Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine the best of the given targets for the next mining laser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chosenTargets"></param>
        /// <param name="activeModuleCountByTargetId"></param>
        /// <param name="intendedModuleCountByTargetId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEntityWrapper GetBestTargetForMiningLaser(IEnumerable <IEntityWrapper> chosenTargets, IDictionary <long, int> activeModuleCountByTargetId,
                                                           IDictionary <long, int> intendedModuleCountByTargetId)
            var methodName = "GetBestTargetForMiningLaser";


            IEntityWrapper chosenTarget = null;

            foreach (var target in chosenTargets)
                var activeModuleCount   = activeModuleCountByTargetId[target.ID];
                var intendedModuleCount = intendedModuleCountByTargetId[target.ID];

                var neededModules = intendedModuleCount - activeModuleCount;
                if (neededModules <= 0)

                chosenTarget = target;
Esempio n. 2
        // <summary>
        // Disconnected removes are not supported for an EntityReference so we should report this as an error.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="wrappedEntity"> The entity to remove from the related end in a disconnected state. </param>
        internal override bool DisconnectedRemove(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)

Esempio n. 3
 internal override void ClearCollectionOrRef(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, RelationshipNavigation navigation, bool doCascadeDelete)
     if (null != _wrappedRelatedEntities)
         //copy into list because changing collection member is not allowed during enumeration.
         // If possible avoid copying into list.
         var tempCopy = new List <IEntityWrapper>(_wrappedRelatedEntities.Values);
         foreach (var wrappedCurrent in tempCopy)
             // Following condition checks if we have already visited this graph node. If its true then
             // we should not do fixup because that would cause circular loop
             if ((wrappedEntity.Entity == wrappedCurrent.Entity) &&
                     wrappedCurrent, /*fixup*/ false, /*deleteEntity*/ false, /*deleteOwner*/ false, /*applyReferentialConstraints*/
                     false, /*preserveForeignKey*/ false);
                     wrappedCurrent, /*fixup*/ true, doCascadeDelete, /*deleteOwner*/ false, /*applyReferentialConstraints*/ false,
                     /*preserveForeignKey*/ false);
             _wrappedRelatedEntities.Count == 0, "After removing all related entities local collection count should be zero");
Esempio n. 4
        internal EntityKey ValidateOwnerWithRIConstraints(IEntityWrapper targetEntity, EntityKey targetEntityKey, bool checkBothEnds)
            EntityKey ownerKey = WrappedOwner.EntityKey;

            // Check if Referential Constraints are violated
            if ((object)ownerKey != null &&
                !ownerKey.IsTemporary &&
                IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(checkIdentifying: true))
                Debug.Assert(CachedForeignKey != null || EntityKey == null, "CachedForeignKey should not be null if EntityKey is not null.");
                                             targetEntityKey == null,
                                             (this.CachedForeignKey != null && this.CachedForeignKey != targetEntityKey));
            else if (checkBothEnds && targetEntity != null && targetEntity.Entity != null)
                EntityReference otherEnd = GetOtherEndOfRelationship(targetEntity) as EntityReference;
                if (otherEnd != null)
                    otherEnd.ValidateOwnerWithRIConstraints(WrappedOwner, ownerKey, checkBothEnds: false);

        public IEntityWrapper HandleEntity <TEntity>(
            IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity,
            EntityKey entityKey,
            EntitySet entitySet)
            IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity1 = wrappedEntity;

            if ((object)entityKey != null)
                EntityEntry entityEntry = this.Context.ObjectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(entityKey);
                if (entityEntry != null && !entityEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                    this.UpdateEntry <TEntity>(wrappedEntity, entityEntry);
                    wrappedEntity1 = entityEntry.WrappedEntity;
                    if (entityEntry == null)
                        this.Context.ObjectStateManager.AddEntry(wrappedEntity, entityKey, entitySet, nameof(HandleEntity), false);
                        this.Context.ObjectStateManager.PromoteKeyEntry(entityEntry, wrappedEntity, false, true, false);
Esempio n. 6
        public bool IsRatTarget(IEntityWrapper entity)
            //if it's not an npc, return false.
            if (entity.IsPC || !IsNpc(entity))

            //If it's a celestial, station, or asteroid return false
            switch (entity.CategoryID)
            case (int)CategoryIDs.Station:
            case (int)CategoryIDs.Celestial:
            case (int)CategoryIDs.Asteroid:
            case (int)CategoryIDs.Charge:

