public RenderBatch(GraphicsDevice device, int primitivesPerBatch, bool enableAlphaBlend) { this.device = device; if (enableAlphaBlend) { BasicEffect be = new BasicEffect(device); Effect = be; fxMatrices = be; be.TextureEnabled = true; be.VertexColorEnabled = true; be.LightingEnabled = false; fxParamTexture = Effect.Parameters["Texture"]; } else { AlphaTestEffect ate = new AlphaTestEffect(device); Effect = ate; fxMatrices = ate; ate.VertexColorEnabled = true; ate.ReferenceAlpha = 128; fxParamTexture = Effect.Parameters["Texture"]; } this.maxPrimitivesPerBatch = primitivesPerBatch; }
public void Draw(Matrix world, Matrix view, Matrix projection) { int count = this.bones.Count; if (Model.sharedDrawBoneMatrices == null || Model.sharedDrawBoneMatrices.Length < count) { Model.sharedDrawBoneMatrices = new Matrix[count]; } this.CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo(Model.sharedDrawBoneMatrices); foreach (ModelMesh modelMesh in (ReadOnlyCollection <ModelMesh>) this.Meshes) { foreach (Effect effect in modelMesh.Effects) { IEffectMatrices effectMatrices = effect as IEffectMatrices; if (effectMatrices == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } effectMatrices.World = Model.sharedDrawBoneMatrices[modelMesh.ParentBone.Index] * world; effectMatrices.View = view; effectMatrices.Projection = projection; } modelMesh.Draw(); } }
private void DrawAllModels(IEffectMatrices effect) { foreach (var entity in ActiveEntities) { if (_modelMapper.Has(entity)) { var model = _modelMapper.Get(entity).Model; var transform = _transformMapper.Get(entity); if (model.VertexBuffer != null && model.IndexBuffer != null & model.PrimitiveCount != 0) { var sphere = BoundingSphere.CreateFromBoundingBox(model.BoundingBox); if (CameraSystem.ActiveLens.BoundingFrustum.Intersects(sphere.Transform(transform.WorldMatrix))) { effect.World = transform.WorldMatrix; DrawMesh((Effect)effect, model, _graphicsDevice); } } } else if (_primitiveMapper.Has(entity)) { var primitive = _primitiveMapper.Get(entity); var transform = _transformMapper.Get(entity); effect.World = transform.WorldMatrix; Primitives.Instance.Draw((Effect)effect, primitive.Type); } } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the model meshes. /// </summary> /// <param name="world">The world transform.</param> /// <param name="view">The view transform.</param> /// <param name="projection">The projection transform.</param> public void Draw(Matrix world, Matrix view, Matrix projection) { int boneCount = this.Bones.Count; if (sharedDrawBoneMatrices == null || sharedDrawBoneMatrices.Length < boneCount) { sharedDrawBoneMatrices = new Matrix[boneCount]; } // Look up combined bone matrices for the entire model. CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo(sharedDrawBoneMatrices); // Draw the model. foreach (ModelMesh mesh in Meshes) { foreach (Effect effect in mesh.Effects) { IEffectMatrices effectMatricies = effect as IEffectMatrices; if (effectMatricies == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } effectMatricies.World = sharedDrawBoneMatrices[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * world; effectMatricies.View = view; effectMatricies.Projection = projection; } mesh.Draw(); } }
public override void Update(BaseCamera camera, ref Matrix world) { // Matrices IEffectMatrices effectMatrices = (IEffectMatrices)_effect; effectMatrices.World = world; effectMatrices.View = camera.View; effectMatrices.Projection = camera.Projection; }
/// <summary> /// Applies this camera to the specified effect. /// </summary> /// <param name="effect">The effect to apply this camera to.</param> public void ApplyTo(IEffectMatrices effectMatrices) { if (_isDirty) { Recalculate(); } effectMatrices.View = _view; effectMatrices.Projection = _projection; }
internal static void SetViewport(this IEffectMatrices effect, Rectangle viewport) { if (effect != null) { Matrix projection = Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(viewport.Left, viewport.Right, viewport.Bottom, viewport.Top, 0, 1); Matrix halfPixelOffset = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0); effect.World = Matrix.Identity; effect.View = Matrix.Identity; effect.Projection = halfPixelOffset * projection; } }
