protected DirectableEncConverter GetTempFixedValueConverter(string strFixedValue)
            string        strName = String.Format("{0}{1}", cstrFixedStringConverterPrefix, strFixedValue);
            EncConverters aECs    = GetEncConverters;

            if (aECs != null)
                IEncConverter aIEC = null;
                if (!aECs.ContainsKey(strName))
                    aIEC = aECs.NewEncConverterByImplementationType(EncConverters.strTypeSILicuRegex);
                    ConvType eConvType = ConvType.Unicode_to_Unicode;
                    string   strDummy  = null;
                    int      nProcType = (int)ProcessTypeFlags.ICURegularExpression;
                    aIEC.Initialize(strName, String.Format(".+->{0}", strFixedValue), ref strDummy, ref strDummy,
                                    ref eConvType, ref nProcType, 0, 0, true);
                    aECs.Add(strName, aIEC);
                    aIEC = aECs[strName];

                return(new DirectableEncConverter(aIEC));
        // initialize an EncConverter which will tell us when we've hit a match. Uses ICU RegEx (though, there's
        //  no reason this couldn't be .Net regex...)
        protected IEncConverter InitSearchFontConverter(string strFindWhat, string strReplaceWith, Font font, bool bMatchCase)
            // we're going to use a temporary ICU RegEx EncConverter to do our 'searching' for us.
            // get a blank ICU Regex converter that we can program with our FindWhat string
            // but, it may be null if ICU isn't installed
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_aECs != null);
            IEncConverter aIEC = null;

                aIEC = m_aECs.NewEncConverterByImplementationType(EncConverters.strTypeSILicuRegex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("ICU doesn't appear to have been installed. This feature won't work without ICU.", ex);

            // we search for different things depending on whether it's "Find" (only) vs. "Find & Replace"
            // delimit the replacement string with something we can detect, which we wouldn't otherwise expect
            //  to find in user text.
            string strConverterSpec = String.Format("{0}->{2}{1}{2}{3}", strFindWhat, strReplaceWith,
                                                    m_achDelimiter[0], (bMatchCase) ? " /i" : null);

            // Give it a friendly name that isn't likely to conflict with anything 'real' the user might name it.
            string   strName   = String.Format("{0} FindReplaceConverter", OfficeApp.cstrCaption);
            ConvType eConvType = ConvType.Unicode_to_Unicode;
            string   strDummy  = null;
            int      nProcType = (int)ProcessTypeFlags.ICURegularExpression;

            // initialize it so it's ready and put it in the current repository object (as a temporary converter)
            aIEC.Initialize(strName, strConverterSpec, ref strDummy, ref strDummy, ref eConvType,
                            ref nProcType, 0, 0, true);

Esempio n. 3
        private bool ChaChaChaChaChanges(IEncConverter aEC, string strFileName, string strWord)
            string   strDummy     = null;
            int      lProcessType = (int)SpellingFixerEC.SFProcessType;
            ConvType eConvType    = (m_bLegacy) ? ConvType.Legacy_to_Legacy : ConvType.Unicode_to_Unicode;

            aEC.Initialize("dummyname", strFileName, ref strDummy, ref strDummy, ref eConvType, ref lProcessType, 0, 0, true);
            return(aEC.Convert(strWord) != strWord);
Esempio n. 4
		public void SaveTempAndCompile()
			File.WriteAllLines(m_strMapNameTemp, this.richTextBoxMapEditor.Lines, m_enc);

				string strTecName = m_strTecNameTemp;
				TECkitDllWrapper.CompileMap(m_strMapNameTemp, ref strTecName);

				// if the compiler had to use a different file, then clear the reference to rebuild it
				// if (m_strTecNameTemp != strTecName)
				m_aEC = null;

				this.textBoxCompilerResults.Text = "Compiled successfully!";

				// now that we have something we can compile successfully, create a converter of it
				if (m_aEC == null)
					m_strTecNameTemp = strTecName;
					m_aEC = new TecEncConverter();
					string strDummy = null;
					int nProcType = (int)ProcessTypeFlags.DontKnow;
					m_aEC.Initialize(cstrMyEncConverterName, m_strTecNameTemp,
						ref strDummy, ref strDummy, ref m_eConvType, ref nProcType, m_nCodePageLegacyLhs, m_nCodePageLegacyRhs, true);

				if (this.textBoxSample.Text.Length > 0)
					UpdateTextChanged(this.textBoxSample, this.textBoxSampleForward, m_aEC, true);
			catch (Exception ex)
				this.textBoxCompilerResults.Text = ex.Message;

				// clear the converter so we don't accidentally call it while we don't have a good map
				m_aEC = null;
Esempio n. 5
		private void addToSystemRepositoryToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			// we have to have a file saved to add it
			if (m_strMapNameReal == null)
				saveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e);