            //If it's a collidable, jetcan, or spawn container, return false.
            switch (entity.GroupID)
            case (int)GroupIDs.LargeCollidableObject:
            case (int)GroupIDs.LargeCollidableShip:
            case (int)GroupIDs.LargeCollidableStructure:
            case (int)GroupIDs.SpawnContainer:
            case (int)GroupIDs.CargoContainer:
            case (int)GroupIDs.DeadspaceOverseersStructure:
            case (int)GroupIDs.CombatDrone:
            case (int)GroupIDs.Orbital_Infrastructure:

Esempio n. 7
        internal void UpdateForeignKeyValues(IEntityWrapper dependentEntity, EntityKey principalKey)
            ReferentialConstraint referentialConstraint = ((AssociationType)this.RelationMetadata).ReferentialConstraints[0];
            ObjectStateManager    objectStateManager    = this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;

                EntitySet entitySet = ((AssociationSet)this.RelationshipSet).AssociationSetEnds[this.FromEndMember.Name].EntitySet;
                StateManagerTypeMetadata managerTypeMetadata = objectStateManager.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(dependentEntity.IdentityType, entitySet);
                for (int index = 0; index < referentialConstraint.FromProperties.Count; ++index)
                    object valueByName      = principalKey.FindValueByName(referentialConstraint.FromProperties[index].Name);
                    int    olayerMemberName = managerTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(referentialConstraint.ToProperties[index].Name);
                    object x = managerTypeMetadata.Member(olayerMemberName).GetValue(dependentEntity.Entity);
                    if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(x, valueByName))
                        dependentEntity.SetCurrentValue(dependentEntity.ObjectStateEntry, managerTypeMetadata.Member(olayerMemberName), -1, dependentEntity.Entity, valueByName);
                this.SetCachedForeignKey(principalKey, dependentEntity.ObjectStateEntry);
                if (this.WrappedOwner.ObjectStateEntry == null)
                objectStateManager.ForgetEntryWithConceptualNull(this.WrappedOwner.ObjectStateEntry, false);
Esempio n. 8
        internal override bool CheckReferentialConstraintPrincipalProperty(
            EntityEntry ownerEntry,
            ReferentialConstraint constraint)
            EntityKey principalKey;

            if (!this.IsEmpty())
                IEntityWrapper referenceValue = this.ReferenceValue;
                if (referenceValue.ObjectStateEntry != null && referenceValue.ObjectStateEntry.State == EntityState.Added)
                principalKey = this.ExtractPrincipalKey(referenceValue);
                if (this.ToEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity != RelationshipMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne && this.ToEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity != RelationshipMultiplicity.One || !(this.DetachedEntityKey != (EntityKey)null))
                principalKey = !this.IsForeignKey || this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAddTracking || this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking ? this.DetachedEntityKey : this.EntityKey;
            return(RelatedEnd.VerifyRIConstraintsWithRelatedEntry(constraint, new Func <string, object>(ownerEntry.GetCurrentEntityValue), principalKey));
Esempio n. 9
 internal EntityReference(
     IEntityWrapper wrappedOwner,
     RelationshipNavigation navigation,
     IRelationshipFixer relationshipFixer)
     : base(wrappedOwner, navigation, relationshipFixer)
 internal override void VerifyType(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
     if (!CanSetEntityType(wrappedEntity))
         throw EntityUtil.InvalidContainedTypeReference(wrappedEntity.Entity.GetType().FullName, typeof(TEntity).FullName);
Esempio n. 11
        private void BreakAction(IEntityWrapper targetEntity)
            var methodName = "BreakAction";

// ReSharper disable SpecifyACultureInStringConversionExplicitly
            LogTrace(methodName, "Target Entity: {0}", targetEntity == null ? "null" : targetEntity.ID.ToString());
// ReSharper restore SpecifyACultureInStringConversionExplicitly

            if (StealthBot.Movement.IsMoving)

            if (targetEntity == null)

            if (StealthBot.TargetQueue.IsQueued(targetEntity.ID))

            if (targetEntity.IsLockedTarget)
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to create a new wrapper outside of the normal materialization process.
        /// This method is typically used when a new entity is created outside the context and then is
        /// added or attached.  The materializer bypasses this method and calls wrapper constructors
        /// directory for performance reasons.
        /// This method does not check whether or not the wrapper already exists in the context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity for which a wrapper will be created</param>
        /// <param name="key">The key associated with that entity, or null</param>
        /// <returns>The new wrapper instance</returns>
        internal static IEntityWrapper CreateNewWrapper(object entity, EntityKey key)
            Debug.Assert(!(entity is IEntityWrapper), "Object is an IEntityWrapper instance instead of the raw entity.");
            if (entity == null)
            // We used a cache of functions based on the actual type of entity that we need to wrap.
            // Creatung these functions is slow, but once they are created they are relatively fast.
            IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity = _delegateCache.Evaluate(entity.GetType())(entity);

            wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.SetWrappedOwner(wrappedEntity, entity);
            // We cast to object here to avoid calling the overridden != operator on EntityKey.
            // This creates a very small perf gain, which is none-the-less significant for lean no-tracking cases.
            if ((object)key != null && (object)wrappedEntity.EntityKey == null)
                wrappedEntity.EntityKey = key;

