Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates and creates a <see cref="Package"/> entity from a NuGet package archive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nugetPackage">A <see cref="PackageArchiveReader"/> instance from which package metadata can be read.</param>
        /// <param name="packageStreamMetadata">The <see cref="PackageStreamMetadata"/> instance providing metadata about the package stream.</param>
        /// <param name="user">The <see cref="User"/> creating the package.</param>
        /// <param name="commitChanges"><c>True</c> to commit the changes to the data store and notify the indexing service; otherwise <c>false</c>.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the created <see cref="Package"/> entity.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidPackageException">
        /// This exception will be thrown when a package metadata property violates a data validation constraint.
        /// </exception>
        public async Task<Package> CreatePackageAsync(PackageArchiveReader nugetPackage, PackageStreamMetadata packageStreamMetadata, User user, bool isVerified, bool commitChanges = true)
            PackageMetadata packageMetadata;
            PackageRegistration packageRegistration;

                packageMetadata = PackageMetadata.FromNuspecReader(nugetPackage.GetNuspecReader());



                packageRegistration = CreateOrGetPackageRegistration(user, packageMetadata, isVerified);
            catch (Exception exception) when (exception is EntityException || exception is PackagingException)
                // Wrap the exception for consistency of this API.
                throw new InvalidPackageException(exception.Message, exception);

            var package = CreatePackageFromNuGetPackage(packageRegistration, nugetPackage, packageMetadata, packageStreamMetadata, user);
            await UpdateIsLatestAsync(packageRegistration, commitChanges: false);

            if (commitChanges)
                await _packageRegistrationRepository.CommitChangesAsync();

            return package;
        public virtual async Task UpdatePackageStreamMetadataAsync(
            Package package,
            PackageStreamMetadata metadata,
            bool commitChanges = true)
            if (package == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(package));

            if (metadata == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(metadata));

            package.Hash            = metadata.Hash;
            package.HashAlgorithm   = metadata.HashAlgorithm;
            package.PackageFileSize = metadata.Size;

            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            package.LastUpdated = now;

            /// If the package is available, consider this change as an "edit" so that the package appears for cursors
            /// on the <see cref="Package.LastEdited"/> field.
            if (package.PackageStatusKey == PackageStatus.Available)
                package.LastEdited = now;

            if (commitChanges)
                await _packageRepository.CommitChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task SoftDeletePackagesAsync(IEnumerable <Package> packages, User deletedBy, string reason, string signature)
            using (var strategy = new SuspendDbExecutionStrategy())
                using (var transaction = _entitiesContext.GetDatabase().BeginTransaction())
                    // Increase command timeout
                    _entitiesContext.SetCommandTimeout(seconds: 300);

                    // Keep package registrations
                    var packageRegistrations = packages
                                               .GroupBy(p => p.PackageRegistration)
                                               .Select(g => g.First().PackageRegistration)

                    // Backup the package binaries and remove from main storage
                    // We're doing this early in the process as we need the metadata to still exist in the DB.
                    await BackupPackageBinaries(packages);

                    // Store the soft delete in the database
                    var packageDelete = new PackageDelete
                        DeletedOn = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        DeletedBy = deletedBy,
                        Reason    = reason,
                        Signature = signature

                    foreach (var package in packages)
                        /// We do not call <see cref="IPackageService.MarkPackageUnlistedAsync(Package, bool)"/> here
                        /// because that writes an audit entry. Additionally, the latest bits are already updated by
                        /// the package status change.
                        package.Listed = false;

                        await _packageService.UpdatePackageStatusAsync(
                            commitChanges : false);


                        await _auditingService.SaveAuditRecordAsync(CreateAuditRecord(package, package.PackageRegistration, AuditedPackageAction.SoftDelete, reason));

                        _telemetryService.TrackPackageDelete(package, isHardDelete: false);


                    // Commit changes
                    await _packageRepository.CommitChangesAsync();

                    await _packageDeletesRepository.CommitChangesAsync();


