Esempio n. 1
		public static void ReadAiffHeader(Stream stream, out WaveFormat format, out long dataChunkPosition, out int dataChunkLength, List<AiffFileReader.AiffChunk> chunks)
			dataChunkPosition = -1L;
			format = null;
			BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream);
			if (AiffFileReader.ReadChunkName(binaryReader) != "FORM")
				throw new FormatException("Not an AIFF file - no FORM header.");
			string a = AiffFileReader.ReadChunkName(binaryReader);
			if (a != "AIFC" && a != "AIFF")
				throw new FormatException("Not an AIFF file - no AIFF/AIFC header.");
			dataChunkLength = 0;
			while (binaryReader.BaseStream.Position < binaryReader.BaseStream.Length)
				AiffFileReader.AiffChunk aiffChunk = AiffFileReader.ReadChunkHeader(binaryReader);
				if (aiffChunk.ChunkName == "\0\0\0\0" || binaryReader.BaseStream.Position + (long)((ulong)aiffChunk.ChunkLength) > binaryReader.BaseStream.Length)
				if (aiffChunk.ChunkName == "COMM")
					short channels = AiffFileReader.ConvertShort(binaryReader.ReadBytes(2));
					short bits = AiffFileReader.ConvertShort(binaryReader.ReadBytes(2));
					double num = IEEE.ConvertFromIeeeExtended(binaryReader.ReadBytes(10));
					format = new WaveFormat((int)num, (int)bits, (int)channels);
					if (aiffChunk.ChunkLength > 18u && a == "AIFC")
						if (new string(binaryReader.ReadChars(4)).ToLower() != "none")
							throw new FormatException("Compressed AIFC is not supported.");
						binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)(aiffChunk.ChunkLength - 22u));
						binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)(aiffChunk.ChunkLength - 18u));
				else if (aiffChunk.ChunkName == "SSND")
					uint num2 = AiffFileReader.ConvertInt(binaryReader.ReadBytes(4));
					dataChunkPosition = (long)((ulong)(aiffChunk.ChunkStart + 16u + num2));
					dataChunkLength = (int)(aiffChunk.ChunkLength - 8u);
					binaryReader.BaseStream.Position += (long)((ulong)(aiffChunk.ChunkLength - 8u));
					if (chunks != null)
					binaryReader.BaseStream.Position += (long)((ulong)aiffChunk.ChunkLength);
			if (format == null)
				throw new FormatException("Invalid AIFF file - No COMM chunk found.");
			if (dataChunkPosition == -1L)
				throw new FormatException("Invalid AIFF file - No SSND chunk found.");
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures valid AIFF header and then finds data offset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream, positioned at the start of audio data</param>
        /// <param name="format">The format found</param>
        /// <param name="dataChunkPosition">The position of the data chunk</param>
        /// <param name="dataChunkLength">The length of the data chunk</param>
        /// <param name="chunks">Additional chunks found</param>
        public static void ReadAiffHeader(System.IO.Stream stream, out WaveFormatProvider format, out long dataChunkPosition, out int dataChunkLength, List <AiffChunk> chunks)
            dataChunkPosition = -1;
            format            = null;
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream);

            if (ReadChunkName(br) != "FORM")
                throw new FormatException("Not an AIFF file - no FORM header.");
            uint   fileSize = ConvertInt(br.ReadBytes(4));
            string formType = ReadChunkName(br);

            if (formType != "AIFC" && formType != "AIFF")
                throw new FormatException("Not an AIFF file - no AIFF/AIFC header.");

            dataChunkLength = 0;

            while (br.BaseStream.Position < br.BaseStream.Length)
                AiffChunk nextChunk = ReadChunkHeader(br);
                if (nextChunk.ChunkName == "COMM")
                    short  numChannels     = ConvertShort(br.ReadBytes(2));
                    uint   numSampleFrames = ConvertInt(br.ReadBytes(4));
                    short  sampleSize      = ConvertShort(br.ReadBytes(2));
                    double sampleRate      = IEEE.ConvertFromIeeeExtended(br.ReadBytes(10));

                    format = new WaveFormatProvider((int)sampleRate, (int)sampleSize, (int)numChannels);