            // If the entity is a proxy, set the wrapper to match
            EntityProxyTypeInfo proxyTypeInfo;

            if (EntityProxyFactory.TryGetProxyType(entity.GetType(), out proxyTypeInfo))

 internal EntityCollection(
     IEntityWrapper wrappedOwner,
     RelationshipNavigation navigation,
     IRelationshipFixer relationshipFixer)
     : base(wrappedOwner, navigation, relationshipFixer)
        internal override void AddToLocalCache(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool applyConstraints)
            if (wrappedEntity == this._wrappedCachedValue)
            TransactionManager transactionManager = this.ObjectContext != null ? this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager : (TransactionManager)null;

            if (applyConstraints && this._wrappedCachedValue.Entity != null && (transactionManager == null || transactionManager.ProcessedEntities == null || transactionManager.ProcessedEntities.Contains(this._wrappedCachedValue)))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.EntityReference_CannotAddMoreThanOneEntityToEntityReference((object)this.RelationshipNavigation.To, (object)this.RelationshipNavigation.RelationshipName));
            if (transactionManager != null)
                if (wrappedEntity.Entity != null)
                this.ClearCollectionOrRef((IEntityWrapper)null, (RelationshipNavigation)null, false);
                this._wrappedCachedValue = wrappedEntity;
                this._cachedValue        = (TEntity)wrappedEntity.Entity;
                if (transactionManager != null && transactionManager.IsRelatedEndAdd)
Esempio n. 15
        internal override bool CheckIfNavigationPropertyContainsEntity(IEntityWrapper wrapper)
            Debug.Assert(RelationshipNavigation != null, "null RelationshipNavigation");

            // If the navigation property doesn't exist (e.g. unidirectional prop), then it can't contain the entity.
            if (!TargetAccessor.HasProperty)

            var value = WrappedOwner.GetNavigationPropertyValue(this);

            if (value != null)
                var enumerable = value as IEnumerable;
                if (enumerable == null)
                    throw new EntityException(
                                  TargetAccessor.PropertyName, WrappedOwner.Entity.GetType().FullName));

                foreach (var o in enumerable)
                    if (ReferenceEquals(o, wrapper.Entity))
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Method called by proxy interceptor delegate to provide lazy loading behavior for navigation properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TItem">property type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="propertyValue">The property value whose associated relationship is to be loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="relationshipName">String name of the relationship.</param>
        /// <param name="targetRoleName">String name of the related end to be loaded for the relationship specified by <paramref name="relationshipName"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="wrapperObject">Entity wrapper object used to retrieve RelationshipManager for the proxied entity.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if the value instance was mutated and can be returned
        /// False if the class should refetch the value because the instance has changed
        /// </returns>
        private static bool LoadProperty <TItem>(TItem propertyValue, string relationshipName, string targetRoleName, bool mustBeNull, object wrapperObject) where TItem : class
            // Only attempt to load collection if:
            // 1. Collection is non-null.
            // 2. ObjectContext.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled is true
            // 3. A non-null RelationshipManager can be retrieved (this is asserted).
            // 4. The EntityCollection is not already loaded.

            Debug.Assert(wrapperObject == null || wrapperObject is IEntityWrapper, "wrapperObject must be an IEntityWrapper");
            IEntityWrapper wrapper = (IEntityWrapper)wrapperObject; // We want an exception if the cast fails.