public static Vector2 GetOrtho(Vector3 v3) { Vector2 output = Vector2.Zero; IEffectMatrices eff = View.basicEffect; Matrix worldViewProjection = eff.World * eff.View * eff.Projection; Vector4 result = Vector4.Transform(v3, worldViewProjection); result /= result.W; Viewport vp =; Matrix invClient = Matrix.Invert(Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0, vp.Width, vp.Height, 0, -1, 1)); output = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(result.X, result.Y), invClient); return(output); }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { if (_terrainModel.Effect is IEffectMatrices) { IEffectMatrices effectMatrices = (IEffectMatrices)_terrainModel.Effect; effectMatrices.World = Matrix.Identity; effectMatrices.View = _camera.View; effectMatrices.Projection = _camera.Projection; } /*GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = new RasterizerState * { * FillMode = FillMode.WireFrame * };*/ _terrainModel.Draw(); }
/// <summary> /// Normal Drawn Function. /// </summary> /// <param name="gt">The gt.</param> /// <param name="obj">The obj.</param> /// <param name="cam">The cam.</param> /// <param name="lights">The lights.</param> /// <param name="render">The render.</param> public void Drawn(GameTime gt, PloobsEngine.SceneControl.IObject obj, PloobsEngine.Cameras.ICamera cam, System.Collections.Generic.IList <PloobsEngine.Light.ILight> lights, PloobsEngine.SceneControl.RenderHelper render) { if (first) { _terrainModel.Initialize(cam, render.device); first = false; } if (_terrainModel.Effect is IEffectMatrices) { IEffectMatrices effectMatrices = (IEffectMatrices)_terrainModel.Effect; effectMatrices.World = obj.WorldMatrix; effectMatrices.View = cam.View; effectMatrices.Projection = cam.Projection; } render.SetSamplerStates(SamplerState.LinearWrap, 6); _terrainModel.Draw(); render.SetSamplerStates(ginfo.SamplerState, 6); }
public void Draw(Matrix world, Matrix view, Matrix projection) { Matrix[] destinationBoneTransforms = new Matrix[this.bones.Count]; this.CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo(destinationBoneTransforms); foreach (ModelMesh modelMesh in (ReadOnlyCollection <ModelMesh>) this.Meshes) { foreach (Effect effect in modelMesh.Effects) { IEffectMatrices effectMatrices = effect as IEffectMatrices; if (effectMatrices == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } effectMatrices.World = destinationBoneTransforms[modelMesh.ParentBone.Index] * world; effectMatrices.View = view; effectMatrices.Projection = projection; } modelMesh.Draw(); } }
public override void Draw(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Matrix cameraRotation, Matrix view, Matrix projection) { Viewport savedViewport = graphicsDevice.Viewport; graphicsDevice.Viewport = new Viewport( graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - _size, 0, _size, _size); graphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.None; graphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.AlphaBlend; graphicsDevice.RasterizerState = new RasterizerState { FillMode = FillMode.Solid }; if (_effect is IEffectMatrices) { IEffectMatrices effectMatrices = (IEffectMatrices)_effect; effectMatrices.World = cameraRotation; } if (_effect is BasicEffect) { ((BasicEffect)_effect).Alpha = _isCubeActive ? 1.0f : 0.7f; // TODO: Make non-hover alpha configurable. } graphicsDevice.Indices = _cubeIndices; graphicsDevice.SetVertexBuffer(_cubeVertices); foreach (EffectPass pass in _effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); graphicsDevice.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, _cubeVertices.VertexCount, 0, _cubeIndices.IndexCount / 3); } graphicsDevice.Indices = null; graphicsDevice.Viewport = savedViewport; graphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.Opaque; graphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default; }
public override void Draw(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Matrix cameraRotation, Matrix view, Matrix projection) { if (!_options.ShowGrid) { return; } if (_lineEffect is IEffectMatrices) { IEffectMatrices effectMatrices = (IEffectMatrices)_lineEffect; effectMatrices.World = Matrix.Identity; effectMatrices.View = view; effectMatrices.Projection = projection; } graphicsDevice.SetVertexBuffer(_lineBuffer); foreach (EffectPass pass in _lineEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); graphicsDevice.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, 0, _lineBuffer.VertexCount / 2); } }
