Esempio n. 1
        public static void MinBy_Generic_NullSource_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
            IEnumerable <int> source = null;

            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("source", () => source.MinBy(x => x));
            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("source", () => source.MinBy(x => x, comparer: null));
            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("source", () => source.MinBy(x => x, Comparer <int> .Create((_, _) => 0)));
Esempio n. 2
        public static void MinBy_Generic_NullKeySelector_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
            IEnumerable <int> source      = Enumerable.Empty <int>();
            Func <int, int>   keySelector = null;

            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("keySelector", () => source.MinBy(keySelector));
            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("keySelector", () => source.MinBy(keySelector, comparer: null));
            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("keySelector", () => source.MinBy(keySelector, Comparer <int> .Create((_, _) => 0)));
Esempio n. 3
        public static (Point, Point, Point, Point) SortCorners(this IEnumerable <Point> corners)
            var tl = corners.MinBy(pt => pt.X + pt.Y); // top left
            var br = corners.MaxBy(pt => pt.X + pt.Y); // bottom right
            var tr = corners.MaxBy(pt => pt.X - pt.Y); // top right
            var bl = corners.MinBy(pt => pt.X - pt.Y); // bottom left

            return(tl, tr, br, bl);
        public void MinByOnNullEnumerableThrowsArgumentNullException()
            IEnumerable <int> sut = null;

            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => sut.MinBy(i => i));

            Assert.Equal("source", ex.ParamName);

            var ex2 = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => sut.MinBy(i => i, Comparer <int> .Default));

            Assert.Equal(ex.ParamName, ex2.ParamName);
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 ///     Quantifies the heatmap values to the nearest value in the supplied array
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Quantifications"></param>
 public void Quantify(IEnumerable <int> Quantifications)
     for (int X = 0; X < _Map.Length; X++)
         _Map[X] = Quantifications.MinBy(Q => Math.Abs(Q - _Map[X]));
        public void Test_Empty_MinBy()
            IEnumerable <MyObject> res = Enumerable.Empty <MyObject>();
            MyObject mo = res.MinBy();

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the elements with the minimum key value by using the specified comparer to compare key values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TSource">Source sequence element type.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TKey">Key type.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="source">Source sequence.</param>
        /// <param name="keySelector">Key selector used to extract the key for each element in the sequence.</param>
        /// <param name="comparerFactory">The definition of a comparer to compare keys.</param>
        public static IList <TSource> MinBy <TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable <TSource> source, Func <TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func <ComparerBuilderFor <TKey>, IFullComparer <TKey> > comparerFactory)
            _ = comparerFactory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(comparerFactory));
            var comparer = comparerFactory(ComparerBuilder.For <TKey>());

            return(source.MinBy(keySelector, comparer));
        public void Test_Null_MinBy()
            IEnumerable <MyObject> res = null;
            Action ac = () => res.MinBy();

            ac.Should().Throw <ArgumentNullException>();
 public static void BestThingRequestGroup()
     DebugTables.MakeTablesDialog(from x in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs
                                  where ListerThings.EverListable(x, ListerThingsUse.Global) || ListerThings.EverListable(x, ListerThingsUse.Region)
                                  orderby x.label
                                  select x, new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("defName", (ThingDef d) => d.defName), new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("best local", delegate(ThingDef d)
         IEnumerable <ThingRequestGroup> source2 = ListerThings.EverListable(d, ListerThingsUse.Region) ? ((ThingRequestGroup[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(ThingRequestGroup))).Where((ThingRequestGroup x) => x.StoreInRegion() && x.Includes(d)) : Enumerable.Empty <ThingRequestGroup>();
         if (!source2.Any())
         ThingRequestGroup best2 = source2.MinBy((ThingRequestGroup x) => DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs.Count((ThingDef y) => ListerThings.EverListable(y, ListerThingsUse.Region) && x.Includes(y)));
         return(best2 + " (defs: " + DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs.Count((ThingDef x) => ListerThings.EverListable(x, ListerThingsUse.Region) && best2.Includes(x)) + ")");
     }), new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("best global", delegate(ThingDef d)
         IEnumerable <ThingRequestGroup> source = ListerThings.EverListable(d, ListerThingsUse.Global) ? ((ThingRequestGroup[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(ThingRequestGroup))).Where((ThingRequestGroup x) => x.Includes(d)) : Enumerable.Empty <ThingRequestGroup>();
         if (!source.Any())
         ThingRequestGroup best = source.MinBy((ThingRequestGroup x) => DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs.Count((ThingDef y) => ListerThings.EverListable(y, ListerThingsUse.Global) && x.Includes(y)));
         return(best + " (defs: " + DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs.Count((ThingDef x) => ListerThings.EverListable(x, ListerThingsUse.Global) && best.Includes(x)) + ")");
Esempio n. 10
        public void StartTiming(bool startOnMovement = true)
            if (geolocator == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("LapTimer must be initialized before calling StartTiming.");