            // Force refresh the index
        public async Task SoftDeletePackagesAsync(IEnumerable <Package> packages, User deletedBy, string reason, string signature)
            List <PackageRegistration> packageRegistrations;

            // Must suspend the retry execution strategy in order to use transactions.
            using (EntitiesConfiguration.SuspendRetriableExecutionStrategy())
                using (var transaction = _entitiesContext.GetDatabase().BeginTransaction())
                    // Increase command timeout
                    _entitiesContext.SetCommandTimeout(seconds: 300);

                    // Keep package registrations
                    packageRegistrations = packages
                                           .GroupBy(p => p.PackageRegistration)
                                           .Select(g => g.First().PackageRegistration)

                    // Backup the package binaries and remove from main storage
                    // We're doing this early in the process as we need the metadata to still exist in the DB.
                    await BackupPackageBinaries(packages);

                    // Store the soft delete in the database
                    var packageDelete = new PackageDelete
                        DeletedOn = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        DeletedBy = deletedBy,
                        Reason    = reason,
                        Signature = signature

                    foreach (var package in packages)
                        package.Listed  = false;
                        package.Deleted = true;

                        await _auditingService.SaveAuditRecordAsync(CreateAuditRecord(package, package.PackageRegistration, AuditedPackageAction.SoftDelete, reason));


                    // Commit changes
                    await _packageRepository.CommitChangesAsync();

                    await _packageDeletesRepository.CommitChangesAsync();


            // handle in separate transaction because of concurrency check with retry
            await UpdateIsLatestAsync(packageRegistrations);

            // Force refresh the index
        public async Task AddPackageOwnerAsync(PackageRegistration package, User user)
            await _packageRepository.CommitChangesAsync();

            var request = FindExistingPackageOwnerRequest(package, user);

            if (request != null)
                await _packageOwnerRequestRepository.CommitChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 6
        public virtual async Task UpdatePackageStatusAsync(
            Package package,
            PackageStatus newPackageStatus,
            bool commitChanges = true)
            if (package == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(package));

            if (package.PackageRegistration == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"The {nameof(Package.PackageRegistration)} property must populated on the provided package.", nameof(package));

            // Avoid all of this work if the package status is not changing.
            if (package.PackageStatusKey != newPackageStatus)
#pragma warning disable CS0612 // Type or member is obsolete
                package.Deleted = newPackageStatus == PackageStatus.Deleted;
#pragma warning restore CS0612 // Type or member is obsolete
                package.PackageStatusKey = newPackageStatus;
                package.LastUpdated      = DateTime.UtcNow;

                /// If the package is being made available, consider this change as an "edit" so that the package
                /// appears for cursors on the <see cref="Package.LastEdited"/> field.
                if (newPackageStatus == PackageStatus.Available)
                    package.LastEdited = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // If the package is just now becoming available or if it was previously a latest package, then
                // re-evaluate all of the latest bits.
                if (newPackageStatus == PackageStatus.Available ||
                    package.IsLatest ||
                    package.IsLatestStable ||
                    package.IsLatestSemVer2 ||
                    await UpdateIsLatestAsync(package.PackageRegistration, commitChanges : false);

            if (commitChanges)
                // Even if the package status did not change, commit the changes in the entity context to pick up any
                // other entity changes.
                await _packageRepository.CommitChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task AddPackageOwnerAsync(PackageRegistration package, User newOwner)
            await _packageRepository.CommitChangesAsync();

            var request = FindExistingPackageOwnerRequest(package, newOwner);
            if (request != null)
                await _packageOwnerRequestRepository.CommitChangesAsync();

            await _auditingService.SaveAuditRecordAsync(
                new PackageRegistrationAuditRecord(package, AuditedPackageRegistrationAction.AddOwner, newOwner.Username));
Esempio n. 8
        public async Task <ActionResult> Update(LockPackageViewModel lockPackageViewModel)
            int counter = 0;

