Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get full order book bids and asks via web socket. This is efficient and will only use the order book deltas.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="callback">Callback of symbol, order book</param>
        /// <param name="maxCount">Max count of bids and asks - not all exchanges will honor this parameter</param>
        /// <param name="symbol">Ticker symbols or null/empty for all of them (if supported)</param>
        /// <returns>Web socket, call Dispose to close</returns>
        public static IDisposable GetOrderBookWebSocket(this IExchangeAPI api, Action <ExchangeOrderBook> callback, int maxCount = 20, params string[] symbols)
            // Gets a delta socket for a collection of order books, then maintains a full order book.
            // The suggested way to use this is:
            // 1. Open this socket and begin buffering events you receive
            // 2. Get a depth snapshot of the order books you care about
            // 3. Drop any event where SequenceNumber is less than or equal to the snapshot last update id
            // Notes:
            // * Confirm with the Exchange's API docs whether the data in each event is the absolute quantity or differential quantity
            // * If the quantity is 0, remove the price level
            // * Receiving an event that removes a price level that is not in your local order book can happen and is normal.

            Dictionary <string, ExchangeOrderBook> fullBooks = new Dictionary <string, ExchangeOrderBook>();

            void innerCallback(ExchangeOrderBook book)
                // see if we have a full order book for the symbol
                if (!fullBooks.TryGetValue(book.Symbol, out ExchangeOrderBook fullBook))
                    fullBooks[book.Symbol] = fullBook = api.GetOrderBook(book.Symbol, 1000);
                    fullBook.Symbol        = book.Symbol;

                // update deltas as long as the full book is at or before the delta timestamp
                if (fullBook.SequenceId <= book.SequenceId)
                    foreach (var ask in book.Asks)
                        if (ask.Value.Amount <= 0m || ask.Value.Price <= 0m)
                            fullBook.Asks[ask.Value.Price] = ask.Value;
                    foreach (var bid in book.Bids)
                        if (bid.Value.Amount <= 0m || bid.Value.Price <= 0m)
                            fullBook.Bids[bid.Value.Price] = bid.Value;
                    fullBook.SequenceId = book.SequenceId;

            return(api.GetOrderBookDeltasWebSocket(innerCallback, maxCount, symbols));
        /// <summary>Get full order book bids and asks via web socket. This is efficient and will
        /// only use the order book deltas (if supported by the exchange).</summary>
        /// <param name="callback">Callback containing full order book</param>
        /// <param name="maxCount">Max count of bids and asks - not all exchanges will honor this
        /// parameter</param>
        /// <param name="symbols">Ticker symbols or null/empty for all of them (if supported)</param>
        /// <returns>Web socket, call Dispose to close</returns>
        public static IWebSocket GetOrderBookWebSocket(this IExchangeAPI api, Action <ExchangeOrderBook> callback, int maxCount = 20, params string[] symbols)
            // Notes:
            // * Confirm with the Exchange's API docs whether the data in each event is the absolute quantity or differential quantity
            // * Receiving an event that removes a price level that is not in your local order book can happen and is normal.
            var fullBooks = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, ExchangeOrderBook>();

            void applyDelta(SortedDictionary <decimal, ExchangeOrderPrice> deltaValues, SortedDictionary <decimal, ExchangeOrderPrice> bookToEdit)
                foreach (ExchangeOrderPrice record in deltaValues.Values)
                    if (record.Amount <= 0 || record.Price <= 0)
                        bookToEdit[record.Price] = record;

            void updateOrderBook(ExchangeOrderBook fullOrderBook, ExchangeOrderBook freshBook)
                lock (fullOrderBook)
                    // update deltas as long as the full book is at or before the delta timestamp
                    if (fullOrderBook.SequenceId <= freshBook.SequenceId)
                        applyDelta(freshBook.Asks, fullOrderBook.Asks);
                        applyDelta(freshBook.Bids, fullOrderBook.Bids);
                        fullOrderBook.SequenceId = freshBook.SequenceId;

            async Task innerCallback(ExchangeOrderBook freshBook)
                bool foundFullBook = fullBooks.TryGetValue(freshBook.Symbol, out ExchangeOrderBook fullOrderBook);

                switch (api.Name)
                // Fetch an initial book the first time and apply deltas on top
                case ExchangeName.Bittrex:
                case ExchangeName.Binance:
                case ExchangeName.Poloniex:
                    // If we don't have an initial order book for this symbol, fetch it
                    if (!foundFullBook)
                        fullBooks[freshBook.Symbol] = fullOrderBook = await api.GetOrderBookAsync(freshBook.Symbol, 1000);