            if (isTiming)

            lapNumber            = 1;
            lapStartElapsedTime  = TimeSpan.Zero;
            headingNormalisation = new List <double>();
            lapCoordinates       = new List <LapDataPointViewModel>();
            currentSector        = generateSectors ? null : sectorCoordinates.MinBy(s => s.SectorNumber);
            accelerometer        = Accelerometer.GetDefault();
            if (accelerometer != null)
                accelerometer.ReadingChanged += accelerometer_ReadingChanged;

            geolocator.PositionChanged += geolocator_PositionChanged;
            if (!startOnMovement)
                isTiming = true;
                if (TimingStarted != null)
                    TimingStarted(this, null);
            isFirstReading = true;
Esempio n. 11
        public void Test_MinBy_NullSourceThrowsException()
            // Arrange.
            IEnumerable <TestContainer <int> > items = null;

            // Act/Assert.
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => items.MinBy(item => item.Item));
Esempio n. 12
        public static List <BarRequiredArea> MinBarRequiredArea(this IEnumerable <BarRequiredArea> results)
            if (results.IsNullOrEmpty() || results.Any(x => x.IsNull()))

            List <BarRequiredArea> minResults = new List <BarRequiredArea>();

            minResults.Add(results.MinBy(x => x.Top));
            minResults.Add(results.MinBy(x => x.Bottom));
            minResults.Add(results.MinBy(x => x.Perimeter));
            minResults.Add(results.MinBy(x => x.Shear));
            minResults.Add(results.MinBy(x => x.Torsion));

Esempio n. 13
 public Time DecideMinTime(IEnumerable <Time> g)
     if (g == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("g");
     return(g.MinBy(i => timeOrderingMap[i]));
Esempio n. 14
 public static Person GetNearest(Person myself, IEnumerable <Person> persons)
     if (!persons.Any())
     return(persons.MinBy(x => (x.transform.position - myself.transform.position).sqrMagnitude));
Esempio n. 15
 public static TKey MinValue <TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable <TSource> source, Func <TSource, TKey> selector, TKey defaultValue)
     if (source == null || !source.Any())
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 ///     Generates a copy of the heatmaps, quantized to the given enum values
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
 /// <param name="Quantifications"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public T[] MapQuantify <T>(IEnumerable <MapQuantification <T> > Quantifications)
     T[] QuantifiedMap = new T[_Map.Length];
     for (int X = 0; X < _Map.Length; X++)
         QuantifiedMap[X] = Quantifications.MinBy(Q => Math.Abs(Q.Value - _Map[X])).Quantification;
Esempio n. 17
        public static Construct Shallowest(this IEnumerable <Construct> cons)
            if (cons.IsEmpty())

            return(cons.MinBy(c => c.Depth).First());
Esempio n. 18
        public void MinBy_Throws_If_Source_Is_Null()
            IEnumerable <Foo> source = null;
            // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
            // ReSharper disable once ReturnValueOfPureMethodIsNotUsed
            var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => source.MinBy(_getFooValue));

