormula formula) { return(PresenterFor(formula.GetType())); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { SaveDir = Application.StartupPath + "/save/"; if (!Directory.Exists(SaveDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(SaveDir); } RuntimeSetting setting = new RuntimeSetting(); RuntimeData data = new Runtime.RuntimeData(setting); IFormula formula = null; Analyzer.Analyzer analyzer = null; Console.WriteLine("============================"); Console.WriteLine(" Func Calc "); Console.WriteLine("============================"); for (;;) { Console.WriteLine(" 1. New Formula"); Console.WriteLine(" 2. Show Functions"); Console.WriteLine(" 3. Show Operators"); if (formula != null) { Console.WriteLine(" 4. Get Result"); Console.WriteLine(" 5. Run Addition Formula"); Console.WriteLine(" 6. Show DebugInformation"); Console.WriteLine(" 7. Show Expression Tree"); Console.WriteLine(" 8. Enabled DebugMode"); } Console.WriteLine(" 9. Quit"); char c = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar; Console.Clear(); switch (c) { case '1': setting = new RuntimeSetting(); data = new RuntimeData(setting); Console.WriteLine("Initialized FormulaRuntime"); Console.WriteLine("Input formula"); Console.Write("> "); try { analyzer = new Analyzer.Analyzer(Console.ReadLine()); Stopwatch sw1 = Stopwatch.StartNew(); formula = analyzer.GetResult() as IFormula; sw1.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Success! Time : " + sw1.Elapsed.ToString()); } catch (SyntaxException ex) { Console.WriteLine("構文エラーが発生しました。計算式の書式のミスを確認してください。"); Console.WriteLine("エラー : " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("トークン : {0}", ex.Token); Console.Write("場所 : "); ConsoleColor cc = Console.BackgroundColor; if (analyzer.Tokens == null) { Console.WriteLine("トークン情報がありませんでした"); } else { foreach (var t in analyzer.Tokens) { if (t != ex.Token) { Console.BackgroundColor = cc; } else { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; } Console.Write(t.Text); } } Console.BackgroundColor = cc; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("詳細: \n{0}", ex.ToString()); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { Console.WriteLine("実行エラーが発生しました。"); Console.WriteLine("エラー : " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("トークン : {0}", ex.Token); Console.WriteLine("詳細: \n{0}", ex.ToString()); } break; case '2': foreach (var func in data.Functions) { StringBuilder param = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var p in func.Value.Parameter) { if (param.Length != 0) { param.Append(", "); } param.Append(p.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("{0}({1}) - {2}", func.Value.Name, param, func.Value.Description); } break; case '3': Console.WriteLine("Prior. L Op R - Description"); foreach (var op in setting.Spec.Operations.OrderBy(d => d.Value).Reverse()) { Console.WriteLine("{0,6} {1} {2,5} {3} - {4}", op.Value, op.Key.RequireLeftParameter ? "#" : " ", op.Key.Text, op.Key.RequireRightParameter ? "#" : " ", op.Key.Name); } break; case '4': if (formula == null) { continue; } RuntimeData dd = data.Clone() as RuntimeData; Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var res = formula.Eval(dd); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Input : " + analyzer.Line); Console.WriteLine("Formula: " + formula.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Result : " + (res == null ? "戻り値はありませんでした" : res.ToString())); Console.WriteLine("Mathjax: " + (res == null ? "戻り値はありませんでした" : res.Output(OutputType.Mathjax))); Console.WriteLine("Time : " + sw.Elapsed.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Variables:"); foreach (var block in data.Blocks) { foreach (var item in block.Variables) { Console.WriteLine("{0:10} : {1}", item.Key, item.Value); } } break; case '5': if (formula == null) { continue; } else { Console.WriteLine("Input Addition Formula:"); Console.Write(" >"); Analyzer.Analyzer anal = new Analyzer.Analyzer( Console.ReadLine(), setting); Console.WriteLine("Success!"); var d = anal.GetResult(); var dres = d.Eval(data); Console.WriteLine("Done. (ReturnVal: " + (dres == null ? "null" : dres.ToString()) + ")"); } break; case '6': if (formula == null) { continue; } data.OutputDebug(); break; case '7': if (formula == null) { continue; } Console.WriteLine("Input : " + analyzer.Line); Console.WriteLine("Output Expression: " + formula.GetType().Name); OutputFormula(data, formula, 0); break; case '8': if (formula == null) { continue; } if (!setting.IsDebug) { setting.IsDebug = true; Console.WriteLine("Debug Enabled!"); } else { setting.IsDebug = false; Console.WriteLine("Debug Disabled!"); } break; case '9': return; case 'w': ToWritingMode(data); break; default: continue; } Console.WriteLine(); } }