            if (wrapper != null && wrapper.Context != null)
                RelationshipManager relationshipManager = wrapper.RelationshipManager;
                Debug.Assert(relationshipManager != null, "relationshipManager should be non-null");
                if (relationshipManager != null && (!mustBeNull || propertyValue == null))
                    RelatedEnd relatedEnd = relationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(relationshipName, targetRoleName);

            return(propertyValue != null);
 internal override void ClearCollectionOrRef(
     IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity,
     RelationshipNavigation navigation,
     bool doCascadeDelete)
     if (wrappedEntity == null)
         wrappedEntity = NullEntityWrapper.NullWrapper;
     if (this._wrappedCachedValue.Entity != null)
         if (wrappedEntity.Entity == this._wrappedCachedValue.Entity && navigation.Equals((object)this.RelationshipNavigation))
             this.Remove(this._wrappedCachedValue, false, false, false, false, false);
             this.Remove(this._wrappedCachedValue, true, doCascadeDelete, false, true, false);
     else if (this.WrappedOwner.Entity != null && this.WrappedOwner.Context != null && !this.UsingNoTracking)
         this.WrappedOwner.Context.ObjectStateManager.GetEntityEntry(this.WrappedOwner.Entity).DeleteRelationshipsThatReferenceKeys(this.RelationshipSet, this.ToEndMember);
     if (this.WrappedOwner.Entity == null)
     this.DetachedEntityKey = (EntityKey)null;
 internal override void VerifyType(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
     if (!this.CanSetEntityType(wrappedEntity))
         throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.RelatedEnd_InvalidContainedType_Reference((object)wrappedEntity.Entity.GetType().FullName, (object)typeof(TEntity).FullName));
Esempio n. 19
 private void CheckClearedEntryOnSpan(
     object targetValue, IEntityWrapper wrappedSource, EntityKey sourceKey, AssociationEndMember targetMember)
     // If a relationship does not exist on the server but does exist on the client,
     // we may need to remove it, depending on the current state and the MergeOption
     if ((null != (object)sourceKey) &&
         (null == targetValue) &&
         (MergeOption == MergeOption.PreserveChanges ||
          MergeOption == MergeOption.OverwriteChanges))
         // When the spanned value is null, it may be because the spanned association applies to a
         // subtype of the entity's type, and the entity is not actually an instance of that type.
         var       sourceEnd          = MetadataHelper.GetOtherAssociationEnd(targetMember);
         EdmType   expectedSourceType = ((RefType)sourceEnd.TypeUsage.EdmType).ElementType;
         TypeUsage entityTypeUsage;
         if (!Context.Perspective.TryGetType(wrappedSource.IdentityType, out entityTypeUsage) ||
             entityTypeUsage.EdmType.EdmEquals(expectedSourceType) ||
             TypeSemantics.IsSubTypeOf(entityTypeUsage.EdmType, expectedSourceType))
             // Otherwise, the source entity is the correct type (exactly or a subtype) for the source
             // end of the spanned association, so validate that the relationhip that was spanned is
             // part of the Container owning the EntitySet of the root entity.
             // This can be done by comparing the EntitySet  of the row's entity to the relationships
             // in the Container and their AssociationSetEnd's type
             CheckClearedEntryOnSpan(sourceKey, targetMember);
        private void IncludeEntityKey(bool doAttach)
            ObjectStateManager objectStateManager = this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;
            bool        flag1       = false;
            bool        flag2       = false;
            EntityEntry entityEntry = objectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(this.DetachedEntityKey);

            if (entityEntry == null)
                flag2 = true;
                flag1 = true;
            else if (entityEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                if (this.FromEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity != RelationshipMultiplicity.Many)
                    foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.FindRelationshipsByKey(this.DetachedEntityKey))
                        if (relationshipEntry.IsSameAssociationSetAndRole((AssociationSet)this.RelationshipSet, (AssociationEndMember)this.ToEndMember, this.DetachedEntityKey) && relationshipEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ObjectStateManager_EntityConflictsWithKeyEntry);
                flag1 = true;
                IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity = entityEntry.WrappedEntity;
                if (entityEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.RelatedEnd_UnableToAddRelationshipWithDeletedEntity);
                RelatedEnd relatedEndInternal = wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(this.RelationshipName, this.RelationshipNavigation.From);
                if (this.FromEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity != RelationshipMultiplicity.Many && !relatedEndInternal.IsEmpty())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ObjectStateManager_EntityConflictsWithKeyEntry);
                this.Add(wrappedEntity, true, doAttach, false, true, true);
            if (!flag1 || this.IsForeignKey)
            if (flag2)
                EntitySet entitySet = this.DetachedEntityKey.GetEntitySet(this.ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace);
                objectStateManager.AddKeyEntry(this.DetachedEntityKey, entitySet);
            EntityKey entityKey = this.WrappedOwner.EntityKey;

            if ((object)entityKey == null)
                throw Error.EntityKey_UnexpectedNull();
            RelationshipWrapper wrapper = new RelationshipWrapper((AssociationSet)this.RelationshipSet, this.RelationshipNavigation.From, entityKey, this.RelationshipNavigation.To, this.DetachedEntityKey);

