Esempio n. 1
        public void BeforeExecutingEntryActions(
            AsyncPassiveStateMachine<string, int> machine,
            IExtension<string, int> extension)
            "establish an extension".x(()
                => extension = A.Fake<IExtension<string, int>>());

            "establish a state machine using the extension".x(async () =>
                machine = new AsyncPassiveStateMachine<string, int>(Name);



                await machine.Initialize("0");
                await machine.Start();

            "when firing an event onto the state machine".x(()
                => machine.Fire(1));

            "it should call EnteringState on registered extensions for target state".x(()
                => A.CallTo(() => extension.EnteringState(
                        A<IStateMachineInformation<string, int>>.That.Matches(x => x.Name == Name && x.CurrentStateId == "1"),
                        A<IState<string, int>>.That.Matches(x => x.Id == "1"),
                        A<ITransitionContext<string, int>>.That.Matches(x => x.EventId.Value == 1)))
Esempio n. 2
        public void BeforeExecutingEntryActionsHierarchical(
            AsyncPassiveStateMachine<string, string> machine,
            IExtension<string, string> extension)
            "establish an extension".x(()
                => extension = A.Fake<IExtension<string, string>>());

            "establish a hierarchical state machine using the extension".x(async () =>
                machine = new AsyncPassiveStateMachine<string, string>(Name);




                await machine.Initialize("0");
                await machine.Start();

            "when firing an event onto the state machine".x(()
                => machine.Fire("A0"));

            "it should call EnteringState on registered extensions for entered super states of target state".x(()
                => A.CallTo(() => extension.EnteringState(
                        A<IStateMachineInformation<string, string>>.That.Matches(x => x.Name == Name && x.CurrentStateId == "A0"),
                        A<IState<string, string>>.That.Matches(x => x.Id == "A"),
                        A<ITransitionContext<string, string>>.That.Matches(x => x.EventId.Value == "A0")))

            "it should call EnteringState on registered extensions for entered leaf target state".x(()
                => A.CallTo(() => extension.EnteringState(
                        A<IStateMachineInformation<string, string>>.That.Matches(x => x.Name == Name && x.CurrentStateId == "A0"),
                        A<IState<string, string>>.That.Matches(x => x.Id == "A0"),
                        A<ITransitionContext<string, string>>.That.Matches(x => x.EventId.Value == "A0")))
Esempio n. 3
        public void BeforeExecutingEntryActions(
            PassiveStateMachine <string, int> machine,
            IExtension <string, int> extension)
            "establish an extension".x(()
                                       => extension = A.Fake <IExtension <string, int> >());

            "establish a state machine using the extension".x(() =>
                var stateMachineDefinitionBuilder = new StateMachineDefinitionBuilder <string, int>();
                machine = stateMachineDefinitionBuilder



            "when firing an event onto the state machine".x(()
                                                            => machine.Fire(1));

            "it should call EnteringState on registered extensions for target state".x(()
                                                                                       => A.CallTo(() => extension.EnteringState(
                                                                                                       A <IStateMachineInformation <string, int> > .That.Matches(x => x.Name == Name && x.CurrentStateId.ExtractOrThrow() == "1"),
                                                                                                       A <IStateDefinition <string, int> > .That.Matches(x => x.Id == "1"),
                                                                                                       A <ITransitionContext <string, int> > .That.Matches(x => x.EventId.Value == 1)))