            if (lockPackageViewModel != null && lockPackageViewModel.PackageLockStates != null)
                var packageIdsFromRequest      = lockPackageViewModel.PackageLockStates.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                var packageRegistrationsFromDb = GetPackageRegistrationsForIds(packageIdsFromRequest);

                var packageStatesFromRequestDictionary = lockPackageViewModel.PackageLockStates.ToDictionary(x => x.Id);

                foreach (var packageRegistration in packageRegistrationsFromDb)
                    if (packageStatesFromRequestDictionary.TryGetValue(packageRegistration.Id, out var packageStateRequest))
                        if (packageRegistration.IsLocked != packageStateRequest.IsLocked)
                            packageRegistration.IsLocked = packageStateRequest.IsLocked;

                if (counter > 0)
                    await _packageRegistrationRepository.CommitChangesAsync();

            TempData["Message"] = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"Lock state was updated for {counter} packages.");

            return(View(nameof(Index), lockPackageViewModel));
Esempio n. 9
        private async Task InsertDeleteAccount(User user, User admin)
            var accountDelete = new AccountDelete
                DeletedOn         = DateTime.UtcNow,
                DeletedAccountKey = user.Key,
                DeletedByKey      = admin.Key,

            await _accountDeleteRepository.CommitChangesAsync();
        public async Task <PackageOwnerRequest> AddPackageOwnershipRequest(PackageRegistration package, User requestingOwner, User newOwner)
            if (package == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(package));

            if (requestingOwner == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(requestingOwner));

            if (newOwner == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newOwner));

            var existingRequest = GetPackageOwnershipRequests(package: package, newOwner: newOwner).FirstOrDefault();

            if (existingRequest != null)

            var newRequest = new PackageOwnerRequest
                PackageRegistrationKey = package.Key,
                RequestingOwnerKey     = requestingOwner.Key,
                NewOwnerKey            = newOwner.Key,
                ConfirmationCode       = CryptographyService.GenerateToken(),
                RequestDate            = DateTime.UtcNow

            await _packageOwnerRequestRepository.CommitChangesAsync();

Esempio n. 11
        public virtual async Task UpdatePackageVerifiedStatusAsync(IReadOnlyCollection <PackageRegistration> packageRegistrationList, bool isVerified)
            var packageRegistrationIdSet     = new HashSet <string>(packageRegistrationList.Select(prl => prl.Id));
            var allPackageRegistrations      = _packageRegistrationRepository.GetAll();
            var packageRegistrationsToUpdate = allPackageRegistrations
                                               .Where(pr => packageRegistrationIdSet.Contains(pr.Id))

            if (packageRegistrationsToUpdate.Count > 0)
                .ForEach(pru => pru.IsVerified = isVerified);
                await _packageRegistrationRepository.CommitChangesAsync();
        public async Task PublishPackageAsync(Package package, bool commitChanges = true)
            if (package == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(package));

            package.Published = DateTime.UtcNow;
            package.Listed    = true;

            await UpdateIsLatestAsync(package.PackageRegistration, false);

            if (commitChanges)
                await _packageRepository.CommitChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 13
        public async Task <Certificate> AddCertificateAsync(HttpPostedFileBase file)
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(file));


            using (var certificateFile = CertificateFile.Create(file.InputStream))
                var certificate = GetCertificate(certificateFile.Sha256Thumbprint);

                if (certificate == null)
                    await SaveToFileStorageAsync(certificateFile);

                    certificate = new Certificate()
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Only set the SHA1 thumbprint, for backwards compatibility. Never read it.
                        Sha1Thumbprint = certificateFile.Sha1Thumbprint,
#pragma warning restore CS0618
                        Thumbprint       = certificateFile.Sha256Thumbprint,
                        UserCertificates = new List <UserCertificate>()


                    await _certificateRepository.CommitChangesAsync();

                    await _auditingService.SaveAuditRecordAsync(
                        new CertificateAuditRecord(AuditedCertificateAction.Add, certificate.Thumbprint));