            objectStateManager.AddNewRelation(wrapper, doAttach ? EntityState.Unchanged : EntityState.Added);
Esempio n. 21
        // <summary>
        // Call to ensure a single full-spanned element is added into
        // the state manager properly.
        // </summary>
        public IEntityWrapper HandleFullSpanElement(
            IEntityWrapper wrappedSource, IEntityWrapper wrappedSpannedEntity, AssociationEndMember targetMember)
            if (wrappedSource.Entity == null)
            List <IEntityWrapper> spannedEntities = null;

            if (wrappedSpannedEntity.Entity != null)
                // There was a single entity in the column
                // Create a list so we can perform the same logic as a collection of entities
                spannedEntities = new List <IEntityWrapper>(1);
                var sourceKey = wrappedSource.EntityKey;
                CheckClearedEntryOnSpan(null, wrappedSource, sourceKey, targetMember);
            FullSpanAction(wrappedSource, spannedEntities, targetMember);
Esempio n. 22
 protected void RegisterMaterializedEntityForEvent(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
     if (_materializedEntities != null)
Esempio n. 23
        internal override bool CheckIfNavigationPropertyContainsEntity(IEntityWrapper wrapper)
            Debug.Assert(this.RelationshipNavigation != null, "null RelationshipNavigation");

            // If the navigation property doesn't exist (e.g. unidirectional prop), then it can't contain the entity.
            if (!TargetAccessor.HasProperty)

            object value = this.WrappedOwner.GetNavigationPropertyValue(this);

            if (value != null)
                if (!(value is IEnumerable))
                    throw new EntityException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateEntry_UnableToEnumerateCollection(
                                                  this.TargetAccessor.PropertyName, this.WrappedOwner.Entity.GetType().FullName));

                foreach (object o in (value as IEnumerable))
                    if (Object.Equals(o, wrapper.Entity))
        internal override bool CheckIfNavigationPropertyContainsEntity(IEntityWrapper wrapper)
            if (!this.TargetAccessor.HasProperty)
            bool state = this.DisableLazyLoading();

                object navigationPropertyValue = this.WrappedOwner.GetNavigationPropertyValue((RelatedEnd)this);
                if (navigationPropertyValue != null)
                    IEnumerable <TEntity> source = navigationPropertyValue as IEnumerable <TEntity>;
                    if (source == null)
                        throw new EntityException(Strings.ObjectStateEntry_UnableToEnumerateCollection((object)this.TargetAccessor.PropertyName, (object)this.WrappedOwner.Entity.GetType().FullName));
                    HashSet <TEntity> entitySet = navigationPropertyValue as HashSet <TEntity>;
                    if (!wrapper.OverridesEqualsOrGetHashCode || entitySet != null && entitySet.Comparer is ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer)
                        return(source.Contains <TEntity>((TEntity)wrapper.Entity));
                    return(source.Any <TEntity>((Func <TEntity, bool>)(o => object.ReferenceEquals((object)o, wrapper.Entity))));
 internal override bool CheckIfNavigationPropertyContainsEntity(IEntityWrapper wrapper)
     if (!this.TargetAccessor.HasProperty)
     return(object.ReferenceEquals(this.WrappedOwner.GetNavigationPropertyValue((RelatedEnd)this), wrapper.Entity));
 internal override bool ContainsEntity(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
     if (this._wrappedCachedValue.Entity != null)
         return(this._wrappedCachedValue.Entity == wrappedEntity.Entity);
 internal override bool RemoveFromObjectCache(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
     if (this.TargetAccessor.HasProperty)
         this.WrappedOwner.RemoveNavigationPropertyValue((RelatedEnd)this, wrappedEntity.Entity);
 internal override void AddToObjectCache(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
     if (!this.TargetAccessor.HasProperty)
     this.WrappedOwner.SetNavigationPropertyValue((RelatedEnd)this, wrappedEntity.Entity);
 internal override void AddToObjectCache(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
     // For POCO entities - set the CLR reference
     if (this.TargetAccessor.HasProperty)
         this.WrappedOwner.SetNavigationPropertyValue(this, wrappedEntity.Entity);
 internal EntityReference(
     IEntityWrapper wrappedOwner,
     RelationshipNavigation navigation,
     IRelationshipFixer relationshipFixer)
     : base(wrappedOwner, navigation, relationshipFixer)
     this._wrappedCachedValue = NullEntityWrapper.NullWrapper;
Esempio n. 31
 public GetHelper(IEntityWrapper entityWrapper)
     _entityWrapper = entityWrapper;
Esempio n. 32
 public void SetUp()
     _entityWrapper = Substitute.For<IEntityWrapper>();
     _postHelper = new PostHelper(_entityWrapper);
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the proxy object's private entity wrapper field value to the specified entity wrapper object.
 /// The proxy object (representing the wrapped entity) is retrieved from the wrapper itself.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wrapper">Wrapper object to be referenced by the proxy.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The supplied entity wrapper.
 /// This is done so that this method can be more easily composed within lambda expressions (such as in the materializer).
 /// </returns>
 internal IEntityWrapper SetEntityWrapper(IEntityWrapper wrapper)
     Debug.Assert(wrapper != null, "wrapper must be non-null");
     Debug.Assert(wrapper.Entity != null, "proxy must be non-null");
     return Proxy_SetEntityWrapper(wrapper.Entity, wrapper) as IEntityWrapper;
 private EntityKey ExtractPrincipalKey(IEntityWrapper wrappedRelatedEntity)
     var principalEntitySet = GetTargetEntitySetFromRelationshipSet();
     // get or create a key to use to compare the values -- the target entity might not have been attached
     // yet so it may not have a key, but we can create one here to use for checking the values
     var principalKey = wrappedRelatedEntity.EntityKey;
     if (null != (object)principalKey
         && !principalKey.IsTemporary)
         // Validate the key here because we need to get values from it for verification
         // and that will fail if the key is malformed.
         // Verify only if the key already exists.
         EntityUtil.ValidateEntitySetInKey(principalKey, principalEntitySet);
         principalKey.ValidateEntityKey(ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace, principalEntitySet);
         principalKey = ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.CreateEntityKey(principalEntitySet, wrappedRelatedEntity.Entity);
     return principalKey;
        internal override void AddEntityToObjectStateManager(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool doAttach)
            base.AddEntityToObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity, doAttach);