			// check again, just in case they cancelled.
			if (m_strMapNameReal != null)
				m_aEC = null;   // free it so we can re-create it with the "real" content
				string strFriendlyName = null, strLhsEncodingID = null, strRhsEncodingID = null;
				if (CompileRealMap())
					m_aEC = new TecEncConverter();
					int nProcType = (int)ProcessTypeFlags.DontKnow;
					m_aEC.Initialize(cstrMyEncConverterName, m_strTecNameReal,
						ref strLhsEncodingID, ref strRhsEncodingID, ref m_eConvType, ref nProcType, 0, 0, true);
					return; // compile failed, so just quit

				if (m_aEC != null)
						strFriendlyName = String.Format("{0}{2}{1}",
							(EncConverters.IsUnidirectional(m_aEC.ConversionType)) ? ">" : "<>");
					catch { }

					EncConverters aECs = new EncConverters();
					IEncConverterConfig rConfigurator = m_aEC.Configurator;

					// call its Configure method to do the UI
					rConfigurator.Configure(aECs, strFriendlyName, m_eConvType, strLhsEncodingID, strRhsEncodingID);
Esempio n. 6
        protected bool Configure(AutoConfigDialog form)
            m_strFriendlyName  = form.FriendlyName;
            m_eConversionType  = form.ConversionType;
            m_strLhsEncodingID = form.LhsEncodingId;
            m_strRhsEncodingID = form.RhsEncodingId;

            DialogResult res = form.ShowDialog();

            // update our internal values from the config tab (but only if the user clicked OK or
            //  if it is already in the repository--either editing or MetaCmpd type)
            // NOTE: I've taken out the OR case with IsInRepository, because even in that case
            //  we have to require the OK result. If the user is editing and cancels, then we *don't*
            //  want to update the results. This might mean that I've broken the MetaCmpd cases.
            //  So we'll probably have to have special handling in that class to gracefully remove
            //  the added converter if the user then cancels the dialog
            // NO: I figured out why that was there: if the converter "IsInRepository", it may mean that
            //  the user has made changes and clicked the "Save In Repository" button. In that case, it
            //  is in the repository, so this method needs to return 'true' (so the SelectConverter dialog
            //  will update the list of converters (in case this one was added). However, if the user clicks
            //  Cancel after saving in the repository and making some changes, then those changes should be
            //  ignored. So we *do* want to remove the OR IsInRepository case for the following IF statement
            //  and only update the EncConverter properties in the case where the user actually clicks OK.
            //  But make the 'else' case return 'false', only if it isn't "in the repository".
            // if ((res == DialogResult.OK) || form.IsInRepository)
            if (res == DialogResult.OK)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(form.FriendlyName))
                    m_strFriendlyName = form.FriendlyName;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(form.ConverterIdentifier))
                    m_strConverterID = form.ConverterIdentifier;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(form.LhsEncodingId))
                    m_strLhsEncodingID = form.LhsEncodingId;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(form.RhsEncodingId))
                    m_strRhsEncodingID = form.RhsEncodingId;
                if (form.ConversionType != ConvType.Unknown)
                    m_eConversionType = form.ConversionType;
                m_lProcessType    = (int)form.ProcessType;
                m_bIsInRepository = form.IsInRepository;

                // and... if we have the pointer to the parent EC, then go ahead and update that also
                //  (to save *some* clients a step)
                if (m_pIECParent != null)
                    // initialize it with the details we have.
                    m_pIECParent.Initialize(m_strFriendlyName, m_strConverterID, ref m_strLhsEncodingID,
                                            ref m_strRhsEncodingID, ref m_eConversionType, ref m_lProcessType,
                                            m_pIECParent.CodePageInput, m_pIECParent.CodePageOutput, true);

                    // and update it's temporariness status
                    m_pIECParent.IsInRepository = m_bIsInRepository;
            // it might either have already been in the repository (e.g. editing) or added while there (e.g. compound converters)
            //  however, in any case, if we don't have a ConverterFriendlyName, all bets are off (and the caller will choke)
            else if (form.IsInRepository && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConverterFriendlyName))
                // and update it's temporariness status
                if (m_pIECParent != null)
                    m_pIECParent.IsInRepository = m_bIsInRepository;

                // fall thru to return true (so the SelectConverter dialog will refresh)

Esempio n. 7
		private bool ChaChaChaChaChanges(IEncConverter aEC, string strFileName, string strWord)
			string strDummy = null;
			int lProcessType = (int)SpellingFixerEC.SFProcessType;
			ConvType eConvType = (m_bLegacy) ? ConvType.Legacy_to_Legacy : ConvType.Unicode_to_Unicode;
			aEC.Initialize("dummyname", strFileName, ref strDummy, ref strDummy, ref eConvType, ref lProcessType, 0, 0, true);
			return (aEC.Convert(strWord) != strWord);