public virtual void Apply() { GraphicsDevice.BlendState = this.BlendState; GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = this.DepthStencilState; GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = this.RasterizerState; for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfTextures; i++) { if (this.SamplerStates[i] != null) { GraphicsDevice.SamplerStates[i] = this.SamplerStates[i]; } } IEffectMatrices effectMatrices = _effect as IEffectMatrices; if (effectMatrices != null) { effectMatrices.World = this.World; effectMatrices.View = this.View; effectMatrices.Projection = this.Projection; } _effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0].Apply(); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the model using the specified camera matrices and the default /// lighting model. /// </summary> public void Draw(Matrix world, Matrix view, Matrix projection) { foreach (var part in modelParts) { // use the new effect interfaces so this code will still work // even if someone changes the effect on the part to a new type. IEffectMatrices matrices = part.Effect as IEffectMatrices; if (matrices != null) { matrices.World = world; matrices.View = view; matrices.Projection = projection; } IEffectLights lights = part.Effect as IEffectLights; if (lights != null) { lights.EnableDefaultLighting(); } part.Draw(); } }
/// <summary> /// Simple model drawing method. The interesting part here is that /// the view and projection matrices are taken from the camera object. /// </summary> private void DrawModel(Model model, Matrix world) { Matrix[] transforms = new Matrix[model.Bones.Count]; model.CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo(transforms); foreach (ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes) { foreach (Effect effect in mesh.Effects) { if (effect is BasicEffect) { ((BasicEffect)effect).EnableDefaultLighting(); } if (effect is IEffectMatrices) { IEffectMatrices effectMatrices = (IEffectMatrices)effect; effectMatrices.World = transforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * world; effectMatrices.View = camera.View; effectMatrices.Projection = camera.Projection; } } mesh.Draw(); } }
public static void Apply(IEffectMatrices effect) { effect.View = MainCamera.ViewMatrix; effect.Projection = MainCamera.ProjectionMatrix; }
public void SetEffect <TEffect>(TEffect effect) where TEffect : Effect, IEffectMatrices { Effect = effect; EffectMatrices = effect; }
private void DrawMesh(ModelMesh mesh, bool opaque, Matrix world, Matrix view, Matrix projection, Vector3?color) { int count = mesh.MeshParts.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ModelMeshPart part = mesh.MeshParts[i]; Effect effect = part.Effect; Vector3 diffuseColor = Vector3.One; bool textureEnabled = false, lightingEnabled = false, vertexColorEnabled = false; float alpha = 1.0f; BasicEffect basicEffect = effect as BasicEffect; if (basicEffect != null) { if (basicEffect.Alpha < 1.0f && opaque) { continue; } if (basicEffect.Alpha == 1.0f && !opaque) { continue; } basicEffect.PreferPerPixelLighting = true; basicEffect.SpecularPower = 16; if (color != null) { diffuseColor = basicEffect.DiffuseColor; textureEnabled = basicEffect.TextureEnabled; lightingEnabled = basicEffect.LightingEnabled; vertexColorEnabled = basicEffect.VertexColorEnabled; alpha = basicEffect.Alpha; basicEffect.DiffuseColor = color.Value; basicEffect.TextureEnabled = false; basicEffect.LightingEnabled = false; basicEffect.VertexColorEnabled = false; basicEffect.Alpha = _options.SolidAndWireframeAlpha; } } IEffectMatrices effectMatrices = effect as IEffectMatrices; if (effectMatrices != null) { effectMatrices.World = _boneTransforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * world; effectMatrices.View = view; effectMatrices.Projection = projection; } else { EffectParameter wvp = effect.Parameters.GetParameterBySemantic("WORLDVIEWPROJECTION"); if (wvp != null) { wvp.SetValue(_boneTransforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * world * view * projection); } EffectParameter