            // Now that we know we have a valid EntityKey for the target entity, verify that it matches the detached EntityKey, if there is one
            if (DetachedEntityKey != null)
                var targetKey = wrappedEntity.EntityKey;
                if (DetachedEntityKey != targetKey)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.EntityReference_EntityKeyValueMismatch);
            // else -- null just means the key isn't set, so the target entity key doesn't also have to be null
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes key values from the given principal key and transfers them to the foreign key properties
        /// of the dependant entry.  This method requires a context, but does not require that either
        /// entity or key is in the context.  This allows it to work in NoTracking cases where we have the context
        /// but we're not tracked by that context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependentEntity">The entity into which foreign key values will be written</param>
        /// <param name="principalEntity">The key from which key values will be obtained</param>
        internal void UpdateForeignKeyValues(IEntityWrapper dependentEntity, EntityKey principalKey)
            Debug.Assert(dependentEntity.Entity != null, "dependentEntity.Entity == null");
            Debug.Assert(principalKey != null, "principalKey == null");
            Debug.Assert(!principalKey.IsTemporary, "Cannot update from a temp key");
            Debug.Assert(IsForeignKey, "cannot update foreign key values if the relationship is not a FK");
            var constraint = ((AssociationType)RelationMetadata).ReferentialConstraints[0];
            Debug.Assert(constraint != null, "null constraint");

            var stateManager = ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;
                var dependentEntitySet = ((AssociationSet)RelationshipSet).AssociationSetEnds[FromEndMember.Name].EntitySet;
                var dependentTypeMetadata = stateManager.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(dependentEntity.IdentityType, dependentEntitySet);

                for (var i = 0; i < constraint.FromProperties.Count; i++)
                    var value = principalKey.FindValueByName(constraint.FromProperties[i].Name);
                    var dependentOrdinal = dependentTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(constraint.ToProperties[i].Name);
                    var currentValue = dependentTypeMetadata.Member(dependentOrdinal).GetValue(dependentEntity.Entity);
                    if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(currentValue, value))

