Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs by finding the file and folder of the xmatter pack, given the its key name e.g. "Factory", "SILIndonesia".
        /// The name of the file should be (key)-XMatter.htm. The name and the location of the folder is not our problem...
        /// we leave it to the supplied fileLocator to find it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nameOfXMatterPack">e.g. "Factory", "SILIndonesia"</param>
        /// <param name="fileLocator">The locator needs to be able tell use the path to an xmater html file, given its name</param>
        public XMatterHelper(HtmlDom bookDom, string nameOfXMatterPack, IFileLocator fileLocator)
            _bookDom           = bookDom;
            _nameOfXMatterPack = nameOfXMatterPack;

            string directoryName = nameOfXMatterPack + "-XMatter";
            string directoryPath;

                directoryPath = fileLocator.LocateDirectoryWithThrow(directoryName);
            catch (Exception error)
                //NB: we don't want to put up a dialog for each one; one failure here often means 20 more are coming as the other books are loaded!
                throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Could not find xmatter pack directory named " + directoryName), error);
            string htmName = nameOfXMatterPack + "-XMatter.htm";

            PathToXMatterHtml = directoryPath.CombineForPath(htmName);
            if (!File.Exists(PathToXMatterHtml))
                ErrorReport.NotifyUserOfProblem(new ShowOncePerSessionBasedOnExactMessagePolicy(), "Could not locate the file {0} in {1}", htmName, directoryPath);
                throw new ApplicationException();
            PathToStyleSheetForPaperAndOrientation = directoryPath.CombineForPath(GetStyleSheetFileName());
            if (!File.Exists(PathToXMatterHtml))
                ErrorReport.NotifyUserOfProblem(new ShowOncePerSessionBasedOnExactMessagePolicy(), "Could not locate the file {0} in {1}", GetStyleSheetFileName(), directoryPath);
                throw new ApplicationException();
            XMatterDom = XmlHtmlConverter.GetXmlDomFromHtmlFile(PathToXMatterHtml, false);
Esempio n. 2
        public static string GetXMatterDirectory(string nameOfXMatterPack, IFileLocator fileLocator, string errorMsg, bool throwIfError, bool silent = false)
            var directoryName = nameOfXMatterPack + "-XMatter";

            if (Program.RunningHarvesterMode)
                // Get a new file locator that also searches the Custom XMatter directory.
                // This allows the Harvseter to preserve custom branding if those books are uploaded to web. (See BL-BL-9084)
                var extraSearchPaths = new string[]  { BloomFileLocator.GetCustomXMatterDirectory() };
                fileLocator = fileLocator.CloneAndCustomize(extraSearchPaths);

            if (silent)
                // Using LocateDirectoryWithThrow is quite expensive for directories we don't find...the Exception it creates, which we don't use,
                // includes a concatenation of a long list of paths it searched in. (It's quite common now to search for an xmatter directory
                // we don't often find, such as looking for one called Traditional-Device when publishing something with Traditional xmatter
                // on a device.
                    var result = fileLocator.LocateDirectory(directoryName);
                    if (result == null || !Directory.Exists(result))
                catch (ApplicationException)
            catch (ApplicationException error)
                if (silent)
                var frontBackMatterProblem = LocalizationManager.GetString("Errors.XMatterProblemLabel", "Front/Back Matter Problem", "This shows in the 'toast' that pops up to notify the user of a non-fatal problem.");
                NonFatalProblem.Report(ModalIf.None, PassiveIf.All, frontBackMatterProblem, errorMsg, error);
                if (throwIfError)
                    throw new ApplicationException(errorMsg);
Esempio n. 3
 public static string GetXMatterDirectory(string nameOfXMatterPack, IFileLocator fileLocator, string errorMsg, bool throwIfError)
         var directoryName = nameOfXMatterPack + "-XMatter";
     catch (ApplicationException error)
         var frontBackMatterProblem = LocalizationManager.GetString("Errors.XMatterProblemLabel", "Front/Back Matter Problem", "This shows in the 'toast' that pops up to notify the user of a non-fatal problem.");
         NonFatalProblem.Report(ModalIf.None, PassiveIf.All, frontBackMatterProblem, errorMsg, error);
         if (throwIfError)
             throw new ApplicationException(errorMsg);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs by finding the file and folder of the xmatter pack, given the its key name e.g. "Factory", "SILIndonesia".
        /// The name of the file should be (key)-XMatter.htm. The name and the location of the folder is not our problem...
        /// we leave it to the supplied fileLocator to find it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nameOfXMatterPack">e.g. "Factory", "SILIndonesia"</param>
        /// <param name="fileLocator">The locator needs to be able tell us the path to an xmater html file, given its name</param>
        public XMatterHelper(HtmlDom bookDom, string nameOfXMatterPack, IFileLocator fileLocator)
            _bookDom = bookDom;
            _nameOfXMatterPack = nameOfXMatterPack;

            string directoryName = nameOfXMatterPack + "-XMatter";
            string directoryPath;
                directoryPath = fileLocator.LocateDirectoryWithThrow(directoryName);
            catch(ApplicationException error)
                var errorTemplate = LocalizationManager.GetString("Errors.XMatterNotFound",
                    "This Book called for Front/Back Matter pack named '{0}', but Bloom couldn't find that on this computer. You can either install a Bloom Pack that will give you '{0}', or go to Settings:Book Making and change to another Front/Back Matter Pack.");
                var msg = string.Format(errorTemplate, nameOfXMatterPack);

                ErrorReport.NotifyUserOfProblem(new ShowOncePerSessionBasedOnExactMessagePolicy(), msg);
                //NB: we don't want to put up a dialog for each one; one failure here often means 20 more are coming as the other books are loaded!
                throw new ApplicationException(msg);
            var htmName = nameOfXMatterPack + "-XMatter.html";
            PathToXMatterHtml = directoryPath.CombineForPath(htmName);
                htmName = nameOfXMatterPack + "-XMatter.htm"; // pre- Bloom 3.7
                PathToXMatterHtml = directoryPath.CombineForPath(htmName);
            if (!RobustFile.Exists(PathToXMatterHtml))
                ErrorReport.NotifyUserOfProblem(new ShowOncePerSessionBasedOnExactMessagePolicy(), "Could not locate the file {0} in {1} (also checked .html)", htmName, directoryPath);
                throw new ApplicationException();
            PathToStyleSheetForPaperAndOrientation = directoryPath.CombineForPath(GetStyleSheetFileName());
            if (!RobustFile.Exists(PathToXMatterHtml))
                ErrorReport.NotifyUserOfProblem(new ShowOncePerSessionBasedOnExactMessagePolicy(), "Could not locate the file {0} in {1}", GetStyleSheetFileName(), directoryPath);
                throw new ApplicationException();
            XMatterDom = XmlHtmlConverter.GetXmlDomFromHtmlFile(PathToXMatterHtml, false);