Esempio n. 19
        public int Part1()
            var leastZerosLayer = _layers.MinBy(layer => layer.Count(c => c == '0')).First().ToArray();

            var onesCount = leastZerosLayer.Count(c => c == '1');
            var twosCount = leastZerosLayer.Count(c => c == '2');

            return(onesCount * twosCount);
        public static T MaxBy <T>(this IEnumerable <T> @this, IComparer <T> comparer = null) where T : class
            if (comparer == null)
                comparer = Comparer <T> .Default;

Esempio n. 21
        private void SaveFlatSeries(IEnumerable <Flat> flats)
            var flatSeries = new FlatSeries();

            flatSeries.Amount           = flats.Count();
            flatSeries.AvgPrice         = flats.Average(x => x.TotalPrice);
            flatSeries.AvgPricePerMeter = flats.Average(x => x.Surface) == 0 ? 0 : flatSeries.AvgPrice / flats.Average(x => x.Surface);

            flatSeries.BestValueId = flats.MinBy(x => x.Surface == 0 ? 0 : (x.TotalPrice / x.Surface)).FirstOrDefault()?.Id;

            flatSeries.BiggestId       = flats.MaxBy(x => x.Surface).FirstOrDefault()?.Id;
            flatSeries.MostExpensiveId = flats.MaxBy(x => x.TotalPrice).FirstOrDefault()?.Id;

            flatSeries.SmallestId = flats.MinBy(x => x.Surface).FirstOrDefault()?.Id;
            flatSeries.CheapestId = flats.MinBy(x => x.TotalPrice).FirstOrDefault()?.Id;

            flatSeries.DateFetched = DateTime.Now.Date;

        public LoadIncrementalState SelectDisplacement(
            StructureInfo info
            , LoadState state
            , LoadIncrementalState prediction
            , IEnumerable <LoadIncrementalState> candidates)
            double Function(LoadIncrementalState candidate) =>
            prediction.IncrementDisplacement.DotProduct(candidate.IncrementDisplacement) /
            (prediction.IncrementDisplacement.Norm(2) * candidate.IncrementDisplacement.Norm(2));

Esempio n. 23
        private static ISignature FromOverloads(Parameter[] allParameters, Overload[] overloads)
            // Make sure all overloads are distinct
            overloads = overloads.Distinct().ToArray();

            // If there is only one overload: use a Sequence
            if (overloads.Length == 1)
                return(new Sequence(overloads.Single().ToParameterList(allParameters)));

            // If there is an empty overload: use an Option and recurse
            Overload emptyOverload = overloads.FirstOrDefault(overload => overload.All(flag => !flag));

            if (emptyOverload != null)
                return(new Option {
                    Value = FromOverloads(allParameters, overloads.Except(new[] { emptyOverload }).ToArray())

            // Find contiguous areas of parameters that are independent from the rest.
            // Use a Sequence containing the constant parts and recurse for the independent areas.
            Interval[] independentAreas = GetIndependentAreas(new HashSet <Overload>(overloads));
            if (independentAreas.Any())
                var sequence = new Sequence();
                // Pad independent areas with zero-length dummy intervals
                var pairs = independentAreas.Prepend(new Interval()).Concat(new Interval()).Pairwise();
                foreach (Tuple <Interval, Interval> pair in pairs)
                    if (pair.Item1.Length > 0)
                        sequence.Add(FromArea(allParameters, overloads, pair.Item1));
                    for (int i = pair.Item1.End; i < pair.Item2.Start; i++)

            // If there are no independent areas:
            // Find all partitions of the overloads and use the one that yields the shortest representation.
            // Ignore the trivial one-group partition as this will result in an endless recursion.
            IEnumerable <Overload[][]> overloadPartitions = Partitioning.GetAllPartitions(overloads)
                                                            .Where(partition => partition.Length > 1);
            IEnumerable <Choice> possibleRepresentations = overloadPartitions
                                                           .Select(overloadGroups => new Choice(overloadGroups.Select(overloadGroup => FromOverloads(allParameters, overloadGroup.ToArray()))));