w = effect.Parameters.GetParameterBySemantic("WORLD"); if (w != null) { w.SetValue(_boneTransforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * world); } EffectParameter v = effect.Parameters.GetParameterBySemantic("VIEW"); if (v != null) { v.SetValue(view); } EffectParameter p = effect.Parameters.GetParameterBySemantic("PROJECTION"); if (p != null) { p.SetValue(projection); } } IEffectLights effectLights = effect as IEffectLights; if (effectLights != null) { effectLights.EnableDefaultLighting(); } int passes = effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes.Count; for (int j = 0; j < passes; j++) { effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[j].Apply(); DrawMeshPart(part); } if (basicEffect != null && color != null) { basicEffect.DiffuseColor = diffuseColor; basicEffect.Alpha = alpha; basicEffect.TextureEnabled = textureEnabled; basicEffect.LightingEnabled = lightingEnabled; basicEffect.VertexColorEnabled = vertexColorEnabled; } } }
private void ConfigureEffectMatrices(IEffectMatrices effect, Matrix world, Matrix view, Matrix projection) { effect.World = world; effect.View = view; effect.Projection = projection; }
public void Apply(IEffectMatrices effect) { effect.View = View; }
public void SetEffect(Effect effect) { Effect = effect; EffectMatrices = null; }
private void SetCamera(IEffectMatrices effect) { effect.View = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(0, 1, 6), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), Vector3.Up); effect.Projection = Matrix.CreatePerspective(AspectRatio, 1, 2, 20); }
private void SetCamera(IEffectMatrices effect) { //from beats 37 to 40, after chessboard fades, camera altitude and target lerp to 0 var cameraY = MathHelper.SmoothStep(1, 0, (Beat - 37) / 3F); effect.View = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(0, cameraY, 8F), new Vector3(0, cameraY, 0), Vector3.Up); effect.Projection = Matrix.CreatePerspective(AspectRatio, 1, 3F, 100); }
/// <summary> /// Applies this camera to the specified effect. /// </summary> /// <param name="effect">The effect to apply this camera to.</param> public void ApplyTo(IEffectMatrices effectMatrices) { if (_isDirty) Recalculate(); effectMatrices.View = _view; effectMatrices.Projection = _projection; }
/// <summary> /// Draw the model using no instancing method /// </summary> /// <param name="view">View matrix of the active camera.</param> /// <param name="projection">Projection matrix of the active camera.</param> /// <param name="individualTransformations">Individual transforms of the meshes.</param> /// <param name="customEffect">Custom effect to be applied to the model.</param> private void DrawModelNoInstancing(Matrix view, Matrix projection, Dictionary <string, Matrix> individualTransformations, Effect customEffect) { Matrix baseWorld = GetWorldMatrix(); foreach (ModelMesh mesh in _model.Model.Meshes) { Matrix localWorld = ModelTransforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * baseWorld; foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in mesh.MeshParts) { if (!(meshPart.Effect is BasicEffect)) { IEffectMatrices iem = meshPart.Effect as IEffectMatrices; if (customEffect != null) { customEffect.Parameters["xTexture"].SetValue(_model.Texture); if (individualTransformations.ContainsKey(mesh.Name)) { customEffect.Parameters["xWorld"].SetValue( individualTransformations[mesh.Name] * localWorld); } else { customEffect.Parameters["xWorld"].SetValue( localWorld); } customEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0].Apply(); } else { if (individualTransformations.ContainsKey(mesh.Name)) { iem.World = individualTransformations[mesh.Name] * GetParentTransform(_model.Model, mesh.ParentBone) * baseWorld; } else { iem.World = GetParentTransform(_model.Model, mesh.ParentBone) * baseWorld; } iem.Projection = projection; iem.View = view; } } else { BasicEffect effect = (BasicEffect)meshPart.Effect; if (individualTransformations.ContainsKey(mesh.Name)) { effect.World = individualTransformations[mesh.Name] * localWorld; } else { effect.World = localWorld; } effect.View = view; effect.Projection = projection; effect.SpecularColor = Color.CadetBlue.ToVector3(); effect.SpecularPower = 64; effect.EnableDefaultLighting(); effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0].Apply(); } } mesh.Draw(); } }