                SetCachedForeignKey(principalKey, dependentEntity.ObjectStateEntry);
                if (WrappedOwner.ObjectStateEntry != null)
                    stateManager.ForgetEntryWithConceptualNull(WrappedOwner.ObjectStateEntry, resetAllKeys: false);
 internal static bool TryGetProxyWrapper(object instance, out IEntityWrapper wrapper)
     Debug.Assert(instance != null, "the instance should not be null");
     wrapper = null;
     EntityProxyTypeInfo proxyTypeInfo;
     if (IsProxyType(instance.GetType()) &&
         TryGetProxyType(instance.GetType(), out proxyTypeInfo))
         wrapper = proxyTypeInfo.GetEntityWrapper(instance);
     return wrapper != null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes key values from the given principal entity and transfers them to the foreign key properties
        /// of the dependant entry.  This method requires a context, but does not require that either
        /// entity is in the context.  This allows it to work in NoTracking cases where we have the context
        /// but we're not tracked by that context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependentEntity">The entity into which foreign key values will be written</param>
        /// <param name="principalEntity">The entity from which key values will be obtained</param>
        /// <param name="changedFKs">If non-null, then keeps track of FKs that have already been set such that an exception can be thrown if we find conflicting values</param>
        /// <param name="forceChange">If true, then the property setter is called even if FK values already match,
        ///                           which causes the FK properties to be marked as modified.</param>
        internal void UpdateForeignKeyValues(
            IEntityWrapper dependentEntity, IEntityWrapper principalEntity, Dictionary<int, object> changedFKs, bool forceChange)
            Debug.Assert(dependentEntity.Entity != null, "dependentEntity.Entity == null");
            Debug.Assert(principalEntity.Entity != null, "principalEntity.Entity == null");
            Debug.Assert(IsForeignKey, "cannot update foreign key values if the relationship is not a FK");
            var constraint = ((AssociationType)RelationMetadata).ReferentialConstraints[0];
            Debug.Assert(constraint != null, "null constraint");

            var isUnchangedDependent = (object)WrappedOwner.EntityKey != null &&
                                       !WrappedOwner.EntityKey.IsTemporary &&
                                       IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(checkIdentifying: true);

            var stateManager = ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;
                var principalEntitySet = ((AssociationSet)RelationshipSet).AssociationSetEnds[ToEndMember.Name].EntitySet;
                var principalTypeMetadata = stateManager.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(principalEntity.IdentityType, principalEntitySet);

                var dependentEntitySet = ((AssociationSet)RelationshipSet).AssociationSetEnds[FromEndMember.Name].EntitySet;
                var dependentTypeMetadata = stateManager.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(dependentEntity.IdentityType, dependentEntitySet);

                var principalProps = constraint.FromProperties;
                var numValues = principalProps.Count;
                string[] keyNames = null;
                object[] values = null;
                if (numValues > 1)
                    keyNames = principalEntitySet.ElementType.KeyMemberNames;
                    values = new object[numValues];
                for (var i = 0; i < numValues; i++)
                    var principalOrdinal = principalTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(principalProps[i].Name);
                    var value = principalTypeMetadata.Member(principalOrdinal).GetValue(principalEntity.Entity);
                    var dependentOrdinal = dependentTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(constraint.ToProperties[i].Name);
                    var valueChanging =
                            dependentTypeMetadata.Member(dependentOrdinal).GetValue(dependentEntity.Entity), value);
                    if (forceChange || valueChanging)
                        if (isUnchangedDependent)
                                principalEntity, settingToNull: value == null, changingForeignKeyValue: valueChanging);
                        // If we're tracking FK values that have already been set, then compare the value we are about to set
                        // to the value we previously set for this ordinal, if such a value exists.  If they don't match then
                        // it means that we got conflicting FK values from two different PKs and we should throw.
                        if (changedFKs != null)
                            object previouslySetValue;
                            if (changedFKs.TryGetValue(dependentOrdinal, out previouslySetValue))
                                if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(previouslySetValue, value))
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.Update_ReferentialConstraintIntegrityViolation);
                                changedFKs[dependentOrdinal] = value;

                    if (numValues > 1)
                        var keyIndex = Array.IndexOf(keyNames, principalProps[i].Name);
                        Debug.Assert(keyIndex >= 0 && keyIndex < numValues, "Could not find constraint prop name in entity set key names");
                        values[keyIndex] = value;
                        SetCachedForeignKey(new EntityKey(principalEntitySet, value), dependentEntity.ObjectStateEntry);

                if (numValues > 1)
                    SetCachedForeignKey(new EntityKey(principalEntitySet, values), dependentEntity.ObjectStateEntry);
                if (WrappedOwner.ObjectStateEntry != null)
                    stateManager.ForgetEntryWithConceptualNull(WrappedOwner.ObjectStateEntry, resetAllKeys: false);
        internal void ValidateSettingRIConstraints(IEntityWrapper targetEntity, bool settingToNull, bool changingForeignKeyValue)
            var isNoTracking = targetEntity != null && targetEntity.MergeOption == MergeOption.NoTracking;

            if (settingToNull || // setting the principle to null
                || // existing key does not match incoming key
                (targetEntity != null &&
                 !isNoTracking &&
                 (targetEntity.ObjectStateEntry == null || // setting to a detached principle
                  (EntityKey == null && targetEntity.ObjectStateEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted || // setting to a deleted principle
                   (CachedForeignKey == null && targetEntity.ObjectStateEntry.State == EntityState.Added)))))
                // setting to an added principle
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.EntityReference_CannotChangeReferentialConstraintProperty);
        internal EntityKey ValidateOwnerWithRIConstraints(IEntityWrapper targetEntity, EntityKey targetEntityKey, bool checkBothEnds)
            var ownerKey = WrappedOwner.EntityKey;