                        fullOrderBook.Symbol = freshBook.Symbol;
                        updateOrderBook(fullOrderBook, freshBook);

                // First response from exchange will be the full order book.
                // Subsequent updates will be deltas
                case ExchangeName.Okex:
                    if (!foundFullBook)
                        fullBooks[freshBook.Symbol] = fullOrderBook = freshBook;
                        updateOrderBook(fullOrderBook, freshBook);


                // Websocket always returns full order book
                case ExchangeName.Huobi:
                    fullBooks[freshBook.Symbol] = fullOrderBook = freshBook;

                fullOrderBook.LastUpdatedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

            IWebSocket socket = api.GetOrderBookDeltasWebSocket(async(b) => await innerCallback(b), maxCount, symbols);

            socket.Connected += (s) =>
                // when we re-connect, we must invalidate the order books, who knows how long we were disconnected
                //  and how out of date the order books are
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>Get full order book bids and asks via web socket. This is efficient and will
        /// only use the order book deltas (if supported by the exchange).</summary>
        /// <param name="callback">Callback containing full order book</param>
        /// <param name="maxCount">Max count of bids and asks - not all exchanges will honor this
        /// parameter</param>
        /// <param name="symbols">Ticker symbols or null/empty for all of them (if supported)</param>
        /// <returns>Web socket, call Dispose to close</returns>
        public static IWebSocket GetOrderBookWebSocket(this IExchangeAPI api, Action <ExchangeOrderBook> callback, int maxCount = 20, params string[] symbols)
            // Notes:
            // * Confirm with the Exchange's API docs whether the data in each event is the absolute quantity or differential quantity
            // * Receiving an event that removes a price level that is not in your local order book can happen and is normal.
            var fullBooks = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, ExchangeOrderBook>();
            var partialOrderBookQueues = new Dictionary <string, Queue <ExchangeOrderBook> >();

            void applyDelta(SortedDictionary <decimal, ExchangeOrderPrice> deltaValues, SortedDictionary <decimal, ExchangeOrderPrice> bookToEdit)
                foreach (ExchangeOrderPrice record in deltaValues.Values)
                    if (record.Amount <= 0 || record.Price <= 0)
                        bookToEdit[record.Price] = record;

            void updateOrderBook(ExchangeOrderBook fullOrderBook, ExchangeOrderBook freshBook)
                lock (fullOrderBook)
                    // update deltas as long as the full book is at or before the delta timestamp
                    if (fullOrderBook.SequenceId <= freshBook.SequenceId)
                        applyDelta(freshBook.Asks, fullOrderBook.Asks);
                        applyDelta(freshBook.Bids, fullOrderBook.Bids);
                        fullOrderBook.SequenceId = freshBook.SequenceId;

            async Task innerCallback(ExchangeOrderBook newOrderBook)
                // depending on the exchange, newOrderBook may be a complete or partial order book
                // ideally all exchanges would send the full order book on first message, followed by delta order books
                // but this is not the case

                bool foundFullBook = fullBooks.TryGetValue(newOrderBook.Symbol, out ExchangeOrderBook fullOrderBook);

                switch (api.Name)
                // Fetch an initial book the first time and apply deltas on top
                // send these exchanges scathing support tickets that they should send
                // the full book for the first web socket callback message
                case ExchangeName.Bittrex:
                case ExchangeName.Binance:
                case ExchangeName.Poloniex:
                    Queue <ExchangeOrderBook> partialOrderBookQueue;
                    bool requestFullOrderBook = false;

                    // attempt to find the right queue to put the partial order book in to be processed later
                    lock (partialOrderBookQueues)
                        if (!partialOrderBookQueues.TryGetValue(newOrderBook.Symbol, out partialOrderBookQueue))
                            // no queue found, make a new one
                            partialOrderBookQueues[newOrderBook.Symbol] = partialOrderBookQueue = new Queue <ExchangeOrderBook>();
                            requestFullOrderBook = !foundFullBook;

                        // always enqueue the partial order book, they get dequeued down below

                    // request the entire order book if we need it
                    if (requestFullOrderBook)
                        fullOrderBook = await api.GetOrderBookAsync(newOrderBook.Symbol, maxCount);

                        fullOrderBook.Symbol           = newOrderBook.Symbol;
                        fullBooks[newOrderBook.Symbol] = fullOrderBook;
                    else if (!foundFullBook)
                        // we got a partial book while the full order book was being requested
                        // return out, the full order book loop will process this item in the queue
                    // else new partial book with full order book available, will get dequeued below