public void Render(GraphicsDevice device, Camera cam) { bool devicePrepared = false; int id = cam.GetInstanceID(); if (!CameraCullingInfo.ContainsKey(id)) { return; } PooledPriorityQueue cullingInfo = CameraCullingInfo[id]; for (int i = 0; i < cullingInfo.Count; i++) { Transform t = Application.Find <Transform>(cullingInfo[i]); if (t == null) { continue; } if (!t.renderer.enabled || ! { continue; } #if DEBUG if (Camera.logRenderCalls) { Debug.LogFormat("Render: {0} for {1} on {2}", this, t.gameObject, cam.gameObject); } #endif Effect e = Material.shader.effect; if (!devicePrepared) { devicePrepared = true; device.SetVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer); device.Indices = IndexBuffer; Material.shader.ApplyPreRenderSettings(Material, UseVertexColor); Material.SetBlendState(device); IEffectMatrices ems = e as IEffectMatrices; if (ems != null) { ems.World =; ems.View = cam.view; ems.Projection = cam.projectionMatrix; } } else { IEffectMatrices ems = e as IEffectMatrices; if (ems != null) { ems.World =; } } foreach (EffectPass pass in e.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); device.DrawIndexedPrimitives( PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, VertexBuffer.VertexCount, 0, IndexBuffer.IndexCount / 3 ); } RenderStats.AddDrawCall(batches, VertexBuffer.VertexCount, IndexBuffer.IndexCount / 3); } }
public override void Draw(IDrawer drawer) { RefreshBuffers(); if (_vertexArray == null) { return; } GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice = drawer.GraphicsDevice; Quad rect = drawer.DisplayedRectangle; // Configure default effect matrices _defaultEffect.World = SceneNode.Matrix.ToMatrix4X4(SceneNode.Depth); _defaultEffect.View = Matrix.CreateLookAt(Vector3.Backward, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up); _defaultEffect.Projection = Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(rect.Left, rect.Right, rect.Bottom, rect.Top, float.MinValue / 2, float.MaxValue / 2); drawer.SpriteBatchStack.Push(null); int verticesIndex = 0; int indicesIndex = 0; Effect currentEffect = null; EffectPass currentPass = null; foreach (IVisualMesh mesh in Meshes) { // If mesh not visible, move indexes and go to next if (!mesh.Visible) { verticesIndex += mesh.VertexCount; indicesIndex += mesh.TriangulationIndexCount; continue; } bool meshIndexed = mesh.TriangulationIndexCount > 0; foreach (IVisualMeshPart part in mesh.Parts) { Effect effect = part.Effect; if (effect == null) { // If no effect provided, use default effect effect = _defaultEffect; // Enable texture if necessary _defaultEffect.TextureEnabled = TextureSource?.Texture != null;//material.Textures.Count > 0; } else if (effect != currentEffect) { // Configure effect matrices IEffectMatrices effectMatrices = part.EffectMatrices; if (effectMatrices != null) { effectMatrices.World = _defaultEffect.World; effectMatrices.View = _defaultEffect.View; effectMatrices.Projection = _defaultEffect.Projection; } currentEffect = effect; } foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { if (pass != currentPass) { // Apply effect pass pass.Apply(); currentPass = pass; } // Interesting links: // // // graphicsDevice.Textures[0] = TextureSource?.Texture; graphicsDevice.SamplerStates[0] = SamplerState.LinearWrap; graphicsDevice.RasterizerState = RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise; graphicsDevice.BlendState = BlendState.AlphaBlend; graphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.None; // Draw primitives if (meshIndexed) { int primitiveCount = GetPrimitiveCount(mesh.Type, part.TriangulationIndexCount); graphicsDevice.DrawUserIndexedPrimitives(mesh.Type, _vertexArray, verticesIndex, mesh.VertexCount, _indexArray, indicesIndex, primitiveCount); indicesIndex += part.TriangulationIndexCount; } else { int primitiveCount = GetPrimitiveCount(mesh.Type, part.VertexCount); graphicsDevice.DrawUserPrimitives(mesh.Type, _vertexArray, verticesIndex, primitiveCount); verticesIndex += part.VertexCount; } } } // If mesh indexed, move vertices index after all parts have been drawn. if (meshIndexed) { verticesIndex += mesh.VertexCount; } } drawer.SpriteBatchStack.Pop(); }