            // Check if Referential Constraints are violated
            if ((object)ownerKey != null &&
                IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(checkIdentifying: true))
                Debug.Assert(CachedForeignKey != null || EntityKey == null, "CachedForeignKey should not be null if EntityKey is not null.");
                    targetEntityKey == null,
                    (CachedForeignKey != null && CachedForeignKey != targetEntityKey));
            else if (checkBothEnds && targetEntity != null
                     && targetEntity.Entity != null)
                var otherEnd = GetOtherEndOfRelationship(targetEntity) as EntityReference;
                if (otherEnd != null)
                    otherEnd.ValidateOwnerWithRIConstraints(WrappedOwner, ownerKey, checkBothEnds: false);

            return ownerKey;
        internal static IEnumerable<AssociationType> TryGetAllAssociationTypesFromProxyInfo(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)

            EntityProxyTypeInfo proxyInfo;
            return TryGetProxyType(wrappedEntity.Entity.GetType(), out proxyInfo)
                       ? proxyInfo.GetAllAssociationTypes()
                       : null;
        /// <summary>
        ///     A mechanism to lookup AssociationType metadata for proxies for a given entity and association information
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wrappedEntity"> The entity instance used to lookup the proxy type </param>
        /// <param name="relationshipName"> The name of the relationship (FullName or Name) </param>
        /// <param name="associationType"> The AssociationType for that property </param>
        /// <returns> True if an AssociationType is found in proxy metadata, false otherwise </returns>
        internal static bool TryGetAssociationTypeFromProxyInfo(
            IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, string relationshipName, out AssociationType associationType)

            EntityProxyTypeInfo proxyInfo;
            associationType = null;
            return (TryGetProxyType(wrappedEntity.Entity.GetType(), out proxyInfo) && proxyInfo != null &&
                    proxyInfo.TryGetNavigationPropertyAssociationType(relationshipName, out associationType));
 internal static bool TryGetProxyWrapper(object instance, out IEntityWrapper wrapper)
     wrapper = null;
     EntityProxyTypeInfo proxyTypeInfo;
     if (IsProxyType(instance.GetType())
         TryGetProxyType(instance.GetType(), out proxyTypeInfo))
         wrapper = proxyTypeInfo.GetEntityWrapper(instance);
     return wrapper != null;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Set the proxy object's private entity wrapper field value to the specified entity wrapper object.
 ///     The proxy object (representing the wrapped entity) is retrieved from the wrapper itself.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wrapper"> Wrapper object to be referenced by the proxy. </param>
 /// <returns> The supplied entity wrapper. This is done so that this method can be more easily composed within lambda expressions (such as in the materializer). </returns>
 internal IEntityWrapper SetEntityWrapper(IEntityWrapper wrapper)
     return Proxy_SetEntityWrapper(wrapper.Entity, wrapper) as IEntityWrapper;
 internal EntityReference(IEntityWrapper wrappedOwner, RelationshipNavigation navigation, IRelationshipFixer relationshipFixer)
     : base(wrappedOwner, navigation, relationshipFixer)
 /// <summary>
 /// A mechanism to lookup AssociationType metadata for proxies for a given entity and association information
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wrappedEntity">The entity instance used to lookup the proxy type</param>
 /// <param name="relationshipName">The name of the relationship (FullName or Name)</param>
 /// <param name="targetRoleName">Target role of the relationship</param>
 /// <param name="associationType">The AssociationType for that property</param>
 /// <returns>True if an AssociationType is found in proxy metadata, false otherwise</returns>
 internal static bool TryGetAssociationTypeFromProxyInfo(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, string relationshipName, string targetRoleName, out AssociationType associationType)
     EntityProxyTypeInfo proxyInfo = null;
     associationType = null;
     return (EntityProxyFactory.TryGetProxyType(wrappedEntity.Entity.GetType(), out proxyInfo) && proxyInfo != null &&
             proxyInfo.TryGetNavigationPropertyAssociationType(relationshipName, targetRoleName, out associationType));