                    if (nextChunk.ChunkLength > 18 && formType == "AIFC")
                        // In an AIFC file, the compression format is tacked on to the COMM chunk
                        string compress = new string(br.ReadChars(4)).ToLower();
                        if (compress != "none")
                            throw new FormatException("Compressed AIFC is not supported.");
                        br.ReadBytes((int)nextChunk.ChunkLength - 22);
                        br.ReadBytes((int)nextChunk.ChunkLength - 18);
                else if (nextChunk.ChunkName == "SSND")
                    uint offset    = ConvertInt(br.ReadBytes(4));
                    uint blockSize = ConvertInt(br.ReadBytes(4));
                    dataChunkPosition = nextChunk.ChunkStart + 16 + offset;
                    dataChunkLength   = (int)nextChunk.ChunkLength - 8;

                    br.ReadBytes((int)nextChunk.ChunkLength - 8);
                    if (chunks != null)

                if (nextChunk.ChunkName == "\0\0\0\0")

            if (format == null)
                throw new FormatException("Invalid AIFF file - No COMM chunk found.");
            if (dataChunkPosition == -1)
                throw new FormatException("Invalid AIFF file - No SSND chunk found.");
Esempio n. 3
        public bool Read(string filePath)
            if (File.Exists(filePath))
                string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
                PresetName = fileName;

                BinaryFile bFile = new BinaryFile(filePath, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.BigEndian);

                string firstChunkID = bFile.ReadString(4); // chunk ID	= "FORM"
                int    ckSize       = bFile.ReadInt32();
                string formType     = bFile.ReadString(4);

                // read first data chunk
                string chunkID = bFile.ReadString(4);

                // if chunkID == "COMT" then CommentsChunk
                if (chunkID.Equals("COMT"))
                    long curposTmpComt = bFile.GetPosition();
                    bFile.Seek(curposTmpComt - 4);

                    // CommentsChunk
                    string chunkIDComt    = bFile.ReadString(4); // chunk ID	= "COMT"
                    int    chunkSizeComt  = bFile.ReadInt32();
                    int    numComments    = bFile.ReadUInt16();
                    long   curposTmpComt2 = bFile.GetPosition();

                    for (int i = 0; i < numComments; i++)
                        int    commentTimestamp = (int)bFile.ReadUInt32();
                        string marker           = bFile.ReadString(4);
                        int    count            = (int)bFile.ReadByte();

                    bFile.Seek(curposTmpComt2 + chunkSizeComt - 2);

                string chunkID2 = bFile.ReadString(4);

                // if chunkID2 == "COMM" then CommonChunk
                if (chunkID2.Equals("COMM"))
                    long curposTmpComm = bFile.GetPosition();
                    bFile.Seek(curposTmpComm - 4);

                    // CommonChunk
                    string chunkIDComm   = bFile.ReadString(4); // chunk ID = "COMM"
                    int    chunkSizeComm = bFile.ReadInt32();

                    channels        = bFile.ReadInt16();
                    numSampleFrames = (int)bFile.ReadUInt32();
                    bitsPerSample   = bFile.ReadInt16();

                    // read IEEE 80-bit extended double precision
                    byte[] sampleRateBytes  = bFile.ReadBytes(0, 10, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.LittleEndian);
                    double sampleRateDouble = IEEE.ConvertFromIeeeExtended(sampleRateBytes);
                    sampleRate = (int)sampleRateDouble;

                string chunkID3 = bFile.ReadString(4);

                // if chunkID3 == "SSND" then SoundDataChunk
                if (chunkID3.Equals("SSND"))
                    long curposTmpSsnd = bFile.GetPosition();
                    bFile.Seek(curposTmpSsnd - 4);

                    // SoundDataChunk
                    string chunkIDSsnd   = bFile.ReadString(4); // chunk ID = "SSND"
                    int    chunkSizeSsnd = bFile.ReadInt32();

                    int    offset    = (int)bFile.ReadUInt32();
                    int    blocksize = (int)bFile.ReadUInt32();
                    byte[] data      = bFile.ReadBytes(offset, chunkSizeSsnd - 8, BinaryFile.ByteOrder.LittleEndian);

                    // swap waveform data
                    WaveformData = SwapAiffEndian(data);