Esempio n. 14
        public async Task <Package> CreatePackageAsync(PackageArchiveReader nugetPackage, PackageStreamMetadata packageStreamMetadata, User user, bool commitChanges = true)
            var packageMetadata = PackageMetadata.FromNuspecReader(nugetPackage.GetNuspecReader());



            var packageRegistration = CreateOrGetPackageRegistration(user, packageMetadata);

            var package = CreatePackageFromNuGetPackage(packageRegistration, nugetPackage, packageMetadata, packageStreamMetadata, user);


            if (commitChanges)
                await _packageRegistrationRepository.CommitChangesAsync();


        public async Task <Certificate> AddCertificateAsync(HttpPostedFileBase file)
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(file));


            using (var certificateFile = CertificateFile.Create(file.InputStream))
                var certificate = GetCertificate(certificateFile.Sha256Thumbprint);

                if (certificate == null)
                    await SaveToFileStorageAsync(certificateFile);

                    certificate = new Certificate()
                        Sha1Thumbprint   = certificateFile.Sha1Thumbprint,
                        Thumbprint       = certificateFile.Sha256Thumbprint,
                        UserCertificates = new List <UserCertificate>()


                    await _certificateRepository.CommitChangesAsync();

                    await _auditingService.SaveAuditRecordAsync(
                        new CertificateAuditRecord(AuditedCertificateAction.Add, certificate.Thumbprint));


Esempio n. 16
        public async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <Cve> > GetOrCreateCvesByIdAsync(IEnumerable <string> ids, bool commitChanges)
            if (ids == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ids));

            var details = _cveRepository.GetAll()
                          .Where(c => ids.Contains(c.CveId))

            var addedDetails = new List <Cve>();

            foreach (var missingId in ids.Where(i => !details.Any(c => c.CveId == i)))
                var detail = new Cve
                    CveId  = missingId,
                    Listed = false,
                    Status = CveStatus.Unknown

            if (addedDetails.Any())
                if (commitChanges)
                    await _cveRepository.CommitChangesAsync();

        public virtual async Task UpdateStatusAsync(SymbolPackage symbolPackage, PackageStatus newPackageStatus, bool commitChanges = true)
            if (symbolPackage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(symbolPackage));

            // Avoid all of this work if the package status is not changing.
            if (symbolPackage.StatusKey != newPackageStatus)
                symbolPackage.StatusKey = newPackageStatus;

                /// If the package is being made available.
                if (newPackageStatus == PackageStatus.Available)
                    symbolPackage.Published = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (commitChanges)
                    await _symbolPackageRepository.CommitChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 18
 private async Task RemoveUserDataInUserTable(User user)
     await _userRepository.CommitChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 19
        public async Task UpdateDeprecation(
            IReadOnlyCollection <Package> packages,
            PackageDeprecationStatus status,
            PackageRegistration alternatePackageRegistration,
            Package alternatePackage,
            string customMessage,
            User user)
            if (packages == null || !packages.Any())
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(packages));

            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user));

            var shouldDelete = status == PackageDeprecationStatus.NotDeprecated;
            var deprecations = new List <PackageDeprecation>();

            foreach (var package in packages)
                var deprecation = package.Deprecations.SingleOrDefault();
                if (shouldDelete)
                    if (deprecation != null)
                    if (deprecation == null)
                        deprecation = new PackageDeprecation
                            Package = package


                    deprecation.Status           = status;
                    deprecation.DeprecatedByUser = user;

                    deprecation.AlternatePackageRegistration = alternatePackageRegistration;
                    deprecation.AlternatePackage             = alternatePackage;

                    deprecation.CustomMessage = customMessage;

            if (shouldDelete)

            await _deprecationRepository.CommitChangesAsync();