            return(possibleRepresentations.MinBy(representation => representation.ParameterCount));
Esempio n. 24
        private BodyPartRecord GetBestBodyPartToEat(Pawn ingester, float nutritionWanted)
            IEnumerable <BodyPartRecord> source = from x in
                                                  where x.depth == BodyPartDepth.Outside && FoodUtility.GetBodyPartNutrition(InnerPawn, x) > 0.001f
                                                  select x;

            if (!source.Any())
            return(source.MinBy((BodyPartRecord x) => Mathf.Abs(FoodUtility.GetBodyPartNutrition(InnerPawn, x) - nutritionWanted)));
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates either a Title-only or Title + Prefix Rank with the lowest tier possible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="titles">The collection of titles to use.</param>
        /// <returns>The generated Rank object, or null if none could be generated.</returns>
        private Rank LowestRankFrom(IEnumerable <Word> titles)
            if (!titles.Any())
            var nextTitle = titles.MinBy(title => title.Tier);

            // We don't check positively tiered prefixes because a title on its own is always tiered lower.
            var negativePrefixes = UnusedPrefixesFor(nextTitle).Where(prefix => prefix.Tier < 0);

            return(!negativePrefixes.Any() ? new Rank(nextTitle) : new Rank(nextTitle, prefix: negativePrefixes.MinBy(prefix => prefix.Tier)));
Esempio n. 26
    void RecalculateSoonestTimetableItemForDestination(Destination dest)
        IEnumerable <TimetableItem> timetableToDestination = GameManager.instance.timetable.Where(t => t.destination == dest && t.platform != null);            //collection of timetable items to this destination that have a platform assigned

        if (timetableToDestination.Any())                                                                                                                       //if no timetable items to this destination skip
            dest.SetSoonestTimetableItem(timetableToDestination.MinBy(t => t.scheduledDepartureTime));                                                          //if there are, retrieve the earliest one
Esempio n. 27
        public void Test_MinBy_NullComparerUsesDefault()
            // Arrange.
            IEnumerable <TestContainer <int> > items = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => new TestContainer <int> {
                Item = i

            // Act.
            TestContainer <int> min = items.MinBy(item => item.Item, null);

            // Assert.
            Assert.Equal(1, min.Item);
Esempio n. 28
 private static float GetMinimumDistanceBetweenPositions(
     Vec3 position,
     IEnumerable <ICastleKeyPosition> referencePositions,
     out ICastleKeyPosition closestCastlePosition)
     if (referencePositions != null && referencePositions.Count <ICastleKeyPosition>() != 0)
         closestCastlePosition = referencePositions.MinBy <ICastleKeyPosition, float>((Func <ICastleKeyPosition, float>)(rp => rp.GetPosition().DistanceSquared(position)));
     closestCastlePosition = (ICastleKeyPosition)null;
Esempio n. 29
 private void CalculateAffectedItems(FrameworkElement view)
     if (((PatternPlacementView)view).IsSelected)
         _affectedItems         = SelectedItems.Cast <PatternPlacementViewModel>();
         _minTick               = _affectedItems.MinBy(pp => pp.Start);
         (_minTrack, _maxTrack) = _affectedItems.MinMaxBy(pp => pp.TrackIndex);
         _affectedItems = new[] { (PatternPlacementViewModel)view.DataContext };
         _minTick       = _minTrack = _maxTrack = (PatternPlacementViewModel)view.DataContext;
        private static LykkeArbitrageRow GetBestByProperty(IEnumerable <LykkeArbitrageRow> arbitrages, ArbitrageProperty property)
            switch (property)
            case ArbitrageProperty.Volume:
                return(arbitrages.MaxBy(x => x.VolumeInUsd));

            case ArbitrageProperty.Spread:
                return(arbitrages.MinBy(x => x.Spread));

                return(arbitrages.MaxBy(x => x.PnL));
Esempio n. 31
 private IShipAttackable __SelectHighestPriorityAttackTgt(IEnumerable<IShipAttackable> availableAttackTgts) {
     return availableAttackTgts.MinBy(target => Vector3.SqrMagnitude(target.Position - Position));
Esempio n. 32
 public Car FindClosestCar(IEnumerable <Car> cars)
     return cars.MinBy (Distance);