                    // check if any old books for this symbol, if so process them first
                    // lock dictionary of queues for lookup only
                    lock (partialOrderBookQueues)
                        partialOrderBookQueues.TryGetValue(newOrderBook.Symbol, out partialOrderBookQueue);

                    if (partialOrderBookQueue != null)
                        // lock the individual queue for processing, fifo queue
                        lock (partialOrderBookQueue)
                            while (partialOrderBookQueue.Count != 0)
                                updateOrderBook(fullOrderBook, partialOrderBookQueue.Dequeue());

                // First response from exchange will be the full order book.
                // Subsequent updates will be deltas, at least some exchanges have their heads on straight
                case ExchangeName.BitMEX:
                case ExchangeName.Okex:
                case ExchangeName.Coinbase:
                    if (!foundFullBook)
                        fullBooks[newOrderBook.Symbol] = fullOrderBook = newOrderBook;
                        updateOrderBook(fullOrderBook, newOrderBook);

                // Websocket always returns full order book, WTF...?
                case ExchangeName.Huobi:
                    fullBooks[newOrderBook.Symbol] = fullOrderBook = newOrderBook;

                    throw new NotSupportedException("Full order book web socket not supported for exchange " + api.Name);

                fullOrderBook.LastUpdatedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

            IWebSocket socket = api.GetOrderBookDeltasWebSocket(async(b) =>
                    await innerCallback(b);
            }, maxCount, symbols);

            socket.Connected += (s) =>
                // when we re-connect, we must invalidate the order books, who knows how long we were disconnected
                //  and how out of date the order books are
                lock (partialOrderBookQueues)
        /// <summary>Get full order book bids and asks via web socket. This is efficient and will
        /// only use the order book deltas (if supported by the exchange).</summary>
        /// <param name="callback">Callback containing full order book</param>
        /// <param name="maxCount">Max count of bids and asks - not all exchanges will honor this
        /// parameter</param>
        /// <param name="symbols">Ticker symbols or null/empty for all of them (if supported)</param>
        /// <returns>Web socket, call Dispose to close</returns>
        public static IWebSocket GetOrderBookWebSocket(this IExchangeAPI api, Action <ExchangeOrderBook> callback, int maxCount = 20, params string[] symbols)
            // Notes:
            // * Confirm with the Exchange's API docs whether the data in each event is the absolute quantity or differential quantity
            // * Receiving an event that removes a price level that is not in your local order book can happen and is normal.
            var fullBooks           = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, ExchangeOrderBook>();
            var freshBooksQueue     = new Dictionary <string, Queue <ExchangeOrderBook> >();
            var fullBookRequestLock = new HashSet <string>();

            void applyDelta(SortedDictionary <decimal, ExchangeOrderPrice> deltaValues, SortedDictionary <decimal, ExchangeOrderPrice> bookToEdit)
                foreach (ExchangeOrderPrice record in deltaValues.Values)
                    if (record.Amount <= 0 || record.Price <= 0)
                        bookToEdit[record.Price] = record;

            void updateOrderBook(ExchangeOrderBook fullOrderBook, ExchangeOrderBook freshBook)
                lock (fullOrderBook)
                    // update deltas as long as the full book is at or before the delta timestamp
                    if (fullOrderBook.SequenceId <= freshBook.SequenceId)
                        applyDelta(freshBook.Asks, fullOrderBook.Asks);
                        applyDelta(freshBook.Bids, fullOrderBook.Bids);
                        fullOrderBook.SequenceId = freshBook.SequenceId;

            async Task innerCallback(ExchangeOrderBook freshBook)
                bool foundFullBook = fullBooks.TryGetValue(freshBook.Symbol, out ExchangeOrderBook fullOrderBook);

                switch (api.Name)
                // Fetch an initial book the first time and apply deltas on top
                // send these exchanges scathing support tickets that they should send
                // the full book for the first web socket callback message
                case ExchangeName.Bittrex:
                case ExchangeName.Binance:
                case ExchangeName.Poloniex:
                    if (!foundFullBook)
                        // attempt to find the right queue to put the partial order book in to be processed later
                        lock (freshBooksQueue)
                            if (!freshBooksQueue.TryGetValue(freshBook.Symbol, out Queue <ExchangeOrderBook> freshQueue))
                                // no queue found, make a new one
                                freshBooksQueue[freshBook.Symbol] = freshQueue = new Queue <ExchangeOrderBook>();

