Esempio n. 1
        //tiles = 16 means 16 x 16 atlas
        public List <Bitmap> Atlas2dInto1d(Bitmap atlas2d, int tiles, int atlassizezlimit)
            IFastBitmap orig = d_FastBitmapFactory();

            orig.bmp = atlas2d;

            int tilesize = atlas2d.Width / tiles;

            int           atlasescount = Math.Max(1, (tiles * tiles * tilesize) / atlassizezlimit);
            List <Bitmap> atlases      = new List <Bitmap>();


            //256 x 1
            IFastBitmap atlas1d = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < tiles * tiles; i++)
                int x            = i % tiles;
                int y            = i / tiles;
                int tilesinatlas = (tiles * tiles / atlasescount);
                if (i % tilesinatlas == 0)
                    if (atlas1d != null)
                    atlas1d     = d_FastBitmapFactory();
                    atlas1d.bmp = new Bitmap(tilesize, atlassizezlimit);
                for (int xx = 0; xx < tilesize; xx++)
                    for (int yy = 0; yy < tilesize; yy++)
                        int c = orig.GetPixel(x * tilesize + xx, y * tilesize + yy);
                        atlas1d.SetPixel(xx, (i % tilesinatlas) * tilesize + yy, c);
Esempio n. 2
        public override bool ProcessCapture(ISurface surface, ICaptureDetails captureDetails)
            LOG.DebugFormat("Changing surface to grayscale!");
            using (IFastBitmap bbb = FastBitmap.Create(surface.Image as Bitmap)) {
                for (int y = 0; y < bbb.Height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < bbb.Width; x++)
                        Color color = bbb.GetColorAt(x, y);
                        int   luma  = (int)((0.3 * color.R) + (0.59 * color.G) + (0.11 * color.B));
                        color = Color.FromArgb(luma, luma, luma);
                        bbb.SetColorAt(x, y, color);

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reindex the 24/32 BPP (A)RGB image to a 8BPP
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Bitmap</returns>
        public Bitmap SimpleReindex()
            List <Color>             colors = new List <Color>();
            Dictionary <Color, byte> lookup = new Dictionary <Color, byte>();

            using (FastChunkyBitmap bbbDest = FastBitmap.Create(resultBitmap) as FastChunkyBitmap)
                using (IFastBitmap bbbSrc = FastBitmap.Create(sourceBitmap))
                    IFastBitmapWithBlend bbbSrcBlend = bbbSrc as IFastBitmapWithBlend;

                    byte index;
                    for (int y = 0; y < bbbSrc.Height; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < bbbSrc.Width; x++)
                            Color color;
                            if (bbbSrcBlend != null)
                                color = bbbSrcBlend.GetBlendedColorAt(x, y);
                                color = bbbSrc.GetColorAt(x, y);
                            if (lookup.ContainsKey(color))
                                index = lookup[color];
                                index = (byte)(colors.Count - 1);
                                lookup.Add(color, index);
                            bbbDest.SetColorIndexAt(x, y, index);

            // generates palette
            ColorPalette imagePalette = resultBitmap.Palette;

            Color[] entries = imagePalette.Entries;
            for (Int32 paletteIndex = 0; paletteIndex < 256; paletteIndex++)
                if (paletteIndex < colorCount)
                    entries[paletteIndex] = colors[paletteIndex];
                    entries[paletteIndex] = Color.Black;
            resultBitmap.Palette = imagePalette;

            // Make sure the bitmap is not disposed, as we return it.
            Bitmap tmpBitmap = resultBitmap;

            resultBitmap = null;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// See <see cref="IColorQuantizer.Prepare"/> for more details.
        /// </summary>
        public WuQuantizer(Bitmap sourceBitmap)
            this.sourceBitmap = sourceBitmap;
            // Make sure the color count variables are reset
            BitArray bitArray = new BitArray((int)Math.Pow(2, 24));

            colorCount = 0;

            // creates all the cubes
            cubes = new WuColorCube[MAXCOLOR];

            // initializes all the cubes
            for (Int32 cubeIndex = 0; cubeIndex < MAXCOLOR; cubeIndex++)
                cubes[cubeIndex] = new WuColorCube();

            // resets the reference minimums
            cubes[0].RedMinimum   = 0;
            cubes[0].GreenMinimum = 0;
            cubes[0].BlueMinimum  = 0;

            // resets the reference maximums
            cubes[0].RedMaximum   = MAXSIDEINDEX;
            cubes[0].GreenMaximum = MAXSIDEINDEX;
            cubes[0].BlueMaximum  = MAXSIDEINDEX;

            weights      = new Int64[SIDESIZE, SIDESIZE, SIDESIZE];
            momentsRed   = new Int64[SIDESIZE, SIDESIZE, SIDESIZE];
            momentsGreen = new Int64[SIDESIZE, SIDESIZE, SIDESIZE];
            momentsBlue  = new Int64[SIDESIZE, SIDESIZE, SIDESIZE];
            moments      = new Single[SIDESIZE, SIDESIZE, SIDESIZE];

            Int32[] table = new Int32[256];

            for (Int32 tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < 256; ++tableIndex)
                table[tableIndex] = tableIndex * tableIndex;

            // Use a bitmap to store the initial match, which is just as good as an array and saves us 2x the storage
            using (IFastBitmap sourceFastBitmap = FastBitmap.Create(sourceBitmap))
                IFastBitmapWithBlend sourceFastBitmapWithBlend = sourceFastBitmap as IFastBitmapWithBlend;
                using (FastChunkyBitmap destinationFastBitmap = FastBitmap.CreateEmpty(sourceBitmap.Size, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed, Color.White) as FastChunkyBitmap)
                    for (int y = 0; y < sourceFastBitmap.Height; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < sourceFastBitmap.Width; x++)
                            Color color;
                            if (sourceFastBitmapWithBlend == null)
                                color = sourceFastBitmap.GetColorAt(x, y);
                                color = sourceFastBitmapWithBlend.GetBlendedColorAt(x, y);
                            // To count the colors
                            int index = color.ToArgb() & 0x00ffffff;
                            // Check if we already have this color
                            if (!bitArray.Get(index))
                                // If not, add 1 to the single colors
                                bitArray.Set(index, true);

                            Int32 indexRed   = (color.R >> 3) + 1;
                            Int32 indexGreen = (color.G >> 3) + 1;
                            Int32 indexBlue  = (color.B >> 3) + 1;

                            weights[indexRed, indexGreen, indexBlue]++;
                            momentsRed[indexRed, indexGreen, indexBlue]   += color.R;
                            momentsGreen[indexRed, indexGreen, indexBlue] += color.G;
                            momentsBlue[indexRed, indexGreen, indexBlue]  += color.B;
                            moments[indexRed, indexGreen, indexBlue]      += table[color.R] + table[color.G] + table[color.B];

                            // Store the initial "match"
                            Int32 paletteIndex = (indexRed << 10) + (indexRed << 6) + indexRed + (indexGreen << 5) + indexGreen + indexBlue;
                            destinationFastBitmap.SetColorIndexAt(x, y, (byte)(paletteIndex & 0xff));
                    resultBitmap = destinationFastBitmap.UnlockAndReturnBitmap();