                        bool makeRequest;
                        lock (fullBookRequestLock)
                            makeRequest = fullBookRequestLock.Add(freshBook.Symbol);
                        if (makeRequest)
                            // we are the first to see this symbol, make a full request to API
                            fullBooks[freshBook.Symbol] = fullOrderBook = await api.GetOrderBookAsync(freshBook.Symbol, maxCount);

                            fullOrderBook.Symbol = freshBook.Symbol;
                            // now that we have the full order book, we can process it (and any books in the queue)
                            // stop processing, other code will take these items out of the queue later

                    // check if any old books for this symbol, if so process them first
                    lock (freshBooksQueue)
                        if (freshBooksQueue.TryGetValue(freshBook.Symbol, out Queue <ExchangeOrderBook> freshQueue))
                            while (freshQueue.Count != 0)
                                updateOrderBook(fullOrderBook, freshQueue.Dequeue());

                // First response from exchange will be the full order book.
                // Subsequent updates will be deltas, at least some exchanges have their heads on straight
                case ExchangeName.BitMEX:
                case ExchangeName.Okex:
                case ExchangeName.Coinbase:
                    if (!foundFullBook)
                        fullBooks[freshBook.Symbol] = fullOrderBook = freshBook;
                        updateOrderBook(fullOrderBook, freshBook);


                // Websocket always returns full order book
                case ExchangeName.Huobi:
                    fullBooks[freshBook.Symbol] = fullOrderBook = freshBook;

                    throw new NotSupportedException("Full order book web socket not supported for exchange " + api.Name);

                fullOrderBook.LastUpdatedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

            IWebSocket socket = api.GetOrderBookDeltasWebSocket(async(b) =>
                    await innerCallback(b);
            }, maxCount, symbols);

            socket.Connected += (s) =>
                // when we re-connect, we must invalidate the order books, who knows how long we were disconnected
                //  and how out of date the order books are
                lock (freshBooksQueue)
                lock (fullBookRequestLock)
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>Get full order book bids and asks via web socket. This is efficient and will
        /// only use the order book deltas (if supported by the exchange).</summary>
        /// <param name="callback">Callback containing full order book</param>
        /// <param name="maxCount">Max count of bids and asks - not all exchanges will honor this
        /// parameter</param>
        /// <param name="symbols">Ticker symbols or null/empty for all of them (if supported)</param>
        /// <returns>Web socket, call Dispose to close</returns>
        public static IDisposable GetOrderBookWebSocket(this IExchangeAPI api, Action <ExchangeOrderBook> callback, int maxCount = 20, params string[] symbols)
            // Notes:
            // * Confirm with the Exchange's API docs whether the data in each event is the absolute quantity or differential quantity
            // * Receiving an event that removes a price level that is not in your local order book can happen and is normal.
            var fullBooks = new Dictionary <string, ExchangeOrderBook>();

            void innerCallback(ExchangeOrderBook freshBook)
                bool foundFullBook = fullBooks.TryGetValue(freshBook.Symbol, out ExchangeOrderBook fullOrderBook);

                switch (api.Name)
                // Fetch an initial book the first time and apply deltas on top
                case ExchangeName.Bittrex:
                case ExchangeName.Binance:
                case ExchangeName.Poloniex:
                    // If we don't have an initial order book for this symbol, fetch it
                    if (!foundFullBook)
                        fullBooks[freshBook.Symbol] = fullOrderBook = api.GetOrderBook(freshBook.Symbol, 1000);
                        fullOrderBook.Symbol        = freshBook.Symbol;

                    // update deltas as long as the full book is at or before the delta timestamp
                    if (fullOrderBook.SequenceId <= freshBook.SequenceId)
                        ApplyDelta(freshBook.Asks, fullOrderBook.Asks);
                        ApplyDelta(freshBook.Bids, fullOrderBook.Bids);
                        fullOrderBook.SequenceId = freshBook.SequenceId;


                // First response from exchange will be the full order book.
                // Subsequent updates will be deltas
                case ExchangeName.BitMEX:
                case ExchangeName.Okex:
                    if (!foundFullBook)
                        fullBooks[freshBook.Symbol] = fullOrderBook = freshBook;
                        fullOrderBook.Symbol        = freshBook.Symbol;
                        ApplyDelta(freshBook.Asks, fullOrderBook.Asks);
                        ApplyDelta(freshBook.Bids, fullOrderBook.Bids);


                // Websocket always returns full order book
                case ExchangeName.Huobi:
                    fullBooks[freshBook.Symbol] = fullOrderBook = freshBook;


            return(api.GetOrderBookDeltasWebSocket(innerCallback, maxCount, symbols));